51 Essential Programs For A Freeware Only PC | Freeware Mission
Google plans to make PCs history | Technology | The Observer
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Industry critics warn of danger in giving internet leader more control over users' private dataHow to Build a Kick-ass $800 Gaming PC | Maximum PC
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MaximumPC.com is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about How to Build a Kick-ass $800 Gaming PC.10 lightweight apps to make older PCs fly | News | TechRadar UK
Before you drop the dough on a whole new system, here's a list of upgrades for squeezing a few more months, years even, out of ol' faithful, during these trying economic times.10 easy guides to making music on your PC | News | TechRadar UK
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How to build a computer for the first time from scratch.Build the Perfect PC! Step-by-Step Illustrated How-To Guide | Maximum PC
カフェ探しで結構かかっちゃったりするもんなぁThe 20 Best Free PC Games - Gaming by ExtremeTech
There are loads of free PC games out there, but many of them aren't worth your time. These will have you hooked for hours.The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC | Maximum PC
MaximumPC.com is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC.The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC - Page 1 | Maximum PC
MaximumPC.com is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC.削除したファイルを強力な各種機能で復元できるフリーソフト「Pandora Recovery」 - GIGAZINE
Mary Lou Jepsen didn't set out to invent the netbook and turn the computer industry upside down. She was just trying to create a supercheap laptop.
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Mary Lou Jepsen didn't set out to invent the netbook and turn the computer industry upside down. She was just trying to create a supercheap laptop. In 2005, Jepsen, a pioneering LCD screen designer, was tapped to lead the development of the machine that would become known as One Laptop per Child. Nicholas Negroponte, the longtime MIT Media Lab visionary, launched the project hoping to create an inexpensive computer for children in developing countries. It would have Wi-Fi, a color screen, and a full keyboard—and sell for about $100. At that price, third-world governments could buy millions and hand them out freely in rural villages. Plus, it had to be small, incredibly rugged, and able to run on minimal power. "Half of the world's children have no regular access to electricity," Jepsen points out.Hive Five: Best Home Server Software
Read Later
99 trucs pour accèlerer Vista, du bon et du moins bon ...The Idiot’s Ultimate Guide To Building Your Own Computer | MakeUseOf.com
MakeUseOf has teamed up with our very own Karl Gechlik at Ask The Admin to bring you nearly 50 pages full of screenshots, links to video demos and easy how-to instructions for every step involved. The result? The Idiot’s Guide To Building A PC.The 20 Best Free PC Games - Gaming by ExtremeTech
Hey, times are tough. Games are expensive. What are you going to do, stop playing them? Hah! You can give your credit card a break and still stay up until 2am yelling at your computer monitor if you just know where to find all the best free PC games. Of course, the Web is a front of free entertainment. There are more lame flash games out there than you could possibly catalogue, and even a few really great ones. A Google search for "free games" will take you to any number of portals where you can play ad-supported flash games, or even awesome paid flash games like Robokill.
Some decent picks. I ended up playing Dyson for like 6hours after i read this. Worth browsing.Slashdot | How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer?
How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer? -- article related to Ask Slashdot, Windows, and IT.Convert Your Old PC To Network Attached Storage With FreeNas | MakeUseOf.com
One of the biggest problems still plaguing the environment today are the mass amounts of electronics being tossed out on a daily basislivedoor ニュース - Windows XPの起動を高速化する5つの術【知っ得!虎の巻】
停止するサービスなどハードディスクが死亡してデータが失われる前に気づくことを可能にするフリーソフト「Active@ Hard Disk Monitor」 - GIGAZINE
A collection of programs to "tune up" the old PC.
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My PC needs this...or it will get booted for a mac!How To: Stream Your Music Library to Any Computer | Maximum PC
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Tag: : The Future of Video Games
OnLive: The Future of Video GamesLast-minute Conficker survival guide : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech
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An article about Conficker virus.Build Your Own Multitouch Surface Computer - Page 1 | Maximum PC
It all started while we were researching an article on future user interfaces. Touch interfaces are hardly futuristic at this point, but multi-touch hardware like the Microsoft Surface or the iPhone is just starting to become a big deal, and we decided to see what big things are going on in that field. What we found that surprised us the most wasn’t anything about the future of multitouch; it was about something that people are doing right now.不用品回収・パソコン廃棄処分・テレビ無料引取!連絡不要!送るだけ!
