Pages tagged patd:

zarah5v2: Strictly Business - Headers & Chapter 1/9

The corners of Spencer’s mouth quirk into a smirk. “You were about to fuck him, weren’t you? Wow, just imagine waking up the next morning and then realizing he’s Urie’s son.” Jon’s chuckle is deeply amused, and Ryan hates both of them a little. “No,” Jon inserts, “even better than Ryan’s face: Imagine Urie’s reaction to Ryan fucking his son.” Ryan’s about to come up with a sharp retort when he pauses and rewinds. Urie’s reaction. Urie’s reaction to Ryan fucking his son. Urie’s reaction to Ryan fucking his son and then throwing that son out, leaving him humiliated and angry. Thomas Urie would be furious.
Jon’s chuckle is deeply amused, and Ryan hates both of them a little. “No,” Jon inserts, “even better than Ryan’s face: Imagine Urie’s reaction to Ryan fucking his son.”
Cruel Intentions meets Romeo & Juliet meets the summary of a Mills & Boon novel. Consider yourself suitably warned and be prepared to suspend your disbelief.
Cruel Intentions meets Romeo & Juliet meets the summary of a Mills & Boon novel. Consider yourself suitably warned and be prepared to suspend your disbelief. 68,000 wds
Ryan’s about to come up with a sharp retort when he pauses and rewinds. Urie’s reaction. Urie’s reaction to Ryan fucking his son. Urie’s reaction to Ryan fucking his son and then throwing that son out, leaving him humiliated and angry. Thomas Urie would be furious.
Ryan wants revenge and then falls in love.
AU where Ryan is the son of a ruined businessman and Brendan is the son of he magnate who ruined him. Ryan plans revenge, but finds himself in love. Shenanigans and sex ensue. The story is melodramatic but the writing is lovely, funny, sometimes angsty. About 68,000 words.
Cruel Intentions meets Romeo & Juliet meets the summary of a Mills & Boon novel
The corners of Spencer’s mouth quirk into a smirk. “You were about to fuck him, weren’t you? Wow, just imagine waking up the next morning and then realizing he’s Urie’s son.” Jon’s chuckle is deeply amused, and Ryan hates both of them a little. “No,” Jon inserts, “even better than Ryan’s face: Imagine Urie’s reaction to Ryan fucking his son.” Ryan’s about to come up with a sharp retort when he pauses and rewinds. Urie’s reaction. Urie’s reaction to Ryan fucking his son. Urie’s reaction to Ryan fucking his son and then throwing that son out, leaving him humiliated and angry. Thomas Urie would be furious.
The corners of Spencer’s mouth quirk into a smirk. “You were about to fuck him, weren’t you? Wow, just imagine waking up the next morning and then realizing he’s Urie’s son.”
passe_simple: Don't cut your hair (Do you think it's gonna make him change?) 1/4
R hiatus breaks with weddings and babies! i like that this seems so very real. lots of fear and desire to not change anything, because it's new and scary. i like that.
[40,000 words // R ] Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Title: Don't cut your hair (Do you think it's gonna make him change?) Panic at the Disco, Spencer/Brendon (Ryan/Keltie, Jon/Cassie) 40,000 words, R. Summary: Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him. Four parts linked.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him. Spencer/Brendon (Ryan/Keltie, Jon/Cassie) 40,000 words
"I mean, it’s Brendon. Can you really imagine him getting all Justin Timberlake without us?" Ryan threw himself down on the couch. "Yes," he said miserably. "Since the first time I heard him sing in your garage I’ve been able to imagine exactly that."
Brendon/Spencer. R. Futurefic. Ryan gets married, Jon has a kid, and the band is on hiatus. I really enjoy the dynamic between all the guys and girls here. In particular, the way this handles the various reactions to Brendon's new material is excellent, and then as the story progresses, I like that it really takes the time to explore how Spencer and Brendon navigate this new relationship. It feels very honest, very convincing, and also all completely necessary. It's been a while since a fic has left me feeling truly satisfied by the end and not wondering what happened to one or two loose ends.
sunsetmog_fics: Author's Notes: (Snowmen Have) Nothing to Hide [Panic at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer, Jon/Ryan]
In which Spencer is antisocial and hates Christmas, Ryan is in love, Jon is planning vacations and Brendon doesn't want to spend Christmas alone.
In which Spencer is antisocial and hates Christmas, Ryan is in love, Jon is planning vacations and Brendon doesn't want to spend Christmas alone. Christmas AU.
In which Spencer is antisocial and hates Christmas, Ryan is in love, Jon is planning vacations and Brendon doesn't want to spend Christmas alone. Christmas AU.
Novella. A real life AU in which Jon and Ryan want to make sure Brendon has someone to spend Christmas with, and Spencer can't imagine anything worse. This was adorable. It could have done with a tighter edit, but it was probably worth rushing to get it out in time for Christmas. I didn't love Spencer's characterisation, but sunsetmog's Brendon is the most appealing thing on the planet. I was crying in the second part and doing heart eyes in the third. (R)
three parts
brendon & spencer spend xmas together; spencer is a SCROOGE
"He is a changed man," Brendon pronounces, wriggling back into Spencer's hand. "He has seen the beauty of Christmas and relented. He is like Scrooge at the end of the movie, when he's singing with all the Muppets."
emilyray: Fic: Not Exactly What You Planned
Spencer remembered it like this: they were ten, and they were playing with an old half-deflated soccer ball, and Spencer threw it to Ryan, and Ryan didn’t catch it because Ryan couldn’t catch and also because Spencer threw it further than he meant to, and the ball went into the road. Ryan ran after it. Spencer saw the car and ran after Ryan. He didn’t remember anything after that. He didn’t know if Ryan remembered it differently.
Spencer remembered it like this: they were ten, and they were playing with an old half-deflated soccer ball, and Spencer threw it to Ryan, and Ryan didn’t catch it because Ryan couldn’t catch and also because Spencer threw it further than he meant to, and the ball went into the road.
Where Spencer died when he was little and Ryan is the only one who can see him, that is until Brendon shows up. 4,800 Words
Spencer's dead. He's haunting Ryan. Enter Brendon.
What if Spencer was dead and then there was a very complicated threesome involving his ghost?
A while ago I was talking about what if Spencer was dead and then there was a very complicated threesome involving his ghost? This is the only time of year I can get away with actually writing that, so here you go: it's a ghostfic!
Spencer is a ghost
Threesome involving Spencer's ghost.
Spencer died when he was ten, and he's stayed with Ryan ever since, but he knows Ryan needs somebody else in his life (and maybe so does Spencer).
Brendon gaped at him and the stranger looked back with several different expressions chasing each other over his face - surprise, amusement, confusion, slow shock - and just as Brendon finally managed to demand, “Who the hell are you?” the stranger blurted, “You can see me?”
What if Spencer was dead and there was a very complicated threesome involving his ghost? Totally not as creepy and/or depressing as it sounds.
boweryd: Pull Your Tangles Out, Spencer/Brendon, NC-17
If this is like a thing you two do.
8,800 words. WOW. Spencer exercises his control over Brendon. Seriously, wow. Excruciatingly hot, despite the crap title. Unlocked a kink I didn't know I had.
In retrospect maybe it was a little weird, but in all fairness, Spencer really, really didn't notice anything until Jon pointed it out. It was just something he’d always done; hell, it was useful most of the time, being able to rein Brendon in with just a look, or a certain tone of voice, or if all else failed a, “Shut the fuck up, seriously.”
Possibly my favourite ever.
If this is like a thing you two do
f this is like a thing you two do.
really nicely done spencer/brendon d/s, feat. orgasm denial!
