Pages tagged osx:

Terminal Tip: Backup Delicious Bookmarks from the Shell

You can alternatively create a manual backup at any time by simply navigating your web browser to, entering your Delicious credentials when prompted, and then saving the resulting xml to a file.
Tags | Overview
Tagging-System für Mac OSX. Kann neben Files auch direkt in Anwendungen Tags vergeben und auch danach suchen. Interface wie Quicksilver mit Spotlight-Integration.
$29 app some people are excited about...
Savoy » My iPhone is not a Mac Pro
This article is about enhancing the performance of iPhone applications using the power of Objective C++. By discussing a real-world problem from Savoy’s Spots application, the article shows the necessary optimizations to make the program run smoothly in three steps.
Using Objective-C++ on the iPhone application "Spots" to achieve acceptable performance in an intensive graphical application.
Layers | Screen forensics
Makes layered PSD screenshots
This application can be really useful.
screenshots direkt als psd mit fenstern als ebenen
Capture your displays as a Photoshop layered image.
A full fledged PSD file with one layer per window, including menu and desktop icons, dock and menubar. Cheers Marshall
web design
screendumps med layers
Leopard プレビュー.appの底力 - ザリガニが見ていた...。
プレビュー 編集
command-shift-4 後、control-クリックでクリップボードに撮
プレビュー.app が凄い…
Bohemian Coding
Keep your fonts together.
Fontcase is a font management application that provides an elegant and powerful workflow to help you organise the fonts you have installed on your system. Designed to be an iTunes for your fonts, Fontcase has a powerful tagging system, which is designed to let you control your fonts like you control your music.
Font management software
a font management application that provides an elegant and powerful workflow to help you organise the fonts you have installed on your system. Designed to be an iTunes for your fonts, Fontcase has a powerful tagging system, which is designed to let you control your fonts like you control your music
"Elegant font management for Mac OS X."
clicktoflash - Google Code
A webkit plugin to prevent the automatic loading of Flash movies in your browser.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
Safari plugin to prevent automatic loading of flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
To block flash from automatically loading
"WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content."
webkit / safari plug-in to block automatic loading of flash contents
rentzsch's clicktoflash at master - GitHub
Only load flash on when you want it. For Webkit.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content
This was mentioned on Daring Fireball today. Nice! Keeps flash from loading until you click on it.
Prevent loading of Adobe Flash content until you want it and speed up your browser in the process.
Introducing EverSave 1.0.1
A free application for the Mac which saves your documents on regular intervals based on your preferences.
Save files before your Mac applications quit on you
Never miss again hours of hard work to an unexpected crash. EverSave brings automated, timed saving function to any application on your Mac.
Auto-save tool for all Mac applications!
Automatically saves your work at a specified interval. Works with the applications you use on a daily basis. Set the options in the menubar.
Switching from scripting languages to Objective C and iPhone: useful libraries :: Hackdiary
o go the other way, dictionaries and arrays gain a JSONRepresentation method.
Starting out with Objective-C - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
While we've previously mentioned how to delve into programming in Objective-C, there have been some recent releases of educational materials that can help those who want to learn the language
Starting out with Objective-C.
AppleInsider | Apple working on 3D Mac OS X user interface (images)
apple at it again
3D Desktop
A series of Apple patent filings published this week reveal the Mac maker has spent a considerable amount of time outlining a new multi-dimensional interface for Mac OS X that would make better use of screen real estate by increasing the number of virtual surfaces capable of housing application and interface elements.
15+ Incredibly Useful Mac Apps For Freelance Web Designers
Don't wait for Snow Leopard: 10 ways to slim down and speed up your Mac now
increasing speed of Apple
Apple Inc. hasn't done much talking about Snow Leopard, the next-generation update to Mac OS X that's due to be released in 2009 (possibly within the first quarter of the year). But in what came as a surprise to many, the company has said that the new operating system will contain a limited number of new features.
It seems clear that Apple's biggest focus with Snow Leopard is slimming down and speeding up its flagship operating system -- both of which are attractive to any computer user. But why wait until Snow Leopard ships? There are a number of ways you can slim down and speed up your machine right now.
【特集】iPhoneアプリケーション開発入門 (1) 2008年の一大トピックス | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
Using Boot Camp to install Windows 7 on your Mac: The Complete Walkthrough - Simple Help
bootcamp windows7
A complete walkthrough
14 Essential Xcode Tips, Tricks and Resources for iPhone Devs
Thủ thuật cho Xcode
Readers Pick: 30+ Incredibly Useful Mac Apps for Web Design
Take a bite out of over 60 Apple-themed wallpapers -
Apple Screensaver/Wallpaper
Dockland Software - SpaceSuit
Free software that lets you change the wallpaper per space in Apple's Spaces.
SpaceSuit is Spaces'missing feature: 1 different background image for every Space. Now you can customize each Space with its own wallpaper and identify it quickly everytime you switch from one Space to another.
How to become an iPhone developer in eight easy steps | Technology |
king on a new game ("My next project involves airborne sheep, but I'm afraid that's all I can share at the moment"). You could be next…. Useful links Stuart Varra
12 Mac Apps for Running a Freelance Business « AppStorm
from Chris Foo
69 really useful OS X timesavers | News | TechRadar UK
Quicker ways to find files, launch apps, and more.
How To: Sync Files and Folders Outside Your My Dropbox Folder
The popular cross-platform file-syncing application Dropbox is a hit among Lifehacker readers, but it has one major drawback: It only syncs files placed inside the My Dropbox folder. Here's how to get around that limitation.
understudy - Google Code
Front Row plugin for streaming video
Understudy allows access to streaming video through the Front Row interface of Mac OS X. The user can subscribe to multiple feeds, and select a video to watch from them. Understudy currently supports Hulu and Netflix.
Description Understudy allows access to streaming video through the Front Row interface of Mac OS X. The user can subscribe to multiple feeds, and select a video to watch from them. Understudy currently supports Hulu and Netflix.
Priit Haamer > Blog > Ruby dictionary for Mac OS X
"install extra dictionary into Mac OS X with Ruby documentation and get system-wide access to API docs"
This is a pretty neat way to peruse the Ruby API, as a custom OS X dictionary.
MDK : Quicklook for markdown
A Quicklook plugin that adds support (and spotlight) for .markdown files.
lighting fx for screen
During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun.
Adjusts screen color temp based on time of day and type of lighting you are under, to ease eyestrain.
Safari140 - Twitter extension for Safari
post direct-to-twitter from safari. auto-fills with the current site. auto-shortens long urls.
Safari140 - Twitter extension for Safari
Twitter extension for Safari
Is this a hack or safe to use?
post direct-to-twitter from safari
How To: Hackintosh a Dell Mini 9 Into the Ultimate OS X Netbook
maybe on the HP mini...
Look at this if shopping for an additional computer.
Hackintoshing tutorial
Araelium Group : Querious - MySQL Database Tool
Looks hot. Hopefully less crash prone than MySQL Administrator. Will try.
MySQL Database editing app for OS X
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Becoming Productive in Xcode
Screencasts about Xcode
i still need to learn xcode properly
Whether you’re a new iPhone developer seeing Xcode for the first time, or wish you were more familiar with the shortcuts, these screencasts will make you a more productive (and happier!) Xcode programmer. · Bootstrap
Getting started developing for the iphone
iPhone Entwicklung - wie gehe ich es an
Craig Hockenberry versammelte Tipps und Links für an der iPhone-Entwicklung interessierte Einsteiger.
iPhone development bootstrap (via @maxvoltar) -- shared with
Safari 4 Hidden Preferences - Random Genius
tabs on top: do not want / blue url loading bar: do want / ability to save mp3s again: do want (but can't get?)
put tabs back where they used to be
Random Genius
BWToolkit - Interface Builder Plugin for Cocoa on Mac OS X
OSX歴2年の俺が Mac OSX Leopard に入れておくと便利なソフトをまとめてみた - riaf-ja blog
#398861 by Caius Durling (caius) - Pastie
Hidden preference keys to make Safari 4's updated UI more like Safari 3.
Tweak safari 4 - eg tabs where they should be!
Safari 4 hidden preferences
隠された10の便利なショートカット | Macの手書き説明書
DVDのコピーガードを解除して、ディスクイメージとしてマウントしてくれる『Fairmount』 | Macの手書き説明書
市販のDVDは違法にコピーされないよう暗号化されており、そのままFinderでデスクトップなどにファイルをコピーしても、動画内にノイズが走り碌に見られないようになっています。 しかしFairMountを使えば暗号を解除した状態でマウントしてくれて、後は煮るなり焼くなり思うがままです。
Useful Startup/Boot Keys For The Mac | Mac Tricks And Tips
Tips for the Mac!
The boot process on a Mac is a magical process, all you see is a grey screen with the magic happening in the background. Did you know that very are various keys which you can use to change how you Mac boots and access certain settings. They are not for every day use, mostly troubleshooting. They are worth knowing if anything goes wrong.
A Review of Two Things: One For the Mac and One For iPhone - Shawn Blanc A design and technology weblog by Shawn Blanc.
task management for mac and iphone
Looks like a handy addition to the toolkit
"Rails log file viewer."
log analyzer app for rails logs
Spike is a log file viewing & (if we’re being generous) analysis tool for Rails developers.
Desktop app for the Mac that shows Rails log files.
Top of Tree - Tree, Outliner for Mac OS X. Expand Items on the Right Side.
Outliner software for the Mac
Mit Tree hilft dabei Informationen zu erfassen und zu strukturieren.
Outliner for Mac OS X. Expand Items on the Right Side.
Tree assists you in organizing the information, drawing up plans, and brainstorming new ideas. Tree allows you to be writing out segments of ideas and keywords, and rearranging and sorting out these, repeatedly.
Assists you in organizing the information, drawing up plans, and brainstorming new ideas.
Two Days Without Mac OS X Leopard: Ubuntu 8.10 Review | the Tux Geek
How to get ubuntu more like Mac OS
I love open-source and I really admire Linux for what it is and what it stands for. But I'm a Mac user. Can I last two days only with Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex?
leopard maxosx
Comparing OSX Leopard to Ubuntu 8.10
Postpostmodern » A Smarter MAMP
50 Things Every Mac Geek Should Know | Mac|Life
Byline: Mac|Life StaffEnhanced Teaser: geekLike a champion cyclist knows bike parts,a car buff knows model years, and a sports fan knows win-loss records, all Mac geeks worth the title must know these things. digg_url =
100 Free Useful Applications for Mac, Part I | Tools
Lots of cool stuff here
50 Mac Desktops for Maximum Visual Goodness « AppStorm
Like the title suggests, this is a sweet set of desktops.
KeyHoleTV & KeyHoleVideo-キーホールテレビ&キーホールビデオ-
KeyHoleとは 超軽負荷型P2P通信です。ソフトをダウンロードすれば誰でも無料で使うことができます!! 上り200Kbps未満のナローバンドによるQVGA(320×240ピクセル)フル音声動画配信を実現する、他に類をみない次世代型の独自コーデック技術を利用しています。 この技術には100Kbps放送モードも実装されており、放送側は100Kbpsから上限350Kbpsの上りバンド幅があれば、FOMAカードなどを利用した1対多のモバイルIP放送が可能となります。 更に送信されるデータは暗号化されていますので、セキュアな動画配信を行うことができ、次世代離散数理技術により、伝送帯域幅を極限まで押えながらブロックノイズのない配信が可能となりました。 操作は簡単! すべてが暗号化でセキュアな通信なので安心してお使いください!!!
How-to: Deploying PyQt applications on Windows and Mac OS X - Ars Technica
Fortunately, there are cross-platform Python bindings for Qt. The downside, however, is that packaging PyQt applications so that they can be deployed to users on Windows and Mac OS X is an immensely frustrating and arcane process. I declared victory last week after spending several hours battling with MacPorts and distutils. Now that I have unlocked the toolkit's dark mysteries, I can show you the hidden secrets that will allow you to achieve mastery of the alchemical art of cross-platform PyQt application deployment.
Ars delves into the arcane depths of cross-platform application deployment in this detailed tutorial which will teach you how to package PyQt software for Windows and Mac OS X.
Ripdev: The iPhone Authority
Iphone for Ken
"InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable."
InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable.
InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable. Download for Mac OS X.
"InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable."
Generate a grid. Drag the grid on top of your design tool. Push those pixels until they line up with the grid.
Just realized that my page is on delicious home and I did not bookmark it :)
Grid system
25 free Mac Apps for freelancers | Design daily news
As a full-time freelancer and part-time geek, I like to play around and install applications on my Mac. In the following list I share some of the free Mac apps
Alkaline - Litmus
Alkaline tests your website designs across 17 different Windows browsers right from your Mac desktop in seconds.
