: projects : microprinter
A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet.
A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet. Based on the arduino microcontroller.
The printer that Ben Griffiths is building. I read about Tom Taylor building one at PaperCamp - looks cool.
"microprinter for everyday use"
TEXT-(HTTP POST)->sinatra(as MQ)-(ethernet)->arduino-((MAX232+)RS232c)->micropriner
The microprinter is an experiment in physical activity streams and notification, using a repurposed receipt printer connected to the web. I use it for things like reminders, notifications, and my day at-a-glance, but anything that can be injected from the web and suits text only, short format messaging, will work.Chung Dha Lam: Pop up beak CD packaging
Look at this CD holder -- Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice)
Paper Textures
Free Paper Textures
Paper is a not only used to write but it can be also useful as a texture in doing some web design or graphic projects as well. In fact you can see some websites on the web applying more paper concept now a days and come up with a neat and grungy results.Paper + Color + Concept = 40+ Creative & Inspirational Piece of Art | Noupe
Pieマガジン よい New ZealandOrganization: Autofocus is a Single, Paper-Based List Organization System
Autofocus, an organization system designed by personal organization author Mark Forster, is available for all. If you're looking for a linear, list-based system to help you get things done, Autofocus stresses simplicity and speed.
The system consists of one long list of everything that you have to do, written in a ruled notebook (25-35 lines to a page ideal). As you think of new items, add them to the end of the list. You work through the list one page at a time: 1. Read quickly through all the items on the page. 2. Go through the page more slowly until one stands out for you. 3. Work on that item for as long as you feel like doing so 4. Cross the item off, re-enter it at the end of the list if you haven't finished it 5. Continue the same page in the same way. Don't move to the next page until you complete the page without any item standing out 6. Move onto the next page and repeat the process 7. If you go to a page and no item stands out for you on your first pass through it, then all the outstanding items on that page are dismissed without re-entering them. Use a highlighter to mark dismissed items. 8. Once you've finished with the final page, re-start at the first page that is still active.40+ Beautiful Examples of Paper Websites Design | Naldz Graphics
40+ Beautiful Examples of Paper Websites Design
interesting website design16 Awesome Star Wars Papercraft Models
Some time ago I gathered a list of 100 Exceptional Free Paper Models and Toys that was quite well received by the readers of this blog. The amount and quality of paper craft models available for download is amazing. Chances are that anything that’s popular and geeky, has already been converted into a paper craft model.
Printed pages for your moleskine!!
Add pages to your moleskine... like fo' real y'all.How About Orange: Gift bags made from envelopes
How About Orange is a blog brimming with original craft tutorials, DIY projects, free downloads, decorating tips, and design inspiration.30 Creative Examples of Using Paper in Web Designs
In this showcase, you'll see some of the best web designs that involve the use of paper elements and textures - for your inspiration.De-anonymizing Social Networks
De-anonymizing Social NetworksImproving the transition from paper to Photoshop | creative briefing
Paper prototyping is a great way for designers to plan sites. Still, many struggle with bringing their sketches to Photoshop. Here are 4 tips to help that transition.
Técnicas e exemplos de rascunhos de layout de sites em » Cereal Box Journal
Amazing paper folding art
Simon Schubert
Papel dobladoCardapult the Business Card Catapult
This card would sure get my attention. Send one of these cards along with your resume and just see if you don't get a few call-backs!
CARDAPULTDinky pocketbooks with WebKit transforms | Natalie Downe
I'm a big fan of stuff written on paper. My computer is covered in useful post-it notes, and I do a lot of planning on paper at the start of every client-side build. On my desk at work is a piece of paper written in felt tip that I pass around to my co-workers on occasion. It's a reference document for how we check projects out of subversion, upload to live and some basic terminal commands for people who are unfamiliar in that environment. This was a great opportunity to break out my favourite paper folding technique, where an A4 page becomes an 8 page booklet. I first learnt about this from a Christmas card I received a few years ago from some very inventive friends. Brian Suda happened to be in the office that day and pointed me to a cool Flash interface for creating these, He also suggested that it would be possible to build these using just HTML and CSS with CSS3 transforms, currently supported by Safari and WebKit. Inspired, I did exactly that. Here's the demo.
Natalie uses CSS3 to build out booklets for print - pretty sweet, and very useful.
Adventures creations and musings from a girl geek.
