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This test suite creates a BitTorrent-like transfer between your machine and our server, and determines whether or not your ISP is limiting such traffic. This is a first step towards making traffic manipulation by ISPs more transparent to their customers.PorDescargaDirecta.com - Descargas Directas
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RapidZearch - File Search EngineMusic Industry to Abandon Mass Suits - WSJ.com
Music Industry to Abandon Mass Suits
The decision represents an abrupt shift of strategy for the industry, which has opened legal proceedings against about 35,000 people since 2003. Critics say the legal offensive ultimately did little to stem the tide of illegally downloaded music. And it created a public-relations disaster for the industry, whose lawsuits targeted, among others, several single mothers, a dead person and a 13-year-old girl. [us album sales] Instead, the Recording Industry Association of America said it plans to try an approach that relies on the cooperation of Internet-service providers. The trade group said it has hashed out preliminary agreements with major ISPs under which it will send an email to the provider when it finds a provider's customers making music available online for others to take.
When you retard fair use with pointless DRM and then sue anonymous children for illegally downloading music while ignoring those of the execs at the top of the music industry, you're asking for a public relations nightmare. Now, with more than 35k lawsuits to its credit, RIAA says it will finally end the legal assault against consumers that began back in '03. RIAA will instead, focus its anti-piracy efforts with ISPs. Under the new plan, the RIAA will contact ISPs when illegal uploading is detected. The ISP will then contact the customer with a notice that would ultimately be followed by a reduction or cessation of service. As you'd expect, the RIAA is not commenting on which ISPs they are in cahoots with. The RIAA also says that it won't require ISPs to reveal the identities of individuals but could, of course, go after individuals who are heavy uploaders or repeat offenders. For the moment though, it appears that single-mothers are in the clear.
Fuck the RI double AScene stealer: The aXXo files - Features, Films - The Independent
At 8.40am on Monday 15 December, a new post appeared on an internet forum called the Darkside Release Group.
all about axxo, I wonder if they talk about his terrible taste in movies ha ha. To read later.
Some great questions about file sharing, the hypocrisy of pirates wanting credit for their rips, and the legend of the great aXXo
"Though the mainstream media ignored it, this was a landmark moment for millions of filesharers worldwide: the 1,000th movie uploaded by aXXo, the internet's most popular and enduring pirate. If you already know his name, chances are you've been doing something illegal."TPB Tracker Geo Statistics
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"Realtime" updates of number of the Pirate Bay users per country.
Geographic traffic statistics for The Pirate Bay10 Ways To Speed Up Torrent Downloads | MakeUseOf.com
OneSwarm is a new P2P data sharing application we’re building to provide users with explicit control over their privacy by enabling fine-grained control over how data is shared
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Busca de torrents.Advogato: GitTorrent, The Movie
More about the decentralisation of IT
"GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house". The implications of a truly distributed revision control system are truly staggering: unrestricted software freedom
That's exactly what I am looking for - yeah!
Imagine that an entire project - its web site, documentation, wiki, bug-tracker, source code and binaries are all managed and stored in a peer-to-peer distributed git repository.
"GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house". "
From a simple, simple project that is suffering from an inexplicable near complete lack of attention from the free software community comes a revolutionary change in the way that free software is developed and distributed. [[Reminds me of Kragen’s “[What’s wrong with HTTP?](http://lists.canonical.org/pipermail/kragen-tol/2006-November/000841.html)” article. —Ed.]]
GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house".KeyHoleTV & KeyHoleVideo-キーホールテレビ&キーホールビデオ-
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なんかいろいろなテレビ番組とか無料で見れちゃうらしい。詳しくはよく知りませんが・・・。んー、、どうなんでしょ。How To: Use BitTorrent Like a Pro
Even if you've been casually Torrenting for years, BitTorrent tools keep getting better. Here's our guide for getting the most out of what is, slowly but surely, changing forever how people acquire and consume entertainments
Even if you've been casually Torrenting for years, BitTorrent tools keep getting better. Here's our guide for getting the most out of what is, slowly but surely, changing forever how people acquire and consume entertainments.ipredator
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virtual private network by ThePirateBay... currently unjoinable :P
from the pirate bay makers
Grâce à la liaison VPN, les données qui transiteront ne pourront pas être identifiées par les FAI ou d'éventuelles officines privées de surveillance des réseaux, si bien qu'il sera en théorie impossible de dire pour quel type d'usage (téléchargement, communication VoIP, jeux en ligne, etc.), un internaute utilisera ce service.
our e-mail for a BETA INVITESwarmScreen (Hiding in the Crowd)
"To address this threat, we propose a new privacy-preserving layer for P2P systems that obfuscates user-generated network behavior. We show that a user can achieve plausible deniability by simply adding a small percent (between 25 and 50%) of additional random connections that are statistically indistinguishable from natural ones. Based on this result, we designed SwarmScreen, a system that generates such connections by participating in randomly selected torrents without appearing suspicious. Our SwarmScreen plugin, which seamlessly installs into the Vuze/Azureus BitTorrent client, can be downloaded from >>>here<<<."Linux Manua: 10 antidotes anti-Hadopi
Antidote n°1 : Ne pas avoir peur Antidote n°2 : Contester systématiquement Antidote n°3 : Voter Antidote n°4 : Changer d'adresse IP Antidote n°5 : Le Streaming Vidéo Antidote n°6 : La Musique en ligne Antidote n°7 : Le P2P sécurisé Antidote n°8 : Les sites de stockage en ligne Antidote n°9 : Neutralisation du Logiciel Espion d'HADOPI Antidote n°10 : Propagez massivement ces antidotes.Half-open limit fix (patch) for Windows - Home
Mejora la conexion de los torrents aumentando los canales de comunicacion del sistema en windows, normalmente limitados para evitar el spam de los spyware, el aumento de dichos canales mejora las posibilidades de conexion de un torrent.Torrent File Search Using Google Custom Search - Scour the Entire Web for Bit Torrent Files
Please Note: This site is not affiliated with Google, it simply makes use of Google Custom Search to restrict your searches to Torrent files. You can do this with any regular Google search by appending your query with filetype:torrent. This technique can be used for any type of file supported by Google.The Big Book of BitTorrent: The Torrent Guide for Everyone | MakeUseOf.com
There are tons of ways to download files, be it pictures of last Christmas party, or that new cinema flick. Amongst them are the conventional direct download, FTP, and of course Peer-to-Peer.
sites legalStudy finds pirates 10 times more likely to buy music | Music | guardian.co.uk
Pirated Music is actually...good?
According to research, those who download 'free' music are also the industry's largest audience for digital sales
Pretty obvious: the more you get to listen, the more you eventually buy.
Piracy may be the bane of the music industry but according to a new study, it may also be its engine. A report from the BI Norwegian School of Management has found that those who download music illegally are also 10 times more likely to pay for songs than those who don't. Everybody knows that music sales have continued to fall in recent years, and that filesharing is usually blamed. We are made to imagine legions of internet criminals, their fingers on track-pads, downloading songs via BitTorrent and never paying for anything. One of the only bits of good news amid this doom and gloom is the steady rise in digital music sales. Millions of internet do-gooders, their fingers on track-pads, who pay for songs they like – purchasing them from Amazon or iTunes Music Store. And yet according to Professor Anne-Britt Gran's new research, these two groups may be the same.テレビチューナーがなくてもMacでテレビが見られる『MacKeyHoleTV』 | Macの手書き説明書
VMWare無くても見られるように。Pirate Bay Founder Devises DDo$ Attack | The Blog Pirate
La idea es ingresar pequeñas cantidades de dinero, ya que el coste de gestión de éstas es muy superior a la cantidad...
Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm (aka anakata) recieved a bill for the 30 million SEK that he, along with Peter Sunde (aka brokep), Fredrik Neij (aka TiAMO), and Carl Lundstrom, was fined in the verdict of the Pirate Bay trial just over three weeks ago. The bill inspired anakata to devise a plan involving sending money to Danowsky’s law firm, but not to pay the fine of course which they say will never be payed. Anakata’s clever plan is called internet-avgift, internet-fee in English. Anakata encourages all Internet users to pay extremely small sums around 1 SEK (0.13 USD) to Danowsky’s law firm, which represented the music companies at the Pirate Bay trial. The music companies will not benefit from this, instead it will cost them money to handle and process all the money.
