The Amateur Gourmet - Easy Homemade Granola
raspberry breakfast bars | smitten kitchen
thick, chewy oatmeal raisin cookies | smitten kitchen
thick, chewy oatmeal raisin cookies | smitten kitchen
Receita de biscoito
recipesCarrot Oatmeal Cookies Recipe - 101 Cookbooks
Carrot Oatmeal Cookies
By Heidi from 101 Cookbooks & recommended by Cindy from Where's the Beefgranola bars | smitten kitchen
Smitten Kitchen
need honey or sub molasses, wheat germ (or sub toast ww flour / ground oats / flaxseed meal), oatmealApple Crisp
만들어먹고싶은것breakfast apple granola crisp | smitten kitchen
THIS IS SO DELICIOUS-LOOKINGThe Bitten Word: Overnight Oatmeal: Steel-Cut Oats in 10 Minutes
Overnight shortcut to steel-cut oats
Awesome oatmeal
Food & Wine (December 2008) Since we started eating steel-cut oatmeal a few years ago, quick-cooking oats just don't hold the same place in our hearts. Sure, they still make for a nice -- and most importantly quick -- weekday...How Twilight Works - The Oatmeal -
A few weeks ago I had the miserable experience of reading Twilight. A friend bought it for me and I took it with me to read on a long flight from Seattle to Houston. I knew it was going to be crappy, but I thought it would be a guilty pleasure kind of crappy - where you know it's bad but you still get enjoyment out of it. I actually managed to power through around 400 pages until I gave up and started reading Sky Mall. I've been seeing Twilight everywhere lately, especially with Vampire Teens II New Moon's release, so I thought I'd break down why chicks go apeshit for it.
"If you're male and you like Twilight, you're gay. I don't mean that in the derogatory sense, I mean it in the "you want to put your testicles against another man's testicles while gripping handfuls of chesthair" kind of way." /via @seldo
"If you're male and you like Twilight, you're gay. I don't mean that in the derogatory sense, I mean it in the 'you want to put your testicles against another man's testicles while gripping handfuls of chesthair' kind of way."Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes | Joy the Baker
Joy the Baker makes Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes. Easy and super yummy breakfast recipe.10 reasons to avoid talking on the phone - The Oatmeal
via kottkeThe 3 Most Common Uses of Irony - The Oatmeal
A Arte da Ironia