Portable Ubuntu for Windows is an Ubuntu system running as a Windows application.【PC Watch】 不要PCを無償でリサイクル処分してくれるパソコンファーム利用体験記 ~宅配便で送るだけの超簡単システム
ほーBlue Screen of Death Survival Guide: Every Error Explained | Maximum PC
NAS: Network Attached Storage Ikea: Purveyors of neat, inexpensive things. Ikea NAS: Way-Cool, Low-Power, High-Capacity...Backup your Database in Git | Viget Extend
When you think about it, a database dump is just SQL code, so why not manage it the same way you manage the rest of your code — in a source code manager? Setting such a scheme up is dead simple. On your production server, with git installed:How to move an iTunes library to an external drive | The Download Blog - Download.com
moving itunes to external hard drive
If you're an iTunes user (download for Windows|Mac) whose appetite for music, movies, and podcasts is outstripping the capacity of your computer, it might be a good time to think about offloading that library to an external hard drive or a separate internal drive. If you do it right, the process is relatively simple, although the transfer time could take an hour or more, depending on the size of your media library. To walk you through it, here's a step-by-step video and slide show tutorial on how to move your iTunes library to an external hard drive.Lifehacker - Set Up and Use XP Mode in Windows 7 - Windows 7 XP Mode
Life Hacker article on how to set up Windows 7's XP Mode
Windows 7's new XP Mode lets you seamlessly run virtualized applications alongside your regular Windows 7 applications—so your outdated software will continue to work
We've shown you how to upgrade to the Windows 7 release candidate and walked you through what's new when you get there; now let's take a look at how to enable Windows 7 XP Mode. Windows 7's new XP Mode lets you seamlessly run virtualized applications alongside your regular Windows 7 applications—so your outdated software will continue to work. Before we begin, you'll want to make sure your system meets the requirements: * Processor: Processor capable of hardware virtualization, with AMD-V™ or Intel® VT turned on in the BIOS. * Memory: 2GB of memory recommended. * Hard disk requirement: 20MB hard disk space for installing Windows Virtual PC. Additional 15GB of hard disk space per virtual Windows environment recommended. Make sure that your processor supports hardware virtualization, and double-check that the hardware virtualization setting is enabled in your BIOS (the setting is often not enabled although your processor may be supported). You can use the official Intel Pr96MBのメモリで、Ubuntuで原稿書いてます!彼氏がWMを着替えたら・・・ - Viva! Ubuntu!!
かるくする!21 Essential Steps to Make Your PC Better/Faster/Stronger | Maximum PC
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nstallation and Usage: Download the setup file and Install. Go to www.Twitter.com and create a new Twitter account for your PC (This is optional as TweetMyPC only responds for updates). This account will be used by TweetMyPC to monitor for new tweets. Start TweetMyPC and then fill in the login details. Wait for some time for the application to verify your login details.誠 Biz.ID:3分LifeHacking:全Officeユーザーにささぐ――Word/Excel/PowerPointのTips“まとめのまとめ” (1/2)
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The PSU Wattage we recommend only gives you a general idea on what to consider while selecting a power supply. PCI cards, External devices, USB and Firewire devices, Cooling fans and other components may need more power.Computer hardware poster 1.7 by ~Sonic840 on deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.Video: How to Build a PC - Every Step Explained | Maximum PC
I'm Will Smith, the editor of Maximum PC and the guy in the video below. We shot this video demonstration to show people how to build a killer PC, one step at a time. It's a great reference for beginners and experts alike. This video was created for viewing by attendees of Comic-Con 2009.The Computer Hardware Chart Identifies Your PC's Parts - Computer Hardware - Lifehacker
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference.