Jon says into the silence. “If this is like a 'thing' you two do, that’s fine, but just. Sometimes, it’s a little weird. That’s all.”
fics_by_maple: Like Vines and Noodle Salad | Jon/Brendon | NC-17 | by maple_mahogany
Jon inherits his grandmother's home after her death. Sometimes falling in love is the easy part – it's everything else that's difficult.
God, I am so glad the rest of the world seems to have caught on to this Jon/Brendon thing.
Jon inherits his grandmother's home after her death. Sometimes falling in love is the easy part – it's everything else that's difficult.... Brendon was falling apart underneath him and Jon had to decide whether he was going to put him back together or finish unraveling him.
Brendon was falling apart underneath him and Jon had to decide whether he was going to put him back together or finish unraveling him.
just_katarin: God only knows | Bandom: Panic at the Disco (Panic GSF, NC17) MASTER POST
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU
Every fandom needs a FLDS AU. This happens to be it, for bandom.
master post for God only knows. boywives!au.
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU.
Jon Walker and his boywives - Big Love AU.
[NC-17] Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU
3 primary stories, master posting for them. AU based on Big Love show.
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU - Brendon and Jon exchange rings and Spencer then Ryan both hug him to welcome Brendon into their family Then Elder Walker is finished and Jon is leaning forward, stiffly, while he presses his mouth fleetingly against Brendon's.
Brendon and Jon exchange rings and Spencer then Ryan both hug him to welcome Brendon into their family Then Elder Walker is finished and Jon is leaning forward, stiffly, while he presses his mouth fleetingly against Brendon's.
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU. All three installments under this link.
sunsetmog_fics: Author's Notes: Thereafter You Have It (And Tango Makes Three) [Panic at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer]
Baby!fic. The almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
the one where brendon knocks a girl up, she signs over the baby, and some how spencer and brendon raise her and fall in love
The almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
"Hey, baby girl," Brendon says, softly. He thinks he should have thought of something more profound to welcome his daughter in to the world. -- the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
The almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer. "Hey, baby girl," Brendon says, softly. He thinks he should have thought of something more profound to welcome his daughter in to the world.
Spencer/Brendon baby!fic. Baby!fic. the almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
Baby!fic. As harriet_vane succinctly put it, the almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
90,000 words. Baby!fic. The almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
"I want to write about how Brendon knocks up some girl and is left with the baby"
Have some whiskey, honey - Patd fic -- An Echo in So Much Space -- NC-17 -- Brendon/Spencer
Brendon doesn't mean to do it. Spencer means to say no.
brendon needs a safe place and spencer pines and then brendon gives spencer a tiny dog
11,097 words. Brendon is afraid to be gay, and takes Spencer up on his offer to 'come to him' next time he needs someone, though Spencer didn't exactly mean it that way. Ugh. The boys are SO cute, and so stupid. I heart this story, and Ryan's character, especially. Bonus: Zack.
Summary: Brendon doesn't mean to do it. Spencer means to say no. |__| [most realistic dialog ever, good writing, pining, furniture selling, hot smut and dogs. good times.]
"I think you're missing the point of tic-tac-toe." "Tic-tac-toe has a point?" "Yes. To win." "Oh. I thought it was just what we did when you wanted to talk to me but were too embarrassed to look me in the eye."
Brendon doesn't mean to do it but he just has to. In the end is Princess Wingnut.
In which Brendon comes to terms with his homosexuality.
11,000 words; It's hot in the club and Spencer's bored, annoyed at the way Ryan and Keltie are so fucking in love and Jon's texting Cassie and smiling to himself and everywhere Spencer looks there are couples holding each other and kissing and being happy and he's really, really not in the mood.
The resolution isn't quite as satisfyingly done as the rest of the fic, but this is awesome. Ryan in particular, but Brendon too.
airgiodslv: 'Tis the season (1/2)
“So,” Gabe said conversationally, sitting down next to him. “You got yourself knocked up.”
It's Spring! Time for all the little faeries to pollinate. Unfortunately for Spencer. Sequel:
Incubating faeries. “So,” Gabe said conversationally, sitting down next to him. “You got yourself knocked up.”
The fic where they're faeries and it is spring so everyone gets pregnant. Spencer wants no part in it, sad that fate doesn't agree with him.
Pregnant fairies! Part I of II.
Summary: “So,” Gabe said conversationally, sitting down next to him. “You got yourself knocked up.” Author's Notes: For [info]foxxcub, who asked for a fairytale AU with no William Beckett and no mpreg unless it was Spencer. This is almost definitely not what she had in mind.
"So,” Gabe said conversationally, sitting down next to him. “You got yourself knocked up.”
marksykins: PatD FIC: Reinvent Love ('Cause I Can't Get Enough of Yours, Babe), Ryan/Brendon, PG-13, 7150 words
This is what happens when Brendon tells Spanish magazines what music he'd use to seduce someone else.
It's way too early for this.
Ryan laughs. "No, all of the puppies of the world are safe as far as I know. I just... have you noticed increased instances of Barry White on the bus?" / "Barry White is dead, Ryan." Spencer kicks the bus door shut and programs the lock. "Are you being haunted by his ghost? I mean, I know you're crazy, but I'm pretty sure seeing dead people reaches a whole new level of insanity I'm not prepared to deal with."
QUOTE: Breakfast turns into forty-five minutes of Brendon Urie and his Barry White Megamix, all sung to Ryan complete with dramatic hand gestures, while Ryan silently talks himself out of rewriting all of their arrangements for keys too low for Jon and him to reach, just to hear Brendon in that octave always. (7,150 words)
Which album would you use to seduce a person of the opposite sex? "I guess this sounds typical, but clearly Barry White. He's the master of seduction." And which one would you use to seduce someone of the same sex? "The same (laughs)."
recommended. I love how they're such a group of friends. and how ryan is self-aware enough to know how obvious he is.
One-shot. Brendon has a Barry White plan. This is funny and and kind of adorkable and genuine feeling; Ryan's voice, in particular, was really believable. And I loved Jon and Spencer confronting Ryan. (PG-13)
Which album would you use to seduce a person of the opposite sex? "I guess this sounds typical, but clearly Barry White. He's the master of seduction."
ourselves like the spine dividing the book in two - Gerard Way's (Vampire) Detective Agency, Part 1
to read (frank/gerard, vampires?)
90% sure this is already book marked. That awesome supernatural detective AU with vampires.
Pete, in Decaydance Mansion, with a yarrow stake. Frank and Gerard, in the greenhouse, with a plant of questionable origin. Bob, everywhere you look, with a gang of assassins for justice. Vampires, valets, pamphlets, haunted furniture, dub-thrall, disembodied voices, zombie couriers, and sinister rituals.
R AU okay, so i love this to death, but i'm distressed by it! it's wonderful and kind of regency and kind of REALLY NOT. but with vampires &etc. the end is kind of... uh. what?? no more?? BUT STILL ALL REALLY GOOD. (ryan ross got very lost. :[ )
The sign on the door reads, “Thank you for visiting Gerard Way's Vampire Detective Agency. If calling after daylight hours, please speak with Mr. Iero upon arriving. If calling during the day, please come back at night.”
Frank is Gerard's valet! And a vampire, and Gerard is a human who acts as a detective for the paranormal community, and Pete may or may not be dead, but whatever, to me this will always be the story where Frank is Gerard's valet and it is *awesome*.
