Chung Dha Lam: Pop up beak CD packaging
Look at this CD holder -- Awesome Star Wars Papercraft Models
Some time ago I gathered a list of 100 Exceptional Free Paper Models and Toys that was quite well received by the readers of this blog. The amount and quality of paper craft models available for download is amazing. Chances are that anything that’s popular and geeky, has already been converted into a paper craft model.
Dorky...yes!Cardapult the Business Card Catapult
This card would sure get my attention. Send one of these cards along with your resume and just see if you don't get a few call-backs!
CARDAPULT100 Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art | Webdesigner Depot
100 Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art
PAGINA DE ARTISTAS E INGENIEROS DE PAPELSlide-Together Geometric Constructions
Wow, now that's some serious origami!Hexagonal Stacking Boxes - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
A two-minute animated voyage through nature's life cycle, following the trials and tribulations of a humble apple seed.
Life cycle of a seed
A two-minute animated voyage through nature's life cycle, following the trials and tribulations of a humble apple seed. The film was kindly funded by Adobe, made using their CS4 range of software. It was produced at Nexus Productions and features a soundtrack by Jape. It was made using a mixture of stop motion papercraft and 2D drawn animation.Tubbypaws
This is great - (had to sensor excitement, lol) RT @suziam: OH.MY.[bleep].GOD. @octamed just sent me this link [from]reese dixon: Quilled Snowflake Ornament
gorgeous paper Xmas ornaments, from Stacy rec
Meget flot snefnug lavet af sammenrullet papirpapercraft pictures by trogdoriangrey - Photobucket
trogdoriangrey/papercraft Photobucket albumPapercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete
Papercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete
Great idea: yourself with a bigger head. My family would say that mine can't possibly get any bigger. But they'd be wrong!
This has to be the coolest costume I have ever seen. It's a giant head of himself.Unbelievable Paper Transformer - Video
poster, 3d
ttfRobert Lang folds way-new origami | Video on
Úžasné způsoby jak skládat origami.Paper Commander - Wing Commander Paper Models
This space offers replicas in paper of the ships of the great saga Wing Commander, this great game of space combat that it revolutionized the world of the games, with their innovative ideas and attractive history.the ZOMBIEFIE SIX at Thunder Panda
Fold your own paper zombies. Seriously!ネットストア限定先行予約 紙とあそぶレゴ®ブロック | 無印良品ネットストア
great idea
lego and paper by muji
Muji Lego
パンチした紙と、レゴ®ブロックを組み合わせて遊ぶセットが登場。楽しみ方の自由さが特長のレゴ®ブロックと、自由にカットした紙を組み合わせてつくる、新しい試みのおもちゃです。A Single Sheet of Paper | Photos and pics
Peter Callesen: My paper works have been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost a magic process - or maybe one could call it obvious magic, because the process is obvious and the figures still stick to their origin, without the possibility of escaping. In that sense there is also an aspect of something tragic in most of the cuts. Some of the small paper cuts relate to a universe of fairy tales and romanticism, as for instance Impenetrable Castle inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Steadfast Tin Soldier, in which a tin soldier falls in love with a paper ballerina, living in a paper castle. Other paper cuts are small dramas in which small figures are lost within and threatened by the huge powerful nature. Others again are turning the inside out, or letting the front and the back of the paper meet - dealing with impossibility, illusions, and reflection
My paper works have been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost a magic processMake your own Kaleidocycle!
4 photos turned into one origami toy.
MAKE YOUR VERY OWN PHOTO KALEIDOCYCLE a dynamic new way to show off your photos! 1. upload four digital photos, or choose them from our gallery. 3. print, score, cut, fold & glue: complete directions included. enjoy your photo kaleidocycles, moving paper sculptures that turn in an endless cycle. get started now! 2. submit your choices & download the results.
Make your own kaleidocyleMolly Likes to Draw: Packing-Tape Transfer
Hmmm... I tried an inkjet printer with normal copy paper, and the ink just washed off! Glossy photo paper worked, though
Packing-Tape TransferHow to Make an Origami Reindeer (with pictures) - wikiHow
Great pictorial reindeer origami howtoorigami club
origami tutorialsDIY: Pop-Up Paper CD Case
팝업카드를 응용한 cd케이스 만들기animal's origami
origami con instrucciones animadas17 Amazing/Beautiful Examples Of Origami Art
The Liquid Mongoose site has a neat bookmarklet tool that creates fold-able cases for audio CDs or movie DVDs from