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this lectures uses Playstation3 in their course.OpenCourseWare: Bienvenido al Portal de Cursos Abiertos de la UNED — OCW UNED
"Los Cursos publicados en el OCW de la UNED son Cursos que los equipos docentes de la UNED ponen a disposición de cualquier usuario para que se forme libremente en ese área de conocimiento."
Cursos abiertos en la UNEDOCW Search
OCW Search is a search engine dedicated to helping you find the best free university courses online. Several universities publish their course materials for free online, under the OpenCourseWare (OCW) initiative. OCW Search is an independent search engine that indexes all these courses so you can find these courses faster. Universities in OCW Search Currently, the following universities' OpenCourseWare are included in OCW Search: 1. School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins (institution:jhsph) 2. MIT (institution:mit) 3. Notre Dame (institution:nd) 4. The Open University UK (institution: openuniversity) 5. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (institution:politecnicamadrid), Spanish courses 6. Stanford Engineering Everywhere (institution:stanford) 7. Delft University of Technology (institution:tudelft), English and Dutch courses 8. UMass Boston (institution:umass) 9. The University of Tokyo (institution:utokyo), both English and Japanese OCW collections 10. Y
OCW Search is a search engine dedicated to helping you find the best free university courses online. Several universities publish their course materials for free online, under the OpenCourseWare (OCW) initiative. OCW Search is an independent search engine that indexes all these courses so you can find these courses faster.