Ahh, probably my favorite mashup to date. Geolocation+CSS+CSS Transforms (as proposed by WebKit)+printing. Sweeeet!
oh this is clever13 High Quality And Exclusive Collections Of Colorful Wallpapers @ SmashingApps
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
wallpaper, web design tips100 Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art | Webdesigner Depot
100 Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art
a First Monday article on the creation and evolution of folksonomies
Folksonomies have emerged as a means to create order in a rapidly expanding information environment whose existing means to organize content have been strained. This paper examines folksonomies from an evolutionary perspective, viewing the changing conditions of the information environment as having given rise to organization adaptations in order to ensure information “survival” — remaining findable. This essay traces historical information organization mechanisms, the conditions that gave rise to folksonomies, and the scholarly response, review, and recommendations for the future of folksonomies.
First Monday, 4 may 2009, Alexis Wichowski
WichowskiTwitter on Paper
the only question is which tweet to pick!
Love it
puts tweets on paper and mails them to you for free.Build/Make/Craft/Bake: How-to: Hammered flower and leaf prints
20 Free Original Hi-Res Ink Stained Paper Textures | Design Shard -
Web Design Blog
J'en faisais des belles comme ça à l'école primaire. Le don des gauchers crispés sur leur stylo plume.iPhone Stencil Kit | Design Commission
Quickly sketch out iPhone UI prototypes.Slide-Together Geometric Constructions
map to print
Print maps, draw on them, scan them back in and help OpenStreetMap improve its coverage of local points of interests and street detail. Walking Papers is a product of Stamen Design's Michal Migurski.10 High-Quality Free Brown Paper Textures
textures:: Paperwink ::
Papeles retro
labels, stationary etc
Paperwink offers personalized invitations, stationery, and branded experiencesPaperless Post
Custom Online StationeryA Paper Craft Castle On the Ocean « Tokyobling’s Blog
Wow, now that's some serious origami!35 Amazing Paper Made Website Designs | Spyre Studios
Creativity comes in many shapes, sizes and colors - and it just so happens that today we're looking at some of the amazing work people do with paper textures in web design. From their portfolio websites, to blogs and resource websites, this post is going to showcase 35 of the best paper made designs. Hope you enjoy it!Hexagonal Stacking Boxes - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
読者の皆さんの中には、「論文」と聞くと身構えてしまう方も多いのではないでしょうか? 論文というと、書くのも読むのも大変で何だか小難しいことが書いてあるもののように思えるものです。それどころか、「論文とは縁がない」「プログラムがすべてだ」と思う方もいるかもしれません。しかし、ある特定分野の技術や研究を詳しく知るためには、論文は手軽で確実な情報源です。
"興味のある論文でも、なかなか読みにくいものは、電車などの移動中に読むのも発想が広がる良い方法です。便利な睡眠薬になるかもしれませんが……。"Free WordPress Theme: Paper Wall | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Today we are glad to release the Paper Wall WordPress Theme, an original, beautiful, high-quality WordPress theme, designed by Adrian Lazariuc from exclusively for Smashing Magazine and its readers. The theme has a unique, colorful design that will perfectly fit for your personal blogs and, if customized, can be a perfect fit for a unique magazine-style-blog.The Ultimate Roundup of Paper Inspired Designs: Websites, Free Themes, Brushes, Textures and Tutorials! | The Design Superhero
Using paper as a design element is one of the most popular trend in web design. In this post, we are showcasing 60+ best website designs which follow this trend
Using paper as a design element is one of the most popular trend in web design. In this post, we are showcasing 60+ best website designs which follow this trend along with 10 Free Wordpress themes, 10 Tutorials, 20+ Textures, 14 Photoshop brushes andHowPack
cut-outs for different types of 3d models/cartons etc.
Welcome to! It’s the most powerful online guide and value added one stop station for about packaging design, constracture, materials and package printing, manufacturing etc. You would find the current happenings in global packaging world and the up to date packaging solutions here. It’s the answer for about how to pack and make your package perfect.
packaging die cut
packaging design,Dezeen » Blog Archive » Ink Calendar by Oscar Diaz
Cool calendar using paper capilarity to mark the dates.