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference. Chances are you don't know the ins and outs of every single connector or piece of computer hardware you'll come across (even if you do have experience), and while we're sure the poster could cover even more territory (if we're being picky), it's a pretty great visual reference.Shutdown or Lock your Computer via Internet, Email or SMS on Mobile Phone
Top 10 Computer Hardware Fixes and Upgrades50 expert tips to make your PC faster | News | TechRadar UK
50 expert tips to make your PC faster Speed up your PC without paying for upgrades : TechRadar UKHow-to: Build a Blu-ray / TV tuner-equipped HTPC for under $1,000
Pundits may argue that the modern day HTPC has no place in the modern day living room, but we disagree. In fact, with the economy still struggling to regain its swagger, folks are staying in and finding entertainment at home more than ever. It's that truth that spurred us to start this here project: building a fully capable, Blu-ray and TV tuner-equipped HTPC for less than a grand. And lo and behold, we made it happen. If you're interested in seeing exactly how we pieced together a mighty fine entertainment box for less than the starting price of most pre-configured systems, hop on past the break with your notepad open. If you'll recall, we did a similar piece on HTPC building way back in early 2006. A format war and a digital TV transition later, we figured it was finally time to issue a revised edition. With disposable income becoming an increasingly rare commodity, we put a soft $1,000 cap on our model rig, and we did our darnedest to construct a solid, potent media PC that could
How-to: Media centerハードディスクを丸ごとイメージ化してバックアップ&リストア&クローン可能なフリーソフト「EASEUS Todo Backup」 - GIGAZINE
Windows上からディスクをパーティションごと全部バックアップ可能なのがこのフリーソフト「EASEUS Todo Backup」です。Windows 2000/XP/Vista、さらにはWindows Server 2000/2003/2008にも対応しており、ブータブルCDの作成も可能。FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/NTFSに対応し、IDE/SATA /SCSI/USB外付けHDD/Firewire外付けHDDもサポート、理論上は最大1.5TBまで認識できるようになってい バックアップはセクタ単位でのフルバックアップも選択可能となっており、Windowsが起動したままの状態でバックアップ可能です。さらには圧縮率やパスワード、指定サイズごとの分割、コメント入力による管理、MBRの復元、ディスクコピーによるクローン化、バックアップしたイメージファイルのチェック機能、イメージを仮想ドライブとしてマウントして中のファイルを個別に取り出すなど、フリーとは思えないほど豊富な機能がウリ
dell optiplex 755 でリカバリCDがboot出来るか試してみる。Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts - Troubleshooting Dell, HP, Sony, eMachines, IBM, Compaq and Gateway PC's
This page offers links to flowcharts for PC diagnostics, excerpted from my book. The non-active links are for charts that are included in the book but not available online. The published book contains seventeen flowcharts for computer diagnostics plus a short text for every chart expanding on the decision points. The troubleshooting process is the same for an expensive Sony or IBM, or a downmarket eMachines or Gateway. Dell and HP (who purchased Compaq) manufacture PC's in a wide range of price points, but you have to go through the same troubleshooting steps for the cheap ones as the expensive ones if you want to correctly identify and repair the failure.Computer Repair Flowchart | Boing Boing Gadgets
Diagramas de flujo para diagnosis de problemas de ordenador
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Top 5 Vista Tweaks to Increase Internet SpeedLife Without Cable or Satellite TV Is Easier Than You Think - Htpc - Gizmodo
Your PC’s hard drive is probably packed to the platter’s edge with hundreds of ripped DVD videos, gigabytes of digital photos from your camera, and tens of thousands of songs. And that’s not even counting the high-definition digital video from your last family vacation that you’re still planning to unload. But with terabytes of media just gathering dust on your desktop PC, you risk losing years of aggregated files when your hard drive inevitably gives out (don’t even think about backing it all up to the cloud). Our solution: Keep all your data backed up on a Windows Home Sever. More than just a generic NAS box, Windows Home Server maintains backups, streams media files, and works as a file share across your home network. And the best part is that you can build one yourself—we’ll show you how!Disk2vhd