Alkaline - Litmus -
mac アプリケーション
17 Windows browsers on your Mac.
30+ Amazing Mac Apps for Developers - Nettuts+
[Mac]最近Firefoxが妙に重くなったなと感じているあなたm9(´Д`)の為のTips - ジャポニウム βlog
C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<Random>.default
urlclassifier3.sqlite を消すとか。
Video Monkey
Reincarnation of VisualHub?
Free Video Encoding Application for Mac
Video Monkey is a free video encoding application exclusively for Mac. It was created after the demise of the great tool Visual Hub. Video Monkey borrows heavily from the Visual Hub video conversion tool, both conceptually and from the original code dump posted to SourceForge as TranscoderRedux.
Magnifique - Choose Your Weapon - Free Theming App for OS X Leopard
Magnifique - Choose Your Weapon - Free Theming App for OS X Leopard
cambiar aspecto sistema operativo mac ileopard aqua
2009 Rubyist's guide to a Mac OS X development environment — GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTS
A command line-ish dev environment...
Pod to Mac - Free iPod, iPhone Music Transfer Software
Steve Lambert » SelfControl
Is email a distraction? SelfControl is an OS X application which blocks access to incoming and/or outgoing mail servers and websites for a predetermined period of time. For example, you could block access to your email, facebook, and twitter for 90 minutes, but still have access to the rest of the web. Once started, it can not be undone by the application or by restarting the computer – you must wait for the timer to run out.
50 Unusually Awesome Icon Sets for Mac « AppStorm
50 Things Every Mac Geek Should Know | Mac|Life
100 tips and tricks to speed up OS X | News | TechRadar UK
Easter Shortcuts: 30 Fascinating Mac Tips « AppStorm
The Omni Group - OmniGraphSketcher
Macintosh application for creating quantitive graphs of data.
Great looking graphing app from Omni - handy for all those 'management graphs' needed in presentations.
Graph Sketcher is now OmniGraphSketcher. A simple and easy to use graphing package.
Capo is a musician's best friend. It lets you slow down your favorite songs, so you can hear the notes and learn how they are played.
slowsdown pitch of audio so you can hear it better
Music editing program
nice app for slowing down songs, looping them, and/or changing pitch
20 Excellent Plugins for Safari | Webdesigner Depot
Excellent reasons to switch from Firefox. From Webdesigner Depot
Safari actually does support plugins. While the choice is nowhere near as extensive as that of Firefox, there is still a good variety of them to choose from.
These days we have great choices for Web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and the list goes on. Each browser comes with its own
Kevin: Delicious plugins, bookmarking plugins and ad blockers. It's all here. A good collection of plugins for Apple's Safari browser.
ExpanDrive: Ridiculously simple SFTP and FTP drive access on your Mac
New version 2
Ridiculously simple SFTP and FTP drive access on your Mac
Always forget about this one!
13 Free Mac OS X Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier @ SmashingApps
This is the post where we are listing out few great free apps for Mac Operating System, this is an exclusive post for our those readers who are the Mac users. But our other readers will also enjoy this post. Don’t forget to bookmark this post for your future reference as it has few most useful and free application that will be helpful for you when you are on your Mac system. This is absolutely a great list of 13 Free Mac OS X Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier.
Five Reasons Why Designers Developers are Switching to Mac | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Sehr interessanter Artikel bei Smashing Magazin.
34 Stunning & Free Mac Screensavers for OS X « AppStorm
Mac OS Xはスクリーンセーバーが素敵でいいです
Development virtual machines on OS X using VMWare and Ubuntu —
Particularly useful for the step-by-step on getting vmware tools and file sharing up and running
How to setup a virtual machine (linux) on Mac OS X using the mac folders.
Great instructions for setting up a minimal Ubuntu VM on a Mac
Setup a development environment using VMWare Fusion on OSX
Buyer's Guide (time-ordered) - Mac Guides
This page provides a product summary for each Apple model, ordered by the amount of time that has past since its last update, relative to the average amount of time that has passed between previous updates to that model, historically. The intent is to clearly indicate which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months.
which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months
テレビチューナーがなくてもMacでテレビが見られる『MacKeyHoleTV』 | Macの手書き説明書
iPhone Dev 101: Useful Cocoa Development Resources
Irradiated Software - TwoUp
quickly position a window to fill exactly half the screen (splitscreen) via the status menu bar or configurable system-wide shortcuts (hotkeys). Similar to "tiled windows" functionality available on other operating systems.
11 Tiny and Useful Free Menubar Applications for Mac |
11 โปรแกรมฟรีมินิๆ แปะบนเมนูบาร์ของแมค
Alternatives to Mac applications |
Command line made easy: five simple recipes for grep - Ars Technica
Ars Technica: The Art of Technology * All * Apple * Business * Gadgets * Gaming * Hardware * Microsoft * Open Source * Science * Tech Policy * More o Media o Software o Security o Staff o Telecom o Web * News * Guides * Reviews * Customize o Choose site theme: White Black o Choose body font: Arial Helvetica * OpenForum * Login/Join Open Ended : Ars covers the world of open source
Stykz - The first multi-platform stick figure animation program
Multi-platform stick figure animation program
Stykz is the first multi-platform stick figure animation program in the world (as far as we know!), and it is COMPLETELY FREE! If you've ever used Pivot StickFigure Animator, you'll feel right at home and will appreciate the extra features that Stykz has to offer! And even if you haven’t used Pivot, you’ll find Stykz to be a powerful, easy to learn tool for creating great looking stick figure animations quickly and efficiently.
The Ultimate Mac Setup for Web Designers (60 Apps) « AppStorm
There’s little doubt that OS X is a popular platform for web designers - it offers an enormous range of software for designing, managing, developing and publishing websites. Whether you prefer to use an all-in-one environment for designing websites or a range of different applications, there’s a tool to suit you perfectly.
Much of the software covered is fairly multi-purpose, suited to a variety of tasks.
I Love Mac Apps | Reviews of the latest Apple Mac OS X Applications for Leopard & Tiger
Mac applications blog
11 Cool (& Sometimes Useless) Things You Can Do With Your Macbook |
Things You Can Do With Your Macbook
In the first part of “Utilize Your Mac SMS” series, we discussed a SMS-based application to prevent Macbook theft. Now we will discuss other cool applications utilizing the Sudden Motion Sensor feature of Mac laptops.
Apple SMS Apps
Lifehacker - Clean Up and Revive Your Bloated, Sluggish Mac - Mac OS X
A good list of Mac performance tips
I think you should do this.
Index of /buildbot/snapshots/sub-rel-mac
chromium mac builds
Introducing JSTalk, an alternative to AppleScript
"JSTalk's goal can described like this: JSTalk is to AppleScript, what Cocoa is to Carbon."
MacOS iPhone Project
olden days mac os for the iphone, looks sweet
classic case of "stuff white people like"
Welcome to the MacOS iPhone Project! We are Dedicated to putting MacOS on the iPhone.
Mac Lounge Beta
the best desktop twitter client i've used
15 Terminal commands to supercharge OS X | News | TechRadar UK
40+ Eye-Catching Mac Screensavers
Mac screesaver
Macを大掃除して、快適&スピードアップ大作戦 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
FOSSwire: How-To Install Ubuntu 8.10 on a White MacBook
How-To Install Ubuntu 8.10 on a White MacBook
Mac Hacks: 17 AppleScripts To Make Your Life Easier | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Quelqies astuces AppleScript
If you are an experienced professional, chances are you have a good set of tools and a work process that you repeat on a daily
Dr Nic » ChocTop - packaging and deployment of Cocoa applications
packaging and deployment of Cocoa applications
deployment of Cocoa applications
Helps you make OS X app installers/DMGs.
Rowmote: Remote Control for Mac and Apple TV. Works with iPhone/iPod Touch
Replace the Apple remote with your iPod Touch or iPhone over wifi.
Building a Hackintosh Apple Can't Sue You For
References for tools to allow a non-Apple machine to run unmodified Leopard installer.
Potential Mac Mini replacement for my Media Center.
14 Applications to Make Your OSX Installation Better | CMD+SHIFT DESIGN BLOG: Design, Freelance & Internet Nerdiness (Freelance Tip)
Freedom - OS X Networking Freedom Software
Turns off your mac networking
Man if my job weren't ON the Internet, I would be *all over* this
Freedom is an application that disables networking on an Apple computer for up to eight hours at a time. Freedom will free you from the distractions of the internet, allowing you time to code, write, or create. At the end of your selected offline period, Freedom re-enables your network, restoring everything as normal.
Networking Freedom Software
Riverfold Software - Clipstart
Decent looking video management software for quick uploading to Vimeo and Youtube.
Appears to do for video what iPhoto should, but doesn't. Including Flickr and Vimeo upload
this looks sweet for the all you short movie makers. [from]
Loginox, The Simple Way To Change Your Login Background Image. Use drag & drop on Mac OS X
cambiar la imagen de login
The Simple Way To Change Your Login Background Image. Use drag & drop on Mac OS X
Beak — An innovative Mac Twitter client
Bitcetera: Mac-friendly Autotest
I vaguely remember wanting to monitor changes to the filesystem. Here's a Ruby gem that uses Leopard's FSEvent.
Bitcetera: Mac-friendly Autotest autotestZenTest’s autotest is great, but it has one drawback: In order to detect whether you have modified a file, it relies on filesystem polling. In other words it constantly traverses the filesyst... はてなブックマーク - Bitcetera: Mac-friendly Autotest はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann ruby, testing, mac fseventでwatch
“Enter the autotest-fsevent gem. It teaches autotest to use FSEvent instead of filesystem polling…”
30 Must-Have Tweaks For Your Mac | How-To | Smashing Magazine
The Iconfactory presents Star Trek
The Iconfactory presents Star Trek
World leaders in icon design, we offer thousands of free icons, custom design services, software, royalty-free stock icons and much more.
OS X Keyboard shortcuts (Leopard)
Meet the Command Line | PeepCode Screencasts for Web Developers and Alpha Geeks
"In this 70 minute screencast you’ll learn about the basic assumptions of Unix, how to look for help, and how to confidently work with files, directories, and programs. Also included is a bonus 60 page PDF reference guide!"
Navigating a text-based terminal can be intimidating at first, but experienced developer and systems administrator Dan Benjamin introduces it smoothly one concept at a time whether you’re currently using Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux. In this 70 minute screencast you’ll learn about the basic assumptions of Unix, how to look for help, and how to confidently work with files, directories, and programs. Also included is a bonus 60 page PDF reference guide!
In this 70 minute screencast you’ll learn about the basic assumptions of Unix, how to look for help, and how to confidently work with files, directories, and programs.
40 Mac Freewares and Open Source Software for Web Designers | Desizn Tech
Although popular Adobe Creative Suite software or paid software as such are essential tools for web designers, not everyone can afford them or nor they need to buy it. Some of the free applications are really powerful, time saving and gets the job done. In this article we have complied 40 best freeware and open source software for web designers.
Desizn Tech
シゴタノ! —    「書く」ためのツール、選んでいますか? Mac の文章作成支援ツールの魅力 jp 3
SubEthaEdit面白そう←同時にテキスト編集 まぁ、screenでも良いのだと思うけど、手軽だし
10 Apps for Web Designers Using a Mac
Prizmo 1.0 | Creaceed
ignore the code » Creating New Documents
slick way to create new documents quickly
Skript, dass das Erstellen neuer Dokumente über Drag & Drop im Finder bzw. über das Dock ermöglicht
create template docs put them in folder lock folder drag folder to dock drag out new template file when necessary -- it'll be copied, not moved.
Usability analysis of various methods of creating new documents on various OSes, culminating in a remarkably elegant way of improving this in Mac OS X using currently-available features of the OS!
"There is a very basic problem with this arrangement: How do you _create_ new files? On the one hand, since you use the Finder to manage your files, it would make sense to create new files in the Finder - right where you actually want them. On the other hand, since each individual application typically has at least one unique type of file, the Finder can't create new files - only individual applications can."
Mac OS X Leopardをクリーンインストールして環境構築して使えるようになるまで(2009年6月版) - Hatena::Diary::Ubuntu
フォルダ名を英語化する 「ダウンロード」「ライブラリ」を「Downloads」「Library」にする。それぞれのディレクトリの下にある.localizedファイルを削除する。
セキュリティ周りが充実 - So you want to use python on the mac?
virtualenvwrapper virtualenv
In a complete tangent from my numerous other projects, I’ve had a few people ask me recently about python on the mac, how to get started/etc.
Phoenix: Mac4Lin ver.1.0 Released!
Make your linux look like Mac
I am happy to release Mac4Lin ver.1.0. I know it was long due. Was held up with my graduate school and work. Version 1.0 finally sees light! :)
Enable tethering shortcut found - iPhone 3.0 is Live! | 9 to 5 Mac
defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE
30+ Free Menubar Applications for Mac
Menubar applications are sometimes more favorable than normal applications because not only these menubar applications can run seamlessly on background but also they can save most of our valuable dock space.