Summary: Pete, in Decaydance Mansion, with a yarrow stake. Frank and Gerard, in the greenhouse, with a plant of questionable origin. Bob, everywhere you look, with a gang of assassins for justice. Vampires, valets, pamphlets, haunted furniture, dub-thrall, disembodied voices, zombie couriers, and sinister rituals.
sunsetmog_fics: Author's Notes: You Can Sit Beside Me When The World Comes Down. Panic at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer
Summary: Spencer had barely even heard of rugby when he tried out for the team. It was just a way of killing time until Ryan was done with his stupid school magazine. Helping Ryan sift through the lame emo poetry submissions was only funny the first few times. But their west-coast prep school doesn't play soccer or football, so the rugby team turns out to be the coolest thing around, and suddenly Spencer's the school's most popular player. Then Spencer meets Brendon, and everything changes. |__| [my face hurts from grinning at this so hard. this was the cutest, funniest, sweetest, most awesome thing ever and i kind of just want it to never ever ever end.]
Highschool AU, of the best kind, because we've got Brendon/Spencer romance *and* Ryan+Spencer BFFness, plus a fun helping of Ryan/Jon. The one where Spencer plays rugby and is the king, Ryan is his literary-journal obsessed best friend, and Brendon is a theater kid, who Spencer meets when he hurts his leg. The best part, though, is not even the Brendon/Spencer, but this line: "because when you're around you’re the only fucking thing that I see." And that's from Jon to Ryan <3. Primarily Brendon/Spencer and Jon/Ryan, 51000 words.
Really adorable, intensely high-school. Brendon is the drama geek, Spencer is the star flyhalf of the rugby team, Ryan edits the school lit magazine, and Jon is his creepy stalker. Manages to have all those roles filled without becoming unbearably cliche, so props to that.
Spencer had barely even heard of rugby when he tried out for the team. It was just a way of killing time until Ryan was done with his stupid school magazine. Helping Ryan sift through the lame emo poetry submissions was only funny the first few times. But their west-coast prep school doesn't play soccer or football, so the rugby team turns out to be the coolest thing around, and suddenly Spencer's the school's most popular player. Then Spencer meets Brendon, and everything changes.
Spencer had barely even heard of rugby when he tried out for the team. It was just a way of killing time until Ryan was done with his stupid school magazine. Helping Ryan sift through the lame emo poetry submissions was only funny the first few times. But their west-coast prep school doesn't play soccer or football, so the rugby team turns out to be the coolest thing around, and suddenly Spencer's the school's most popular player. Then Spencer meets Brendon, and everything changes. Oh my god is this story amazing. Fantastic Ryan/Spencer friendship, calling acting classes out on their stupidity, failboats in love like whoa, and I really, really love the Jon/Ryan side pairing in this.
Oh my god but this is so cute. And funny. And cute. High School AU of adorable lameness. Spencer’s the *flyhalf* :D
51,000 words. high school AU -- Spencer had barely even heard of rugby when he tried out for the team. It was just a way of killing time until Ryan was done with his stupid school magazine. Helping Ryan sift through the lame emo poetry submissions was only funny the first few times. But their west-coast prep school doesn't play soccer or football, so the rugby team turns out to be the coolest thing around, and suddenly Spencer's the school's most popular player. Then Spencer meets Brendon, and everything changes.
This is fucking amazing. Everything about it is so cute and sweet, even Spencer's mom and her gay freak out. The banter is what really makes this, so read it, because it is a nice, light read that I, personally, never wanted to end. AWKWARD boys for the win.
Jae - update: a marriage of convenience
Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal.
Jon/Tom, NC-17. 40,000 words Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal.
Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal.
This was a pleasure to read, and so fabulous. This 'verse completely drew me in. The writing has a pitch-perfect style that reflects the period in which the story was set. I loved seeing Jon and Tom's romance develop, and wow, it was ridiculously hot.
NC17. SUMMARY: Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal.
40,000 words. Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal. <333
Jon/Tom Historical Epic AU of much love. In the tone of Austen.
"Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal"
overanalyzing the manifestations of the unconscious - fic: If You're Not There To Sing Along
Ryan has a one-man folk duo. It used to be a two-man folk duo, which is, after all, the traditionally accepted paradigm for a folk duo, but his other ("Better," Brendon always said. "Better half!") half took a trip home for the holidays, slipped in some unfortunately spiked eggnog, and fell right into a shotgun wedding.
It's not that Jon isn't hot. It's that Spencer absolutely, positively cannot fuck up Ryan's band.
The one where Ryan's a one-man folk duo.
Ryan has a one-man folk duo.
It's not that Jon isn't hot. It's that Spencer absolutely, positively cannot fuck up Ryan's band
It's called, uh," Jon says, blinking down at his guitar and placing his fingers on it very deliberately. "'I Wasn't That Into Folk Music But I Thought You Were Cute Since The First Time You Walked Into My Starbucks So I Joined The Band Anyway And Now I Like It But You Should Still Go Out With Me'," Jon says. "Working title." "I usually call it 'Spencer'," Ryan says, shrugging. "But sure."
Jon and Ryan's folk-rock duo.
battleofhydaspe: the sun smells too loud, part 1
Summary: College AU. Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours. |__| [eh. good, but not amazing. kind of forgettable.]
Spencer meets Brendon through Cassie. He's an International Relations major with a minor in Music which is maybe kind of an odd combination but hey, Spencer's seen weirder things. Like, say, any given vest Ryan insisted on wearing last year. Spencer is really glad Ryan's over that, it's easier to show in public with him now.
College AU. Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours.
the sun smells too loud (Brendon/Spencer, nc-17, 19,000 words) College AU. Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours.
(Brendon/Spencer, nc-17, 19,000 words) College AU. Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours.
Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours.
airgiodslv: Sir Brendon of Urie (1/2)
There was a dragon on the outskirts of the kingdom. This was the best thing to happen ever.
How Sir Brendon of Urie, a knight of the realm, along with his faithful companions, did quest to slay the fearful dragon of the mountain, and other adventures
here was a dragon on the outskirts of the kingdom. This was the best thing to happen ever.
"Once upon a time, said "You haven't been indulging your secret fantasy writer self enough. JEN, WRITE A STORY WHERE PEOPLE LIVE IN CASTLES, I AM SO SERIOUS, YOU NEED TO WRITE THIS!""
Comedy magical kingdom knights AU! Silly and sweet and with most of bandom turning up at some point or another, this is very much the essence of bandom comfort fic.
Quests to save dragons, Spencer the disgruntled princess, top hat!Patrick, Amanda Palmer Vicky-T and Greta as badass sorceresses, TAI/CS as do-gooder bandits, MCR trying to make everyone believe in magic again.
[PG] Warning: Spencer is inexplicably a princess.-- There was a dragon on the outskirts of the kingdom. This was the best thing to happen ever.
Summary: There was a dragon on the outskirts of the kingdom. This was the best thing to happen ever. “Ever,” Brendon enthused, clanking along in his armor toward the audience chamber. “I can prove myself now. I can have a quest.”
16000. Spencer is inexplicably a princess. Brendon finally finds a quest to win Spencer's heart.
passe_simple: Brendon Urie and the Muggle Who Wasn't 1/2
Spencer was bored in math class, which was why he was looking up and noticed the weird kid sitting ahead of him.
Brendon was still staring at his pen. He put it down on the desk and smiled sort of secretly at it, and then – and then it started to float. Brendon Urie is a wizard who's family is being threatened by Voldemort's followers after his older sister Kara kills someone important.
Brendon's the new weird kid in school. But he's weird for a very good reason.
This makes me happy in so many ways; it's my very favourite kind of crossover.
Brendon's the new weird kid in school. But he's weird for a very good reason. It's panic in the hp world sorta.
Harry Potterr au
18000. Brendon the wizard has to hide out at a muggle school when death eaters are after his family.
word_plays: In Case The Scene Gets Nasty, Part 1/9
In which there is a lot of hate!sex and fighting. aka, boy hates boy, boy fights boy, boys get cliche detention that eventually ends in angry!sex, boy sleeps with boy, boy realizes he might not totally hate other boy, boy wins. ~90K words.