Tool by SysInternals to convert windows installation to Virtual PC VHD fileThe Best Windows Tweaks that Still Work in Windows 7 - windows 7 - Lifehacker
そこで使えるのがこのフリーソフト「PC Decrapifier」、最初からインストールされていることが多い各種ソフトウェアを一発でアンインストールして削除でき、Windows XPとVistaに対応しています。このソフト自体はインストールしなくてもすぐに動く方式なので、余計な各種ソフトを削除後はこのソフトもそのままゴミ箱へポイすれば完了です。
新しいパソコンを買うと初心者向けに山のようにソフトがインストールされていることがありますが、特にやりたいことが決まっている場合、そのうちの大部分は必要ない場合が多く、はっきり言って邪魔です。 そこで使えるのがこのフリーソフト「PC Decrapifier」、最初からインストールされていることが多い各種ソフトウェアを一発でアンインストールして削除でき、Windows XPとVistaに対応しています。このソフト自体はインストールしなくてもすぐに動く方式なので、余計な各種ソフトを削除後はこのソフトもそのままゴミ箱へポイすれば完了です。今一度見直しておきたい!Gmailの各種設定とおすすめLabs機能*二十歳街道まっしぐら
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Turn your Windows 7 Laptop into a Wifi HotspotVirus, Spyware & Malware Protection | Microsoft Security Essentials
Microsoft Security EssentialsHow to turn an old PC into a media centre | News | TechRadar UK
How to turn an old PC into a media centre Play media on your TV with an old PC and XBMC : TechRadar UKKindle for PC
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みて、ボリュームライセンスという選択肢をとり得ることをもう一度考慮してみてはどうだろう。iPhoneと過ごした500日まとめ(67,695円分の1軍アプリ達) - iPhone.goodegg.jp
すげえ。なにが凄いって未読メール105件って表示されてるのがすげえ。How to Fix Your Relatives' Terrible Computer - Repair - Lifehacker
ちょっといいかも?The 33 Essential Free Utilities for Every New PC | Maximum PC
Networking is stupid. You'd think it'd be real darn easy to share stuff between PCs and Macs, but it's not as nearly simple as it should be. So, here's how to make 'em talk and share stuff like best friends.Windows Vista 搭載パソコンを買ってきてやったことまとめ - IT戦記
タスクマネージャで「イメージのパス名」を選択すると、プロセスのファイルパスが見られる13 Things You Must Do First with Your New PC | Maximum PC
A new computer is like a blank state--there's a lot of potential there, but without some work on your part, it's useless. It's not hard to get started, but there are some essential first steps that everyone should follow when breaking in their new PC. In this guide, we've compiled a step-by-step list of essential tips, tricks and advice from many of our other features, to provide you with just the information you need to get off to a great start with any new PC. So if you got a new rig under the PC under the tree this year, or even if you're just thinking about getting one in the future, read on to find out more21 Essential Steps to Make Your PC Better/Faster/Stronger - Page 1 | Maximum PC
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Excel初心者に見せるのによい記事。一通りの使い方がわかる。Windows XPで無効化してはならないサービス10個 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
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@clemson 4xxxx2Essential Windows Tricks - PC World
Whether you run Windows 7, Vista, or XP, these 25 tricks will make your PC faster, safer, and even more fun to work with.ネットブックに『Mac OS X』を搭載する方法 | WIRED VISION
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How to integrate a touch screen monitor into your kitchen, for TV, recipies, internet, weather, you name it.AdFreak: Apple Get a Mac: The Complete Campaign
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The Open-PC is a PC for everyday use built by the Linux community for the Linux community. We use only free software. Your help will be welcomed, to make our project even better.今週末こそはOS再インスコ! という人のバックアップツール集 :教えて君.net
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This year's edition of the $800 gaming rig is an order of magnitude leap over last year's edition.
