Jolicloud, the connected OS for netbooks. Coming to your netbook in 2009.
Jolicloud, the connected OS for netbooks. Coming to your netbook in 2009.
coming in 2009
jolicloud, coming in 2009Don't wait for Snow Leopard: 10 ways to slim down and speed up your Mac now
increasing speed of Apple
Apple Inc. hasn't done much talking about Snow Leopard, the next-generation update to Mac OS X that's due to be released in 2009 (possibly within the first quarter of the year). But in what came as a surprise to many, the company has said that the new operating system will contain a limited number of new features.
It seems clear that Apple's biggest focus with Snow Leopard is slimming down and speeding up its flagship operating system -- both of which are attractive to any computer user. But why wait until Snow Leopard ships? There are a number of ways you can slim down and speed up your machine right now.How The Kernel Manages Your Memory : Gustavo Duarte
A low-level article
Replacement for the old INT 0x80, for Pentium II and newer
"Starting with version 2.5, linux kernel introduced a new system call entry mechanism on Pentium II+ processors. Due to performance issues on Pentium IV processors with existing software interrupt method, an alternative system call entry mechanism was implemented using SYSENTER/SYSEXIT instructions available on Pentium II+ processors. This article explores this new mechanism. Discussion is limited to x86 architecture and all source code listings are based on linux kernel"OSの再インストールをしたいけど、必要なドライバを探して入れるのが大変そう……。 :教えて君.net
Double DriverBest Of 2008: The Most Popular Linux Posts of 2008
sistema operativo online, in the cloud.Operating System Interface Design Between 1981-2009 | Webdesigner Depot is actually great. This is a sick article. Bravo.
Rassegna di tutte le interfacce utente da l 1973 al 2009. In pratica, la storia dell'informatica!
A Graphical User Interface (GUI for short) allows users to interact with the computer hardware in a user friendly way. Over the years a range of GUI's haveiPhone 3.0 OS Guide: Everything You Need to Know
Boot a simple OS in 15 seconds
Start up your computer in seconds — like magic. You will be able to instantly start to email, chat, Skype™, listen to music, surf the internet or download apps — before Windows XP or Vista even boots — and you will automatically be connected to the best available network.
Self installing Linux distro that dual boots with Windows and cold starts in 15 secs. Free now $20 for the 1.010 Linux and open source developer tools you should not overlook | 10 Things |
Get the key facts on a wide range of technologies, techniques, strategies, and skills with the help of these concise, need-to-know lists.Portable Ubuntu for Windows
Kevin Purdy at Lifehacker, April 3, 2009.Apple - QuickTime - iPhone OS 3.0 Preview Presentation
New software for iPhone and iPod Touch presentedQimo 4 Kids | Software For Kids
Why restrict yourself to merely carrying around your data on a thumb drive? Take your entire operating system on your flash drive with the excellent portable operating systems you'll find inside this week's Hive Five.
Portable linux OSs
interesting portable os systemsLifehacker - Set Up a Computer for Kids with Qimo - Live CD
Portable Ubuntu for Windows is an Ubuntu system running as a Windows application.Hive Five: Five Best Linux Distributions
There are many, many Linux distributions, and a lot of unique reasons to like them. Read on to see which open-source operating systems inspired our readers to provide our biggest Hive Five response to date.icloud - Your friends, files and digital life on any computer
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Now this looks good: cheap Mobile Me!
free desktop, free apps, free storageA Visual Expedition Inside the Linux File Systems
Sugar Labs offers ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick). The Sugar on a Stick project gives children access to their Sugar on any computer in their environment with just a USB memory stick. Taking advantage of the Fedora LiveUSB, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single USB memory stick (minimum size 1GB). This small USB device can boot into the Sugar learning platform on different computers at home, at school, or at an after-school program, bypassing the software on the those computers. In fact, Sugar on a Stick will work even if the computer does not have a hard-drive. With Sugar on a Stick, the learning experience is the same on any computer: at school, at home, at the library, or an after-school center.Operating Systems Lecture Notes
# Lecture 1: Overview and History # Lecture 2: Processes and Threads # Lecture 3: Thread Creation, Manipulation and Synchronization # Lecture 4: Deadlock # Lecture 5: Implementing Synchronization Operations # Lecture 6: CPU Scheduling # Lecture 7: OS Potpourri # Lecture 8: Introduction to Memory Management # Lecture 9: Introduction to Paging # Lecture 10: Issues in Paging and Virtual Memory # Lecture 11: MIPS TLB Structure # Lecture 11: Introduction to File Systems # Lecture 13: File System Implementation # Lecture 14: Monitors # Lecture 15: Segments # Lecture 16: Disk Scheduling # Lecture 17: Networking # Lecture 18: UDP and TCP
Operating Systems Lecture Noteslive-android - Google Code
LiveAndroid, a LiveCD for Android running on x86 platforms Goal: To provide a LiveCD(and LiveUSB) for common X86 platform
onOfficial Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS
An operating system for PCs that is tied to its Chrome Web browser. Called the Google Chrome Operating System, is initially intended for use in the tiny, low-cost portable computers known as netbooks. “Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. “We’re designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the Web in a few seconds.” Would be released online later this year under an open-source license, which will allow outside programmers to modify it. Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. These apps will run on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux. Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from Android.