Brendon has been kicked out of his house for refusing Mormon beliefs. Ryan is struggling with his drunk father. The two of them take out their frustrations on each other through fistfights and nasty words. At least, that is, until they start taking it out on each other through sex. It's actually a fairly short trip to falling in like, and then in love. This story is more hurt than comfort, as a warning. I actually really loved that there was such yearning and squashed pain in it, in part because that seems true to adolescence, and in part because it was so delicious to read; however, if you get frustrated by characters being dense or hiding their extenuating circumstances or disguising their feelings, you may not want to read this all in one go. The characterization was killer, though, and I really believed the trajectory of their relationship. Background Spencer/Haley, Jon/Cassie. Other band members are present as teachers, but aren't featured.
Brendon/Ryan 90,571 words. NC-17 Better to take the long way home than not to arrive at all. A high school AU. AMAZING. ALL-TIME FAV. Hatesex, oh the hatesex.
Brendon and Ryan fucking hate eachother, right? Except, at some point hate becomes passion and it turns into love.
Better to take the long way home than not to arrive at all. A high school AU.
brendon and ryan are high school enemies with their own set of problems. recced.
They're the tiniest kids in their class, always have been, and the sight should be ridiculous, but no one ever laughs. Instead they whisper it through the hallways on the way to lunch, the tension already there – "Hey, hey. Ross and Urie are at it again. You coming?" The question is unnecessary. Everyone always comes.
The bell has rung and the quad is empty apart from them, but they stay there, mud and grass and blood and boy, until one of them wins. One of them always wins.
high school enemies au
There's something about it, something that means it escapes the gossip, the rumours behind it, everything that normally happens in high school. No one knows why they do it, except maybe Spencer and Jon, and no one particularly cares, either. The way Ross and Urie fight is ugly; awkward fists and knuckles cracking and grunts, and the crowd that gathers around them is nearly always silent.
sunsetmog_fics: Fic: Just Another [Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer, 1/2]
A classic "we woke up married" story, featuring Brendon and Spencer. They wake up hungover, confused, and married to one another; they have rings, a marriage certificate, and polaroids to prove it. The usual happens: they gradually adjust to being married, and slowly fall in love. It's clean, simple, short -- only two parts -- and done perfectly.
This story about friends slowly, slowly falling in love is sweet and wonderful and painful to read, in a way. I have my own reasons for this hitting me hard, but really, the way she writes them overwhelmed and sad and then, then. Lovely.
Spencer wishes he remembered the actual getting married part of marrying Brendon.
Spencer wishes he remembered the actual getting married part of marrying Brendon. *
Spencer/Brendon fic. Spencer wishes he remembered the actual getting married part of marrying Brendon.
Utterly sweet.
Woke-up-married!fic. Spencer wishes he remembered the actual getting married part of marrying Brendon.
witheveryspark: All I Want for Christmas Is You [1/2]
Brendon and Spencer are college students in Chicago working as elves at Santa's Christmas Wonderland in the mall. At first, Spencer is jealous because Brendon is great with the screaming and crying kids who come to see Santa. He's also just a tiny bit irritated by Brendon's boundless energy and enthusiasm. Then he finds himself developing a crush and pining away for Brendon -- only to be confused by Brendon's sudden affection for Ryan, Spencer's best friend/roommate and Brendon's classmate in a music performance class at school. Ryan works at a bookstore in the mall, Jon works at Starbucks, and there are lots of faily boys having cliched misunderstandings.
n notices Brendon open his mouth to ask another question, and Jon replies, "Photography major." "Do you like, do shows at galleries and stuff? Do you take pictures for people at another job?" Brendon asks, getting on his tiptoes and leaning against the bar. Jon laughs. "Sometimes? I showed at a gallery once." He shrugs. "I'm still looking for a job, so. This is kind of holding me over for a while." He glances at Spencer, narrowing his eyes as though to say, Your elf buddy asks a lot of questions. "That's cool," Brendon says.
Brendon and Spencer are college students in Chicago working as elves at Santa's Christmas Wonderland in the mall.
rendon and Spencer are college students in Chicago working as elves at Santa's Christmas Wonderland in the mall. At first, Spencer is jealous because Brendon is great with the screaming and crying kids who come to see Santa. He's also just a tiny bit irritated by Brendon's boundless energy and enthusiasm. Then he finds himself developing a crush and pining away for Brendon -- only to be confused by Brendon's sudden affection for Ryan, Spencer's best friend/roommate and Brendon's classmate in a music performance class at school. Ryan works at a bookstore in the mall, Jon works at Starbucks, and there are lots of faily boys having cliched misunderstandings.
Brendon and Spencer are college students in Chicago working as elves at Santa's Christmas Wonderland in the mall. At first, Spencer is jealous because Brendon is great with the screaming and crying kids who come to see Santa. He's also just a tiny bit irritated by Brendon's boundless energy and enthusiasm.
boweryd: Live Our Misbehavior, Spencer/Brendon, NC-17
The thing is, and Spencer will fucking swear to this should anyone ever ask, the first time it happened it was a total accident. It wasn’t his fault for coming any more than it was Brendon’s fault for having that fucking mouth, but the fact remained that one day, about two weeks ago, Brendon had been a fucking tease and Spencer had maybe, accidentally, come all over his face. Things had gotten a little weird after that. He just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Like a compulsion or something. Hello, Brendon, how are you today? I’d like to come on your face. Hey, Brendon, can you pass the ketchup? Can I come on your face? Brendon, you can’t pull off facial hair, you need to shave. And when you’re done, I’m going to come on your face. It was getting a little distracting.
“Do you think I’m a slut,” Brendon says, “Because you’ve been acting kind of really weird since you came on my face.”
Brendon’s eyes are huge and glassy, all pupil, his mouth bitten red, and he’s panting a little, hot and open, the muscles in his neck and shoulders strained from where he’s reaching down to wrap around Spencer. “Brendon. . .” “Ask for it.” Brendon’s never, ever been this way, never asked anything of Spencer, never been this wild-eyed and rough, and Spencer has to close eyes against it for a second, take a breath. “Let me,” he says, stuttered and slurred at the same time. “Please, let me do it, let me come on your face.” The last part comes out kind of embarrassingly high and he keeps his eyes squeezed shut, but then Brendon’s hands are on his hips, tugging up and over, getting Spencer on his knees above Brendon’s chest. The bunk is way, way too low for this and he has to bend over almost in half, but he ignores the twinge in his back as soon as Brendon’s lips wrap around his cock and shit.
“Do you think I’m a slut,” Brendon says, “Because you’ve been acting kind of really weird since you came on my face.” -- FACIALS AHOY! ...heh.
ignipes: Panic fic: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes (Ryan/Spencer)
There's a masquerade ball at the castle.
10,439 words. Cinderella AU in which Ryan is an orphan taken in by the Smiths. An orphan who is very excited about going to the royal ball, until he discovers he has nothing to wear. LOVE THIS. It's funny and sweet and not really romantic at all, especially for a Cinderella story, but it's awesome! Bonus: Prince Jon and Brendon the fairy godmother. And the limericks. \o/
A Cinderella story. Ryan is in love with Prince Jon, but his real Prince Charming may be a little closer to home than he was expecting.
There's a masquerade ball at the castle. 10k.
A Cinderella story. Ryan/Spencer. PG-13. 10,500 words.
a cinderella story
Once upon a time there was a beautiful young man who lived in a village by the castle. He was tall and elegant and well-dressed when he could afford to be, which wasn't often because he had lost both parents to fever at a very young age. He was taken in by another family who, alas, treated him very poorly— "Hey! We do not!" —and often forced the young man to perform hard labor while they lounged about in indolence. They gave him a room— "Yeah, my room."
