How To Download Music From Deezer, Pandora And More |
Deezer/Pandora/ikeek/ mp3 Dowmloads
The basic premise of the method is to kill the HTTP headers that tells the content to expire so that the content will be cached - where you then drag it out of the cache, convert it to MP3, and add it to your library. We’ll be using a small program called Proxomitron, and as usual, we’re focused on Firefox.Case Studies in Freemium: Pandora, Dropbox, Evernote, Automattic and MailChimp
Case Studies in Freemium: Pandora, Dropbox, Evernote, Automattic and MailChimp
great read RT @nickdemey @lizgannes - Case Studies in Freemium: Pandora, Dropbox, Evernote, Automattic and MailChimp - Approaches to Music Recommendations: Pandora, Mufin, Lala, and eMusic - ReadWriteWeb
Four Approaches to Music Recommendations: Pandora, Mufin, Lala, and eMusic - ReadWriteWeb