I can give my two cents six and a half times over! http://tinyurl.com/pbwcks [from http://twitter.com/eronarn/statuses/1767170396]
Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm (aka anakata) recieved a bill for the 30 million SEK that he, along with Peter Sunde (aka brokep), Fredrik Neij (akaFileTwt - Share Files On Twitter | Sharing Files on Twitter
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showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader
What's that? showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader. After registering (and logging in!), you'll have to select what are the TV shows that you want to track and then you'll just have to subscribe to your feed with any RSS reader (Google Reader, your browser...) or even with your torrent client (for example, µtorrent supports RSS feeds for automatic downloads). You can also browse latest torrents for your TV shows from this website, instead of using the RSS feed, or you can use both as well.
showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader. After registering (and logging in!), you'll have to select what are the TV shows that you want to track and then you'll just have to subscribe to your feed with any RSS reader (Google Reader, your browser...) or even with your torrent client (for example, µtorrent supports RSS feeds for automatic downloads). You can also browse latest torrents for your TV shows from this website, instead of using the RSS feed, or you can use both as well.Are downloads really killing the music industry? Or is it something else? | Technology | guardian.co.uk
The music industry does like to insist that filesharing - aka illegal downloading - is killing the industry: that every one of the millions of music files downloaded each day counts as a
David Lammy, minister for intellectual property, said: "Illegal downloading robs our economy of millions of pounds every year and seriously damages business and innovation throughout the UK. "It is something that needs tackling, and we are serious about doing so." Well, up to a point, minister. Ben Goldacre took apart the rather dodgy calculations behind the claims on Saturday. But it left me wondering. Why does the music industry persist in saying that every download is a lost sale? If you even think about it, it can't be true. People - even downloaders - only have a finite amount of money. In times gone by, sure, they would have been buying vinyl albums. But if you stopped them downloading, would they troop out to the shops and buy those songs? I don't think so. I suspect they're doing something different. I think they're spending the money on something else.
Yes, downloaders aren't spending money on the music industry, and in that way they are hurting it. But I'd argue that the true volume of "lost" sales is nowhere near the claims made. Assume that music couldn't be copied (as many games can't). I don't think that the volume of music sales would equate to all those downloads. At best, it would be £600m larger.bitblinder
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Welcome to Opera Unite
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An introduction to Opera Unite
In a nutshell, Opera Unite is a collaborative technology that uses a compact server inside the Opera desktop browser to share data and services. You can write applications — in the form of Opera Unite Services — that use this server to serve content to other Web users.Michael Geist - Harvard Study Finds Weaker Copyright Protection Has Benefited Society
17 jun 09 / Economists Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf have just released a new Harvard Business School working paper called File Sharing and Copyright that raises some important points about file sharing, copyright, and the net benefits to society.
Via James Graham
Economists Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf have just released a new Harvard Business School working paper called File Sharing and Copyright that raises some important points about file sharing, copyright, and the net benefits to society. The paper, which includes a helpful survey of the prior economic studies on the impact of file sharing, includes the following:The Video Bay - Extremly early test - HTML5 media tags
Extremly early test - HTML5 media tags5 Alternatives to The Pirate Bay
The admins of The Pirate Bay have stressed that in order for the Bay to stay alive, they need to adapt the site to a legitimate one, selling the site for $7.8OpenBitTorrent - An open tracker project
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может показаться что это просто чей-то старт ап, но нет это ThePirateBayRapidshare Search Engine - Rapidshare123.com
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Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.guardian.co.uk%2Fmusic%2F2009%2Fjul%2F12%2Fmusic-industry-illegal-downloading-streaming
Teenagers switching to streaming sites – survey • Spotify and YouTube lead the way as habits change
Collapse in illegal sharing and boom in streaming brings music to executives' ears
"Music fan Dominique Wakefield, 24, said she had stopped downloading music because of concern that it would infect her computer. "I didn't even realise it was illegal for a long time, until I heard that the government were trying to stop it. That did put me off, but one of the big reasons I stopped doing it was because I would get viruses, more pop ups on my computer."