Ink calendar
DarkHalf|zz200+ Paper Brushes for Photoshop
Brushes for Photoshop
Using paper effects in web design is a current trend (see 35 Amazing Paper Made Website Designs at Spyre Studios). Achieving a paper look can be made much easier with the help of Photoshop brushes. Here we will feature a number of free brush packs for creating paper effects.The Complete Guide to Going Paperless - Paper - Lifehacker
You already pay your bills online and get electronic statements, but there are even more ways you can stop killing innocent trees and wasting time and money dealing with paper. It's time we went paperless.12 Free & High Quality Burnt Paper Textures
In this set, you’ll find 12 completely free, high-resolution, and large-scale paper textures that feature burn marks. They have a very liberal Creative Commons license so that you can use them in any manner you choose, whether it’s personal or commercial.
12 Free & High Quality Burnt Paper TexturesZombies.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Potential models for zombie outbreaks.
Zombies are a popular figure in pop culture/entertainment and they are usually portrayed as being brought about through an outbreak or epidemic. Consequently, we model a zombie attack, using biological assumptions based on popular zombie movies. We introduce a basic model for zombie infection, determine equilibria and their stability, and illustrate the outcome with numerical solutions. We then refine the model to introduce a latent period of zombification, whereby humans are infected, but not infectious, before becoming undead. We then modify the model to include the effects of possible quarantine or a cure. Finally, we examine the impact of regular, impulsive reductions in the number of zombies and derive conditions under which eradication can occur. We show that only quick, aggressive attacks can stave off the doomsday scenario: the collapse of society as zombies overtake us all.Leo on the Loose: DIY: FREE printable Mini File Folder & Labels
See other templates at end of contentペーパーデザインのWEBサイトを作るときに見るべきまとめ*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
Loja Online de Artigos de Papelaria
Awesome office supplies with style.Fold Your Own Sky King Paper Airplane - Wired How-To Wiki
근데 꼭 이렇게까지 해야하나?
an article on how to wireframe using good old paper.Fold a World-Record-Setting Paper Airplane - Weekend project - Lifehacker
foldnull - Fullscreen
We write papers and have talks mainly to impress others, gain respect, and get promoted.
How to write a research paper
Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research, CambridgeTubbypaws
This is great - (had to sensor excitement, lol) RT @suziam: OH.MY.[bleep].GOD. @octamed just sent me this link [from]Dessine moi un objet » Blog Archive » Iphone and Itouch paper stand / dock
Wow cool!
soporte hecho de cartulina para iphone o itouchDIY Print-and-Fold iPhone and iPod touch Dock Looks Great - iPhone - Lifehacker
Link to an iPod dock you can make yourself and save a few pennies.reese dixon: Quilled Snowflake Ornament
gorgeous paper Xmas ornaments, from Stacy rec
Meget flot snefnug lavet af sammenrullet papir80+ Free High Res Paper Textures | The Roxor | Design blog for resources and inspiration
Because Design Rocks!
paperiPhone Design Template Sketchbook | App Sketchbook
iPhone sketchbooks.
Sketchbook with templates for iPhone screens.Beat Your Filing Cabinet into Shape with a Filing System Workflow - files - Lifehacker
Whether your filing system has gotten away from you or it was never really under control to begin with, you can use our handy guide to beat it back into shape. Photo by juan23for. Many people have a..Betsy McCall Paper Dolls - The First Ten Years
fun for a rainy day
Bonecas de papel, daquelas de vestir com roupinhas de papel, vintagePapers in Computer Science
Discussion of computer science publications. Embedded image coding using zerotrees of wavelet coefficients Posted by dcoetzee on July 8, 2009American taste for soft toilet roll 'worse than driving Hummers' | Environment |
trogdoriangrey/papercraft Photobucket albumHow to Make Picture-Perfect Pads of Paper | Photojojo
Now that drug reps can't hand these out to my wife by the bag-full, we're going to have to fend for ourselves. (via Lifehacker)Papercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete
Papercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete
Great idea: yourself with a bigger head. My family would say that mine can't possibly get any bigger. But they'd be wrong!
This has to be the coolest costume I have ever seen. It's a giant head of himself.Make a gift bow from a magazine page | How About Orange
How About Orange is a blog brimming with craft tutorials, DIY projects, free downloads, decorating tips, and design inspiration.25+ Super Useful Paper Textures | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
After working a while on a project that I need some textures, I remembered how important it is to have good resourcers at hand. I went looking for some paper textures, and it took me some time, so I thought it would be a good idea to make a selection of the best I found.PaperCube - Peter Bergström
"PaperCube is a new experimental tool exploring the visual navigation of academic citation networks."
