Pages tagged path:

MIT’s Introduction to Algorithms, Lectures 17, 18 and 19: Shortest Path Algorithms - good coders code, great reuse
Django Settings Tip - Setting Relative Paths | Morethanseven

helpful config tip on paths w/in a site
Ralph Arvesen : Copy Path Shell Extension
Display the context menu and notice the new Copy Path menu.
hich implements the IContextMenu and IShellExtInit interfaces in .NET 2.0. I plan to cleanup the code and create a codeproject article but that task always falls to the bottom, so I'm providing the util without code in case anyone finds it useful.
Neat tool!
This Windows application injects a "Copy Path" menu that displays when you right-click a folder in Windows Explorer. Freeware.
created a File Link shell extension in C++ a while back that allows you to copy path-info (full path, location, filename, UNC) for one or more files to the clipboard .