"It's nothing to be ashamed of," Brendon said, in the same tone of voice Mrs. Smith had used that day she'd sat Ryan and Spencer down and told them where babies came from. "Enthusiasm can make up for a lack of skill a lot of the time—" "No," Ryan said quickly. "No demonstration." Brendon dropped his hand and sighed. "Pure as the driven snow. It's kind of cute, you know. And just because the opportunity has never presented itself—" "The opportunity has presented itself plenty of times," Ryan said. He began fussing angrily with his cravat.
There's a masquerade ball at the castle. prince jonathan, ryan as cinderella, spencer as his adopted brother, brendon the fairy
witheveryspark: If There's Such a Thing as Love (1/2)
Spencer Smith has the ultimate playboy lifestyle, moving from one hot person to the next. So why would he want Brendon, his dorky friend who loves him from afar? Spencer needs a convenient spouse -- and Brendon is his first choice. Shocked at Spencer's proposal, Brendon has doubts about the crazy plan -- until Spencer gives him a taste of just how hot they can be together.
Spencer Smith has the ultimate playboy lifestyle, moving from one hot person to the next. So why would he want Brendon, his dorky friend who loves him from afar? Spencer needs a convenient spouse -- and Brendon is his first choice. Shocked at Spencer's proposal, Brendon has doubts about the crazy plan -- until Spencer gives him a taste of just how hot they can be together.*
As the host of a popular TV show, The Hunter, Spencer could have anyone he wanted. He was famous. On his show, he traveled to archaeological sites around the world, finding treasure and, as he said, "making archaeology accessible to the public." He'd majored in archaeology in college; Brendon always connected it back to Spencer's obsession with dinosaurs and mummies as a kid.
But, looking at the way Spencer smiled at him, the way Spencer held his hand, it was hard not to think that it was. Continues Part Two.
Reni Days - Milestone! Baby's First Panic-Fic
He can't fucking believe he's somehow managed to acquire a "thing" for Brendon. Worse, he can't believe he didn't notice it happening.
Spencer can't fucking believe he's somehow managed to acquire a "thing" for Brendon. Worse, he can't believe he didn't notice it happening.
[Spencer] can't fucking believe he's somehow managed to acquire a "thing" for Brendon. Worse, he can't believe he didn't notice it happening. ~8k
He can't fucking believe he's somehow managed to acquire a "thing" for Brendon. Worse, he can't believe he didn't notice it happening. ( Mild canon-fuckery. Exists in some vague present-day timeline where Spencer and Haley are a thing of the past, and for some reason everyone owns houses and lives alone.)
[Light and funny.] He can't fucking believe he's somehow managed to acquire a "thing" for Brendon.
Ryan just laughs at him again. "Oh, come on. Don't tell me he didn't put out after all? You paid for his dinner and everything!" His tone is mocking, and Spencer doesn't know if Brendon can actually hear him through the phone, or if the God of Perfect Comedic Setup Lines has just chosen this moment to pay them all a visit, but deliberate or not, this is the moment that Brendon chooses to mumble groggily, "Mmm... Fuck, who is that? 'S too early," from his position on Spencer's chest, approximately an inch and a half from the phone. His voice is gravelly and sleep-rough. There is a short silence, and then, "...Spencer?" Ryan sort of yelps. "Is that—did you—is that Brendon?"
He can't fucking believe he's somehow managed to acquire a "thing" for Brendon. Worse, he can't believe he didn't notice it happening. Mild canon-fuckery. Exists in some vague present-day timeline where Spencer and Haley are a thing of the past, and for some reason everyone owns houses and lives alone. *shrug*
ignipes: PatD Fic: It's All Fun and Games Until Somebody Gets Buried Alive (Ryan/Spencer, PG-13)
"I'll turn into Batman," Spencer says. "You can turn into Robin." "Okay," Ryan says agreeably. Wearing ridiculous outfits and living in a secret lair full of gadgets and fighting crime alongside Spencer doesn't sound like such a bad life, even though Ryan's pretty sure they would suck at fighting crime. Well, he would suck, because he's about as intimidating as a limp noodle, but Spencer would probably kick ass as a masked vigilante. There are unfortunate victims all across the country who have learned the hard way what befalls those who try to steal caffeinated beverages and coveted salty snack foods from the Panic bus. But still. It would be cool. As long as Spencer was there with him.
In which Ryan and Spencer are idiots, their friends are devious, everybody has bad ideas and nobody turns into Batman. **"Why don't I have a pool boy?" Spencer never bothers with hello. "I should have a pool boy to make sure there are no dead birds in my pool when I get home." "I'm coming over, but I'm not going to be your pool boy," Ryan says. "I hope you have food." And Spencer says, "I have a chlorinated dead bird. How hungry are you?"
In which Ryan and Spencer are idiots, their friends are devious, everybody has bad ideas and nobody turns into Batman.
cest_what: Fic: I, Robot (Machines Just Wanna Have Fun), Ryan/Brendon
Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated.
Bandom (Panic at the Disco) | Ryan/Brendon | 2,400 words | PG Summary: Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated. Warning: Real Person Fiction Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I don't know any of the members of Panic at the Disco, and don't in the least imagine that this is what goes on in their bus. No offence is meant. A/N: Not beta'd. Typo spotting earns you grateful smiles.
Not-a-robot-Robot!Ryan "You sang me back home," Ryan said quietly. Then he frowned. "No, wait, that sounded really lame." "You're writing lyrics right now, aren't you?" Brendon asked, the laugh spilling into his voice. "Like, while we were kissing, you were totally putting half your attention into working out synonyms."
Standalone. Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated.
"Oh my god," Spencer said, "Ryan is not actually a robot, Brendon." || Ryan get whammied by a fan, and starts acting strangely. Cracky and hilarious at the beginning, but actually kinda creepy, until it all ends in adorable.
In which the band wake up one day and find that Ryan turned into a robot. Only he didn't (and Jon also managed to break him. But not on purpose).
2,400 words. Ryan isn't actually a robot. Maybe. It's complicated. -- this is adooooorable. i am confused but very happy.
Brendon giggled, breathless. "He's a broken robot," he said. "Oh, wow, this is messed up."
longtime_lurker: Fic: those who tell the truth... (Brendon gen, PG-13)
Working title: "GAY!BDEN ANGSTY ANGST." You are warned accordingly! Extra-special disclaimer to this one: I claim no knowledge whatsoever of the actual Brendon Urie's actual sexual orientation. That's his own business, not tinhat material, and also we don't actually know the dude (...unless of course you do, in which case please hit the back button now. D:) Title: those who tell the truth shall die (those who tell the truth shall live forever) Fandom: Panic at the Disco RPF Rating: PG-13ish Pairing: Brendon gen Word Count: ~10,100 Notes: Title from Explosions in the Sky, section headers from a George Takei quote. Many thanks to [info]jocondite for beta help.
"GAY!BDEN ANGSTY ANGST." Hard hurting coming out fic.
Despite his best efforts, touring is inescapably weird because touring is boys and boys and boys. Boys in his space, all the time, boys laughing, boys touching him, all day long, boys everywhere. And sure, when Brendon's up there in performance mode he kinda gets off on the nebulous mass feminine presence of the fans - hell, they all do, its flattering - but it's in front of boys that Brendon really lights up, shows off, sparkles. He knows it. He wonders if its obvious.
He’s in junior high, a tiny, awkward ball of energy, and he's a couple hours into his first ever real show and Brendon Urie has never seen anything like it.
