Pages tagged notepad:

Birdhouse — A notepad for Twitter

As advertised: great product demo video.
"Ever think of something for your Twitter that you don't want to post right away? Birdhouse is the perfect place to put it. Birdhouse won't replace your favorite iPhone Twitter client, it'll add to it. Put Birdhouse right next to your Twitter client and use them together." - Funny video to boot.
Quotepad - free notepad that can save the text selected on the screen.
Most information entered into your computer notepad is copied and pasted from somewhere. With QuotePad, you can do it with maximum efficiency: just select some text in any application, press Ctrl+Shift+Q and the selected text will be saved to QuotePad together with the URL of the webpage it was copied from. And if you may need to enter something else, you will be amazed by the usability of QuotePad and by how it can store your notes in a compact and comfortable way. You can download and use it absolutely free of charge.
Most information entered into your computer notepad is copied and pasted from somewhere. With QuotePad, you can do it with maximum efficiency: just select some text in any application, press Ctrl+Shift+Q and the selected text will be saved to QuotePad together with the URL of the webpage it was copied from. And if you may need to enter something else, you will be amazed by the usability of QuotePad and by how it can store your notes in a compact and comfortable way. You can download and use it absolutely free of charge.
QuotePad runs under Windows 2000/XP/Vista and has a multilingual interface.
Nice app
J.ot Down - simple internet notepad
simple internet notepad
J.ot Down lässt sich in ungefähr 10 Sekunden erlernen: Man öffnet die Seite unter der Adresse und schreibt seine Notiz. Sie wird automatisch gespeichert und erhält einen kryptischen Permalink. Diesen speichert man als Lesezeichen und schreibt weiter. Das war’s.
Wireframe Graph Paper Notepad | Konigi
Price: $7.50 - a piece of paper in the cloud
Online note taking
Notepad, but in the cloud
a piece of paper
a piece of paper in the cloud