Terrific visualization tool for exploring connections between authors and citations.
Incredibly pertinent on bibliometry. Nice.2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
Referências (sites com detalhes de papel)
ボール紙のテクスチャーの素材配布サイトやデザインショーケースの紹介。Rifle Paper Co. - Home
Cute cardsBetter Drop Shadows in Photoshop | Design Reviver
poster, 3d
ttfAsk Proggit: Recommender a compsci paper for me to read this weekend : programming
I've tried to span as many subjects as possible to have a little something for everyone while limiting myself to foundational papers that have had a lasting impact on the field and are also highly readable. Some of the people (Chomsky, Shannon, Metropolis, Ulam) represented here might not consider themselves computer scientists but the papers I've included have been so important that they cannot be left out. I admit a few papers may seem like idiosyncratic picks due to my particular interest in certain areas like computer graphics and computational dynamics. There are several important papers I couldn't include due to an absence of freely available copies, e.g. Rissanen's Generalized Kraft Inequality and Arithmetic Coding.
I am looking for something clever or thought provoking that doesn't depend on too much background knowledge, and is easy to read without too much formalism/maths.
Recommender a compsci paper for me to read this weekend
Article about advantages of scripting languages over system programming languages
Scripting: Higher Level Programming
Scripting languages such as Perl and Tcl represent a very different style of programming than system programming languages such as C or JavaTM. Scripting languages are designed for "gluing" applications; they use typeless approaches to achieve a higher level of programming and more rapid application development than system programming languages. Increases in computer speed and changes in the application mix are making scripting languages more and more important for applications of the future.Paper Commander - Wing Commander Paper Models
This space offers replicas in paper of the ships of the great saga Wing Commander, this great game of space combat that it revolutionized the world of the games, with their innovative ideas and attractive history.25 Examples of Creative Paper Use in Web Design | Line25
25 Examples of Creative Paper Use in Web Design -
Des exemples d'utilisation de textures papier dans le webdesignthe ZOMBIEFIE SIX at Thunder Panda
Fold your own paper zombies. Seriously!Useful Origami
It is a site where origami of the - Papier selbst drucken
Wählen Sie einfach das benötigte Papier aus, um es kostenlos im PDF-Format herunterzuladen. Anschließend drucken Sie es auf Ihrem Drucker aus. Millimeterpapier, kariertes, Noten und andere.
Papier selbst druckenBashcorpo | Papirteksturer
awesome paper/cardboard textures
paperHigh-Res Card and Paper Textures - PSDTUTS
Texture Resolution: 3264 pixels by 2448 pixels No. in set: 8 A great texture set of 8 stunning high-res card and paper images. Free to download and use50 Inspiring Portfolio Designs | Inspiration
50 Inspiring Portfolio Designs
great examples of portfolio websitesA Single Sheet of Paper | Photos and pics
Peter Callesen: My paper works have been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost a magic process - or maybe one could call it obvious magic, because the process is obvious and the figures still stick to their origin, without the possibility of escaping. In that sense there is also an aspect of something tragic in most of the cuts. Some of the small paper cuts relate to a universe of fairy tales and romanticism, as for instance Impenetrable Castle inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Steadfast Tin Soldier, in which a tin soldier falls in love with a paper ballerina, living in a paper castle. Other paper cuts are small dramas in which small figures are lost within and threatened by the huge powerful nature. Others again are turning the inside out, or letting the front and the back of the paper meet - dealing with impossibility, illusions, and reflection
My paper works have been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost a magic processMake your own Kaleidocycle!
4 photos turned into one origami toy.
MAKE YOUR VERY OWN PHOTO KALEIDOCYCLE a dynamic new way to show off your photos! 1. upload four digital photos, or choose them from our gallery. 3. print, score, cut, fold & glue: complete directions included. enjoy your photo kaleidocycles, moving paper sculptures that turn in an endless cycle. get started now! 2. submit your choices & download the results.
