Pages tagged nonprofits:

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Creating Your Organization's Social Media Strategy Map

Here's a great post written by my friend Beth Kanter. Must read.
social media engagement methodology
A comprehensive guide to creating a social media strategy that incorporates a deep dive into the tactics and tools of social media. Check the links
#10Ways to Support Charity Through Social Media
Here are 10 ways you can use social media to show your support for issues that are important to you.
Social media is about connecting people and providing the tools necessary to have a conversation. That global conversation is an extremely powerful platform for spreading information and awareness about social causes and issues. That’s one of the reasons charities can benefit so greatly from being active on social media channels. But you can also do a lot to help your favorite charity or causes you are passionate about through social media.
Methods members of the Christmas Bureau can help spread the word socially
'Causes' Social Networking May Be All Talk, No Cash for Nonprofits Seeking Funds -
It seems foolproof: nonprofits using the power of the Internet to raise money through a clever Facebook application. After all, the Web earned gobs of cash for Barack Obama's presidential campaign. And besides, going online means sending fewer fundraising letters, which makes it appealing to penny-pinchers and environmentalists alike. But it turns out that approach doesn't always work
Only a tiny fraction of the 179,000 nonprofits that have turned to Causes as an inexpensive and green way to seek donations have brought in even $1,000, according to data available on the Causes developers' site. The application allows Facebook users to list themselves as supporters of a cause on their profile pages. But fewer than 1 percent of those who have joined a cause have actually donated money through that application.
It seems foolproof: nonprofits using the power of the Internet to raise money through a clever Facebook application. After all, the Web earned gobs of cash for Barack Obama's presidential campaign. And besides, going online means sending fewer fundraising letters, which makes it appealing to penn...
"The Facebook application Causes, hugely popular among nonprofit organizations seeking to raise money online, has been largely ineffective in its first two years, trailing direct mail, fundraising events and other more traditional methods of soliciting contributions. "
Washington Post - articolo sulla efficacia dello strumento causes di facebook per il non profit
How Non-Profits are Using Social Media for Real Results