Open Source: The Model Is Broken - BusinessWeek
Being the Change » Blog Archive » The Open Company - Running your business as if it were an Open Source Project.
It used to be hard to imagine that anything serious could be build without the creation of large hierarchical organizations. But if one thing has really been shown in these recent years, it is that self-organizing groups in many cases can outperform traditional organizations. There is a lot of talk in the community about the various freedoms that open source confers. But beneath all this there is a titillating promise of an even more fundamental freedom. This is “the real freedom zero”Tectonic » 10 open source books worth downloading
To illustrate how simple it can be, here’s an actual program that counts the browsing requests from each IP address. This is really all there is to it!
"... Such projects have required special knowledge and expertise. The Map/Reduce Toolkit (MRToolkit) aims to change this. It takes care of the details of setting up and running Hadoop jobs, and encapsulates most of the complexity of writing map and reduce steps. The toolkit, which is Ruby-based, provides the framework — you only have to supply the details of the map and reduce steps."
Package for making it easier to use mapreduce for batch processing, from NYTimes.100 open source gems - part 1 | TuxRadar
50 on this page-- 50 on 2. wide variety of software from games to internet daemons.Over 40 Free, Must-Have Open Source Resources
Read about trends, technologies and best practices covered by experienced Giga Omni Media editors and writers. Participate in daily blog discusions and post your thoughts and opinions.
Occasionally, we at OStatic round up our ongoing collections of open source resources, tutorials, reviews and project tours. These educational resources are a big part of the learning mission we try to preserve at the site. We regularly collect the best Firefox extensions, free online books on open source topics, free tools for developers, resources for working with and enjoying online video and audio, Linux tutorials, and much more. In this post, you'll find an updated set of more than 40 collections and resources. Hopefully, you'll find something to learn from here, and the good news is that everything found in this post is free.Over 40 Free, Must-Have Open Source Resources
Read about trends, technologies and best practices covered by experienced Giga Omni Media editors and writers. Participate in daily blog discusions and post your thoughts and opinions.
Occasionally, we at OStatic round up our ongoing collections of open source resources, tutorials, reviews and project tours. These educational resources are a big part of the learning mission we try to preserve at the site. We regularly collect the best Firefox extensions, free online books on open source topics, free tools for developers, resources for working with and enjoying online video and audio, Linux tutorials, and much more. In this post, you'll find an updated set of more than 40 collections and resources. Hopefully, you'll find something to learn from here, and the good news is that everything found in this post is free.100+ Sites to Download Everything Online | Super Geek Land
this guy gave a very funny presentation at the TiP BoF
A build farm for cross-platform open source development; not yet open for business?
python build farm
Snakebite is a network that strives to provide developers of open source projects complete and unrestricted access to as many different platforms, operating systems, architectures, compilers, devices, databases, tools and applications that they may need in order to optimally develop their software.50 Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps —
RT @TheLiB: “50 Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps” - – ALA_TechSource (ALA_TechSource) Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps —