New York Times
Persecuting " Torture " is a Moral Obligation for Lawyers
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new york times video interview, promotie dingHive Five: Five Best People-Search Engines
Funny Sheeit
Sarah Palin Charges: If you want to know why the rest of the world is scared of Americans, consider the fact that after two terms of disastrous rule by a small-minded ignoramus, 46% of us apparently thought the problem was that he wasn’t quite stupid enough. Palin’s unending emissions of baffling, evasive incoherence should have disqualified her for any position that involved a desk, let alone placing her one erratic heartbeat from the presidency. The press strained mightily to feign respect for her, praising a debate performance that involved no debate, calling her a “great speaker” when her only speech was primarily a litany of insults to city-dwellers, echoing bogus sexism charges when a male Palin would have been boiled alive for the Couric interview alone, and lionizing her as she used her baby as a Pro-life stage prop before crowds who cooed when they should have been hurling polonium-tipped javelins. In the end, Palin had the beneficial effect of splitting her party betwe...
wow! is this the first wave of barack obama criticism? note: i don't know who 3/5ths of the people on this list are, but for everyone else, this tells it like it is. some very choice words.Find ‘Em On Twitter: 15 Twitter Directories Compared
Searching for people or applications on Twitter? Good luck with that. Since Twitter offers little in the way of people search features (though they now have a suggestion tool), your search for interesting and dynamic people to follow and applications to use could be a giant time suck. Thankfully there are more than a few third-party resources that you can turn to for finding new people to follow, and new tools to help you do what Twitter won’t let you. We’ll shed a little light on these 15 directories by separating them into four categories: applications, people, politics, and strictly business.15 Websites to Trace People Online |
There are many websites that search standard social networks like MySpace or Facebook, but Piple is one resource that conducts a “deep web” dig for the name you’re looking for on “non-typical sites.” The search results from Piple are pretty impressive. Y
the private world of yesterday is now an online world with open access to social networks, government databases, and public records.
pentru tine cu dragTwitterSheep
Panurgisme ailé ? Regardez le nuage de tags des "biographies" de ceux qui vous suivent sur Twitter.Buzz Marketing for Technology: C Level Tweeters
CEOs who use Twitter
C Level TweetersThe Setup on waferbaby
Sort of a 'what tools work great for doing stuff' series
"What do people use to get the job done?".
Software I use do get my job done
waferbaby interviews cool people from various industries (from al3x to jonathancoulton) about their current and ideal computer set ups.
what people use in terms of hardwareTwitter Professors: 18 People to Follow for a Real Time Education
he adds in his bio, as if it’s a minor thing” “Oh, and am the Science Advisor to the Project on Emerging Nanotech.” Super smart guy on Twitter alert.
Never before in history has it been easier to glean from the knowledge of others who will give it away to you for free. It’s equivalent to getting higher education. I’m talking about Masters level stuff. And it’s all available right there on Twitter. I call the people I follow who contribute above and beyond the basic answer to “what are you doing?” my professors of Twitter.300+ Active Web Designers to Follow on Twitter | Naldz Graphics
Look for bencrowder
300+ Active Web Designers to Follow on Twitter | Naldz Graphics -
"If your a designer or more belong to the Design Community then obviously most people who you want to follow are your fellow designers. Then your on the right place. On the list below are 300+ Active Web Designers to Follow on Twitter.These are the most inspiring people and worth to follow.Make sure to follow them all." hmmTop 50 most popular Twitter celebrities - Times Online
Stephen Fry tops our Twitter league, but which other famous faces are we following?
"You know Twitter has made it into the mainstream when celebrities rush to join the micro-blogging service. But who is the most popular Twitterer of them all? We present our list of 50 Twittering celebrities, ranked in order of who has the most “followers”, or people signed up to read their messages. In essence, the list represents a Twitter Popularity Index."
You know Twitter has made it into the mainstream when celebrities rush to join the micro-blogging service. But who is the most popular Twitterer of them all?40 Web Developers to Follow on Twitter | Think Vitamin
Search for organizational charts with The Official Board. We provide constantly updated organizational charts of the world’s 20 000 largest corporations. A strong personal network is the key to professional success. The Official Board is constantly developed and updated by our members in real time. That means our members are the first to know. Free registration is required. Most of the information can be accessed for free by our members. Then, by adding to the database, they become allowed to search for deeper information in each organizational chart.
