Psykopaint - Online photo painting tool
Psykopaint - Online photo painting toolInterior Paint Calculator | Calculators | How-To -
TwitPaint lets you paint graffiti and post it on Twitter.Work
IdeaPaint turns virtually anything you can paint into a high-performance dry-erase surface, giving you the space you need to collaborate, interact and fully explore your creativity. No matter where you use it, big ideas follow.
cool! whiteboard paint. De opvolger van krijtverf en magneetbordverf.
IdeaPaint turns virtually anything you can paint into a high-performance dry-erase surface, giving you the space you need to collaborate, interact and fully explore your creativity.How to Mold Paint Splatter to a Face in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
How to Mold Paint Splatter to a Face in Photoshop
How to Mold Paint Splatter to a Face in Photoshop - Psdtuts+ - Bolin...The Invisible Man... - v1kram's posterous
This guy paints himself... no trick photography ... no photoshop ...he just paints himself....: Sumo Paint 2.0 :.
Awesome tool for painting online.
Photo Editing Online
neat for drawing logos
Online image editorIdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
With just one coat, IdeaPaint turns any surface into a dry-erase board.
One fantastic product.
Nice.Colorjive - Home
Paint your own house online.
Look how your house will look in a different paint shade virtuallyPinta - Simple Painting for Gtk
Pinta is a drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET. It's goal is to provide a simplified alternative to GIMP for casual users. It is currently early in development.
Simple Painting for Gtk
Pinta is a drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET. It's goal is to provide a simplified alternative to GIMP for casual users.
免費的影像編輯軟體Eugene Hsu
Dude did his resume in Paint.
"I mean, it's pretty unlikely that you'd want to steal any of this, but just in case."How To Paint a Room Home Hacks | Apartment Therapy Re-Nest
Alexa Meade thinks completely backwards. Most artists use acrylic paints to create portraits of people on canvas. But not Meade - she applies acrylic paints on her subjects and makes them appear to be a part of the painting! Meade is an installation artist based in the Washington, DC area. Her innovative use of paint on the three dimensional surfaces of found objects, live models, and architectural spaces has been incorporated into a series of installations that create a perceptual shift in how we experience and interpret spatial relationships. I was lucky enough to catch up with Meade and ask her about her thought process behind this creative work. Here is what she said: "I paint representational portraits directly on top of the people I am representing. The models are transformed into embodiments of the artist's interpretation of their essence. When captured on film, the living, breathing people underneath the paint disappear, overshadowed by the masks of themselves."Colorburned - Illustrator brushes, tutorials, textures, vectors, patterns and more! - 53 Incredible High Resolution Photoshop Paint Brushes
Photoshop brushes, they are very effective tools to help add texture, rough up, or distress your designs
I love Photoshop brushes, they are very effective tools to help add texture, rough up, or distress your designs. I've been looking for a nice set of high
Nice photoshop brushes