Product Details - Sectéra® Edge™ SME PED - Overview
The Sectéra® Edge™ smartphone converges secure wireless voice and data by combining the functionality of a wireless phone and PDA — all in one easy-to-use handheld device. Developed for the National Security Agency’s Secure Mobile Environment Portable Electronic Device (SME PED) program, the Sectéra Edge is certified to protect wireless voice communications classified Top Secret and below as well as access e-mail and websites classified Secret and below. The Sectéra Edge is the only SME PED that switches between an integrated classified and unclassified PDA with a single key press.
General Dynamics C4 Systems is a leading integrator of network-centric command, control, communication and computing solutions from space to ground - core to edge. The company’s focus is on engineering and integrating secure communication, information and technology solutions that facilitate the delivery of relevant information to speed the decision cycle, so our customers can see, hear, decide and act with absolute confidence - faster and more effectively.
Obama's new Blackberry - Sectera Edge by General Dynamics, the only smart phone NSA rated for Top Secret communications. [from]
Obama's new NSA-approved phoneMultimedia overview - Administrator's Plus PDA Module
A site about PDAs from EDUC-W 200
pre-lecture activity #4, administrators can have access to PDA's
PDA video
Information about PDA systems avaliable for schools