Made-up men and mustached women, exotic dancing and cabaret fashion and surrealist weddings and the lead singer stalking his guitarist hungrily across the stage. The whole thing oozes sexuality, and yeah, it also oozes queer. "I think that says something," Ryan says with satisfaction, "like, that we're secure enough in ourselves to mess with it, you know?" "Yeah," says Brendon, "totally!"
Gay!Brendon angst.
The long, difficult process of coming out for Brendon. Really awesome.
Brendon and coming out
He’s in junior high, a tiny, awkward ball of energy, and he's a couple hours into his first ever real show and Brendon Urie has never seen anything like it. Even at this age Brendon knows enough about music to get that the band (Creed, parent-approved for their vaguely Christian bent) isn’t that great by itself. But being here for this, the live experience, somehow that's totally different. Brendon’s kind of an excitable kid in the first place, but this all-encompassing thrill - mind and body, like he’s part of something huge - this is all new, astonishing, so much holier than church, so much bigger than himself. He wants to live in it forever. It’s the vibration of the bassline coming up through the floor into the soles of his sneakers, the eager way the crowd responds, the heat and percussion and the jostling bodies around him. He’s been half-hard since the show started; it's the first time he’s ever had that physical reaction for very long...
He’s in junior high, a tiny, awkward ball of energy, and he's a couple hours into his first ever real show and Brendon Urie has never seen anything like it. Even at this age Brendon knows enough about music to get that the band (Creed, parent-approved for their vaguely Christian bent) isn’t that great by itself. But being here for this, the live experience, somehow that's totally different. Brendon’s kind of an excitable kid in the first place, but this all-encompassing thrill - mind and body, like he’s part of something huge - this is all new, astonishing, so much holier than church, so much bigger than himself. He wants to live in it forever. It’s the vibration of the bassline coming up through the floor into the soles of his sneakers, the eager way the crowd responds, the heat and percussion and the jostling bodies around him. He’s been half-hard since the show started; it's the first time he’s ever had that physical reaction for very long...
"GAY!BDEN ANGSTY ANGST." (Brendon gen, PG13, +10k)
Working title: "GAY!BDEN ANGSTY ANGST." You are warned accordingly!
“I believe the phrase is ‘glass closet’,” says Spencer, and Brendon kicks his heel against the couch cushions and says lightly, “Can't I have a great glass elevator instead?” "Just make sure it's the right question you're answering," Jon advises him. "Not SO I HEAR YOU'RE IN STAR-CROSSED LOVE WITH RYAN ROSS BUT THE LABEL IS KEEPING YOU APART." Brendon laughs and rolls his eyes, and imagines answering in the affirmative the next time he gets confronted with it - one of their older, weirder devotees, would you describe yourself as queer? or a curious teenager, so my cousin thinks you're cute and he wants to know, do you ever hook up with guys? - and knows he'll never do it.
(Brendon gen, PG13, +10k)
fiddleyoumust: Fic - The Meaning of My Life Is... (Brendon/Spencer)
Brendon wants a baby. It's not something he thinks about or plans. He just wakes up one morning and drinks the last of Spencer's pot of coffee. He takes Dylan for a walk. He takes a shower and smokes a cigarette. He sits down next to Spencer and pulls the newspaper out of his hands. It won't fold right, and eventually Brendon gets frustrated with it, placing it in a messy pile on the coffee table. achy and then beautiful and I just love the way they are portrayed with so much depth
Brendon and Spencer have a baby via a surrogate. Really sweet.
Brendon and Spencer have a baby.
"I want a baby," Brendon says. Spencer, to his credit, doesn't even blink. He looks at his crumpled paper, his brow wrinkled up so that Brendon knows he's annoyed. He looks at his hands. He looks at his feet. He looks out the sliding glass door, his skin crinkling when he squints his eyes against the sun. "I don't think," Spencer starts. "I'm not ready for a baby," he says. Spencer holds his shoulders tight when he's ready to fight. Brendon wraps his hand over one of them and squeezes and kneads. He digs his fingers in hard until he feels the muscles loosen under his fingers. Spencer doesn't turn around. He keeps his focus on whatever -- on the grass or the sky or the dog sniffing around in the flower bed. Brendon says, "Okay," and Spencer doesn't turn around.
"I want a baby," Brendon says. Spencer, to his credit, doesn't even blink. He looks at his crumpled paper, his brow wrinkled up so that Brendon knows he's annoyed. He looks at his hands. He looks at his feet. He looks out the sliding glass door, his skin crinkling when he squints his eyes against the sun. "I don't think," Spencer starts. "I'm not ready for a baby," he says.
Sometimes it feels like he's doing his own thing, dragging Spencer along for the ride, even if Spencer's never really made him feel that way.
marksykins: Panic at the Disco RPS FIC: In Like Flynn, Jon/Ryan, PG-13, 7211 words
College AU. Ryan's friends from Vegas come to visit and meet his hot roommate. Wacky hijinks ensue.
Ryan already knew that Jon was hot. He had eyes, after all, and he only needed glasses when he drove. He also wasn't stupid. So it wasn't like when Brendon leaned in and whispered (definitely loud enough for Jon to hear), "Ryan, your roommate is so fucking hot," a series of synapses fired in Ryan's brain that ended with him getting a big, fat crush on Jon Walker. He'd already been there long before his friends came for a visit. But just because someone wanted something didn't mean he got it and Ryan knew that, too.
Ryan's friends from Vegas come to visit and meet his hot roommate. Wacky hijinks ensue.
"Fuck," Ryan exhaled as Pete let him go and Jon walked over to where Spencer and Gabe were lining up a row of empty bottles to do God-only-knew-what. He caught Spencer giving Jon a surprised glance just before Ashlee stole Ryan's hat and pulled his attention back to them. "Hello to you, too," she said pointedly, adjusting the fedora on her head. Ryan's shoulders sagged. "Sorry," he said, and he really did mean it, "that just didn't play out the way I'd expected it to." Ashlee smiled brightly. "Love makes us do funny things!" "When did I get so obvious?" Ryan sighed. "Uh, at least since you were seventeen and posting half-naked pictures of yourself online?" Pete said, and Ryan scowled. "Oh, for fuck's sake, Ross, stop looking at me like that. It's what got me to read your poetry, isn't it?" "So you keep reminding me every two days."
Summary: College AU. Ryan's friends from Vegas come to visit and meet his hot roommate. Wacky hijinks ensue.
Just A Teenage Douchebag, Baby by softlyforgotten
Ahaha, oh god, this is unbetaed and quite horrible! Warnings for IMPROBABLE SITUATIONS, SCHOOMPY RESOLUTIONS, and RYAN ROSS IN ALL HIS GRUMPY GLORY.
Ryan is going to have a Good Day. (A high school AU.)
Ryan is going to have a Good Day.
Ryan had decided it was going to be a good day.
Ryan tries to have a good day
Ryan is going to have a Good Day
It turned out that he didn’t really mind being stuck with Brendon after all. Brendon had always been the slightly hyperactive kid sitting on his own at the back of Ryan’s classes, and Ryan had never taken much interest in him, but he was alright, considering. He was always smiling, for one thing, which wasn’t as annoying as Ryan might have thought, and he seemed happy enough to sit and listen when Ryan talked about why whatever they were studying was crap, and how they should be doing Chuck Palahniuk instead. Today, he plopped down next to him five minutes after Ryan had arrived and said, breathlessly, “Hi, again.” “Hey,” Ryan said, and started to pull out his books. “Um, I meant to say—” Ryan looked up and raised an eyebrow, and Brendon looked a little disconcerted. “I like your shirt,” he told Ryan. “The, uh, the yellow, I mean. Like, um, the sun? I like it.”
calvitiesfic: Title: we are robotsFandom: Bandom (Pani
"What the fuck is a Twitter?" Spencer asks, leaning out of the bunk to glare at Ryan. Ryan resists the urge to flinch; he's long since become immune to Spencer's bitch face, but it still hurts.
spencer gets a twitter and falls in love
P!ATD MCR fic spencer/bob eventually.... twitter centered
Panic get a Twitter
hree thoughts run through Spencer's head. The first is wow, blunt, much?, the second is god, he's so brave, I really couldn't have done that, and the third is holy fuck Bob Bryar is kissing me. Spencer thinks that the third thought might be the best he's ever had.
