Pages tagged notification:

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Notimo Demos site
This website is a placeholder for Notimoo sample demos. Notimoo is a Mootools plugin for displaying Growl style notifications to your web visitors. Demo 1 Run this code // First of all I create a Notimoo instance with default configuration var notimooManager = new Notimoo(); // Showing a simple notification{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a sample notitication showing how easy is to use Notimoo.' }); // Showing a notification that does not disappear.{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This notification will not disapper on its own. You must click on it to close.', sticky: true }); // Notification with large text.{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a notification with a long text. If the message you provide does not fit into the notification size, Notimoo magically auto resize its height so all the content is visible.' }); // First of all I c
Growl for Windows
I can't decide between Snarl and Growl for Windows
Put simply, Growl lets you know when things happen. Files finished downloading, friends came online, new email has arrived - Growl can let you know when any event occurs with a subtle notification. The rest of the time, Growl stays out of your way.
Introducing Yip: A Unified Notification System for the Web « abi's blog
Like growl for the MAC
Maps Fluid and Prism notification APIs into Firefox.
Growl notifications for the iPhone
Prowl is a Growl client for the iPhone. Though the website mainly talks about tying it to Growl on a Mac, there's a web service, and a simple perl script available for non-Mac environments. Easy to convert to PHP or bash+curl, as it's just a basic-auth POST request.
boedesign – ottawa based web dabbler » Blog Archive » Gritter for jQuery (Growl)
I’ve been hunting for a good jQuery Growl look-a-like plugin for some time, but I just can’t seem to find one that looks the exact same as the one for Mac OS, so like most web dabblers would do, I decided to roll my own. For those who don’t know what Growl is, it’s basically a notification bubble/popup that appears in the top right of your desktop – examples can be found here. Think of it as calling the alert() function in JavaScript, only it’s not a modal, it’s subtle and it doesn’t look like dog shit.
nice little info bubble controlled by jquery
very cool and the kind of things I have been looking for
tutorial about growl similar function to web pages
6 jQuery growl-like notification systems | は通知用のいくつかのAPIを提供するウェブサービスです。 HTTP POSTもしくはEメールを使用して、簡単にあなたの Jabber アカウントや、iPhoneに通知を送信することが可能です。 現在サポートしているAPIソースは: * HTTP POST * Email
HTTP POST/EメールからJabber/iPhoneに通知 は通知用のいくつかのAPIを提供するウェブサービスです。
What webhooks are and why you should care « Timothy Fitz
You should care because webhooks will be ubiquitous. You should care because they’re going to reshape the internet. You should care because webhooks are the next step in the evolution of communication on the internet and nothing will be left untouched.
"Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks. Here’s a common example: You go to github. There’s a textbox for their code post webhook. You drop in a URL. Now when you post your code to github, github will HTTP POST to your chosen URL with details about the code post. There is no simpler way to allow open ended integration with arbitrary web services. -- You should care because webhooks will be ubiquitous. You should care because they’re going to reshape the internet. You should care because webhooks are the next step in the evolution of communication on the internet and nothing will be left untouched." -- Timothy Fitz
Erik Hinterbichler » Herald
Herald is a notification plugin for, Apple's Mac OS X email client. Inspired by the excellent Mail.appetizer plugin, Herald shows you popup notifications whenever you receive new Mail. It also allows you to perform common actions directly from within the notification window, including deleting messages, initiating replies, viewing messages in Mail, or marking messages as read.
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a web service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and send notifications from the cloud. It provides developers with a highly scalable, flexible, and cost-effective capability to publish messages from an application and immediately deliver them to subscribers or other applications. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.
Amazon SNS is a shot across Twitter's bow: an event update API is a critical component in an Internet of Things >>
0xFE - 11111110b - 0376 - 254 b9#9: Desktop Notifications with WebKit
Desktop notifications through web browser
Notifications in WebKit
Pines Notify
Notification, message
Notificaciones con jquery ui compatible con ThemeRoller
Another cool notifications library/plugin for jQuery
BounceBox Notification Plugin With jQuery & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
Notificação estilo alert
jQuery & CSS3