This year's edition of the $800 gaming rig is an order of magnitude leap over last year's edition. Gaming on an $800 PC now needs few compromises.FREE PC Profile, Audit, and Diagnostic Report Utility
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使ってみました。ブルースクリーンで強制終了した原因を解析して教えてくれるフリーソフト「BlueScreenView」 - GIGAZINE
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ブルースクリーン発生時に生成されるダンプファイルを見つけ出して解析して表示することによってエラーの原因を教えてくれるので、使い方によってはかなり便利です。Windows XP・Windows Server 2003・Windows Server 2008・Windows Vista・Windows 7の32ビット版に対応しており、将来的には64ビット版にも対応予定があるとのことLookInMyPC Is a Must-Have Tool for Computer Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting - Lifehacker
Download.netの特集から描かれた翻訳記事。ほとんどこっちを読めば済む。CS3の件だけDownload.netの記事(http://www.download.com/8301-2007_4-9714054-12.html)の方が詳しい。4 Important Data Backup Strategies For Your PC | Dumb Little Man
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you want to build a computer1Uラックマウント可能なサーバを自作する - marqs blog
1Uラックマウント可能なサーバを自作する はてなでは以前から自社製サーバを使用しているのですが、今年の春に、新たに自社製1Uハーフサーバを開発しました。
かっこええ。Five PC power myths debunked |Sustainable IT | Ted Samson | InfoWorld
Don't let misinformation prevent you from cashing in on PC power management
Turning off PCs during periods of inactivity can save companies a substantial sum. In fact, Energy Star estimates organizations can save from $25 to $75 per PC per year with PC power management. Those savings can add up quickly. According to a recent report by Forrester titled "How Much Money Are Your Idle PCs Wasting?" PC power management is helping General Electric and Dell boast savings of $2.5 million and $1.8 million per year, respectively. That also results in a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions. So why is there hesitancy at some organizations to implement PC power management, given that the payback is easy to calculate? Perhaps some companies are being swayed by myths about PC power management. Forrester outlines five such myths in its report.Ars Technica System Guide: September 2008 Edition - Ars Technica
The kids are headed back to school, which means that it's time for an upgrade. After all, nobody wants to be at a framerate disadvantage vs. the rest of the dorm. So whether you're building a system for work or for play, you'll find the right recommendation inside.2ちゃんねる全文検索
In the personal computer’s long and varied history, some computers have been decidedly less perfect than others. Many early PCs shipped with major design flaws that either sunk platforms outright or considerably slowed down their adoption by the public. Decades later, we can still learn from these multi-million dollar mistakes.Download Dozens of Commercial PC Games Free - PC World
Where do computer games go when they die? Nowhere, if you know where to look.使わなくなったPCをマイホームサーバにできるソフト『Amahi』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
: ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
『Amahi』は、 Fedora Linux systemにインストールすると、データ保管庫にもなるのですが、自分だけのホームデータサーバのような使い方もできるのです。自分のネットワークからアクセスできるWEBインターフェースを使えば、映画や音楽を聞いたり(iTunes や他のプレイヤーでストリーミング再生も可能)、写真を見たり、カレンダーやOutlookにもアクセスできます 自分のネットワークのVPN設定をすることもできるので、VPNの設定なんてしたこと無い、という人でも、サーバのデータにリモートアクセスすることもできます。 『Amahi』は、『Fedora 10』が入っていて、CPUが1.0 GHz以上、RAMが256MB以上のパソコンであれば、十分動作
良いんだけど、別に簡単にしてもらわなくても作れるしw。fedoraで良いよ。っていうか、CentOS。WindowsとMacの究極の共存方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
WindowsとMacの共存方法。synergyは使った事あるけど、かなりステキなツールWeekend Project: Build a Custom-Made BoxeeBox
People on windows PCs without updated virus software should probably take a look at this http://is.gd/pVSc [from http://twitter.com/standardman/statuses/1427842931]窓の杜 - 【NEWS】フリーの統合セキュリティソフト「COMODO Internet Security」が日本語化
米Comodo Security Solutions, Inc.は13日(現地時間)、フリーの統合セキュリティソフト「COMODO Internet Security」v3.9.95478.509を公開した。本バージョンでは、有志らによるメニューなどの翻訳が行われ、新たに日本語をはじめとする19カ国語に対応した。編集部にて試用したところ、メイン画面の一部の説明文やヘルプファイルが英語表記であるほかは、ほぼすべての項目が日本語化されており、利用の際の敷居が非常に低くなっている。
Vista 64 bit 対応のフリーの統合セキュリティソフト。
ウイルス 日本語Why a Mac is really the only option. Can your PC do this? – The Next Web
RT @vendeesign: Voila pourquoi je veux un Mac : http://bit.ly/1LutMf [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/2323945640]
Cute MAC animation
Posted by MacRohardThe 6 Most Important Factors when Choosing a Power Supply | Hardware Revolution
* The more heat, the faster the fan will have to run to dissipate it. The faster the fan, the noisier it will be. So, high efficiency = less noise basically. * Electricity bill. You have to pay for that wasted power , even if you’re not really using it ;) You’re basically aiming for the highest % that you can get. 80% is decent, while 85% and higher is better.
