Pages tagged nin:

Former NiN Drummer Takes Album Promotion A Step Further

Josh Freese has a special offer to his fans for his new album.
NIN|JA 2009
download NIN Janes Addiction
Featuring exclusive unreleased tracks from Jane's Addiction, Nine Inch Nails & Street Sweeper.
The NIN/JA 2009 tour site is now live at and features a FREE download with exclusive, previously-unreleased music from Nine Inch Nails, Jane's Addiction, and Street Sweeper ... Für Fans sicher ein Genuss, mir gefällts jedenfalls.
Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run | The Underwire from
Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run
"My quest in life now is to surround myself with smart, innovative people," he says, "instead of the gangster types who have exploited artists over the years."
my thoughts on what to do as a new / unknown artist,767183
short but sweet bit of advice from Trent Reznor, applicable to all sorts of fields not just music.
Great thoughts by Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails.
my thoughts on what to do as a new / unknown artist,767183,767183#msg-767183
He's so on point, it's ridiculous.
Trent Reznor of NIN tells indie musicians what to do in the new world of music.
Tent's got it
trent reznor's advice for new artists. interesting read
Online communities, etc.,731489
Trent Reznor is still cool even though he's not single man [from]
good comment below
Trent Reznor versus anonymous douchebags. "The reason no record label knows how to market anything to new media is they don't live there. They don't get it because they don't use it. What you've seen happen with the marketing and presentation of NIN over the last years is a direct result of living next to you, listening to you, consuming with you and interacting with you. Directly. There's no handlers or PR people here, it's me and my guys - that's it. There's no real plan, even - it's just trying to do the right thing that respects you the fan, the music, and me the artist. That's the goal - a mutual and shared respect. "
Trent Reznor talks about his recent social networks use, what he found difficult like trolls, ...
Faced with leaving the infrastructure of traditional record labels and figuring out what the right thing to do is in this new world - I found myself realizing that for me to have any concept of how to interact with the community and know what they might want / what they find appropriate, I need to immerse myself in that world and live it for a while.
Die Band Nine Inch Nails hat letztes Jahr den Webby für ihre innovative Webnutzung bekommen. Jetzt ist Frontsänger Trent Reznor total genervt von den Social Communies.
Nine Inch Nail's Trent Reznor explains (in a bit of a rambling rant) why he's quitting Twitter and why 'idiots rule'. Interesting take on social networking from the perspective of a celebrity.
I will be tuning out of the social networking sites because at the end of the day it's now doing more harm than good in the bigger picture and the experiment seems to have yielded a result. Idiots rule. ... With all of that said, I have business in the real world to attend to including wrapping up the live version of NIN, DOING some cool new shit and spending as much time as possible with the most amazing woman in the world. Nine Inch NailsのTrent Reznorの「残念なUSのWeb」発言である。 日本ではこうこう、それに対してアメリカではなんて、議論は成り立たないことの好例だ。リテラシーが欠如している人間は本当にどうしようもないんだ。 そして、Reznorが言っているように、なによりリアルなビジネスや生活が一番なんだ。ソーシャルwebにウツツを抜かすことよりもっと大切なモノがあるだろということだ。
A nice rant from Trent Reznor :)
Have you read this? Trent speaks out about social media sites and how they're not worth the trouble.