yWriter5 - Free novel writing software to help you write a book
Programmer turned novelist uses his skills to create custom writing software. Perhaps I should try it sometime to put down some of my wilder ideas?Good Novels Don’t Have to Be Hard Work - WSJ.com
If there's a key to what the 21st-century novel is going to look like, says novelist Lev Grossman, this is it: the ongoing exoneration and rehabilitation of plot.
Good Novels Don’t Have to Be Hard Work - WSJ.com http://bit.ly/X9oM4 [from http://twitter.com/dcouturepdx/statuses/3680002494]HOW TO: Write a Novel Using the Web
Writing a book can be a daunting task, but there are a range of web apps that can help you from start to finish as you attempt to make your novel a reality.「あたし状態遷移図」、あるいは「あたし約5.2MB」 - 理系男子の書斎には、どうしても小説が少ない。っていうか無い。 - ファック文芸部
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