32 Coda Tips and Tricks | Mac Tricks And Tips
32 Coda Tips and Tricks
10 really useful menu bar extras for Mac OS X | News | TechRadar UK
So you've got your brand-new Mac with a shiny widescreen display; acres of space sits between the Help menu and Apple's handful of default menu extras, begging to be used to the full. Below, in no particular order, are ten of the very best tiny, indispensable (and mostly free) applications for making the most of your menu bar.
Lifehacker - Tweak Your Way to a Better Finder - Leopard
Leopard tweaks ... useful
"From Finder's View menu, check off "Show Path Bar" to turn on a clickable "breadcrumb" file path bar at the bottom of your Finder window, as shown. There you can click on any of the parent folders up the path of your current folder to navigate to it." Giant size 'oh!'.
Hivelogic - Using /usr/local
Information on configuring your *nix system to contain information in /usr/local and the benefits thereof. Friday Q&A 2009-06-19: Mac OS X Process Memory Statistics
Welcome back to another Friday Q&A. Now that WWDC is behind us, I'm back on track to bring you more juicy highly-technical goodness. Maybe I can even get back to doing one a week.... This week I'm going to take André Pang's suggestion of discussing process memory statistics (the stuff you see in Activity Monitor or top) in Mac OS X. Memory Structure Before I can discuss what the stats mean, I first have to discuss just how memory actually works on a modern operating system. If you already know the difference between physical memory and virtual address space, understand how file mapping works, etc., then feel free to skip ahead. Ram, Memory, Activity Monitor.
Description of the memory management of OS X from the user perspective
Flexibits | Cameras
In den Einstellungen der Anwendung Image Capture (Digitale Bilder) lässt sich festlegen, was Mac OS X beim Anschluss einer Kamera tun bzw. welches Programm automatisch geöffnet werden soll. Dies funktioniert passabel, solange man nur eine Kamera nutzt oder mit jeder Kamera sowieso dieselbe Prozedur durchlaufen möchte. Wer sich allerdings beispielsweise wünscht, dass das iPhone und die eigene Digitalkamera stets iPhoto öffnen, eine Speicherkarte im Kartenleser dahingegen zu Aperture greift und der mit dem Mac frisch verbundene iPod touch überhaupt kein Foto-Programm hervorzwingt, der ist mit der Systemeinstellung Cameras bestens bedient. Nach der Installation wird Cameras zum Ansprechpartner für jede angestöpselte Kamera (oder eben auch Kartenlesegerät) und ermöglicht die detaillierte Feinabstimmung. Insofern sei diese Systemeinstellung für jeden Mac empfohlen, an den regelmäßig mehrere Foto-Gerätschaften angesteckt werden. Cameras setzt mindestens Mac OS X 10.4.11 voraus.
With familiar System Preference functionality, Cameras allows you to manage what happens when you connect your: * Digital camera * iPhone * Digital media reader * Any photo device
The Ultimate Mac Setup for Photographers (50 Apps) « AppStorm
In the Woods - 20 Excellent Coda Tips
Aptonic Software :: Dropzone
Mac OSX Swiss Army Knife
Get anything anywhere via the doc.
FTP だったり、Flickr に写真をアップロードしたりその他諸々。
Mac OS XのFinderがプチ便利になる8つのテク : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Mac OS XのFinderをカスタマイズするプラグイン集
Lifehacker - The Minimalist OS X Desktop - Desktops
I'm going to have to do this. Lifehacker Reader нawk's desktop is a blend of a simple wallpaper and nicely placed system stats-yielding a clean, minimalist look that gives you the information you want without a lot of clutter.
Canary. The sexiest bird to twitter with.
Open-source Twitter client.
How To Build a Theft-Proof iPhone : iSmashPhone
for less than the $99 per year that Apple's mobileme service costs
25 Free Mac Apps That Will Boost Your Productivity | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Growl notifications for the iPhone
Prowl is a Growl client for the iPhone. Though the website mainly talks about tying it to Growl on a Mac, there's a web service, and a simple perl script available for non-Mac environments. Easy to convert to PHP or bash+curl, as it's just a basic-auth POST request.
The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To AppleScript « AppStorm
AppleScript is a powerful scripting language that comes built-in to OS X. The principal use for AppleScript is the automation of tasks that are normally
The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To AppleScript
AppleScript is a powerful scripting language that comes built-in to OS X. The principal use for AppleScript is the automation of tasks that are normally repetitious and time consuming. The best part about AppleScript is that you don’t have to be a genius programmer to use it. In fact, you don’t have to have any programming experience whatsoever. This article will show you how to write an AppleScript for nearly any application using the simple instructions that come hidden within each app’s framework. Intrigued? Read on!
Lifehacker - Set Up "Push" Gmail on Your iPhone - Prowl
iphone gmail
MachineCodex :: Software : DateLine
for Mac, open source, provides a visible strip calendar on our mac desktop
DateLine is a small, simple app which displays a linear calendar on your desktop in a transparent window. It provides easy access to iCal by double clicking on a day.
Nice desktop day tracker. Count 'em down.
DateLine is a small, simple app which displays a linear calendar on your desktop in a transparent window. It provides easy access to iCal by double clicking on a day. The background and text colors are customizable with support for transparency.
30 Free System Tools for a Better Mac
Mac help
iClockr - Because it is your time
Notes on a Dual-Mode Airport Extreme Network —
setting up a network with 2 speeds, rather than 2 networks
Propane for Campfire™
be good!
Google Chrome
Get Google Chrome dev preview for Mac (not just Chromium!): [from]
Developer Color Picker
A custom color picker designed specifically for developers. Makes getting colors out of Photoshop/Acorn mock-ups quick and easy. Currently supports NSColor, UIColor, CGColorRef, CSS and HTML styles.
A custom color picker that will let you copy a NSColor/CGColorRef/etc. declaration initialized with the current color from the picker to the clipboard
Colour picker for mac
"A custom color picker designed specifically for developers. Makes getting colors out of Photoshop/Acorn mock-ups quick and easy."
10 OS X Pranks That'll Get You Beat Up--or Fired | Mac|Life
Disclaimer: Use the pranks below at your own risk. Mac|Life can not be held responsible if you break any hardware, or you are fired, or beat up, because of the pranks. Use common sense, and choose your victims wisely.
* iPhone * * Play * * Listen * * Tip of the Day * * Mac|Live Podcast * * Software Vault * * Win Click here to find out more! SCANNING RESOURCE CENTER Special Sponsored Section * 6 Essentials for a Well-Appointed Paperless Offce * Sending Paperless Documents to Fax * Master Image Quality with Your Scanned Graphics Click here to find out more! Click here to find out more! IN THIS MONTH'S ISSUE! July 2009 July Cover MacLife Review IntelliScanner mini Review Logitech Pure-Fi Express Plus Review Uniea Haptique SUBSCRIBE NOW & SAVE 72%! iDEALS Designed and built for a Mac. And nothing else. The Targus for Mac� line includes a Wireless Mouse, Bluetooth� Mouse, Bluetooth Presenter, USB Hub, Chill Mat�, File Share Cable and Privacy Screen.
Testing with IE6, IE7 and IE8 on VirtualBox | Shape Shed
testing websites with VirtualBox
Time Warp
Irradiated Software - SizeUp
Ten Mac Apps That Make Windows Users Drool | TechWatch | Fast Company
30 essential Mac time-saving shortcuts | News | TechRadar UK
We all want our Macs to be labour-saving rather than labour-causing devices. Yet, even if you've been using a Mac for a long time, the thought, "There has to be a better of way of doing this," will probably come to mind on a daily basis. Whether you're undertaking a repetitive task that has to be done often or just a one-off job that seems to be more complicated than necessary, it's your time that's being wasted and we're here to put an end to it.
10 Essential Software Apps For Web Development on a Mac
Here’s a list of 10 essential software apps for web development on a Mac.
Applications gratuites mac
Bodega: Your corner store for apps
Like the iTunes App Store, but for Mac apps
Pagehand: a new word processor for the Mac
85 Useful Free Mac Apps for Designers
Use apps for designer...or one in pratice at least.
A whole bunch of neat Mac designer apps.
Install Django, GeoDjango, PostgreSQL & PostGIS on OSX Leopard
HOWTO script
Geohacking fun
WhatsOpen is a MacOSX utility designed to aid you in determining what is holding your files open.
WhatsOpen is a MacOSX utility designed to aid you in determining what is holding your files open. There is a common OSX error when trying to eject removable media relating to files being in use. Often times your files are in use by Spotlight or some other internal system and you don’t even know what program to kill to free up the files and allow the media to eject
WhatsOpen is a MacOSX utility designed to aid you in determining what is holding your files open. There is a common OSX error when trying to eject removable media relating to files being in use. Often times your files are in use by Spotlight or some other internal system and you don’t even know what program to kill to free up the files and allow the media to eject. This utility makes that a snap. It also provides many other administrative features you may find useful.
lsof als GUI-Version
Minimal Mac
Minimalism on the Mac-front
Concentrate | Mac App | Eliminate Distractions
Concentrate helps you work and study more productively by eliminating distractions.
Concentrate helps you work and study more productively by eliminating distractions. To start, create an activity (design, study, write, etc) and choose actions (shown below) to run every time you concentrate. When ready, just click “concentrate." All your distractions will disappear and a timer will appear to help you stay focused.
there is an app for everything. good that this one has a money-back guarantee. $29 for an app-hider with timer? wtf
Downloader for Mac OS X - Free Internet download manager for Mac : Folx
Mac OS X下载器
Folx (currently in beta stage) is a free downloader for Mac OS X. It helps you download files of any size via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. Folx supports auto-resuming and guarantees maximum speed possible thanks to our multi-thread download tasks. With Folx you will be able to download not only separate files, but the whole folders with all the contents via FTP.
Download files quickly and easily Folx (currently in beta stage) is a free downloader for Mac OS X. It helps you download files of any size via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. Folx supports auto-resuming and guarantees maximum speed possible thanks to our multi-thread download tasks. With Folx you will be able to download not only separate files, but the whole folders with all the contents via FTP. Folx allows you to download everything you need, but at the same time it doesn't prevent you from surfing the Internet. With our download manager you can simply limit the download speed and save your bandwidth for more important tasks. Folx is simple and fast, has zero learning curve and is free, still offering quite a number of advanced features!
Free Internet download manager for Mac
Free Internet download manager for Mac. Download files quickly and easily.
Downloads: Pod to Mac Transfers iPhone, iPod Music to Your Mac
iPod Transfer
pod to Mac Transfers iPhone, iPod Music to Your Mac
10 Safari plugins that could make you drop Firefox
10 plugins safari
On the Renaming of Xcode Projects « Arustisha
explains the issues that might appear when renaming an xcode project/product/target
Mac買ったらすぐに入れるべきフリーソフトウェア - スチーム速報 VIP
Windows使い始めてMacより使い勝手いいなあと思ったのは、Aviutlだけかな。 MacのQuickLookとExposeが便利すぎてウィンドウズが使いにくくて仕方がない
ParseKit - Cocoa Objective-C Framework for parsing, tokenizing and language processing
ParseKit Home Tokenization Grammars iPhone Source Code Header Docs ParseKit Documentation ParseKit ParseKit is a Mac OS X Framework written by Todd Ditchendorf in Objective-C 2.0 and released under the MIT Open Source License. ParseKit is suitable for use on Mac OS X Leopard or iPhone OS. The framework is an Objective-C implementation of the tools described in "Building Parsers with Java" by Steven John Metsker. ParseKit includes additional features beyond the designs from the book and also some changes to match common Cocoa/Objective-C conventions. These changes are relatively superficial, however, and Metsker's book is the best documentation available for ParseKit. The ParseKit Framework offers 3 basic services of general interest to Cocoa developers: String Tokenization via the Objective-C PKTokenizer and PKToken classes. High-Level Language Parsing via Objective-C - An Objective-C parser-building API (the PKParser class and sublcasses). Objective-C Parser Generation via Grammars
The ParseKit Framework offers 3 basic services of general interest to Cocoa developers: 1- String Tokenization via the Objective-C PKTokenizer and PKToken classes. 2- High-Level Language Parsing via Objective-C - An Objective-C parser-building API (the PKParser class and sublcasses). 3- Objective-C Parser Generation via Grammars - Generate an Objective-C parser for your custom language using a BNF-style grammar syntax (similar to yacc or ANTLR). While parsing, the parser will provide callbacks to your Objective-C code.