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"We provide constantly updated organizational charts of the world’s 20 000 largest corporations."
See also the techcrunch » Top ten reasons managers become great
Photographer Peter Funch
Ah, the wonders of Photoshop.
Artist photos NY corners for 2wk periods, photoshops toegether images of thematically linked people13 “Twits” Who Will Change Your Perspective on Reality
interesting twitters40 Captivating Photos That Depict Human Emotion | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Captivating Photos That Depict Human Emotion
40 Captivating Photos That Depict Human Emotion
fotos excelentes de pessoas e emoçõesDr. Alex Benzer: Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time Dating
haha/do we really need a 'significant other' to be a worthy person?
Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time DatingThe Twitter Approval Matrix -- New York Magazine
RT @AudioJungle: The Twitter Approval Matrix
An infographic showing the best and worst Twitterers
Horifically unfunny, but the fact it includes Kurt Andersen makes it a black hole of irony (via @eliztesch)
"Our deliberately oversimplified guide to whose tweets are worth following."
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to whose tweets are worth following.85+ of the Best Twitterers Designers Should Follow
There are thousands of designers on Twitter (Twitter reviews) tweeting about everything from ongoing projects to their personal lives. But only a small percentage of those tweet about design topics of interest to other designers and design addicts. These people cover everything from their design process to their own projects, and design resources from all over the web. Below is a list of more than 85 of those TwitterersTwitter / cwalken
If you need a single reason to be on twitter, this is it.
It is known I'm not a fan of Twitter due to its lack of... everything. However, this would be pretty entertaining regardless of presentation, and it's not like I need a comments section to reply to Christopher Walken.
Even if it's not him, it's still funny as hellPicture Show: You Are What You Eat | GOOD
Wha is in your fridge?The Laugh Track: Stand Up Comedy, Funny Videos, Funny Pics, List of Black Comedians: 18 Funniest Mitch Hedberg Quotes
Funny Stand Up Comedy Videos, Stand Up Comedy Pictures and Stand Up Comedy Lists8 Tools to Find Someone Online - Stepcase Lifehack
Finding a way to contact someone has gotten a lot easier: just type their name into Google and follow a few links. For many people, you'll quickly find a
8 tools to finding someone onlinePick the Perp
a place where you try to guess who's the criminal for a crime
via AF identify which of these people committed the crime in question. funny/horrible
Match the mugshot to the crimeTop 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave in IT
Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave in IT, must read for every manager!!
babysit20 Developers to Follow on Twitter
For me, the jury is still out on Twitter's staying power and whether/not the benefits outweigh the costs of following folks. The serendipity can be nice but a high-volume Twitterer (Tweeter?) generates a <i>lot</i> of noise — and it's hard enough to keep up with the overflowing buckets as it is, eh?100 Most Creative People in Business | Fast Company
business innovation
AR Rahman ranked 47th !Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive « alex.moskalyuk
Always useful to know how best to co-erce money out of loved ones.
f a sign imploring people not to steal pieces of petrified forest from the park. One mentioned large amounts of petrified forest taken away on an annual basis, the other one simply asked the visitors not to remove petrified wood. The first one actually tripled t25 Free People Search Engines to find Anyone in the World | FinderMind
From the website: "I’ve been in this people search industry for over 2 years now and while researching, I found many free, high quality free people search engines to help you reconnect with friends, family, school friends or any other person from your past. So I decided to put them in one huge list. Here they are:" - I haven't tried any of these but usually these lists are handyHappiest People Ever !
There are some pics of me that could go here
As it is said on the site, what happened when the photographer forgets saying "Cheese" ...Seth's Blog: Guy #3
Remember Guy # 3 for the future.A List Apart: Articles: Managing Werewolves
y or may not want to reveal themselves as the Seer, a.k.a. Werewolf Enemy Number One). It’s not much to
We kill the quiet ones cause they aren't helping.