• Teenagers switching to streaming sites – survey • Spotify and YouTube lead the way as habits change
"Teenagers switching to streaming sites – survey • Spotify and YouTube lead the way as habits change" Shows that Morgan Stanley intern was a bit wrong. about filesharing Not as wrong as the dullards elsewhere at Morgan Stanley who are apparently amazed by his ability to write down common knowledge.Vanish: Enhancing the Privacy of the Web with Self-Destructing Data
Program that makes email self destruct
ehind Vanish in detail. Briefly, as mentioned above, the user never knows the encryption key. This means that there is no risk of the user exposing that key at some point in the future, perhaps through coercion, court order, or compromise. So what do we do with the key? We could escrow it with a third party, but that raises serious trust issues (e.g., the case with Hushmail).
copies of Vanish encrypted data — even archived or cached copies — will become permanently unreadable at a specific time, without any action on the part of the user or any third party or centralized service.
Storing the decryption key across many p2p nodes means you can "lose" the key at a specified time. As long as one of the p2p nodes you have used destroys the key, we can no longer decrypt the message. The theory is certainly sound, lets hope the implementation is.
Vanish is a research system designed to give users control over the lifetime of personal data stored on the web or in the cloud. Specifically, all copies of Vanish encrypted data — even archived or cached copies — will become permanently unreadable at a specific time, without any action on the part of the user or any third party or centralized service.ezRSS - Life made easy
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Descargas directas de peliculas25 Great Pirate Bay Alternatives | TorrentFreak
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Free university level courses. The mission of P2PU is to leverage the power of the Internet and social software to enable communities of people to support learning for each other. P2PU combines open educational resources, structured courses, and recognition of knowledge/learning in order to offer high-quality low-cost education opportunities. It is run and governed by volunteers.
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(from the isoHunt people) Share torrents and videos in public or private groups that you can easily create and moderate.RSS never blocks you or goes down: why social networks need to be decentralized - O'Reilly Radar
Recurring outages on major networking sites such as Twitter and LinkedIn, along with incidents where Twitter members were mysteriously dropped for days at a time, have led many people to challenge the centralized control exerted by companies running social networks
y this is a felt need that's spreading across the Net. Interestingly, they approach the questions from a list of what information needs to be shared and how it needs to be transmitted; I come from the angle of what people want from each other and how their needs can be met. The two approaches converge, though. See the comments for other interesting related blogs.BitSnoop.com - We find torrents. For you. | 1,496,473 torrents: games, music, movies, books, apps - download for free!
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Este sitio es para descargar torrents, no promovemos la pirateria, solo el uso de software necesarioTaffyBox - Search & Download Legal Torrents
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Web-based bittorrent search client.Illegal downloaders 'spend the most on music', says poll - Crime, UK - The Independent
People who illegally download music from the internet also spend more money on music than anyone else, according to a new study. The survey, published today, found that those who admit illegally downloading music spent an average of £77 a year on music – £33 more than those who claim that they never download music dishonestly. The findings suggest that plans by the Secretary of State for Business, Peter Mandelson, to crack down on illegal downloaders by threatening to cut their internet connections with a "three strikes and you're out" rule could harm the music industry by punishing its core customers.Files24 / Catalog Torrent
The most immediate revelation, of course, is that at some point next year revenues from gigs payable to artists will for the first time overtake revenues accrued by labels from sales of recorded music.
Experiments in web journalism * Home * About Times LabsTimes Labs Blog Do music artists fare better in a world with illegal file-sharing? This is the graph the record industry doesn’t want you to see. It shows the fate of the three main pillars of music industry revenue - recorded music, live music, and PRS revenues (royalties collected on behalf of artists when their music is played in public) over the last 5 years.
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Did you realize Windows only allows 10 outbound connection attempts at a time? A simple patching utility can fix the problem and speed up your BitTorrent downloads.gittorrent - Google Code
The GitTorrent Protocol (GTP) is a protocol for collaborative git repository distribution across the Internet.