We all knew it was coming, but it's absolutely interesting to see proof from the horse's mouth
This sounds pretty interesting... Google has resources, so if they can develop a good product, it just means more competition which is great in my book!
Microsoft just shat themselves.
Interesting how this will work - an OS specialized to get you onto the web, quickly and in a secure way.The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Let's all take a deep breath and get some perspective
For that matter, look at Linux. Correct me if I'm wrong -- and I'm sure you fucking freetards will find something to correct -- but I think Linus Tordalv started working on Linux back in 1991 when he was a high school student in his native Denmark. That's nearly twenty years ago, and the shit still doesn't run right.
Ich finde immer mehr lustige posts über Chrome OS. Hier ist der von Fake Steve Jobs. Moneyquote: "First of all, nobody seems to appreciate how goddamn hard it is to make an operating system. You don't just wake up one day and fall out of bed and make one. Not even the smarty pants kiddies at Google can do that. These things take years"Google Drops A Nuclear Bomb On Microsoft. And It’s Made of Chrome.
RT @parislemon: Yeah. So this just happened: Google Drops A Nuclear Bomb On Microsoft. And It’s Made of Chrome. [from]
Wow. So you know all those whispers about a Google desktop operating system that never seem to go away? You thought they might ...
Mitte nächsten Jahres wird Google ein auf Chrome besierendes Betriebssystem auf dem Markt bringen. Spezialisiert auf Netbooks aber insgesamt, wie Techcrunch es formuliert, ist es der Frontalangriff auf Microsoft. Steht uns eine Revolution bevor??? Mehr bei Techcrunch.Google's Microsoft Moment - Anil Dash
Anil Dash has an excellent piece about Google, about the potential differences in how the company (or those with in the company) see themselves and how those outside see the company. This is not one of those "Google is really evil" posts, but more a thoughtful commentary about how a now huge company can avoid becoming like every other huge tech company.
RT @timoreilly RT @anildash:Google has reached its "Microsoft moment" and is the last to realize: Interesting stuff [from]Benchmarked: Ubuntu vs Vista vs Windows 7 | TuxRadar
Siinä testiä15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the power users. Here are a few tips you should try out if you are an avid Ubuntu user:
A few days back I wrote about books that beginners can download and read to teach themselves Linux. Today in the Linux section we have something for the powerMobile OS shootout: iPhone OS 3.0 enters the fray
Comparison of Mobile phone operating systems (OS's). by EngadgetGlendix - Bringing the beauty of Plan 9 to Linux
This is the website of the Glendix project, an attempt at porting ideas from the Plan 9 operating system to Linux. Our ultimate goal is to create a minimalist Linux distribution that contains a Plan 9 userspace, instead of the GNU software that is usually provided by most distributions. We are currently restricting our work to the x86 platform only.
"Bringing the beauty of Plan 9 to Linux -- This is the website of the Glendix project, an attempt at porting ideas from the Plan 9 operating system to Linux. Our ultimate goal is to create a minimalist Linux distribution that contains a Plan 9 userspace, instead of the GNU software that is usually provided by most distributions. We are currently restricting our work to the x86 platform only."
An attempt at porting ideas from the Plan 9 operating system to Linux.