This was an amusing, insightful... overall a good read.85 Comedians to Follow on Twitter
Funny people on Twitter
One thing I enjoy on Twitter: funny people.
ore than 90 comedians on Twitter that are all worth a follow. Included are some very famous comics and generally funny people, a bunch of stand-up performers, some comedy and humor writers, and plenty of comedic actors. The one thing they all have in common is that they’re definitely | Twitter FollowFridays
Twitter FollowFridays
twitter aggregator about endorsements10 Ways to Find People on Twitter
TwitterTwitterTwitter is all about facilitating conversations, but until you’re following some people, it’s just a blank page. Once you find people to follow and talk to, however, Twitter becomes exceptionally useful. You can share thoughts, ask questions, get updates about news, music, brands, and businesses, and discover helpful links and information. Finding good people to follow, especially for new users staring at a blank page the first time they log in, can be a bit daunting, though.
10 formas de encontrar gente en TwitterPeople who look exactly the same in all pictures (5 gifs) » - In fun we trust! Pictures, photos, videos, flash, games, celebs, hot stuff
wow...the girl on the top really does not move. People who look the same in all photos. Funny!! [from]
People who look exactly the same in all pictures [from]The Setup
What do people use to get the job done?
The Setup is a bunch of nerdy interviews What do people use to get the job done?
The Setup is a bunch of nerdy interviews. What do people use to get the job done?30 Most Influential People In Web Design | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
reminds me of community service with childrenBBC Memoryshare
Short, interesting profile -- reminded me of Neil Strauss' 'Emergency' ( and a lengthier New Yorker profile on 'chameleon' Frederic Bourdin -
Former private investigator helps people "disappear" and move to new lives.
There are three key steps to disappearing. First, destroy old information about yourself. Call your video store or electricity company and replace your old, correct phone number with a new, invented one. Introduce spelling mistakes into your utility bills. Create a PO Box for your mail. Don’t use your credit cards and the like. Then, create bogus information to fool private investigators who might be looking for you. Go to one city and apply for an apartment. Rent a car in another one. The next, final step is the most important one. Move from point A to point B. Create a dummy company to pay your bills. Only use prepaid mobile phones and change them every month. It is nearly impossible to find out where you are unless you make a mistake.
''help people disappear''
An ex PI now helps people disappear.Musicians on Twitter: 100+ Artists That Tweet
Musicians on Twitter
Musician's that Tweet - from Mashable
As the industry changes, so have the methods by which music is promoted. Traditional marketing is being replaced by artists and bands using social media sites like Twitter (Twitter) to engage fans, promote their work, and connect with others. The modern web and the future of the music industry seem almost inextricably intertwined in terms of marketing, listening, communicating, and purchasing. Twitter is one of the many ways for people to instantly and quickly communicate, and artists are taking advantage of its vast potential. Is your favorite artist tweeting? Here are over 100 musicians who tweet to keep fans and friends informed. Tell us about additional musicians you’re following in the comments.GeoChirp - Twitter Application | Twitter Mashup | Map Mashup | Geo Chirp Twitter Map Mash up| Google maps mashup
love this...amazing story about love and strength
"Let’s say you have what you believe to be a healthy marriage. You’re still friends and lovers after spending more than half of your lives together. […] Sure, you have your marital issues, but on the whole you feel so self-satisfied about how things have worked out that you would never, in your wildest nightmares, think you would hear these words from your husband one fine summer day: 'I don’t love you anymore. I’m not sure I ever did. I’m moving out. The kids will understand. They’ll want me to be happy.' But wait. This isn’t the divorce story you think it is. Neither is it a begging-him-to-stay story. It’s a story about hearing your husband say 'I don’t love you anymore' and deciding not to believe him. And what can happen as a result."The Legend of Cliff Young: The 61 Year Old Farmer Who Won the World’s Toughest Race - Elite Feet
When you've reached a point of incredible optimization in the current paradigm, sometimes there's a huge amount of room for improvement simply by thinking outside the box.
Search him on youtube to beleive it
Via Coudal
In 1983, a man named Cliff Young showed up at the start of this race. Cliff was 61 years old and wore overalls and work boots. To everyone's shock, Cliff wasn't a spectator. He picked up his race number and joined the other runners.Total Recall: The Woman Who Can't Forget
hyperthymestic syndrome,
This piece blew my mind.