It might currently come across as a solution looking for a problem - and as one smart-ass with admin rights to the Google Code project reminds you on the source tab, "more alpha than the greek letter". The initial motivation was performance of downloads and in particular reducing load on kernel.org.
This could be interesting.SimpleCD|精简版的VeryCD
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精简版的VeryCDPirate Bay Witness’ Wife Overwhelmed With Flowers | TorrentFreak
Pirate Bay Witness’ Wife Overwhelmed With Flowers
When Professor and media researcher Roger Wallis left the stand yesterday, the court asked whether he wanted to be reimbursed for his appearance. “You are welcome to send some flowers to my wife,” he responded. In the hours that followed, many Pirate Bay supporters took this suggestion to hand.
Thus far, in an amazing show of generosity from a section of society labeled by the music industry as ‘thieves’, more than 4100 Euros worth of flowers, chocolate and gifts have been sent to the couple.
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Ftorrentfreak.com%2Fpirate-bay-witness-wife-overwhelmed-with-flowers-090227
Them people from the internet, they're not that bad actually.Kinobaza.tv
(edit this later)
Law professor Charles Nesson and John Palfrey, director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society (which Nesson co-founded), made their position clear. "Recently, the president of the Recording Industry Association of America, Cary Sherman, wrote to Harvard to challenge the university administration to stop acting as a 'passive conduit' for students downloading music," they wrote in 2007. "We agree. Harvard and the 22 universities to which the RIAA has sent 'pre-litigation notices' ought to take strong, direct action... and tell the RIAA to take a hike."
Nesson & Co.
"Recently, the president of the Recording Industry Association of America, Cary Sherman, wrote to Harvard to challenge the university administration to stop acting as a 'passive conduit' for students downloading music," they wrote in 2007. "We agree. Harvard and the 22 universities to which the RIAA has sent 'pre-litigation notices' ought to take strong, direct action... and tell the RIAA to take a hike."
In retrospect, Harvard's eventual involvement was obvious. As far back as 2007, we noted that RIAA prelitigation letters had yet to be sent to Harvard, and one reason for that may have been the quite public opposition of Harvard Law School to the entire RIAA legal campaign.BitTorrent: Start BitTorrent Downloads at Home from Any Computer with Dropbox
Blogger Guillermo Esteves loves his BitTorrent, so when he's away from his home computer, he still wants to start up any download at a moment's notice. His solution: Use file-syncing application Dropbox to sync torrents between computers.ネットに繋いでいればテレビが見れるフリーソフト『KeyHoleTV』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Windows/Mac/Linux:『KeyHoleTV』はテレビチューナーがなくても、ネットにさえ接続できていればテレビが見られるフリーソフトです。どうしてテレビが見られるかというと、誰かが配信しているテレビ番組を、P2Pネットワークでデータを受信しているから。 受信できる番組は、ラジオから民放、海外のものまで幅広く揃っています。しかも設定不要。ソフトを起動したら、番組名をダブルクリックすればすぐに無料でアナログのテレビを視聴できます。TorrIndex
A great BitTorrent client is all well and good, but you need a great tracker to get the actual torrent files and stoke the bandwidth burning fire in your client of choice. Here's a rundown of five of the most popular options.
Five Best Public BitTorrent Trackers5 Pirate Bay BitTorrent Alternatives - The Pirate Bay - Gizmodo
The Pirate Bay we know and love, though still harboring torrents for now, is going away. But that doesn't mean BitTorrent is dead. Far from it. Here are five places to get your torrent on after it closes for good
The Pirate Bay we know and love, though still harboring torrents for now, is going away. But that doesn't mean BitTorrent is dead. Far from it. Here are five places to get your torrent on after it closes for good.BitTorrent трекер RuTracker.org
Крупнейший русскоязычный битторрент трекер. Скачать бесплатно фильмы, музыку, книги, программы..BitTorrent visualization in processing.js
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Per entendre el funcionament del P2P.Coding Horror: Sharing Files With BitTorrent
Sharing files with BitTorrent is way more complicated than downloading them! After two frustrating hours, I finally came up with a relatively straightforward way to share a file via BitTorrent, and in the interests of saving future readers a little time, I'm documenting it here.