I switched back to Linux because I'm so addicted to some ALSA-apps. This might become the best of both worlds.Welcome - هو عبارة عن قرص إقلاع يسمح لك بالجمع مابين العديد من توزيعات لينكس والحصول عليها من الإنترنت ومن مكان واحد is a service that allows you to boot nearly any operating system or utility on any computer with a wired internet connection - without having to know ahead of time what you'll want to boot. Once you can, you never need to update your boot disk again!Maemo software | Nokia › The software behind your mobile computer
Linux-based operating system on the N900
Maemo is an advanced mobile platform designed with the internet at its core. Linux-based Maemo software takes us into a new era of mobile computing.
Coole videoHow the Web OS has begun to reshape IT and business | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Where is da Blank Applciation?
Dion Hinchcliffe on leveraging the convergence of IT and the next generation of the Web.
These days in the halls of IT departments around the world there is a growing realization that the next wave of outsourcing, things like cloud computing and crowdsourcing, are going to require responses that will forever change the trajectory of their current relationship with the business, or finally cause them to be relegated as a primarily administrative, keep-the-lights-on function.18 cool things Windows 7 does that Vista doesn't | News | TechRadar UK
18 cool things Windows 7 does that Vista doesn't The stuff that makes the upgrade worthwhile : TechRadar UK
Cool stuff! Didn't know about the shake and a couple of other things. via stocktickrOpenSolaris vs Linux | TuxRadar
he exciting features of this operating system outweigh the trouble of learning another Unix environment with other tools?Install Snow Leopard on Your Hackintosh PC, No Hacking Required - Hackintosh - Lifehacker
ダイアログボックスで開こうとしているファイルを選んだ状態でスペースキーを押せば、Quick Look機能でその書類の中身が大写しで表示される。
Our objective is to let users boot their machines with bare minimal requirements on their side, and we will handle most of the problem that you may face in booting. All that user needs is Internet connectivity and a small program (gpxe) to boot the machine. This gpxe program provides network booting facility. You can download these program from our site (available at Downloads section). Also, you can find a list of distributions and tools that can be booted with BKO here. Your small 56KB gpxe program can boot any of these options!Installing Google Chrome OS | Google Chrome Browser
First things first you will need to download Google Chrome OS Beta and Virtual Box. Once you have downloaded the .ISO file and unzipped it you can create your virtual disk.Prep Your PC for Windows 7 - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Article:Chromium OS (The Chromium Projects)
Chromium OS
L'OS de Google !
GoogleのOS。Want To Try Out Google Chrome OS For Yourself? Here’s How.
instalar chrome os en virtualbox
Google Chrome OS For
The public debut of Google Chrome OS today has the press abuzz over the potential of the new web-based operating system. And now ...
very complicated ;(Download Google Chrome OS for free - gdgt
Download and try out Google Chrome OS for free at gdgt!Home (The Chromium Projects)
Chrome OS Project PageDownload Google Chrome OS and Run it from a USB Drive
구글 크롬 사용하는법 !Chrome OS like lightning from a USB key: we could get used to this -- Engadget
みて、ボリュームライセンスという選択肢をとり得ることをもう一度考慮してみてはどうだろう。Chromium OS Builds by Hexxeh
OpenSourceWatershed is a project aimed at understanding the relationship between distributions (downstream) and the individual software components (upstream). It is the basis for a larger study of distributions and their evolution. It is distrology
OpenSourceWatershed is a project aimed at understanding the relationship between distributions (downstream) and the individual software components (upstream). It is the basis for a larger study of distributions and their evolution. It is distrology. In the future, more distro oriented statistics will be available. More details are below. For now search in the top right for your favorite package to see how up to date the different distributions. Or look at the right to see what new releases happened in the last 24 hours.
Open Source Watershed
Compare freshness of Linux distros - Gentoo stable is 90% obsolete (!) with a 16 week average lag, compared to 23 weeks for Ubuntu, 17 weeks for Slackware and 1 week for Arch. Gentoo unstable has 5 week lag.