Researchers had never found a subject with a perfect memory — then along came Jill Price.
a mulher que não esquece nada
The woman remembers dates to the day. Amazing. But know few quizzers who can do the same.People of Walmart: a collection of all the creatures that grace us with their presence at Walmart, America's favorite store.
Unfortunately I'm short on time at the moment (trying to launch a project this week) but I have to say, at least, a few words about the hacker and artist _why. At this moment, _why's online presence appears to be no more. All of his sites and code are gone. This includes, and is not limited to: * * * * * * * * Two conjectures are common at the moment: His account(s) were hacked and sites taken down or he simply decided to delete his online presence. I personally believe that he did this deliberately and with some amount of forethought.
One of the things that's made _why unique amongst programmers is that he has worked in virtual anonymity. Some people knew his name but it was never a focus of his online persona (and, at least, never actively associated with him as a person - I've seen sites that purport to identify him, but they're generally incorrect, and fringe, at best). Even live, giving talks or performing music, he still went by his pseudonym.
One of the things that's made _why unique amongst programmers is that he has worked in virtual anonymity. Some people knew his name but it was never a focus of his online persona (and, at least, never actively associated with him as a person - I've seen sites that purport to identify him, but they're generally incorrect, and fringe, at best). Even live, giving talks or performing music, he still went by his pseudonym. Reading through the original discovery thread you can see a full range of emotion regarding his disappearance; Anger, confusion, and sadness. Personally, I feel a mixture of joy and amazement. _why, the code he's written, the persona he projected, and the art he produced has been a long-time admiration of mine. Some only see _why's code or writing (Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby, for example - which can still be purchased on Lulu). I tend to see _why more as an artist. He used a wide variety of mediums for his exploration: Written word, drawings, code, and even music.
_why, el famoso programador de Ruby y creador de libros maravillosos, borró su presencia online y desapareció. [from]
Why the Lucky Stiff has disappeared. I share John Resig's admiration for his whimsical approach and his pseudonymity, but find it hard to identify with deleting all your work.
"I've seen a few people ask why he opted to remove his code - why didn't he take his work seriously? (Especially since others have grown to depend upon it.) Looking at the cumulative work and art of _why it should become painfully obvious: The online presence of _why, and all the code, writing, music, and drawings that've been produced are a mere transitory portion of one person's life. He was constantly moving from project to project, blog to blog. Now he's truly moved on and we should feel joy in having gotten to know him, and his art, over the past couple years."
At this moment, _why's online presence appears to be no more. All of his sites and code are gone. This includes, and is not limited to: ...TinyPetition - Create a petition today!
Create a petition today!
tool to start apetition on twitter.Random thoughts from 25-35 year olds - helen's posterous
funnyWhen Money Buys Happiness - TierneyLab Blog -
happiness most often comes from experiences...
Cars that make you happy: BMW 325, 535, M3, and X3, Audi A4, Jaguar, Mazda Miata, Subaru WRX, Toyota Matrix, Prius, and Corolla, Honda Civic.Mark Zuckerberg: The evolution of a remarkable CEO | VentureBeat
Mark Zuckerberg
Priscilla ChanBusiness Information and News: Track, Connect and Share -
Today, we are proud to launch, a new kind of business service. is the only website in the world where business information, communications and connections come together to enhance your business life.
By Essential Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter
Here are 10 essential entrepreneurs from a variety of backgrounds to follow on Twitter.The decade of Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple - Nov. 5, 2009
mit keynote-cartoon kombinieren30 Most Influential People In Programming | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
its nice website for flash phtoshop dreamweaver programming cn get lot of help from this one....Andy Freeberg Photography
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Gardiennes de musées, en Russie.
Fotografías de vigilantes de museo rusos.