When you have to pick a new power supply, you have six main factors to consider: * Maximum power output, in Watts (W) * Maximum current output, mainly on the 12V line(s), in Amps (A) * Power efficiency, in % * Brand/Series * Number and type of connections * Price15 free downloads to pep up your old PC
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http://lifehacker.com/191277/rebuild-xp-without-losing-data-or-reinstalling-softwareMonta tu propio ordenador personal | Hard Zone : Hardware, Reviews, Noticias, Tutoriales, Foros de ayuda
culado en un curso de montaje de ordenadores. (acabo de salir de él…) y me han explicado paso a paso todo lo que he leido aquí. Realmente parece que han basado su sistema pedagógico en este tutorial. Lástima no haberlo encontrado19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know - windows 7 - Gizmodo
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Reading: Windows 7: How to Get Your Windows 7 Beta Product Key http://tinyurl.com/7d9b62 [from http://twitter.com/brandontruong/statuses/1122427047]今からDJ始めるなら、パソコンだけでDJができるPCDJが断然おすすめだよ - the cycles of activity
If you're only using your $500 PlayStation 3 for console gaming, you're missing out on half of its hidden versatility: the ability to upgrade into a fully functional PC! Inside that shiny plastic shell resides some decent computing silicon, just waiting to be released from its undeserved console shackles. And while Windows Vista and OSX are no-goes due to legal issues, there's no reason at all not to dual boot into a perfectly serviceable Linux platform when the need arises.
If you're only using your $500 PlayStation 3 for console gaming, you're missing out on half of its hidden versatility: the ability to upgrade into a fully functional PC! Inside that shiny plastic shell resides some decent computing silicon, just waiting to be released from its undeserved console shackles. And while Windows Vista and OSX are no-goes due to legal issues, there's no reason at all not to dual boot into a perfectly serviceable Linux platform when the need arises. The installation process is fairly straightforward, and the hard drive is easily upgradeable if you don't mind spending a little extra cash on the side. And while Ubuntu for PlayStation has a few functional limitations, you can find myriad excellent applications for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own living room, including VLC for encoded video playback, Amarok to blast yourMicrosoft’s ‘I’m a PC’ Ads Created On Macs — RoughlyDrafted Magazine
Haha are PCs that great? Then why aren't they editing the Windows commercials on Windows?