Panic get a Twitter.
Panic gets a Twitter. Bob is sneaky.
Panic get a Twitter...
hey, I didn't want to message you guys until I knew who was doing the twittering. From the name change I cleverly figured out who you are, Smith. It's been too long man, how are you guys? PS: this is Bob from MCR, in case you didn't know PPS: Dix says hi
He can barely believe his eyes when he gets an e-mail saying 'Bob Bryar is now following you on Twitter' because seriously, Bob Bryar has a Twitter! He instantly regresses back to his fanboy stage - which was all Ryan's fault, by the way - and follows every member of My Chem.
He can barely believe his eyes when he gets an e-mail saying 'Bob Bryar is now following you on Twitter' because seriously, Bob Bryar has a Twitter! He instantly regresses back to his fanboy stage - which was all Ryan's fault, by the way - and follows every member of My Chem. Frank and Mikey don't seem to update very often, Ray goes on about video games a lot, and Gerard is completely obsessed with coffee, but Bob seems to be enjoying it. He replies to most people and manages to be sarcastic but truthful in almost every update.
ignipes: Panic fic: You Can Leave Your Hat On (Ryan/his band, GSF)
There must have been some magic in that old silk hat he found.
Magical sex hat!
Ryan steals a hat from a snowman and then people start hitting on him. Correlation, causation?
Ryan steals a hat from an inflatable snowman, and suddenly everybody wants to have sex with him. Fortunately his band doesn't need a hat for that. "After a few minutes Ryan sat up, adjusted the hat on his head, and snapped a picture with his phone. He sent it to Pete with the question: does this hat make u want 2 hv sex w/me? He received a reply almost immediately: gntleman i can never have this is an unbirthday party. Ryan took that as a 'yes'. He was about to toss his phone aside when he got another text. This one was from Ashlee: 3some???1? :) :) :) Ryan sighed. His phone beeped again. It was Joe: dude. And Patrick: nice hat. And: time for a vote. sex w/ryanross y/n? –a Sometimes Ryan wondered if Andy was trying to bring about the fall of civilization via Twitter. He fell back onto the bed again, but his phone kept beeping with new messages. sweet young thang, said Travis. notmy type but hell do, said Cassadee. rawr, said Gabe. im totes not gay but id hit dat, said Cash."
ryan finds a magical sex hat
Summary: There must have been some magic in that old silk hat he found.
One-shot. Ryan steals a top hat from a snowman, and ... suddenly his bandmates are being kind of weird. Funny and ridiculous and kind of sexy. (R)
zarah5v2: Fic: Still Motion
In which, Ryan discovers that Spencer can hold him down now; so very naturally them, with an emphasis on the aspects of "dynamic" between them that I am most fond of. Well-chosen glimpses and a fabulous friend/relationship.
Spencer is strong enough now to hold both of Ryan’s wrists down with just one hand.
"Spencer is strong enough now to hold both of Ryan’s wrists down with just one hand." 5,000 words
Ryan’s attention is drawn back to Spencer – not that it ever really went away, given how Spencer’s weight is pressing him down, or with the tight grip Spencer’s fingers have around Ryan’s wrists, fuck—Ryan’s attention is drawn back to Spencer when Spencer leans down, head tilted. There are hardly more than two inches between their mouths. “You lost,” Spencer says. “You suck,” Ryan replies. Spencer laughs and rolls off him. It takes a few seconds before Ryan’s chest feels normal again.
They didn’t draw the blinds last night, so the morning sun is filtering into the room, throwing an odd pattern on the carpet. Spencer is still asleep, plastered to Ryan’s back, one leg between both of Ryan’s. It’s hot, and somewhat itchy, and the bed is too small for two people. Ryan shifts back against Spencer’s chest, closes his eyes and decides to go back to sleep.
>> Spencer is strong enough now to hold both of Ryan’s wrists down with just one hand. << Ryan/Spencer NC-17, warning for mild D/s themes
He’s watching Ryan’s face intently, eyes focused as he applies a hint of pressure, not much, just enough for Ryan to know Spencer is there, to remind him he’s trapped with both hands pinned against the carpet and Spencer’s forearm keeping him in place.
Spencer is strong enough now to hold both of Ryan’s wrists down with just one hand. It’s a realization Ryan thinks he could have lived without, and happily, at that. Unfortunately, it’s also a realization that’s rather difficult to push aside with Spencer hovering above him, a triumphant gleam in his eyes as he keeps Ryan trapped against the floor. “My choice.” “Fuck you,” Ryan says uselessly. “Dude, not right here. Think of Brendon’s innocent baby ears.” Jon’s tone is mild. He sets the remote control aside to reach for a handful of chips while Brendon gives him a lazy finger. “’m older than Spencer, so shut up, Jon Walker.” “Make me,” Jon says.
emilyray: Fic: Chicago Bromance Stockholm Syndrome
Chicago Bromance Stockholm Syndrom: a cautionary tale. Or: Five Dudes Jon Walker Has Been Kind Of Gay With.
Five dudes Jon Walker has been kind of gay with. // Fun and warm to the touch. Jon-centric, which makes my day. Left a smile on my face - the best kind of fic.
Subtitled: "Five Dudes Jon Walker Has Been Kind Of Gay With."
Jon loves his guys. In Chicago, that's what you do.
(a cautionary tale) Or: Five Dudes Jon Walker Has Been Kind Of Gay With.
Oh, oblivious Jon, so adorable. Sweet and silly.
Five Dudes Jon Walker Has Been Kind Of Gay With
2009-03, casual mentions of drug use | Author's summary: Jon gets into the Chicago scene pretty early | Or, "Jon hasn't been pining for Ryan at all and doesn't realize they're dating. I WOULD READ SO MANY STORIES WITH THAT BASIC PLOT."
Jon knows where he belongs and it's in a bus or even a van with a bunch of other guys going backwards and forwards across the country and getting far too well acquainted with each other's sweaty armpits. Jon loves his guys. In Chicago, that's what you do.
(alternate version c: Jon hasn't been pining for Ryan at all and doesn't realize they're dating. I WOULD READ SO MANY STORIES WITH THAT BASIC PLOT.)
formerlydf: Quarterlife Crisis [Brendon/Brendon, Panic GSF, PG]
Brendon sees all of his possibilities.
all the brendons that could have been.
A quarterlife crisis is when all your what-ifs, the lives you could have lived, gather and fight about choices you should have made and opportunities you shouldn't have missed.
at brendon's quarterlife crisis, every possible brendon meets every other brendon and poor patrick has to sift through them all.//so many possibilities, it's magical, i swear to god.
airgiodslv: Recs List
bandom recs list
List your five-to-ten favourite bandom fics, and the reasons they are your favourites.
people listing 5-10 of their faves
BY POPULAR BANDOM LOVE-IN DEMAND: List your five-to-ten favourite bandom fics, and the reasons they are your favourites. Please provide links, you never know what people will not have read! As a bonus, if you're a writer, list your favourite bandom fic that you've written, and why. We never get an excuse to rec ourselves, so go for it! REC AWAY! \o/
People list their 5 - 10 fav bandom fics.