Guardians of Russian Art MuseumsPlaton: Photographs of World Leaders : The New Yorker
Fotografias dos políticos mundiaisTop Digital Trends For 2010
Where we once had pop-psychologists and pop-philosophers, we now appear to have pop-statisticians and pop-economists.The Big List Of Search Engines & Their Employees On Twitters
Yesterday, Google joined Twitter with a company account. We twittered a few search engine-related addresses as part of our post about that, but we wanted to doMotivational Tweets: 25 of the Most Inspiring Users on Twitter
By night, Joe Ades dines with his fourth wife at exclusive restaurants, sips Veuve Clicquot at the Pierre, and goes home to a three-bedroom Park Avenue apartment. By day, he is something else altogether. At 72, the “peeler guy” in the Turnbull & Asser shirts is a New York legend.
ohno! Joe Ades, the peeler salesman of Manhattan has died. RIP.
great article.Readers by Author « Lauren Leto
“Stereotyping People by Their Favorite Author.” Might not have linked to this, except she has me pegged. (I’m a boy and I don’t read.)
via brandon
"Stereotyping People by Their Favorite Author."
Stereotyping People by Their Favorite AuthorBBC NEWS | South Asia | The 'youngest headmaster in the world'
BBC's Hunger to Learn series
BBC Hungry to Learn series
teaching kids in india
ps fall as the children
interesting watching. What an inspirationConstruct your own ‘Top 10 Must Follow’ List as it relates to your own Niche
People's "Top 10" Twitterati lists by niche
As some commented on the last post - the list does have a bit of a ’social media’ focus - so why don’t we come up with a series of lists of people to follow in different industries. For example: * If you’re interested in entrepreneurship - ‘Ten People all Entrepreneurs Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re a designer ‘Ten People all Designers Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re a dad - ‘Ten People all Dads Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re into politics - ‘Ten People all Political Buffs Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re a blogger - ‘Ten People all Bloggers Should Follow on Twitter’. * If you’re a rocket scientist - ‘Ten People all Rocket Scientists Should Follow on Twitter’.WebMii - Search for people and get their online visibility score
Find all online public information about you (and other people)
"Find all online public information about you (and other people) and get your PeopleRank: your visibility score on the web."
Find all online public information about you (and other people) and get your PeopleRank: your visibility score on the web.The 10 Most Successful Potheads on the Planet… Cool Enough to Admit It : COED Magazine
An unemployed porno addict, sitting in his parents’ basement, playing video games, eating Lucky Charms out of the box with one hand while he lazily scratches his balls with the other. A dread-lock having, patchouli oil smelling, tie-die wearing, Phish listening, hula-hoop twirling space cadet. A burger flipping, acne having, socially inept, friendless loser… These are the common stereotypes associated with the term ‘pothead’. In a recent piece we published on pot farms, a debate erupted in the comments section, with some arguing that if you smoke pot, you’ll be poor, gay, and “washing dishes until you’re dead.”
Time to shatter the baseless and idiotic stereotyopes
recordar pa traducir
Sir Richard Branson While the ‘Sir’ in front of this guy’s name puts him in some very elite company, it doesn’t automatically get him on this list. What does earn him a spot is the fact that he’s the 236th richest person in the world, founder of the Virgin empire, which encompasses everything from airlines to record stores to cell phones, and made his entire multi-billion dollar fortune from absolutely nothing. Not only does this man smoke weed, he gets high with his 21-year-old son. He has publicly stated that there’s nothing wrong with smoking pot, has petitioned for the legalization of pot, and even said that if it were legal, he’d sell it.
ow awesome the Louvre is. And yet here’s Rick Steves, author of 27 top selling European travel guides, host of his own TV show and radio show, and a very outspoken pothead. He’s a member of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, and credits pot for turning him into a better travel writer by opening his mind to new things.WebMii - Search for people and get their online visibility score
Anton LaVey
Pattie BoydList of Corporate Social Media Strategists, Corporate Community Managers in 2010 « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
nd I followed not fa
A collection of photos of people who left. Wonderful, astonishing, inspiring.
odlična prezentacija, solidne fotografije. Biografije malo nerviraju (ovo bi mnogo bolje bilo kao anonimni projekat...)The 22 minute meeting « Scott Berkun
Focus is key.Jibros — поиск людей в интернете
Поиск людей в интернетеArt of the Steal: On the Trail of World’s Most Ingenious Thief | Magazine
even take driving tests, apply for passports, or enroll in college classes under one of his many aliases: J
a real-life master criminal15 reasons Mr. Rogers was best neighbor ever -
Here are 15 things everyone should know about Fred Rogers:DeviceGuru » 16 interviews with Linux Kernel hackers
The Linux Foundation has published a series of video interviews from the annual Linux Kernel Summit held Sept. 15-16 in Portland, Oregon. In the videos, 16 developers -- including Linux creator Linus Torvalds (shown at left) -- discuss their developm
A Linux Foundation publicou uma série de videos com entrevistas do "Linux Kernel Summit". Nesses videos, 16 desenvolvedores, incluindo Linus Torvalds dicutem sobre o desenvolvimento do kernel do Linuxイケメンホイホイ - 思わずコロリときちゃうワタシ好みのイケメンがゾロゾロ集合!