"The ParseKit Framework offers 3 basic services of general interest to Cocoa developers: String Tokenization via the Objective-C PKTokenizer and PKToken classes. High-Level Language Parsing via Objective-C - An Objective-C parser-building API (the PKParser class and sublcasses). Objective-C Parser Generation via Grammars - Generate an Objective-C parser for your custom language using a BNF-style grammar syntax (similar to yacc or ANTLR). While parsing, the parser will provide callbacks to your Objective-C code."
Ryan Parman - Flailing Wildly - Run Internet Explorer 6 (or IE7, or IE8) images in VMware Fusion on Mac OS X
"By now, most front-end web developers have heard of the Standalone Internet Explorers (Wikipedia article). Although these are incredibly useful, they’ve always been hacky at best. Because of that, we need to go the long way. We’ll download the “officially sanctioned” VirtualPC images containing a time-limited version of Windows XP SP3 and Internet Explorer 6.0, and then we’ll convert these images to the kind that work with VMware Fusion (which works on Mac OS X). This should only need to be done every 3 or 4 months when the images expire. These instructions are loosely based on the ones found at Running IE6, IE7 and IE8 on your Mac."
I've avoided IE 8 so far, but guess I'll need to give it a whirl soon. Harrumph. (via Tom Taylor)
IE6, 7 and 8 testing images, premade for VMWare Fusion on OSX. Works very well, but they expire on August 31st, when Microsoft will release another set.
Pre-made images of Windows for use with VMWare Fusion. Hooray!
Notify – An awesome new Gmail Notifier for OS X – Vibealicious
Notify provides a simple and elegant way of keeping track of what's in your Gmail inbox. With support for multiple accounts, and a beautiful tabbed user interface, you can't go wrong with Notify.
Notify provides a simple and elegant way of keeping track of what\'s in your Gmail inbox. With support for multiple accounts, and a beautiful tabbed user interface, you can\'t go wrong with Notify.
Notify – An awesome new Gmail Notifier for OS X – Vibealicious Like a menubar app, but better.Since Notify sits up in your menu bar, it stays out of the way until you need it. When you do need, it, you can easilyaccess all of your mail accounts in a manner that... はてなブックマーク - Notify – An awesome new Gmail Notifier for OS X – Vibealicious はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann mac
Snow Leopard Build 10A421 Seeded to Developers: Download The New Desktop Pictures Full Resolution
Snow Leopard Compatibility: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Compatibility List
Movement - Arranging your iPhone apps shouldn't take all day
The Ultimate Mac Setup for Bloggers (60 Apps) – Mac.AppStorm
Snow Leopard Compatibility: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Compatibility List
a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Below is a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, the most recent operating system from Apple. Please collaborate by sharing your experiences using each application and by adding applications not already listed. Simply click EDIT at the bottom of the page to contribute.
Gruml | Google Reader for Mac OS
This Mac-based front end to your Google Reader account integrates with Twitter and other Google services. In beta, but looks promising.
Gruml allows you to view and manage your feed subscriptions of your Google Reader account on Mac OS X. Read your newsfeeds, manage them in folders, tag them, and much more – all in sync with your Google Reader account.
Prep Your Mac for Snow Leopard - Snow leopard - Lifehacker
more than the title implies
Mac OS X Automation
"Sooner or later every individual, business, or organization is challenged to perform repetitive or complex procedures on their computers. Whether the task is renaming numerous files, batch processing images, or building documents using data from multiple sources, the need for powerful automation tools is shared by all computer users. Mac OS X is designed, from the ground up, for automation and offers a variety of integrated tools and technologies to solve your automation challenges."
Sooner or later every individual, business, or organization is challenged to perform repetitive or complex procedures on their computers.
Sooner or later every individual, business, or organization is challenged to perform repetitive or complex procedures on their computers. Whether the task is renaming numerous files, batch processing images, or building documents using data from multiple sources, the need for powerful automation tools is shared by all computer users. Mac OS X is designed, from the ground up, for automation and offers a variety of integrated tools and technologies to solve your automation challenges.
rvm: Ruby Version Manager - rvm Home
different interpreter versions easily
You want to try out all of the different ruby interpreters and versions including different patchlevels, but you don't want to break what's working for you now. No time to waste?
managing versions of ruby
How-To: Upgrade To Snow Leopard — The Right Way | Cult of Mac
10 Fabulous Free Mac Social Apps
You've got a Mac, and you love social media. Now what? Check out our list of 10 fabulous free apps to make your Mac more social.
If you’re a Mac user and a social media addict, what’s better than social apps for the Mac? Free social apps for the Mac, of course! In this post we’ll take a look at 10 gratis programs for connecting to your social world via OS X. From file sharing to instant messaging, from Twitter to social television, there is very likely something on this list for you.
Mac OS X v10.6: About incompatible software
Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard is designed to protect your Mac from certain incompatible software that can quit unexpectedly or cause other issues in Mac OS X v10.6. When you install Snow Leopard or migrate to Snow Leopard, known-incompatible software is moved to a folder named Incompatible Software on your hard drive. Snow Leopard also prevents known-incompatible software from opening. If you see an "Incompatible software" message, contact the software's vendor or visit their website for a later, compatible version.
"During installation, Snow Leopard moves known-incompatible software to a folder named Incompatible Software at the root level of the hard drive. If you see this folder on your Mac, use the table below to check with the software vendor to see if any Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard-compatible updates are available."
Snow Leopardにアップデートした後に気をつけること 主にMacPortsとrubygemsについて - mizchi log
Riding Rails: Upgrading to Snow Leopard
Here is a quick rundown of common tasks you might have to do to migrate properly.
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: the Ars Technica review - Ars Technica
An extremely in-depth review of what's new in SL.
TweetMyMac lets you get screenshots, iSight snapshots, and your IP address from your Mac just by sending a direct message to your specially setup Mac controlling account. You can start torrents remotely, shutdown your Mac and more.
Use Twitter to control a Mac remotely
TweetMyMac lets you get screen shots, iSight snapshots, your IP address, and more from your Mac just by sending a direct message to a Twitter account you create specifically for this purpose.
Mac OS X Automation: Services Downloads
Services Downloads
How to Build a Hackintosh with Snow Leopard, Start to Finish - Feature - Lifehacker
Two years ago, I detailed how to build a Hackintosh for under $800&mdash;then covered how to do the same with less hacking. Now that Snow Leopard's out, we're revisiting the Hackintosh, building a Hack Pro from scratch for roughly $900.
Off to the Apple store...
Turn Google Voice into a Growl-Friendly Mac App - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Google Voice's web site is handy, but keeping it open in a browser tab is a pain. Mac users, however, can get Growl notifications, complete with transcript previews, and app badge updates with the handy Fluid app.
Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Complete Guide - Snow Leopard Guide - Gizmodo
Though you might mistake Snow Leopard for plain old Leopard when you first boot it up, there's a lot of subtle stuff happening on screen and under the hood. Here's our guide to everything new in the latest Mac OS.
Might want to *read* this and not skim it. Lol.
Huge list of very useful Mac applications
Mac OS X Automation: Services
Hivelogic - Compiling Ruby, RubyGems, and Rails on Snow Leopard
These are instructions for compiling and installing 64-bit Ruby, Rubygems, and Ruby on Rails on Mac OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard.
sudo gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql
Snow Leopard compatible instructions for compiling ruby
Snow Leopard desktop pictures | creativebits
links to Windows 7 desktop pics too, which are also really nice The Ultimate OS X Snow Leopard Stack For Rails Development - x86_64, MacPorts, Ruby 1.8/1.9, SQL Server, SQLite3, MySQL & More
Grand Central Dispatch user space library
Grand Central Dispatch Open Source Library
The open-source libdispatch project consists of the user space implementation of the Grand Central Dispatch API as seen in Mac OS X version 10.6 Snow Leopard.
Install Snow Leopard on Your Hackintosh PC, No Hacking Required - Hackintosh - Lifehacker
Optimize performance in Photoshop CS4 on Mac OS
photoshop performance
And another...a bit more technical.
Snippet App
Easily create Snippets from selected text anywhere; Sync Snippet with MobileMe so you always have your snippets; Creating new snippets only takes seconds; Search your snippets instantly with a few keystrokes; Never have to leave the keyboard
Copy/paste, search snippets of code
これだけは入れたい!無料アプリを集めたライフハッカーパック for Mac OS X : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
ライフハッカーでは、何年もの間に、ありとあらゆるアプリを数えきれないほどご紹介してきました。数が多過ぎて、一体どの無料アプリが良いのか分かんないよ! という方も多いのではないでしょうか。今回は、そんなMacユーザーの皆さまに、ライフハッカー無料アプリパックfor Mac OS Xをご用意しました。
Finer Things in Mac
Found through Daring Fireball
PicoPlay - small music player
This player was designed with one purpose in mind: don't distract or use resources that you need for more important things.
PicoPlay - go easy on ressources when listen to your music
Formatting the Drobo for Time Machine Backups | NSLog();
Tres formas de montar correctamente las copias de seguridad con Drobo y Time Capsule
Using the Drobo drive for Time Machine backups
The Weblog of Erik J. Barzeski
Take away: Be wary of using the drobo for a time machine time capsule
Mockapp download page « MockApp
Powerpoint and keynote templates for designing an iPhone interface
iPhone アプリのモックアップを作るための Keynote/PowerPoint 用のデータ
20+ Mac Apps to Increase Your Productivity
20+ Mac Apps to Increase Your Productivity: Years ago, one of the criticisms lobbed at the Mac platform was that.. [from]
Snow Leopardのここに注目:これは便利! 「Snow Leopard」を実際に使って感じた新機能“トップ20” (1/4) - ITmedia +D PC USER
ダイアログボックスで開こうとしているファイルを選んだ状態でスペースキーを押せば、Quick Look機能でその書類の中身が大写しで表示される。
Mac 101: Create a wireless network between Mac and iPhone
Many applications require your Mac and your iPhone to be on the same wireless network in order to communicate properly or sync. Apple doesn't advertise the ability to use such applications without a wireless router... nor do many developers. It's not only possible, it works great in a pinch or even as a standard
Mac 101: Create a wireless network between Mac and iPhone
Google Quick Search Box
a google app kinda like quicksilver
Google Quick Search Box
search bar combines desktop and internet
Macbook (with Snow Leopard) 買った後にやったことまとめ - IT戦記
超参考になる! with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » textorize: Pristine Font rendering for the Web
This is so sweet - really clean font renderings even at small sizes. Way superior to Photoshop's defaults.
Textorize - a Ruby + RubyCocoa script that uses OS X's excellent Cocoa font rendering to create sub-pixel anti-aliased PNGs of pieces of type, perfect for serving to dumb browsers that don't understand font-face, and arguably better than Cufon, sIFR, Typekit etc.
textorize: Pristine Font rendering for the Web with Thomas Fuchs
Pollux: Automatically Organize and Fix Your Music Library
Completely automatic and easy to use ✹ Tags name, artist, album, album art, genre, year, and lyrics ✹ Analyzes the track's unique fingerprint, so it can never be wrong ✹ No existing track information necessary ✹ Automatically corrects each track's information as it is added to iTunes
The best free open source Mac apps -- Reality Distortion: Macs, Mac OS X, and Apple stuff
The best free open source Mac apps -- Reality Distortion: Macs, Mac OS X, and Apple stuff -
30+ Super Secret OS X Features and Shortcuts – Mac.AppStorm
Select a paragraph of text and click on “Summarize” under the services menu. You’re presented with the option to summarize sentences or paragraphs with a simple slider that reduces the length of the selected text by trimming unnecessary bits. I’m not sure how it goes about this but it does a surprisingly acceptable job of it.
30+ Super Secret OS X Features and Shortcuts – #Mac #Apple [from]
mxcl's homebrew at masterbrew - GitHub
a package manager for osx using ruby git
alternative to macports
Neat approach to package management for OS X
Migrating to Snow Leopard for Rails Development – A Definitive Guide « A Fresh Cup
Article about how to migrate to snow leopard.
git ready » tig, the ncurses front-end to Git
brose git repos mutt style
35 Mac Apps to Improve Your Web Browsing Experience – Mac.AppStorm
35 Mac Apps to Improve Your Web Browsing Experience [from]
Safari Addons
TidBITS Macs & Mac OS X: Revealing Mac OS X's Hidden Single-Application Mode
This is absolutely brilliant. I've just enabled it on my work Mac, which generally has 10+ apps running. (Browser, Mail, IDE, chat client, iCal, spreadsheet, DB client, RSS reader, terminal, iTunes, PDF reader, various others), and suddenly my level of visual clutter is down to near zero.
Having returned from an archeological dig into the dark history of Mac OS X, I've unearthed a feature that could change the way you interact with your applications, enabling you to focus on one or two more easily than in the past. Back in 1999, when Steve Jobs first showed off the new Finder in Mac OS X, it ran in a single-application mode, where switching from one application to another caused the first application to minimize (this was the original demo of the Genie effect1). This was intended to be the default behavior, but it was so widely reviled that Apple quickly changed the default to the familiar multi-application mode that shows multiple applications on the screen at the same time. Mac OS X's multi-application mode differed from how previous versions of the Mac OS worked in that it interleaved all open windows without regard to which application they belonged to, a feature that annoyed a lot of long-time Mac users.