Publishing your own torrent file using uTorrent
"I've been a happy consumer of files distributed via BitTorrent for years; it was only natural that I would turn to BitTorrent to distribute our cc-wiki licensed Stack Overflow data. I figured serving a several-hundred megabyte file with BitTorrent wouldn't be much harder than downloading one. Boy, was I ever wrong. Sharing files with BitTorrent is way more complicated than downloading them! After two frustrating hours, I finally came up with a relatively straightforward way to share a file via BitTorrent, and in the interests of saving future readers a little time, I'm documenting it here... Anyway, you can't start sharing files on LegalTorrents without some kind of special email-us-please permission, and I was in a hurry. I wanted to share files via BitTorrent right now. I did, and you can too! But you'll need a few things first: "
"I've been a happy consumer of files distributed via BitTorrent for years; it was only natural that I would turn to BitTorrent to distribute our cc-wiki licensed Stack Overflow data. I figured serving a several-hundred megabyte file with BitTorrent wouldn't be much harder than downloading one. Boy, was I ever wrong. Sharing files with BitTorrent is way more complicated than downloading them! After two frustrating hours, I finally came up with a relatively straightforward way to share a file via BitTorrent, and in the interests of saving future readers a little time, I'm documenting it here... Anyway, you can't start sharing files on LegalTorrents without some kind of special email-us-please permission, and I was in a hurry. I wanted to share files via BitTorrent right now. I did, and you can too! But you'll need a few things first: "
This post briefly explains how to share content using BitTorrent which is a far more complex process than consuming torrents.foofind.com
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files search engineSome Of The Best Greasemonkey Scripts For BitTorrent Users | MakeUseOf.com
"Those who download illegal copies of music over P2P networks are the biggest consumers of legal music options, according to a new study by the BI Norwegian School of Management".
between 15 and 20 are more likely to buy music via paid download than on a physical CD, though most still purchased at least one CD in the last six months. However, when it comes to P2P, it seems that those who wave the pirate flag are the most click-happy on services like the iTunes Store and Amazon MP3. BI said that those who said they download illegal music for "free" bought ten times as much legal music as those who never download music illegally.
Those who download "free" music from P2P networks are more likely to spend money on legit downloads than those who are squeaky clean, according to a new report out of Norway. The music labels, however, aren't quite buying that data.iSendr - On Demand P2P File Transfers
iSendr lets you send files to anyone with an internet connection via an on demand p2p direct connection for free! Your file goes straight from you to its destination-- no server space required.
Subir y bajar archivos grandes, con contraseñaClearBits™ - Hosting and Distribution of Open Licensed Media
ClearBits – Download de torrents con contenido Creative CommonsCS264: Peer-to-Peer Systems
Yet another privacy issue with facebook.
"While the sniffing of e-mails is not unknown — it’s how Google serves up targeted ads in Gmail and how Yahoo filters out viruses, for example — the notion that a legitimate e-mail would be not be delivered based on its content is extraordinary."
Facebook private messages are governed by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which forbids communications providers from intercepting user messages, barring limited exceptions for security and valid legal orders. While the sniffing of e-mails is not unknown — it’s how Google serves up targeted ads in Gmail and how Yahoo filters out viruses, for example — the notion that a legitimate e-mail would be not be delivered based on its content is extraordinary.
article re FB censoring messages containing piratebay
On Facebook, links to The Pirate Bay is not allowed even in private messagesLas 10 verdades del P2P que dice Cultura que son mentira · ELPAÍS.com
El Ministerio de Cultura, dentro de su campaña Si eres legal, eres legal contra la "piratería" en Internet ha colgado en su página web un decálogo con "Las 10 mentiras más difundidas sobre propiedad intelectual". Bajo la consigna "Los ilegales intentan engañarte...
Desmintiendo las mentiras que nos cuenta el Ministerio de Cultura. A propósito, el derecho a que nos digan la verdad también es un derecho constitucional..., ¡si es que no damos a bastos! Las 10 mentiras sobre la copia privada frente la idea de piratería.
No obstante, el decálogo ha sido refutado punto por punto por las asociaciones de internautas, blogs y otros colectivos ciudadanos relacionados con la Red.