イケメンホイホイは、あなたの選んだイケメンから好みのタイプを学習し、『このイケメンを選んだ人は、このイケメンを選んでいる』という統計を元に、あなたにオススメのイケメン画像を届けてくれる夢のようなサービスです。自分だけのイケメンコレクションを、毎日ぼんやり眺めて楽しんでください!Habitat Chronicles: Smart people can rationalize anything
Smart people are good if you need to do a lot of really hard things, and we did a lot of really hard things. But it's not all upside. For one thing, smart people tend to systematically overestimate the value of being smart. In fact, it is really valuable, but they still tend to weight it too heavily compared to other virtues you might also value, such as consistency, focus, attentiveness to the emotional needs of your customers, and so on. One of the problems with really smart people is that they can talk themselves into anything. And often they can talk you into it with them. And if you're smart yourself, you can talk them into stuff. The tendency to drift and lack of focus can be really extreme unless you have a few slower people in the group to act as a kind of intellectual ballast.
interesting insight into people and psychologyZach's Journal - RIP, Erik Naggum
Incl. list of bookmarks to "Best of Naggum" usenet articles
Some essays, flames and other stuff by Erik NaggumTheme Playground | Who’s Who in WordPress (50+ people you should be following)
This list is intended to direct you toward the most influential members of the WordPress community. If you’re reading this page, it’s because you’re interested in getting involved. The list below will give you not only a quick bio, but links to their sites and Twitter profiles so you can follow them. On with the list!
Who’s Who in WordPress (50+ people you should be following)What Happy People Don’t Do -
They enjoy TV, but watch it a lot less!
Happy people spend a lot of time socializing, going to church and reading newspapers — but they don’t spend a lot of time watching television, a new study finds.
via Lifehacker. "But the researchers could not tell whether unhappy people watch more television or whether being glued to the set is what makes people unhappy."How to work with “stupid” people
-How to work with “stupid” people NEWS | UK | Magazine | The other man on the podium
When Tommie Smith and John Carlos gave a gloved Black Power salute on the Olympic podium in October 1968 it sent a shockwave through sport. But what happened to the other man on the platform?
In case you ever wondered who the white guy on the podium was.Why: A Tale Of A Post-Modern Genius - Smashing Magazine
When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. Your tastes only narrow and exclude people. so create. — Why the Lucky Stiff
RT @puredanger: beautiful portrait of _why: a reminder to make art of your life.Michael Malloy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
re found this... thanks pat
You Can't Kill Michael Malloy
A man who was very hard to kill.
I had to come back with a good oneThe makings of a media mogul: Michael Arrington of TechCrunch » By Elias Bizannes » article » Liako.Biz
via, dozens of links about the late writer, david foster wallace
A collection of links to resources related to, anecdotes about, and eulogies of the deceased author. NB: he loved The Wire!
Jason Kottke assembled a set of links commemorating DFW.
kottke's list of remembrances, because I, too, need to close some of these tabs
Kottke rounds up quite a few links about David Foster Wallace, the acclaimed writer that died recently. I've never read anything by Wallace, but all the outpouring of sorrow makes me wonder if I should have been.50+ Semantic Web Pros to Follow on Twitter - ReadWriteWeb
seems i'm one of the 50+ semantic web pros to follow: - hello new followers... [from]“…look at me I’m skinny…” Diet, exercise, nature, and nurture at FISTFULAYEN
iancr's confessional on diet, exercise and self-discipline
Great tips on staying fit and eating healthy. Also a great recommendation for the book "The End of Overeating" by David Kessler which shows why so many Americans are getting fat and what to do about it.