6 Apps To Help You Focus & Be Productive [Mac]
I’m a multi-tasker. I’m not very good at it but I try very hard. If you’d suddenly spring up on me and took a look at my screen, it would often be very clustered with several applications running, work half done; not to mention having loads of screenshots and bookmarks on my desktop to remind myself of the tasks I have yet to complete. I try to organize myself by using to-do lists but planning only brings me one step closer to finishing my work. Persistence and determination are the key to getting things done. Unfortunately, I have very little of those. I was born that way, I’m afraid. While writing the first two paragraphs, I checked my mail several times, fired up Safari, updated my Twitter and browsed Facebook. See, I told you I was a multi-tasker. But deadlines are deadlines. If you have a project due Tuesday — then there’s no choice but to complete it by Tuesday. Sure, you can try to push the deadline but there’s still one! To help with the situation and motivate me to clear t
Robby on Rails : Switch to Passenger (mod_rails) in development on OSX in less than 7 minutes or your money back!
Switching to Passenger (mod_rails) in development on OSX.
Get passenger phusion working on the default apache install on osx
We recently switched our default builds of Rails Boxcar to leverage the benefits of using Passenger (mod_rails) for deployment of your Ruby on Rails applications and it’s been working out great for our customers. Several of our customers and colleagues mentioned that they also began using Passenger in development, which was intriguing.
Switch to Passenger (mod_rails) in development on OSX in less than 7 minutes or your money back!
Top 15 Terminal Commands for Hidden Settings in Snow Leopard | Terminal, Finder, Dock/Exposé/Dashboard, iTunes + iPod | Mac OS X Tips
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes
Head-to-Head: Parallels Desktop for Mac vs. VMware Fusion
So which virtualization product do you choose? Which solution is faster? Should you run Windows XP or Vista? 32-bit or 64-bit? One virtual processor or more? In short, there are different answers for different people. It all depends on your needs.
5 cool things to sync with Dropbox on your Mac - Ars Technica
shows how to sync stuff using dropbox as a unified file system
Announcing iPhone Wax: Native UIKit iPhone Apps Written In Lua
I started investigating how I might write native iPhone apps from a scripting language. Lua was on my radar already. It’s compact, expressive, fast enough, and was designed to be embedded. Took only about 20 minutes to get the Lua interpreter running on the iPhone. The real work was to bridge Lua and all the Objective-C/CocoaTouch classes. The bridge had to work in two directions: it would need to be able to create CocoaTouch objects and also be able to respond to callbacks as part of the familiar delegate/protocol model.
Lua + iPhone = wax
Bridging a Lua interpreter framework to native iPhone classes -- scripting your way around Objective C. With this week's notice from Adobe regarding Flash development of native iPhone binaries, the options for mobile development are getting more and more plentiful (and more and more abstract).
note that lua is used widely in game dev
In the remainder of this post, I’ll walk you through getting it set up, show you how to creating a project featuring a UITableView, and close with a section on its roadmap and tools support.
How To: Virtualize Any OS For Free - Virtualization how to - Gizmodo
"Intimidating erminology aside, here's what desktop virtualization means today: You can run just about any OS, Mac OS X excluded, inside any other OS. Ubuntu in Mac OS? Sure. Windows 7 within Windows XP? Why not? Windows ME within Snow Leopard? Nobody's going to stop you, I guess! And these aren't patchy, half-assed experiments we're talking about here—these are fully-functioning installations that'll connect to USB peripherals, access the internet, share files with your host OS, and run almost any software, short of 3D games. You can set up as many of these things as you want, and delete them in a matter of seconds. It's pretty great, is what I'm trying to say. Best of all, virtualization is now something you can try—and stick with—for free, thanks to software like Sun's VirtualBox. It's a free download on any platform, and it does its job spectacularly. Here's how to get started."
Waveboard is a client software for Google Wave for both Mac OS X 10.5+ and iPhone OS 3.0+.
Présentation en français ici :
Call Me Fishmeal.: Pimp My Code, Part 17: Lost in Translations.
So, use icons whenever possible on buttons, and if you must use text
Nice piece by Wil Shipley on localizing Cocoa apps, including his own clever technique for doing so without maintaining separate XIB files for each separate localization.
69 Awesomely Free Snow Leopard Compatible Apps | Mac|Life
Excelente lista con 69 aplicaciones esenciales gratuitas para Snow Leopard
Delibar, Delicious Mac client
pukka のライバル。
Nova aplicação para organizar os nossos favoritos no delicious. Um pouco cara para o que faz e bastante eye-candy, mas parece trabalhar bem.
Daring Fireball: Creating Ogg Theora Files on Mac OS X With ffmpeg2theora
According to Daring Fireball ffmpeg2theora is the one tool that simply just works for transcoding video to Ogg Theora.
"ffmpeg2theora is the one tool I found that simply just works for transcoding to Ogg Theora. The downside to ffmpeg2theora is that it’s only available as a command-line tool." [another conversion tool here:]
Useful and easy command line tool for converting M4Vs
How to run Windows 7 under Mac OS X 10.6 for free - Anil Dash
How To: Hackintosh a Dell Mini 10v Into the Ultimate Snow Leopard Netbook - Dell mini 10v hackintosh - Gizmodo
Why MacRuby Matters (Present & Future) | Zen and the Art of Programming
that fits in,
finally a decent hello world for mac GUI programming!
MobileMe を使わない同期環境 - soundscape out
MacFixIt - CNET Reviews
Today marks a big change at MacFixIt. All articles are now available free-of-charge, allowing anyone to access the most timely, comprehensive and unbiased library of Mac-related repair and troubleshooting advice available online. This is a milestone in the history of MacFixIt. This change is a direct result of our acquisition by CNET and allows us to provide a broader range of coverage, in addition to drawing on a new pool of knowledge and resources. We will continue to provide timely and relevant reporting of Mac-related hardware and software issues and will be adding new features we're sure you'll enjoy and appreciate.
How To: Hackintosh a Dell Mini 10v Into the Ultimate Snow Leopard Netbook - Dell mini 10v hackintosh - Gizmodo
Here's the pitch: a 10-inch, almost-pocketable computer running Snow Leopard, the latest, greatest version of OS X. It costs just $300. Sound good? Here's how to make your own. · Slow ride, make it easy
Using ipfw to simulate slow network connections
Using scripts to simulate poor network conditions
101 really useful tips for Mac beginners | News | TechRadar UK
101 really useful tips for Mac beginners Tips and tricks to help you get the best from OS X : TechRadar UK
Macはじめました。: iPhoneを使うようになってから便利だと感じた、Macのアプリケーション
Dropbox Evernote 以外のアプリケーション
Triple Boot Mac OS, XP, and Linux on a Mac - Wired How-To Wiki,_XP,_and_Linux_on_a_Mac
Can't decide which operating system you want to run on your MacBook? The newest Macs allow you to boot up from Windows or Mac OS X using the included Boot Camp disk-partitioning software. However, with some steps and a little elbow grease, you can add Linux to the mix and get the best of all worlds.
50 Common Mac Problems Solved | Mac|Life
10 essential OS X apps for pro web developers | News | TechRadar UK
et TextMate alors ?
Jenny Cecil - 10 essential OS X apps for pro web developers The best tools for coding, testing, uploading and tracking costs : TechRadar UK / Icons
Personal web page. My work, games, icons, guides and retrogaming
icone per periferiche etc
lericson/programming/ - Multitouch on Unibody MacBooks
Via Twitter @samin
Multitouch on Unibody MacBooks
Presumably Leopard only
A little known fact about the unibody touchpad is that it can distinguish between up to eleven touch points - i.e., fingers. Another little known fact is that the sensor knows about the contact surface area (in terms of ellipsoids). Another yet less known fact is that Johan Nordberg didn't sleep much last night, and wrote a neat OS X application which simply plots what the trackpad (or Magic Mouse!) is saying about touches.
Third Cog Software - Cfxr
8 bit sound creation lib
free little app for making game sounds
20 Free Mac Apps For Web Designer’s Toolkit - Noupe
Great list of free mac design resources
Riktigt bra artikel om gratis mjukvara till osx
Outlaw Design Blog » 50 Custom Mac Desktop Screenshots
Site with 50 really cool customized desktops
Outlaw Design Blog
looks good!
Hands-down one of the best puzzle games I have ever played.
Hopefully they do a Linux port soon.
Connected Flow - Viewfinder: Flickr search tool
Viewfinder is a Mac OS X application that dramatically simplifies the process of finding, downloading and using images from Flickr.
Viewfinder is a Mac OS X application that dramatically simplifies the process of finding, downloading and using images from Flickr. $30.
Essential Mac OS X applications
Yojimbo, and The Case for Anything Buckets – Shawn Blanc
deep into yojimbo
Do I need an Anything Bucket? Probably. But I can't quite convince myself I have time to even think about rethinking my pitiful filing system right now.
14 Free Mac Apps for Web Designers on a Budget | Web Design Ledger
サービスがいいMacBookにしておく - ザリガニが見ていた...。
Automator の使い方
Apple - Mac OS X Snow Leopard - Enhancements and Refinements
Snow Leopard offers over 75 improvements that will make using your Mac easier, more reliable, and more responsive.
Mac OS X Snow Leopard includes refinements, both big and small, to a wide range of applications, processes, and interface elements.
Mac OS X Snow Leopard includes refinements, both big and small, to a wide range of applications, processes, and interface elements.
Botarlle un ollo ó Wake-on-demand
Automatic text software - faster typing and fewer errors with Typinator
Typinator is an automatic text software that boosts your productivity and eliminates errors by automating the process of inserting frequently used text and graphics and auto-correcting typing errors.
Typinator is an automatic text software that boosts your productivity and eliminates errors by automating the process of inserting frequently used text and graphics and auto-correcting typing errors
mxcl's homebrew at master - GitHub
Alternative zu MacPorts und Fink (greift im Gegensatz zu diesen auf System-Libs zurück und installiert nicht alle Dependencies parallel neu) Verwendet Git und Ruby
Homebrew is a package management system for OS X. In other words it is a tool that helps you manage the installation of other open source software on your Mac.
Great MacPorts alternative (seems to be a lot more powerful).
macports alternative
Joe Bergantine | A Coda Seestyle Theme based on Ryan Bate's Railscast Theme
coda visual text theme
Specials Board is a light-on-dark .seestyle theme for the Panic Coda text editor
Welcome - Ommwriter
瞑想 テキストエディタ
Pollux Automatically Cleans and Tags Your iTunes Library - iTunes - Lifehacker
better? free-er! than tuneup...
Pollux Automatically Cleans and Tags Your iTunes Library
Erik Hinterbichler » Herald
Herald is a notification plugin for, Apple's Mac OS X email client. Inspired by the excellent Mail.appetizer plugin, Herald shows you popup notifications whenever you receive new Mail. It also allows you to perform common actions directly from within the notification window, including deleting messages, initiating replies, viewing messages in Mail, or marking messages as read.
BALMUDA design - NumberKey - English
"Turns your iPhone/iPod touch into a numeric keypad for your notebook. Wouldn't it be useful if your notebook computer had a numeric keypad? The NumberKey does just that! The NumberKey turns your iPhone/iPod touch into a portable numeric keypad so you can use it at your home, office, and even when you're on-the-go."
"Turns your iPhone/iPod touch into a numeric keypad for your notebook."
turn iphone into a number pad when in use with laptop
ImageOptim – PNG/JPEG/GIF optimizer for Mac OS X
ImageOptim will optimize your images — so they take up less disk space and load faster — by finding best compression parameters and by removing unnecessary comments and color profiles. It handles PNG, JPEG and GIF animations.
Snow Leopard Ruby Development Environment Checklist / Gotchas | Ric Roberts: Ruby on Rails developer, Manchester, UK
Symbol Caddy
The Symbol Caddy Dashboard widget keeps a bunch of common special characters at your fingertips.
The Symbol Caddy Dashboard widget keeps a bunch of common special characters at your fingertips. Keyboard mode copies the special character and HTML mode copies the HTML entity code. For example:
a widget to keeps a bunch of common special characters at your fingertips
The Symbol Caddy Dashboard widget keeps a bunch of common special characters at your fingertips. Keyboard mode copies the special character and HTML mode copies the HTML entity code.
Character Map for OS X
Mac 101: Building a bootable diagnostic and repair flash drive
It's a good idea to have a strategy in place in case of emergencies. If your hard drive tosses you errors, behaves badly or doesn't even appear, what to do? If programs crash at random, you need to be ready. You can prepare for this by creating a bootable flash drive containing some diagnostic and repair utilities.