Decálogo del ministerio de cultura de España, refutado por otras organizaciones
Tira, ez dakit zuei niri bezala gertatzen zaizuen baina nahiko nahastuta nabil internetetik gauza jaistea legala edo ilegala den kontu horrekin. Euskal-Herrian hain nabarmena ez bada ere, Espainiako Kultura Ministeritza etengabe ari da zabaltzen, intenertetik gauzak deskargatzea ilegala dela. Zine aretoetan seguru ikusi dituzuela etengabe botatzen duten iragarki famosoa. Irudipena daukat gaztetxoei transmititzen zaien informazioa ez dela guztiz egia eta honen inguruan DBHko eta Batxiko irakasleok badugula zer landua eurekin etikako klaseetan, adibidez. Hementxe dauzkazue Espainiako Ministeritzak honi buruz dioena eta Espainiako Internauten Elkarteak gai berari buruz dituen iritziak.Open Source Hardware Hackers Start P2P Bank | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
Getting a business loan in this economy can be more difficult than landing a reservation at French Laundry in Napa, California. Now try selling the loan officer on an open source hardware project where the blueprints will be given away. That's why the hardware hacking community is turning inwards to fund its ideas. Two open source hardware enthusiasts, Justin Huynh and Matt Stack, have started the Open Source Hardware Bank to fund hardware projects such as the microcontroller board pictured above.
an open source peer to peer bank, good coverage of their start
Getting a business loan in this economy can be more difficult than landing a reservation at French Laundry in Napa, California. Now try selling the loan officer on an open source hardware project where the blueprints will be given away. That's why the hardware hacking community is turning inwards to fund its ideas. Two open source hardware enthusiasts, Justin Huynh and Matt Stack, have started the Open Source Hardware Bank to fund hardware projects such as the microcontroller board pictured above.iEd2K.com 我们的乐园~ - Powered by Discuz!
ieD2k - ☆享你所想☆ 网络资源共享交流社区 - Discuz! BoardFeatured Download: FilePhile Transfers Any Size File Between Any Two Systems
After registering at FilePhile's site with an email address and password, you grab and install a copy of the Java-based app, launch it, and add email addresses to your buddy list. Sending a file is a simple right-click on someone's name, but you can limit the bandwidth eaten up by FilePhile in its preferences. The transfers themselves are encrypted, and, as the site boasts, can be any size. That's about it, but that's probably all you need.
FilePhile is a peer-to-peer, multi-platform app for getting files of unlimited size between yourself and anyone else willing to give it a try.Bitcoin P2P Cryptocurrency | Bitcoin
RT @draenews: Del Bitcoin P2P Cryptocurrency | Bitcoin: http://www.bitcoin.org/
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency. Peer-to-peer (P2P) means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network.
Hmm P2P encryption online free banking service, looks very insecureTHE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD — Peer-to-Peer Edition
free download via vodo.net
The Yes Men Fix The World : peer-to-peer edition download : http://vodo.net/yesmen
"THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous pranks. This peer-to-peer special edition of the film is unique: it is preceded by an EXCLUSIVE VIDEO of the Yes Men impersonating the United States Chamber of Commerce. Because the Yes Men are being sued for this stunt, p2p is the only way that this film will get seen. Please spread the word!"
Thanks, seen it yesterday. Via torrent . Excellent stuff ;) RT @laurentiub: @eprenen You can find it here http://bit.ly/9DtI3HTHE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD — Peer-to-Peer Edition
RT @deliciouspb: THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD — Peer-to-Peer Edition http://vodo.net/yesmen
free download via vodo.net
The Yes Men Fix The World : peer-to-peer edition download : http://vodo.net/yesmen
"THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous pranks. This peer-to-peer special edition of the film is unique: it is preceded by an EXCLUSIVE VIDEO of the Yes Men impersonating the United States Chamber of Commerce. Because the Yes Men are being sued for this stunt, p2p is the only way that this film will get seen. Please spread the word!"
Thanks, seen it yesterday. Via torrent . Excellent stuff ;) RT @laurentiub: @eprenen You can find it here http://bit.ly/9DtI3H