Pages tagged parts:

Free Electronic Samples

Did you know that some manufactures and suppliers will give away some free samples of their produces to customers and engineers to test them on their projects?
Did you know that some manufactures and suppliers will give away some free samples of their produces to customers and engineers to test them on their projects? They are some rules you should know before you start getting free samples from the companies: * You should never ask for more than you need, because you are not going to use the extra parts you are given, that means don't be greedy. * Taking free samples from the companies and selling them on places like ebay to make your self an profit is an absolute no-no (unless the company says you can do it). Those parts are meant to be used for your projects, NOT for resale. * Just to be fair to the companies where you got your samples from, buy some of their products.
Auto Parts Comparison Shopping | Compare Prices at Frugal Mechanic ChipDB - integrated circuit quick reference
Online reference for integrated circuits. Very quick reference (as opposed to loading up the 30 MB PDF which is a scan of photocopied document that look liked it was stored in somebody's back pocket).
PCパーツや周辺機器の選ぶのに役に立つサイト - 関心空間
Electrical What ?!
Frustrated by the difficulty of searching schematic symbols through long lists with little information led to the creation of Electrical What !?, a database of electronic components. Electrical What !? displays all electronic components in a easily scanable and cataloged format. However what truly sets Electrical What !? apart from your average reference book is the ability to search by appearance. Using these tools Electrical What !? hopes to make looking for electronic symbols a breeze.
Electrical symbols for schematics and print reading