100 Snow Leopard Tips, Tricks, and Features | Mac|Life
Welcome to The M.H.A.
App that locks your Mac when your iPhone goes out of range
security osx iPhone sysadmin
Lock your computer when you (actually, your iPhone) are out of range.
OS X Dashboard Widgets with jQuery | Steve Reynolds Blog
I didn't realize they were just HTML & JS !
Mac Gems of the Year (2009) Review | Software | Mac Gems | Macworld
Might wind up forking out for a few of these.
Droplr • Hello
Beta Beat: Droplr adds to the quick-share repertoire
Looks neat but requires Snow Leopard. Boo!
Most Popular Free Mac Downloads of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
Nothing beats finding just the right application to fill a common need, fix a problem, or boost your productivity. Give yourself an early present this holiday season with 15 of the most popular Mac downloads of 2009.
Git Client - SmartGit
SmartGit is a graphical front-end for the distributed version control system Git and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Though it is unfortunately a (free as in free beer) proprietary software, SmartGit is the best GUI client I found for GIT (so far)
Mac Endeavor | Gity
Weiteres UI für Git. Siehe GitX
Engrave Your Book | Icons
Welcome to Engrave Your Book - Handmade Leather Covers for Your Favorite Moleskine Notebook -
moleskine icons in different colors
MySQL Showdown: Querious vs. Sequel Pro - TheAppleBlog
command+space 日本語入力と英語入力を切り替え, Dockで⌘+クリックでオリジナルをFinderで表示
Slammer - Designer's Geometry Box
Slammer gives you any grid you want, anywhere you want: Typographic Grids, Golden Sections, Fibonacci series or Rule of Thirds. Thats not all, Slammer also has Rulers, Crosshairs, Magnifier, Measurements & Screenshots. Slammer is a must have for any designer.
Slammer gives you any grid you want, anywhere you want
Irradiated Software - Cinch
habilidad de ampliar una ventana a un lado de la pantalla con solo arrastrarla hacia los bordes. Funciona exactamente igual: arrástralo hacia la izquierda para rellenar la parte izquierda; lo mismo con la derecha; y finalmente si lo arrastras hacia arriba se maximizará. Y si vuelves a arrastrarla hacia otro lado, la ventana volverá a tener el mismo tamaño de antes. Este pequeño programita funciona con la mayoría de ventanas y visualmente es agradable, mostrando una animación de qué espacio rellenará la ventana. La única pega es que es de pago: 7 dólares. Mientras tanto podemos probarlo de manera gratuita, pero de vez en cuando aparecerá una ventana pidiendo que paguemos.
Cinch gives you simple, mouse-driven window management by defining the left, right, and top edges of your screen as 'hot zones'. Drag a window until the mouse cursor enters one of these zones then drop the window to have it cinch into place. Cinching to the left or right edges of the screen will resize the window to fill exactly half the screen, allowing you to easily compare two windows side-by-side (splitscreen). Cinching to the top edge of the screen will resize the window to fill the entire screen (fullscreen). Dragging a window away from its cinched position will restore the window to its original size.
Replicate Windows 7 Snap to the Mac. Automatically resize application windows.
Window management
How To: Make Your PC and Mac Share Stuff Like Best Friends - Mac pc filesharing - Gizmodo
Networking is stupid. You'd think it'd be real darn easy to share stuff between PCs and Macs, but it's not as nearly simple as it should be. So, here's how to make 'em talk and share stuff like best friends.
Lifehacker - Mac4Lin Gives Linux Desktops the Complete Mac Look - Linux
linux mac theme
Minitube is a native YouTube client. With it you can watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube does not require the Flash Player.
A youtube category search utility that plays videos in that category continuously. Not yet for Windows. Bookmarked to check back occasionally to see if it is Windows ready.
Youtube video watching client.
How to Install Snow leopard in VMWARE | Snow Leopard
Artículo que explica como instalar una máquina virtual Mac OS X en un entorno Microsoft Windows con VMWare.
How to install Snow Leopard on a Virtual Machine in Windows.
SecureFiles, protect your documents easily.
SecureFiles is a simple app which allows you to create encrypted Disk Images to store your sensitive documents.
John Nack on Adobe: Why your Web content will look darker on Snow Leopard
If you're a Web designer, expect your CSS colors & your untagged/unmanaged images to look darker on Snow Leopard than on previous versions of the Mac OS. You'll also see less of a visible color shift when going from Photoshop to Flash or other unmanaged environments (e.g. Internet Explorer).
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: Macでのスクリーンショットの撮り方まとめ
taking screen shots in osx
ネットブックに『Mac OS X』を搭載する方法 | WIRED VISION
ネットブックに『Mac OS X』を搭載する方法
WineBottler - Run Windows Programs directly on OS X
wine mac osx - Flash Cookie Removal Tool For OS X | MacHacks.TV
RT @tweetlicius: - #Flash #Cookie Removal Tool For #OSX | #Mac Hacks.TV -
UPDATE: 7TH SEP 2009: FLUSH 0.3.1 released Flush has been updated. Hopefully all of the issues raised up till now will be addressed. Flush 0.3.1 is now
Snow Leopard review
Apple's Leopard gets an upgrade with Snow Leopard. Although this is not an all-changing thing, there are tons of new, little upgrades. These include some app changes, a few new and upgraded features, and even a slight performance boost.
Apple's new Snow Leopard user friendly, easy to upload, and does not require much attention. The new snow leopard is on the prowl with amazing features that make it better than windows 7. Find out in the review why the Snow Leopard is so good.
features of new Snow Leopard for the Mac
This is a review about the new Mac software
Snow Leopard. Even the name seems to underpromise -- it's the first "big cat" OS X codename to reference the previous version of the OS, and the list of big-ticket new features is seemingly pretty short for a version-number jump. Maybe that's why Apple's priced the 10.6 upgrade disc at just $29 -- appearances and expectations matter, and there's simply not enough glitz on this kitty to warrant the usual $129.
Engadget SL review
Cocoa with Love: An Asteroids-style game in CoreAnimation, Part One.
Example code
How would you write an arcade-style 2D game in CoreAnimation? Over the next few weeks, I'll show you how to write a resolution independent, high-speed, model-view-controller designed, Asteroids-style arcade game using CoreAnimation as the screen renderer. In this first of four parts, I'll detail the concept for the overall application and show you how to create a resolution independent window for the game.
If I ever want to learn native code on the mac instead of just using HTML5 I should read this.
A normal document style object can be swapped with another document or recreated. A singleton is lazier and simpler since it doesn't need to be connected to every object which needs to access it (since it is globally accessible).
Terminal Tips: Force Safari to open all links in new tab - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true
although now bookmarking will open in a new tab. darn.
17 Reasons Why Your Mac Runs Slower Than it Should
How to speed up your computer.
useful advise...
Make Windows fonts look as smooth as Mac OS X fonts | digital parsimony
Simpler front-end for gdi++, improves Windows font rendering by disabling hinting
Ever wonder why everything just looks a little bit better on a Mac? That’s because Apple OS X uses a different font rendering technology than Windows. That can easily be changed though, and there’s a little program that can do it with ease.
Mac OS X on the Dell Mini 9
Inklet Trackpad Tablet
Inklet allows your trackpad to emulate a pen tablet. When you're using a Pogo Sketch, the trackpad even becomes pressure sensitive.
Trackpad tablet for MacBook
Draw on your MacBook Pro trackpad
TotalFinder brings tabs to your native Finder and more!
brings tabs to your native Finder and more!
TextMate Screencasts for Rubyists
MOONGIFT: » Dropbox以上?iPhone/Windows/Mac OSXで動作するファイル同期ツール「Soonr」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
SoonrはDropboxのようにWindowsやMac OSX向けの専用クライアントが用意されている。そして指定したフォルダ内にあるファイルを自動的にSoonrへアップロードし、別なコンピュータに同期してくれる。そしてiPhone/iPod Touch向けのソフトウェアも用意されている。
Be still my heart: multi-touch tab switching in Firefox!
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. ...
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. Turns out I’ve been doing it for months — I thought I was late to the party and was too ashamed to mention it to anybody for fear of an epic internet ribbing (”What, you just figured that out?”). But no, apparently it was top secret and highly experimental. That was in the beta, though; it looks like the official version has reduced it to a hack. Fortunately, mastering this multi-touch-enabling technique will allow you to tweak your gestures, resulting in everlasting glory.
This is awesome. Try it if you haven't already.
16 useful Mac cheat Sheets @smashingtips
16 useful Mac cheat Sheets @smashingtips -
20 Beautiful Mac Apps | Design Reviver
20 Beautiful Mac Apps | Design Reviver -
Mac OS X is known for housing an amazing graphical user interface. Not only is the operating system beautiful in every way, but a large portion of the applications developed for Macs have great usability along with a stunning “face”. Below you will find 20 Mac Apps With Beautiful User Interface Designs for your inspiration. This is also a great reference for those that are looking to develop their own applications.
BumpTop Mac: Reinventing your Mac desktop.
Reinventing your Mac desktop.
Distracted? Self Control Now Available as an OS X App | Epicenter from © 2009 Condé Nast Digital. All rights reserved. The material o © 2009 Condé Nast Digital. All rights reserved.
SelfControl, a simple open source program for Mac OS X that prevents you from resorting to well-worn procrastination techniques by blocking access to websites and e-mail servers.
A colleague once defined work as that which you accomplish while not distracted by the internet, and he was onto something. Anyone who works on a computer understands how easily
A colleague once defined "work" as "that which you accomplish while not distracted by the internet," and he was onto something. Anyone who works on a computer  understands how easily personal communication (e-mail, instant messaging, social networks) can distract from the task at hand.
blokkerer enkelte sider
Atlas: a visual IDE for desktop-like web apps - Ars Technica
Iterface builder pour le webdev/javascript
280 North has already made two major breakthroughs in building its web-based presentation app 280 Slides. First, it created the Objective-C-like superset of JavaScript called Objective-J. Then it re-implemented much of Apple's popular Cocoa APIs in the web-oriented Cappuccino. Now, its latest project, Atlas, represents perhaps a third breakthrough: a visual integrated development environment for building the next generation of desktop-like web applications.
An intens IDE for web app development
eee Mac journey
Interesting blog with emphasis on EeePC 901 and OS X
Guide to installing OS X on an EEE PC
The Black Mac Desktop - Desktops - Lifehacker
sweet desktop
Lounge — Goose Apps
Cliente de twitter para iphone.
@myen #Bookmarks Lounge — Goose Apps - Twitter client [from]
Twitter client
Outlaw Design Blog » 28 Ways to Customize Your Mac Desktop
Pimp my mac!
35 Absolutely Essential Mac Apps « AppStorm
Daring Fireball: The Tablet
Here’s the thimbleful of information I have heard regarding The Tablet (none of which has changed in six months): The Tablet project is real, it has you-know-who’s considerable undivided attention, and everyone working on it has dropped off the map. I don’t know anyone who works at Apple who doubts these things; nor do I know anyone at Apple who knows a whit more. I don’t know anyone who’s seen the hardware or the software, nor even anyone who knows someone else who has seen the hardware or software.
Daring Fireball: Apple, Adobe, and Flash
I’ve been writing about this saga for two years. My fascination with the subject is fueled by the fact that it’s so polarizing, and that it encompasses both technical and political issues.
My machine is a two-year-old MacBook Pro. It plays full-screen H.264 video through QuickTime without problem. When I play full-screen Flash video, my fan kicks in within a few seconds, every time.
He is so right about it, I believe there will be no flash
John Gruber/Daring Fireball, Jan. 25, 2010.
How to run Safari 4 beta and Safari 3 on the same mac: BeatnikPad Journal
Chromium Blog: Danger: Mac and Linux builds available
@phonescooper Link to the blog post here [from]
In order to get more feedback from developers, we have early developer channel versions of Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux, but whatever you do, please DON'T DOWNLOAD THEM!
13インチMacBook Pro発売記念!Mac入門 - id:HolyGrailとid:HoryGrailの区別がつかない日記
13インチの2.53GHzモデルがコストパフォーマンス高いよな~。 - Speed up iPhoto '09 by vacuuming its databases
for dbase in *.db; do sqlite3 $dbase "vacuum;"; done
Deserve a try
movist - Project Hosting on Google Code
Similar to VLC. Might play .mov files better.
great video player
Movie Player for Mac OS X based on QuickTime & FFmpeg.
F/OSS video player for Mac. Competition for VLC
格安で「Time Capsule」を自作する方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
iTimeMachine + FreeNAS
僕が購読しているMac系ブログリスト | Macの手書き説明書
Welcome, new Cocoa or Cocoa Touch programmer.