interesting article about ian rogers' relationship with food and exercise and being a 'skinny guy' People Search Engine So Good, It Will Scare Your Pants Off People Search Engine So Good, It Will Scare Your Pants Off /by @roicarthy on @TechCrunch
Pipl is ok, but I don't feel it's that detailed. Sure you get results from all the profile-sites on one page, but other than that. I just feel pipl should come up with some results that it doesn't.Person of the Year 2008 - TIME
events of 2008, People Who Mattered etc
No surprise here.“Meet the Team” Pages: Examples and Trends - Smashing Magazine
In any industry where the people behind a company are as important as the company itself, you're likely to find a kind of expanded about page that includes
ChrisesShutterstock :: Make money with your photos!
"When you return home, open all the images from the series in Photoshop CS3 Extended. From the top menu, select File >Scripts > Statistics. In "Choose Stacks Mode" dialogue, select "Median." That's all there is to it! After crunching some data, Photoshop will spit out a new image without anybody in it. You may need to use some of your individual files to clean up a few artifacts generated by the process. In this example, I took 25 exposures during approximately 15 minutes (the place was incredibly busy as you can tell from the first picture). The clouds had shifted, so I "borrowed" the sky from one of the shots."
Remove people from a crowded scene.How to Track Down Anyone Online
Millions of people across the world are constantly connected by the internet. Here’s a look at what everybody’s doing when they’re in front of their computer screen.
Which country leads the pack for social networking? How do people spend their time online? It's all here.
How The World Spends Its Time Online (infographics) via @LarryferlazzoHow to Find the Person behind an Email Address - Reverse Email Search
Find the Person Behind an Email Address
Reverse Email SearchWhy Intelligent People Fail
1. Lack of motivation. A talent is irrelevant if a person is not motivated to use it. Motivation may be external (for example, social approval) or internal (satisfaction from a job well-done, for instance). External sources tend to be transient, while internal sources tend to produce more consistent performance.Most Creative People In Business 2010 | Fast Company
I like @fastcompany's Top 100 Creative People in Business list, though I wish it was easier to navigate
businessAbby's Blog
This is the blog of the 16 year old who was solo circumnavigating the globe on her sailboat. She has been covered by the media as well as the internet. The first time I had even heard of this young women was via a facebook update. To follow Abby's story you need only to read her blog, or the many articles written about her, or blogs related to her. She, like others her age, wanted to challenge herself, but unlike those other teens who tried such an act, her parents have been met with backlash because of the attention she has received because she made her journey public.Her story has been made socially relevant because of the media technologies and thus has gone under a much more critical eye.The 10 Founding Fathers of the Web
FutureWave Software
While the phrase “founding fathers” is often used in conjunction with men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, we wanted the think about the phrase on the global level. And what is more global than the world wide web? Thus, this holiday, we’re taking a look at 10 individuals who have been instrumental in helping to shape the world wide web and the culture of the Internet as we know it today.Warren Buffett pledge as part of the $600 billion challenge - Jun. 16, 2010
Too often, a vast collection of possessions ends up possessing its owner. The asset I most value, aside from health, is interesting, diverse, and long-standing friends. My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest. Both my children and I won what I call the ovarian lottery.
Warren Buffett has committed to giving away 99% of his wealth. Now, he explains his thinking in this remarkable op-ed.
"Fate's distribution of long straws is wildly capricious." - Warren Buffett / I have huge respect for this man. in Four Acts: What is Romantic Love?
Nick Yee, (year?)
Almost 3 decades ago, in 1978, Elaine Hatfield wrote a seminal book on the topic of love - teasing apart passionate and companionate love. She defined passionate love as "a state of intense longing for union with another" and companionate love as "the affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply entwined". Around the same time, Dorothy Tennov was trying to answer the same question in her book "Love and Limerence" and, similar to Hatfield, quickly differentiated between the “love” that is sincere concern and caring as opposed to the “love” that is fiery, euphoric and ephemeral. ... Tennov coined the term “limerence” for the latter so as to be able to discuss it as a concept separate from “love”. She noted that “love” is an emotion that is acted on, while “limerence” is more of a transformed state that people go into (the difference in the proverbial “I love you, but I’m not in love with you”).
Love in Four Acts: What is Romantic Love? -