Make your own kaleidocyle158 Paper Textures For Kickstarting Your Backgrounds & Designs - slodive
158 Paper Textures For Kickstarting Your Backgrounds & Designs When I design, I very rarely use a background with just a solid color or gradient. For me it’s just too smooth and clean, so I will go to my textures folder and grab one for adding some contrast and contour. If I want to keep it subtle I go to my paper textures and blend lightly over my background color. It’s one of the first things I do when starting a new project and almost always gives me ideas for where to go next in the design. Older Related Articles: * Create A Realistic Video iPod Nano In Photoshop * Breathe New Life Into Your Typography With These 22 Techniques * Photoshop Cheatsheets & Our Must Know Shortcuts 4 Retro Old Dirty Paper Textures Download From 6 Paper Textures Download From 13 HQ Old Paper Textures Download From 5 Scrapbook Paper Download From 20 Paper Textures Download From 5 Free High Res Brown Paper Textures Download From 7 Rough Paper TexturesMolly Likes to Draw: Packing-Tape Transfer
Hmmm... I tried an inkjet printer with normal copy paper, and the ink just washed off! Glossy photo paper worked, though
Packing-Tape TransferReducing the Risk of Human Extinction
a website that you can check your spelling and grammar.
check for plagiarism150+ Free Paper Textures for your Next Design |
150+ Free Paper Textures for your Next Design | - to Make an Origami Reindeer (with pictures) - wikiHow
Great pictorial reindeer origami howtoPre-Grade Your Paper
controllo dello stile
Pre-Grade Your PaperCreative Review - Low-Fi Sci-Fi
in a sea of noise
The best in visual communication.
"We wanted to create a series style that would adhere to the nature of the content – eg its complexity – but employ a hands-on approach
Classic sci-fi novel covers torn down to the bare minimum: black and white goodness.
Love these.
I think I bookmarked this already but oh well...
"Sanda created each cover using A4 paper, with all the typography printed and placed on the structure by hand," Jones continues. "We then photographed each paper structure and, upon seeing the original black and white images, we didn't feel that any tweaking or further alterations were needed."How to Make a Kusudama Flower (with pictures) - wikiHow
Construção de flores
Como hacer una flor Kusudamaorigami club
origami tutorialsFree Printable Sketching, Wireframing and Note-Taking PDF Templates - Smashing Magazine
Free Printable Sketching, Wireframing and Note-Taking PDF TemplatesDIY: Pop-Up Paper CD Case
팝업카드를 응용한 cd케이스 만들기CS264: Peer-to-Peer Systems
origami con instrucciones
napkins, tea towels, place mats, runners
Do you use scented sachets for your drawers?Wireframe Graph Paper Notepad | Konigi
Price: $7.50Fold an Origami 'Millennium Falcon' - Wired How-To Wiki
Fold an Origami 'Millennium Falcon'Guilherme Martins » PAPERduino’s design
Paper arduino.
This is a fully functional version of the Arduino. We eliminated the PCB and use paper and cardboard as support and the result is.. the PAPERduino :D
紙の Arduino
Atmel ATMega168A Lesson in Hanging Toilet Paper | Gunaxin
Não sabe como deixar o papel higiênico? Seus problemas acabram. [from]
Pictures demonstarting how to hang toilet paper
Next time you have to hang toilet paper, just remember this handy lesson. You don’t want to look like an idiot when company comes over:lobotoME - Brainiac
cutesy notepads for making lists17 Amazing/Beautiful Examples Of Origami Art
The Liquid Mongoose site has a neat bookmarklet tool that creates fold-able cases for audio CDs or movie DVDs from
A4の紙1枚でCDケースを作る方法origami hang glider
Build and Surf an Origami Hang Glider on a Wave of AirThe Beauty of Paper Art - Smashing Magazine
It's not really origami as such, some really creative ways to make cool stuff out of paper
The times when paper was considered to be the primary medium for artistic expression is long gone. Many writers and designers use digital media to improvise and...
Nice post on @smashingmag - The Beauty of Paper Art - #artCreating Retro Folded Typography Using Photoshop
letras con efecto rasgado de fondo
Tutorial crear tipografía retro estlo aquarela
折り紙風タイポのチュートリアル35 High-Quality and Free Paper Textures | Vandelay Design Blog
35 High-Quality and Free Paper Textures | Vandelay Design Blog -
35 High-Quality and Free Paper Textures35 High-Quality and Free Paper Textures | Vandelay Design Blog
cadernos com linhas diferentes (irregulares)
inspiration pad
cadernos com linhas diferentes (irregulares)
inspiration pad
cadernos com linhas diferentes (irregulares)
inspiration pad