Welcome, new Cocoa or Cocoa Touch programmer. Here are some things you will need to know. Cocoa vs. Cocoa Touch Cocoa is the Mac development framework, principally consisting of Foundation, the Application Kit (a.k.a. AppKit), and Core Data. Cocoa Touch is the iPhone development framework, principally consisting of Foundation, UIKit, and Core Data. (“iPhone” here means devices running the iPhone OS, including the iPod touch and iPad.) On Stack Overflow, please don't tag your question cocoa unless it has to do with Cocoa. It's OK to put an iPhone question there as long as it's about something that exists on both platforms. Tagging an iPhone-specific question “cocoa” is inaccurate, and wastes the time of Mac-only programmers like myself. (You wouldn't want me to tag my Mac-specific questions “cocoa-touch”, would you?) Critically important things Memory management is based on ownership. (These rules don't apply under garbage collection. If you're using or supporting GC, see the G
disambiguating the confusing obctive-c/CF ecosystem conventions and terminology
MacBook Multitouch
MacBook Multitouch source code For Mac OS X -- LESS CSS app
A compiler for {less}.
A simple LESS compiler for OS X.
Snippets — Stop Reinventing the Code
Snippets is an application for Mac OS X that stores the most valuable pieces of your code you can re-use in different projects many times. The main idea is to make the process of re-using as easy as possible to avoid wasting your valuable time to write the same code again.
BashFlash - A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard.
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard. Safari only
That's where BashFlash comes into play. BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do. Probably blog or tweet or something.
Kill Safari external Flash process when it uses too much CPU.
BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do.
On 64-bit Macs running Snow Leopard, Safari pushes the Flash plug-in off into its own process. BashFlash lives as a tiny menu app, monitoring this process and warns you (by turning red) if Flash is using a relatively significant amount of processor cycles. You can then use its menu to kill the Flash plug-in. That's hot. Any running Flash content is replaced with the broken plugin icon. Want to get Flash working again? Simply reload the page, or go to a new one. The next time Flash is needed, it'll come back to life.
404 Blog Not Found:tips - Mac OS X - asrでボリューム全コピー
へー! - Move an iTunes library to just about anywhere
David Alison's Blog: 10 little known Mac utilities
When I blog about applications that I've found I generally wrap up my posts with an open invitation to readers: Got any you like? Many folks have been generous and shared links and applications that I've used to expand my virtual toolbox and make my Mac experience more fun and productive.
Panic Blog » ShrinkIt 1.0
Panic software for shrinking images of various formats.
… a simple, small, Panic-internal tool (for Mac OS X Snow Leopard) that will automate the process of stripping needless metadata from PDFs by re-saving them using Apple’s PDF processor.
Is your application larger than necessary because of needless data stored in image resources? What is making your PDFs four times the size they ought to be? More on this shocking discovery at 11! (It’s 11.) Being a responsible and forward-thinking developer, you’re probably good and ready for the day Mac OS X supports resolution independence – lol – so you use multilayer TIFFs and PDFs instead of flat bitmap images whenever possible. Try this: get the file size of one of those Adobe Illustrator®-produced PDFs. Now open it in Preview and resave it. Notice anything? Once a PDF has gone though Apple’s PDF processing, it’s way, way smaller.
Hi-ReS! Feed: Hana OSX Screensaver
"Hana is a dream about flowers for computers. The idea is that no aspect of creating the flowers is hidden from the computers, everything is created in code and no bitmaps are used that the computer has not seen to the creation of itself, letting the computer "think" through every step."
15 Must-Have Free Apps For Your Mac & Giveaway
MagicMouse multitouch tweak. Includes MagicMenu, a 4-way multitouch popup menu.
free magic mouse preference panel that reveals hidden functions for the magic mouse
Adds middle-click to the Magic Mouse plus other great swipe functions.
MagicPrefs is a free menubar and preference pane application for OSX which aims to improve the functionality and configuration options of the Apple Magic Mouse. It features the ability to bind a variable number of finger clicks, taps, swipes, pinch and other gestures to functions like Middle Click , Hold Down Both Mouse Buttons , Spaces , Expose, Dashboard etc.
Downloads: TimeEdition is a Simple and Stylish Time Tracker
an easy looking time tracking program
Time tracking application TimeEdition tracks your time in a dead-simple and attractive interface that saves your progress to Google Calendar for accessible-from-anywhere results.
Anomalous Anomaly » Blog Archive » Triple Booting Your Mac
Schritt für Schritt Anleitung um Windows, Linux und MacOS X also "Tripple Boot" auf einem Mac (Book Pro) zu installieren.
Nice walkthrough...
Create iCal events from anywhere | Mac OS X Hints | Macworld
Create iCal events from anywhere | Mac OS X Hints | Macworld -
OS X Snow Leopard vs. Windows 7 | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Microsoft announced it will be releasing a new edition of its operating software, called Windows 7, while Apple is working on its new OS X Snow Leopard. How will they stack up against each other?
Firefoxのもっさりの原因である肥大化したプロファイルを再構成してきびきびした動作に戻してくれる『FireUpFox』 | Macの手書き説明書
SQLiteのvacuumコマンドで再構成する方法がありますが、それをAppleScriptで代わりにやってくれるソフト Mac
Alfred App
Alfred is a quicklaunch application for Mac OS X, which aims to save you time in searching your local computer and the web. Whether it's maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia, you can feed your web addiction quicker than ever before.
What is Secondbar? » SecondBar & BetterTouchTool Blog
SecondBar is a Tool which allows you to have more than one menubar in Mac OS X.
Utilidad para ver la barra del Finder en un segundo monitor.
adds menu bar on second monitor - very cool
Daring Fireball: An Ode to DiskWarrior, SuperDuper, and Dropbox
I have learned this the hard way (via 43 folders).
"However, I find terrific value in SuperDuper’s model. SuperDuper creates a bootable clone of your startup drive. With Time Machine, if your startup drive goes kaput, you’ve got to go through a lengthy restore process (and, in the case of hardware failure on the kaput drive, you need an extra bootable volume to restore to). With SuperDuper, you just plug in the clone, reboot, and you’re back up."
Outstanding comprehensive how-to from John Gruber.
Great advice
Hard drives are fragile. Read as much as you can bear to about how they work, how incredibly precisely they must operate in order to cram so many bits onto such small disks. It’s a miracle to me that they work at all. Every hard drive in the world will eventually fail.
WindowsとMacの究極の共存方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
[を] MacBook の HDD を交換した話
T8 ドライバ、 asr
Apple - QuickTime - Apple WWDC Keynote Address
Apple WWDC Keynote Address
The Apple WWDC 09 March 2009 Event.
WWDC Keynote Address now live: [from]
Apple WWDC 2009 Keynotes Adress: 2h00 video & 1,32 Go podcast download. Ouch! [from]
Mac OS X on netbooks |
Comment convertir un netbook en mac
Mac OS X on netbooks | -
Mac に入れている「目立たないけど便利なソフト」5つ - 頭ん中
Mac に入れている「目立たないけど便利なソフト」5つ
画面上ではあんまり目立たないけど とっても便利なのを5つほど。
Mac 便利なソフト集
wnload Raindrops for iPhoto, iTunes, Photoshop and many mo
Share. Files. Fast.
dropbox type thingie--recommended by neven mrgan
TUAW Tip: Moving your home folder to another disk (or moving it back)
初Macと1週間過ごしたよメモ。 -
ongoing · How I Use My Mac
Tim Bray's Mac-centric apps & usage patterns; 2008-Nov-16.
Ideas on using your mac
10 Great Time-Saving Mac Utilities For Graphic Artists | GoMediaZine
Need more time in your design day? Put that Mac you bought to good use and let it do the work for you. This post covers some time-saving productivity/utility software gems for graphic designers, illustrators and any other creatives using Mac OS X, including some great plugins and utilities for Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.
Jollat - AWS made easy
Jollat is a cross-platform graphical client for Amazon Web Services (AWS). It let's you manage Simple Storage Service (S3) and Elastic Compute Clouds (EC2) on the Mac, Windows or Linux. The services are integrated into an easy-to-use GUI, enabling you to do complicated tasks with the simple click of a button. All this for less than the monthly fee of a small instance!
Tech Test Drive: Nothing small about Mac Mini's media-center capabilities -
"[T]ech-savvy Mac types have embraced the Mac mini as the ultimate media center for obvious reasons: This Mac sits elegantly and inconspicuously beneath or beside an HDTV and links up to a flat panel with no fuss. Keep in mind an adapter is required for use with a TV HDMI port, given that the Mac has mini DisplayPort and DVI ports. After hearing about Mac mini media-center uses for years, I finally decided to give it a go. This blew my mind. Why didn't I try this sooner? My Apple loaner paired up spectacularly with a 52-inch Sharp Aquos LC-52D65U LCD HDTV. This opened up all kinds of possibilities. For starters, I could fire up a Web browser and watch TV shows or movies via video-streaming sites. Along with the popular Hulu, these include Comcast's Fancast and the TV networks' own streaming-video sites (including full episodes for many popular programs)."
Unlock Mac OS X apps' hidden features | News | TechRadar UK
Most Mac applications have preferences, enabling you to fine-tune certain elements or toggle specific items of functionality. Most also hide things from you, burying potentially useful features under a mound of geek.
Unlock Mac OS X apps' hidden features Tweak Safari, iTunes and more via the Terminal
tweaks via consola
Objective-Cは特殊な言語? - @IT
Objective-C 入門
Free Alternatives to 10 Popular Commercial Mac Applications (Part2) |
"Free Alternatives to 10 Popular Commercial Mac Applications (Part2)"
Due to the popularity of my first article regarding free alternatives to commercial Mac applications, I've decided to roll out a second part, shining the
QSynergy --
QSynergy is a comprehensive and easy to use graphical front end for Synergy. Synergy lets a user control more than one computer with a single mouse and keyboard (and has lots and lots of extra features on top of that). Synergy itself only comes with a GUI for MS Windows. QSynergy was written to fill the gap for users on Mac and Unix platforms. Of course, it runs on MS Windows as well.
GUI for managing a synergy share.
QuickCal Widget | Smelly. Puppy.
This Mac OS 10.5 widget takes natural language expressions describing calendar events and tasks, and creates them for you - instantly - without you needing to have iCal open!
Create iCal events or todos with a brilliant text input mode.
VMware: Team Fusion: Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" on VMware Fusion 2
linked via
vmware fusionにubuntu9を入れた際のtips。sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse
Manual steps req'd to get jaunty working with VMware tools on Ubuntu 9.04. The code change to vmhgfs does not seem to be necessary with VMware Fusion 2.0.5.
Ubuntu 9.04, otherwise known as "Jaunty Jackalope", was released last week, and the geek in me was eager to try it out. So I grabbed the Ubuntu 9.04 ISO image and created a new virtual machine with it in VMware Fusion 2.0.4. And I am happy to report that with a couple of tweaks, things work pretty well today.
Installing Windows 7 RC1 on your Mac... for free
Sometimes you have to use Windows. Supporting clients in multiple-OS environments makes this a necessity for some Mac users, while others want to run applications that are available in Windows only. You can get a preview of the latest flavor of Windows, Windows 7, by running Release Candidate 1 of the new OS either in a virtual environment such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox, or in Apple's own Boot Camp.
In case you wanted to try the same. Also works on your PC.
Installing Windows 7 RC1 on your Mac... for free [from]
by Steven Sande: Sometimes you have to use Windows. Supporting clients in multiple-OS environments makes this a necessity for some Mac users, while others want to run applications that are available in Windows only. You can get a preview of the latest flavor of Windows, Windows 7, by running Release Candidate 1 of the new OS either in a virtual environment such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox, or in Apple's own Boot Camp. Christina did a thorough rundown of the options for running Win 7 on Mac back in January.
Sometimes you have to use Windows. Supporting clients in multiple-OS environments makes this a necessity for some Mac users, while others want to run applications that are available in Windows only. You can get a preview of the latest flavor of Windows, Windows 7, by running Release Candidate 1 of the new OS either in a virtual environment such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox, or in Apple's own Boot Camp. Christina did a thorough rundown of the options for running Win 7 on Mac back in January.
Dragoman batch converts image, photo, music, sound and archive files.
Aplicación free MAC drag and drop para convertir audio, video, texto e imagenes. En el website se pueden bajar más aplicaciones interesantes
Homebrew — MacPorts driving you to drink? Try Homebrew!
is the easiest and most flexible way to install the UNIX tools Apple didn't include with OS X.
MindNode » MindNode
MindNode is based on the same codebase as the commercial version. While it is still a very powerful application, it misses some of the features added to MindNode Pro that help improve your productivity.
Mind-mapping software with free and $17 versions
Easy Mac OS X mind map software, with a free version. The bad news, for Marianne at least, is that it requires Leopard, which I can't install on her machine. But it will run on Jonathan's machine.
Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
The chart below shows all available netbooks that, to our knowledge, will natively run Mac OS X.
10 Mac Apps I Can’t Live Without | Carsonified
Giz Explains: Why the Windows 7 Taskbar Beats Mac OS X's Dock
The challenge of learning a totally new Windows behavior is the cost of getting this huge step forward in UI. The superbar makes Windows way more conducive to running tons of applications, since it's actually possible to find apps and precisely the window you want in a second, no matter how bad the shitstorm on your desktop is. In this sense, it's a better application manager than the Dock, from which, generally speaking, you can't do much more than jump to open applications or close them.
If the Windows 7 Taskbar is a sign of things to come, Microsoft might be dangerously close to building the first operating system since MS-DOS 6 that doesn't make me want to punch my computer screen. I'm still not convinced that Windows 7 won't be a colossal screw-up (these are, after all, the folks who brought you the Red Ring of Death, the new crappy XBox Live user interface, and Windows Vista), but at least it looks like they managed to get *something* right.
9 things I learned from almost losing my MacBook Air
Mac backups, insurance and recovery software.
Cocoa Fundamentals Guide: The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
今年、私の必須アプリに加わったMac用アプリたち - sta la sta
PlanetX64 - OS X on the Wind
Dell Broadcom DW 1390
PlanetX64 - hardware and software reviews for the 64 bit world.
Installing OS X on a MSI wind netbook.
Recently I've managed to install Apple's OS X Leopard operating system 10.5.4 onto a 10 inch MSI Wind Netbook, and you can too.
Featured Download: Synkron Syncs Files and Folders Across Platforms
Windows/Mac/Linux: Free, open-source application Synkron is a powerful file-syncing utility that syncs files across platforms. The apps's marquee features include support for syncing multiple folders, automatic scheduled syncs, and restore capabilities for files that may have been accidentally overwritten during a sync. Apps like previously mentioned Dropbox boasting instantaneous sync between your PCs and the web are all the rage right now, but Synkron has its own appeal—namely that it's a local sync tool, so your files never pass through any third-party server. It also supports filtering by extension and file and folder blacklists. So while Synkron may not be up to the instant syncing standards you can expect from the likes of Dropbox, it does support complex backup schemes and is a great alternative. Synkron is free, works on all platforms.
Macbuzzer - mac software bundles gone insane...
@Jannemans Die Mac Bundle waar ik het gisteren over had:
Just got Cockpit for Mac OS X completely free. Nothing paid! Awesome! There is also a bundle! Limited time only:
8 Apps Which Will Definitely Spice Up Your Desktop [Mac Only] |
RT @jmgall: RT @breizh2008: 8 Apps Which Will Definitely Spice Up Your Desktop [ #Mac Only]
50 Incredible Apple Desktop Wallpapers | Spyre Studios
I admit it, I’m a huge Apple fan! And being a web-designer I spend quite some time in front of the computer. I’ve always loved checking out cool wallpapers and even more when they’re Apple-themed. So I figure I’d make a list of some of my favorite ones, they’re not necessarily new or anything, I simply find them beautiful! Hope you like them too!
50 incredible apple desktop wallpapers
DreamMount » Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystem
DreamMount is a Mac OS X application that allows you to mount DreamHost domains or users to a networked filesystem, allowing you to access it using any application.
Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystem
GeekTool: Put Current Weather Conditions on Your Desktop with GeekTool
100 Incredibly Useful & Free Mac Apps | Mac.AppStorm
We’ve compiled an enormous list of 100 amazing free Mac applications that you can download and start using today. These apps span multiple categories and offer an incredibly diverse pool of functionality so there’s definitely something here for everyone.
Mac OS X SSD tweaks | nullVision:blogs
[...] what could be done to tweak Mac OS X in order to, at least minimize the write amplification problem and also optimize the space used – yes you know the €/MB ratio is high on SSDs. Most of these tweaks, besides providing for a longer lifespan for SSD disks, should improve overall system performance even on an non SSD disk. Of course you will use them at your own risk…
Ok, I have an Intel X-25M 160 GB SSD coming and I’m on a VERY GEEKY mood… so I decided to poke around a little on what could be done to tweak Mac OS X in order to, at least minimize the write amplification problem and also optimize the space used – yes you know the €/MB ratio is high on SSDs. Most of these tweaks, besides providing for a longer lifespan for SSD disks, should improve overall system performance even on an non SSD disk.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.nullvision.noatime</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>mount</string> <string>-vuwo</string> <string>noatime</string> <string>/</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> </dict> </plist>
Portal is FREE!
Portal is free on the Mac and on the PC. Until May 24th.
Portal is apparently free (as in percuma/gratis) until May 24th /via @harisbinali
Portal is apparently free (as in percuma/gratis) until May 24th
Portal is one of the coolest video games around, and is free for a couple weeks!
portal is free?!? want!
Version control with Subversion on Mac OS X | 456 Berea Street
Roger Johansson on GUI-based version control using Subversion on OS X. He mentions Coda, BBEdit, Cornerstone, Versions and TextMate.
Microsoft’s ‘I’m a PC’ Ads Created On Macs — RoughlyDrafted Magazine
Haha are PCs that great? Then why aren't they editing the Windows commercials on Windows?
Heh, irony (if true)
Tonya: The Daddy Panel of blogs?
Upgrade Your Apple MacBook: Data Backup and Preservation.
Adding larger hard drive to Mac - instructions
My Mac hard disk got really fat and full, it was disgusting. This problem is happening to many people who have bought th...
Upgrade Your Apple MacBook: Data Backup and Preservation.
Interesting hack around the secrecy surrounding Apple's bug tracking system. Allows developers to log bugs publicly where other developers can see them, vote them up etc, yet still interact with Radar as needed.
Community bug reports on OS X and iPhone
A while back, I was hoping someone would create a quasi bug report system for closed proprietary products, and have input from the external community to centralize all issues. I've found it.
Tracks bugs reported to Apple by the development community in an open fashion.
An open version of Apple's bug tracking system.
Starting from an external USB storage device (Intel-based Macs)
Lifehacker - The LCARS for Mac Desktop - Desktops
check at home
turn your desktop into a star trek computer monitor
Reader momoses' desktop is the answer to an often-requested customization—turning his Mac desktop into a lookalike for the computer display in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Houdini 2.1 - MacUpdate
Create, access, or delete hidden folders. Download Houdini for the Mac from
web開発者が cocoa アプリケーション開発をはじめるにあたって - TokuLog 改めB日記
Lifehacker - Hide Your Mac Menu Bar and Dock for a Cleaner Desktop - How To
Application UI Presentation Mode
A very useful hint if you want to run a graphics application "in a window" instead of fullscreen, but at the full size of the desktop.
Unlike the Windows system tray, the Mac menu bar provides few options for customizing it to your liking. Here's how to hide your menu bar to free up an extra 20 pixels of precious space and create a cleaner desktop.
Application UI Presentation Mode desktop hak
How to hide the menu bar and Dock
XBMC Media Center //
XBMC is an award winning media center for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, Apple TV and Xbox. The ultimate hub for all your media.
XBMC is award winning media center for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, Apple TV and Xbox. The ultimate hub for all your media.
Mac money-savers: fill up your Mac for free | News | TechRadar UK
Mac money-savers: fill up your Mac for free Fantastic free programs, online services, and more : TechRadar UK
John Gruber on waferbaby
Interesting to see what other people use, and how they use it...
Una entrevista a John Gruber donde cuenta las apps que usa.
JOhn Gruber's setup
補完機能が強力で無駄なキーボードタイプを少なくしてくれるXHTML/CSSエディタ『SEEdit Maxi II』 | Macの手書き説明書
CSS、XHTML、JavaScript、RSS、PHPなどWebサイト作りにまつわるほとんどすべてのテキスト編集ができます。 補完機能が並外れて強力かつ使いやすいのが特徴です。
404 Blog Not Found:Tips - Macをルーターに
404 Blog Not Found:
Using DTrace to observe the SQL statements on a live running MySQL database : Angelo's Soapbox
Watch live mysql sql statements with dtrace
Kaleidoscope — File comparison for Mac
Kaleidscope — File comparison for Mac.
RT @draenews: Del Kaleidoscope — File comparison for Mac:
images & texts file comparison
Safari Extensions
RT:@joffrey Plein de nouvelles extensions pour Safari 5 :
@antonsten du hittar fler här: – Linus Lundahl (linuslundahl)
RT @wpSEO: Sehr aktuelle Liste der Safari 5 Erweiterungen #safari
Safari 5 extensions. A ver que tal
How to Install Mac OS X on a PC (Without Using a Mac)
Is a Hackintosh in your furture? If you're comfortable with building your own PC, installing Mac OS X on it may be much easier than you'd think.
There are many great tutorials on the web for using a Mac to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a PC. Unfortunately, you may be unable to follow such tutorials if
Gitbox — Git GUI for Mac OS X
Gitbox is a Mac OS X graphical interface for Git version control system. In a single window you see branches, history and working directory status. Everyday operations are easy: stage and unstage changes with a checkbox. Commit, pull, merge and push with a single click. Double-click a change to show a diff with
100 Incredibly Useful & Free Mac Apps | Mac.AppStorm
TrashMe (jibapps)
program uninstaller for the Mac
drop an application on TrashMe and it will find related files for you, so as to delete everything.
Lifehacker Pack for Mac: Our List of the Best Free Mac Downloads
How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required - Triple Boot - Lifehacker
Here's how to triple-boot your Mac with OS X, Windows 7, and the shiny new Ubuntu 10.04.
How to Seamlessly Run That One Windows App You Need on a Mac - WIndows on a Mac - Lifehacker
自分仕様なMacBookの快適なところ - ザリガニが見ていた...。
Ten tiny and amazing Mac apps you've never heard of
from dana huff
Some interesting apps for Mac all with a wide variety of purposes – Skype recording, application slimming, etc.
Fraise : Powerful Lightweight Editor for Mac
Fraise : Powerful Lightweight Editor for Mac
Fraise is a free text editor for Mac OS X Leopard 10.6 which is both easy to use and powerful. It is designed to neither confuse newcomers nor disappoint advanced users. It should work perfectly for a whole variety of needs – like web programming, script editing, making a to do list and so on.. Fraise has all open documents in a list with beautiful Quick Look icons to your left just like e.g. iTunes so you can easily switch between many documents – you can also choose to display them as tabs if you prefer it that way.
Smultron's successor
Simple, awesome text editor for mac
smultron textwrangler
AdBlock for Safari
OneWay — Contextual FTP, SFTP uploader for Mac OS X
Upload files directly from Finder. Save frequently used locations in your Context Menu for quick access. Simply Select the Files or Folders you want to upload and then ctrl+click to send them anywhere.
Contextual FTP, SFTP uploader for Mac OS X
A contextual FTP, SFTP uploader for Mac OS X. コンテクストメニューからアップロード
Lifehacker Pack for Mac: Our List of the Best Free Mac Downloads
Our List of the Best Free Mac Downloads
米Lifehackerパック 2010:マストなMacintoshダウンロードツール : ライフハッカー[日本版]
Terminal Tips and Tricks For Mac OS X - Super User
Cool collection of tricks, even I found new ones
Fake - Mac OS X Web Browser Automation and Webapp Testing Made Simple.
Realizar testes de navegação
Phone Disk - Mount iPad, iTouch, iPhone to Disk Mode in Finder
Mount an iPad, iTouch or iPhone to USB disk mode on a Mac. Phone Disk is a tiny program which runs in the system tray of your Mac. When it finds an iPod Touch or iPhone it seamlessly mounts it to your file system so you can directly access files on it using Finder or any other program.
把 iPhone、iPad 當成隨身碟般透過 Finder 存取
Download it until it's free - Disk Explorer for iPhone -
How to Run Mac OS X in VirtualBox on Windows
If you're on Windows, need to use OS X, but don't want to buy or build a new computer, reader Bobby Patton shows us how to run Snow Leopard in a virtual machine on Windows with just a few tweaks.
Red Sweater Software - Scripts
Some handy MacOSX scripts (via DF)
mac utility scripts for everyday tasks
Smoking Hot Mac Interface Design: 30 Stunning Apps | Mac.AppStorm
Mac applications are known for their superb design, and in the past few years UI designers have really embraced this trend by creating some really remarkable
Red Sweater Software - Scripts
Some handy MacOSX scripts (via DF)
mac utility scripts for everyday tasks
Panic Blog » Saving Icons for Snow Leopard
Workaround for the fact that Icon composer on 10.6 makes your icons look washed out
You may have noticed: icons made in Mac OS X 10.6 are often washed-out/lighter
Squeeze Hidden Functionality Out of Every Corner of Your Mac with the Option Key
Apple - Safari - Safari Extensions Gallery