So many beautiful fics, everyone's favorites by trustworthy names
RECS!! List your five-to-ten favourite bandom fics, and the reasons they are your favourites. Please provide links, you never know what people will not have read!
cest_what: Fic: Hazard's Child, Jon/Brendon
In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game. Based on Georgette Heyer's short story 'Hazard'.
Summary: In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game. Based on Georgette Heyer's short story 'Hazard'. Notes: this was pretty adorable. i really wish it was longer.
Jon wins Brendon in a card game and they elope to Gretna Green ... of course things aren't actually that simple. A cute little fic with a happy ending!
Summary: In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game. Based on Georgette Heyer's short story 'Hazard'.
In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game.
He looked up, giving Brendon a warm, sweet smile. "Sir, I have won your hand honourably. Will you go with me?"
In which Jon wins Brendon in a dice game. Regency AU.
Jon wins Brendon in a game of chance. || Utterly charming harlequin short, based off a Georgette Heyer short story.
just_katarin: if so my stay may be very interesting | Bandom: Panic at the Disco (Panic GSF, NC17)
Vampire fic; writing style isn't great, but I like the concept and the way they fit at the end.
“I don’t see why you want us there,” Brendon asks when he pulls away from the girl’s neck. His lips are stained dark red and there’s heat in his eyes like that which only comes from bloodlust. “We’re not the ones with a boner for this guy’s photography.”
“I don’t see why you want us there,” Brendon asks when he pulls away from the girl’s neck. His lips are stained dark red and there’s heat in his eyes like that which only comes from bloodlust. “We’re not the ones with a boner for this guy’s photography.” Ryan rolls his eyes, because it wouldn’t kill Brendon to act the part every once in a while. He’s not asking for a full out Bela Lugosi accent or cape. But for once, it might be nice if Brendon didn’t act his age.
Ryan is with Spencer and Brendon, and then he finds Jon. Very sweet vampire story.
“Young ones are impetuous and need constant looking after,” she’d whispered when she turned him; stroking the back of his head while he shook and convulsed in her arms. He’d died on the football field of his university, staring up at the stars. He remembers thinking something stupid and romantic at the time, about having a soul that was much older than she knew. “But I’ll look after you.”
“So I’m a vampire.” That’s not how he meant to say it, just sort of blurted out while Jon’s sipping his coffee and looking awkward. It’s just sort of complicated. Jon agreed to meet him again at the coffee place, and Ryan thought it had been a good sign.
Tom Conrad’s photography is half the reason they’re in New York. Sure, it’s a huge metropolitan city with enough of a counter culture to make finding food fairly easy, but the reason Ryan pushed for it is because Tom Conrad was working here.
Panic as Vampires
foxxcub: Fic: Look For the Stars as the Sun Goes Down (the kitten AU)
Ryan starts to tuck up close to Brendon, muzzle pressed up against Jon's back, then he sits up suddenly and says, "Hey. Where's Spencer?"
panic! kitten au
Ryan starts to tuck up close to Brendon, muzzle pressed up against Jon's back, then he sits up suddenly and says, "Hey. Where's Spencer?" (the kitten AU)
Ryan starts to tuck up close to Brendon, muzzle pressed up against Jon's back, then he sits up suddenly and says, "Hey. Where's Spencer?" Kitten AU.
When I'm in need of cheering up, kittens! at the disco
Panic!kittens!!! OMG~!!! so cute!!!!!
ignipes: Panic fic: Halo Orbit (Brendon/Jon)
Brendon knows exactly what will happen to him if he ever goes back.
Space opera AU. A sequel to Parallax. Brendon knows exactly what will happen to him if he ever goes back. [8,300]
Brendon knows exactly what will happen to him if he ever goes back. Sequel to Parallax.
follows parallax. Brendon knows exactly what will happen to him if he ever goes back.
Brendon rolled onto his side again and reached for Ryan's hand again, held on tight. "I was an awful brat when I was a kid," he said. "So it was punishment, right? A trip to Casicani is a really fucking boring way to spend a few weeks, but I had to go. I didn't even really see anything. The spaceport and the base, they're closed in this huge dome. The planet has a stable atmosphere, so the only reason they have this dome is to keep the prisoners out. There are no guards except at the entrances to the dome. They just... they just drop people down on the surface. They tag the important ones so they can find them if they have to, but most people... They don't survive very long." Follows 'Parallax.'
[8300 words. // PG-13] Brendon knows exactly what will happen to him if he ever goes back.
sequel to parallax.
(A sequel to Parallax.) Brendon knows exactly what will happen to him if he ever goes back.
In which there a sequel to Parallax!
Space opera AU. A sequel to Parallax. (Master post.) Brendon/Jon. PG-13. 8300 words. Many thanks to stele3 and cmonkatiekatie for beta-reading. Brendon knows exactly what will happen to him if he ever goes back.
A sequel to Parallax. Brendon knows exactly what will happen to him if he ever goes back.
disarm_d: Moments Like These | Brendon/Shane | NC-17 | ~ 4800 words | PWP
They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
Omg so hot. Shane helps Brendon unwind. Mild d/s stuff. "Shane stretches out on the bed beside Brendon. He's still wearing his pants, so he lifts his hips and pulls them off, tugging his boxers down as well, then wiggles up close beside Brendon. Brendon's sweating and Shane watches him try to force himself to relax. "Do you think you'll still be open for me by tomorrow morning?" Shane asks, his voice rough. He's probably just about as hard as Brendon is right now. Brendon shivers, reaching for Shane with both hands and pulling gently. He tilts his head up and waits for Shane to kiss him, then sucks eagerly on Shane's tongue. Shane bites hard into Brendon's lower lip, just to hear the low noise Brendon makes, then pulls away. "Go to sleep and I'll fuck you in the morning." Shane looks Brendon in the eye and asks, "'Kay?" Brendon nods quickly. Shane says, "Tell me." "I'll wait 'til morning," Brendon says. "You'll fuck me in the morning.""
Standalone. They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
SUMMARY: They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
Brendon says, "It's a hotel night," in a low voice, then grins at Shane, all crinkly eyes and pink cheeks. Shane smiles back, gently knocks his elbow against Brendon's, then starts zipping up his camera case. "You saving your shower for the hotel?" Shane asks. Brendon's got a towel slung around his neck, but he's still in his stage clothes.
4800 words | They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
dsudis: PatD Fic: The Completely True Saga of the Time Jon Walker Almost Died Alone at a Truck Stop
It was Zack's fault, really. 1,303 words.
The one where the stoners! at the disco are at a truckstop full of shiny distractions and lose Jon. Everything about this story is wonderful, seriously.
It was Zack's fault, really.
So the thing that winter, when Brendon hugged that cop a little bit inappropriately, that was really actually Zack's fault, too.
They had split up--there was a Starbucks and a newsstand and a gift shop and bathrooms and vending machines and one of those claw games, there was a lot to do and see
In which Jon Walker is lost.
boweryd: Most Exhausting Girl I Ever Knew, Ryan/Girl!Spencer, NC-17
"Stop being so stupid and stubborn already and take your pants off."
"You're such a romantic," Spencer says, wiggling under him. "How did I ever get so lucky?" "Spence," he says, suddenly serious. "Look. I want to. I want *you*. You know that, right?" She nods, biting her bottom lip and looking up at him a little hesitantly. "Now are you going to stop being mean to me and let me get you off?" He smirks at her, can't help it, and flinches away from the smack she throws at his arm. "Fine," she says, "but if this goes terribly wrong I'm going to say I told you so."
"I swear to god, Ross, I will break your scrawny ass directly in half."
I'll even read het as long as it's bandom genderswap THEY ARE THE SWAPS OF MY HEART
"If I tell you look beautiful right now, are you going to call me a dick?"
Awkwardly teenaged Girl!Spencer and way-too-smooth Ryan.