Pages tagged parasite:


Parasite is a debugging and development tool that runs inside your GTK+ application's process. It can inspect your application, giving you detailed information on your UI, such as the hierarchy, X window IDs, widget properties, and more. You can modify properties on the fly in order to experiment with the look of your UI.
Something that looks like it will make GUI development 30% less painful.
Cat Parasite Affects Everything We Feel and Do - ABC News
Don't let the cats get to your head.
Kevin Lafferty is a smart, cautious, thoughtful scientist who doesn't hate cats, but he has put forth a provocative theory that suggests that a clever cat parasite may alter human cultures on a massive scale.
Research has shown that women who are infected with the parasite tend to be warm, outgoing and attentive to others, while infected men tend to be less intelligent and probably a bit boring. But both men and women who are infected are more prone to feeling guilty and insecure.