OpenSourceWatershed is a project aimed at understanding the relationship between distributions (downstream) and the individual software components (upstream). It is the basis for a larger study of distributions and their evolution. It is distrology. In the future, more distro oriented statistics will be available. More details are below. For now search in the top right for your favorite package to see how up to date the different distributions. Or look at the right to see what new releases happened in the last 24 hours. The aggregate analysis is done over twenty packages including firefox, gcc and openssh. The full package list is in the OSCON slides. In the future, users will be able to set custom groups. The three forms of analysis are percent obsolete, the average number of newer releases per package and the time since the oldest new release. In other words the lag is the amount of time a distro had to move to a newer package.Windows XPで無効化してはならないサービス10個 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
10個しかないんかなwin7utils - Windows 7 ISO Disc Image Utilities
The Windows 7 ISO Image Edition Switcher. removes the "ei.cfg" file which allows to install any edition of win7
The Windows 7 ISO Image Edition Switcher is a set of small binary patches that will convert an official Windows 7 ISO disc image into an official Windows 7 ISO disc image of another edition. The resulting ISO images are bit-for-bit identical with those posted on MSDN or TechNet, and their SHA-1 hashes should match the official hashes posted by Microsoft. The ei.cfg Removal Utility is a simple tool that will remove the ei.cfg from any Windows 7 ISO disc image, thereby converting the image into a "universal disc" that will prompt the user to select an edition during setup. This tool works by toggling the deletion bit in the UDF file table, eliminating the need for unpacking and rebuilding the ISO, which means that this is extremely fast (the process of patching the ISO to remove ei.cfg takes only a fraction of a second), and the process is easily reversible (running the utility on a disc image patched by this utility will restore the disc image to its original state)
ISO images are bit-for-bit identical with those posted on MSDN or TechNet, and their SHA-1 hashes should match the official hashes posted by Microsoft. The ei.cfg Removal Utility is a simple tool that will remove the ei.cfg from any Windows 7 ISO disc image, thereby converting the image into a "universal disc" that will prompt the user to select an edition during setup. This tool works by togglingTry Android 2.1 on Windows
phone os
Android is the most talked and popular platform these days. A lot of phones and netbooks featuring Andriod are coming...The Human's Guide to Running Google Chrome OS - Google - Lifehacker
And how to install it
Chromium今週末こそはOS再インスコ! という人のバックアップツール集 :教えて君.net
Emulación del sistema operativo Windows v3.11 en JavaScript
Windows 3.1 in a browser window
Home page of Michael Vincent, containing information about calculators, computers, and plenty of random nonsense.
windows emulato in javascriptMeeGo
MeeGo - Install a Minimal Ubuntu Desktop - Ubuntu
If you like the looks and features of Ubuntu 9.04, but want a lighter, swifter version of it, try this minimalist installation that can knock memory usage down by up to 75 percent. Ubuntu Forums user TheShiv likes to build his system from the ground up, and doesn't like a lot of software and services he'll never use. So he installs a core, bare-bones system from either the Ubuntu Server Edition CD or a Minimal CD, then, when he gets access to a command prompt and he's wired to the internet (presumably through a LAN cable, though perhaps wireless works as well), he uses two or three commands to install enough features to get a working desktop, but very little that won't be used day to day. TheShiv frames his installation as a script you can copy, save, and run, but users could also just copy the sudo apt-get -y install commands he has listed at the link below. It's been linked to by a few approving Ubuntu heads, and seems like a pretty good way to get a lower-memory, but still GNOME-bEngineering Windows 7 : Some Changes Since Beta for the RC
We’ve been quite busy for the past two months or so working through all the feedback we’ve received on Windows 7. It should be no surprise but the Release Candidate for Windows 7 will have quite a few changes, many under the hood so to speak but also
All of the new features of Windows 7.Sugar on a Stick - Sugar Labs
OLPC OS for your USB drive.
