Pages tagged parliament:

.:: Welcome to TweetMinster – the place where real life and politics tweet. :.

Follow UK political scene with your twitter feed
the place where real life and politics tweet. :.
Forget the corridors of power... You can take an active role in UK politics right here, right now. How? Follow and Tweet MPs and Parliamentary Candidates, and use the power of Twitter to track UK politics, make your voice heard and conversations more open. You can take a back seat... or you can tweet.
england European Parliament is an independent monitoring website of EU politics. It provides detailed information about parliamentarians' voting records and formal political activities – from committee work to parliamentary reports – and includes easy-to-access information on the political coalitions that are formed around policy issues.
Hold øje med, om politikerne kommer til møderne samt hvordan de stemmer
‘ is an independent monitoring website of EU politics. It provides detailed information about parliamentarians' voting records and formal political activities.’
Voting in EU Parliament: all MEmbers, by coutnries, votes etc..
Excel·lent portal que recull de forma sistemàtica els vots dels europarlamentaris