Heh, irony (if true)
Tonya: The Daddy Panel of blogs?キーボードなどの汚れを根こそぎ吸い付けるジェルが人気 :教えて君.net
It's increasingly the case that a PC is the hub of all our home entertainment, spelling the end of hi-fis, DVD players and the like. You don't want your merry watching and listening to be undermined by a noise like a bumblebee orgy inside a tin bath. Fortunately, an enormous third-party market has sprung up履歴消去じゃ消えないエロサイトの隠れた痕跡に要注意 - てっく煮ブログ
通常、ブラウザには「履歴を削除する機能」が備わっていて、ブラウザの履歴を削除すればあなたの悪行の数々は消え去ってくれるように思えます。 しかし、ブラウザからは消せない履歴が残っているのです…
「~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/ランダムなハッシュ/」の場所に Flash の Local Shared Object(Cookieみたいなもの)が保存されるので、サイトの訪問履歴が残されてしまう。Ctrl+中指か薬指を使うキー操作が多いEmacsで指の負担を軽くする方法 - ’(rubikitch wanna be (a . lisper))
To use JK to scroll.Soluto – Anti-Frustration Software
Analyses ways to make your Windows startup faster
Does your Windows machine take a long time to boot up? (Insert snarky “switch to Linux” joke here). Well a company has developed a remedy to improve Windows boot time, and it is called Soluto. The way the application works is simple. It installs, then it asks you to reboot and then it watches your boot time and tells you what is taking up the majority of that time. It allows you to pause the item (does not start up again until un-paused) or you can delay its startup. It will wait until the initial set of applications is loaded before attempting to start your delayed applications. This program works well for techies and entry level computer users alike. If you are an expert user you can take action on all your items and have a great list to work from on speeding up your boot up. A novice would be able to pause the items that they know they do not use or have already uninstalled. -makeuseofHow to Install Mac OS X on a PC (Without Using a Mac)
Is a Hackintosh in your furture? If you're comfortable with building your own PC, installing Mac OS X on it may be much easier than you'd think.
There are many great tutorials on the web for using a Mac to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a PC. Unfortunately, you may be unable to follow such tutorials if私が厳選して愛用するGoogleChromeエクステンション12個+消した奴36個*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
Google Chrome Extentionの説明で一番役に立つと思われる。
Speed Dial... Taberareloo...私がtumblerユーザーであり、はてぶユーザーであり、ツイッターユーザーであり、Evernoteユーザーであり、del.icio.usユーザーで、色々やってるから便利とかそんなレベルではない。どれかひとつのユーザーでもこれはかなり使い勝手の良いツール Google bookmarks.... IE Tab... AutoPager Chrome... Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(by Google)...パワーポイントが無くて困ったときのお助けエクステンション。これさえあれば閲覧は出来るHow to Troubleshoot Your Friends’ Computers From Far Away - Tech Support - Lifehacker
"Getting a NAS set up as a simple file share is mostly a plug-and-play process. (More on that here.) And in raw form, it's a dead-simple concept: Here's a bunch of storage space that you can share among your home computers, over the network. But with a little work, you can do so much more than that, converting your NAS from a begrudging purchase in the name of caution to a vital piece of your very computing existence. Here are some of the best tips:"Make Windows leaner, cleaner and faster | News | TechRadar UK
Make Windows leaner, cleaner and faster Speed up your PC with these easy tips : TechRadar UK100 best ever free PC system tools | News | TechRadar UK
tions and wasteful processes are sapping many of your PC's valuable resources. And what's to blame? Windows. Windows is deceptive. After you've installed it, the OS happily connects to the internet, downloads all the necessary drivers, configures itself and there you go – one stable PC all ready to roll. It couldn't be easier or more convenient.
sapping100 best ever free PC system tools | News | TechRadar UK
tions and wasteful processes are sapping many of your PC's valuable resources. And what's to blame? Windows. Windows is deceptive. After you've installed it, the OS happily connects to the internet, downloads all the necessary drivers, configures itself and there you go – one stable PC all ready to roll. It couldn't be easier or more convenient.
sapping100 best ever free PC system tools | News | TechRadar UK
There's a tool for just about anything you can think of in Windows. And if you look hard enough, you'll find a freebie is more than capable of doing the job you want – in some cases, free tools outclass their shareware or commercial rivals. The trick is knowing what's out there and where to find it, which is where we come in. We've done the hard work for you, trawling the web for hundreds of free Windows tools and selecting the finest 100 to include in this feature. Read more: http://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/100-best-ever-free-pc-system-tools-705029#ixzz0upXfOQXA