Sugar Labs offers ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick). The Sugar on a Stick project (still in Beta) gives children access to their Sugar on any computer in their environment with just a USB memory stick. Taking advantage of the Fedora LiveUSB, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single USB memory stick (minimum size 1GB). This small USB device can boot into the Sugar learning platform on different computers at home, at school, or at an after-school program, bypassing the software on the those computers. In fact, Sugar on a Stick will work even if the computer does not have a hard-drive. With Sugar on a Stick, the learning experience is the same on any computer: at school, at home, at the library, or an after-school center.The Secret Origin of Windows
A quarter century ago, Windows wasn't everywhere. In fact, some were doubtful it would ever ship at all. And Tandy Trower was there.WindowsとMacの究極の共存方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
WindowsとMacの共存方法。synergyは使った事あるけど、かなりステキなツールThe State of the Internet Operating System - O'Reilly Radar
good read
Great article on the present and future trends of computing technologies and horizons.Apple - iPhone - iPhone OS 3.0 Preview
iPhone OS 4.0: 後でチェック ✓ "Apple - iPhone - iPhone OS 4 Preview"
RT @01net: #iPhone OS 4 : le site US d'Apple mis à jour
@hansdezwart In OS 4.0 is het probleem waar we het vandaag opgelost dmv folders. – Rob de Rijke (robderijke)
RT @dankando: For more information on iPhone OS 4:
RT @Top_iPhone_Apps: Offizielle Vorschauseite zum iPhone OS 4 von Apple:
"iPhone OS 4 will work with iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and the second- and third-generation iPod touch"
#Apple updated Website for #iPhone OS 4. 14 best Linux distros | News | TechRadar UK
The 14 best Linux distros Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu and more - which is your choice? : TechRadar UKDownloads: Presto Loads a Streamlined Desktop in 15 Seconds
Linux boot fast together with Windows
Une mini-distribution Linux commerciale qui boot en 15 secondes.The Beginner's Guide to Linux, Part 1: Finding the Right Distribution | Maximum PC
This article explores some of the Linux architectures that support real-time characteristics and discusses what it really means to be a real-time architecture. Several solutions endow Linux with real-time capabilities, and in this article I examine the thin-kernel (or micro-kernel) approach, the nano-kernel approach, and the resource-kernel approach. Finally, I describe the real-time capabilities in the standard 2.6 kernel and show you how to enable and use them.
very good summary about linux and rtWindows XP簡単ディスク・ダイエット術 11のポイント - @IT
Review of the April 2009 Ubuntu release.
open source operating system@IT:ネットブックで動く軽量Linuxディストリ大全(前編)(1/2)
Qubes is an open source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers. In the future it might also run Windows apps.
crazy, run each app on the desktop in it's own VM, isolate the networking stack in a VM, etc.
An entirely different approach to security: isolate. A lot. Not sure if this will completely work against common exploits
Die technische Basis dafür liefern bestehende Open-Source-Projekte wie Xen, Linux und das X Window System, die Joanna Rutkowska und ihr Kollege Rafal Wojtczuk unter anderem mit einer sicheren, grafischen Oberfläche versehen haben. Sie soll auch Copy und Paste zwischen den VMs ermöglichen.Deep inside the Windows 7 Public Beta: an in-depth tour: Page 1
Let's just cut to the chase here: Windows 7 is built on top of Windows Vista. It doesn't roll back the major changes that Vista made; it doesn't reduce system requirements
Interesting article on thevarious major changes in the Windows 7 UI. I have to agree that most of it is for the better.Gizmodo - Windows 7 RC1: 10 Things You Need to Know - Windows 7 RC1
Q:Holy Crap, Microsoft Is Tripping on Acid! A:Yes
Windows 7 has been sounding very promising.Windows in 1983
"Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees."
The problem is two-fold. technology and person. switching to a more secure operating system doesn't fully shield you from some idiot clicking on a url from an IM chat
Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees. The directive to move to other operating systems began in earnest in January, after Google’s Chinese operations were hacked, and could effectively end the use of Windows at Google, which employs more than 10,000 workers internationally.
Internal directive follows China hacking
quote:Employees said it was also an effort to run the company on Google’s own products, including its forthcoming Chrome OS, which will compete with Windows. “A lot of it is an effort to run things on Google product,” the employee said. “They want to run things on Chrome.” The hacking in China hastened the move.
Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees.iOS 4 walkthrough | TiPb
Have you bricked your iPhone/iPod Touch yet?Windows 8 Plans Leaked: Numerous Details Revealed | Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Office 15 | Stephen Chapman @ MSFTKitchen
Over the weekend, the Italian Windows site “Windowsette” got a hold of some super secret squirrel Microsoft presentations apparently laying around on the internet somewhere. I took a look through every single one of these, slide-by-slide, so I’m quite confident these are the real deal. I Windows 8 Developer Market No surprise here that Microsoft’s addressable developer market for Windows 8 spans from hobbyist/non-professional developers to professional developers to science, technology, engineering, and math developers:
A big thanks to @floo1989 for the heads-up! Over the weekend, the Italian Windows site Windowsette got a hold of some super secret squirrel
Está suuuper interesante esta presentación "filtrada" sobre planes para Windows 8: AppStore, Reset de apps, etc. [from]How to Install Android on Your iPhone - PCWorld
Putting the old 3G to useArs reviews iOS 4: what's new, notable, and what needs work