Pages tagged perl:

xkcd - A Webcomic - 11th Grade

Praise Perl
Wow, as long as you enjoyed that weekend playing with perl this is absolutely true.
Teridon's iTunes Scripts
About these scripts Dec 23, 2007 by Teridon These scripts interface with iTunes (for Windows only) via the COM interface. Most of them are written in Perl, but I have provided EXE versions for those that don't want or have Perl installed. Just download the zip and run the EXE inside it. If you don't trust my EXE, you can download the Perl version and look at the source code before running it. I use ActiveState Perl, but they should work fine with any perl distribution for Windows. I have tested these with both iTunes 6 and 7 (up to 7.5). Most of them should work with iTunes 8 as well, but I have not tested them yet. Some scripts require iTunes 7 -- these are noted below. Also, if you try to run them against iTunes 6, they will refuse to run. All of these scripts are licensed under the GNU GPL v2 . In summary, that means they are free to download, use, and modify.
These scripts interface with iTunes (for Windows only) via the COM interface. Most of them are written in Perl, but I have provided EXE versions for those that don't want or have Perl installed. Just download the zip and run the EXE inside it. If you don't trust my EXE, you can download the Perl version and look at the source code before running it. I use ActiveState Perl, but they should work fine with any perl distribution for Windows. I have tested these with both iTunes 6 and 7 (up to 7.5). Most of them should work with iTunes 8 as well, but I have not tested them yet. Some scripts require iTunes 7 -- these are noted below. Also, if you try to run them against iTunes 6, they will refuse to run.
Perlでアニメ顔を検出&解析するImager::AnimeFace - デー
堀江貴文 エンジニアは誇り高くあれ/Tech総研
Slowloris HTTP DoS
perl -MCPAN -e 'install IO::Socket::INET'
Periodic Table of the Operators
Being a comprehensive and complete enumeration of the Operatic Elements of the Perl 6 Language, assembled and drawn with dedication and diligence by M. Lentczner as a service to both the Community and the Republic. May this simple presentation with various illustrative devices increase Knowledge & Understanding amongst practitioners in the art of Software. Third Edition, February 14th, Two Thousand Nine
Perl 6 operators
Perl 6 Language Operatic Elements
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
free programming books
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
txtGTD - text-based 'Getting Things Done' system
The idea behind the txtGTD script is to facilitate and simplify editing project list in David Allen's time management method - Getting Thing Done (GTD). I assume that you already know 'what it's all about' in GTD, especially what is 'project' and 'context' ( the context of GTD). :)
37 Tested PHP, Perl, and JavaScript Regular Expressions
軽量スレッドブームだと思うので、そこらへんの情報をまとめてみる - 金利0無利息キャッシング – キャッシングできます - subtech
Perl Cannot Be Parsed: A Formal Proof
For those not familiar with the history of this discussion, the term "parse" here is being used in its strict sense to mean static parsing -- taking a piece of code and determining its structure without executing it. In that strict sense the Perl program does not parse Perl. As Jeffrey pointed out it means that you can't reliably parse perl code without executing it. This means that things like static code analysis, code transformation and syntax hilighting will never be reliable. This is a drawback indeed, but on the other hand it means that modules can extend Perl's syntax, and that other nifty stuff can be accomplished. So I understand this node as a proof of a property that is seldom fully understood.
[ UPDATE 14 Aug 2009: A series of three articles in The Perl Review, now available online, expands on this node. In that series, the proof is carefully laid out in three different versions, and is much more thoroughly explained. ]
Famous Perl One-Liners Explained, Part I - good coders code, great reuse
also links to sed and awk oneliners
memcache-top - Project Hosting on Google Code
I wanted a simple command-line tool to be able to grab real-time stats from memcache (memcached, I know, I know), and output it in a view something like top. I couldn't find anything like it, so I wrote one myself in perl. When writing it, I tried to keep it simple, portable, and lightweight. (No memcached perl modules required! I tried to keep it to modules I thought would be preinstalled on almost any modern system. It's also fairly polite - non-critical modules get checked, and if they aren't installed, the functionality is disabled without spewing errors or dying.) I realize it's not written well. But, hey, at least it exists, right? Until the day I released it, there wasn't any comparable tool like it for memcached. It gives you the basic stats, and not too much else. (You can specify thresholds, for instance, and it'll change color to red if you exceed the thresholds. You can also choose the refresh/ sleep time, and whether to show immediate (per second) stats, or lifetime stats.
現代的なPerlの記述方法一覧 + α - Perl入門~サンプルコードによるPerl入門~
[を] アマゾンAPIを使うのに2009年8月15日から認証が必要になるらしい
■ <Message>The request must contain the parameter Signature.</Message>
Amazon APIを使うための情報
Big Sky :: ReverseHttpで誰よりも速く「はてなブックマーク」に反応するツール書いた。
hookoutを使えば、proxy内のrackサービスを外部公開できるらしい。 ただ勘違いされやすいのが「何がReverseなの」という部分。通常ブラウザからリクエストが送信され、それに対する応答がサーバから返されます。ReverseHttpはサーバで何かアクションが起きた場合に、ブラウザ側がその通知を受信する...なんて事が出来るプロトコルです。仕組みはcometというlong pollに似た仕組みで、サイトのdemoを観るとなんなく理解出来るかと思います。 例えば何が出来るのか...
ruby, WebHook, hookout.rb
Secret Perl Operators - good coders code, great reuse
A goatse operator? .p
Article about advantages of scripting languages over system programming languages
Scripting: Higher Level Programming
Scripting languages such as Perl and Tcl represent a very different style of programming than system programming languages such as C or JavaTM. Scripting languages are designed for "gluing" applications; they use typeless approaches to achieve a higher level of programming and more rapid application development than system programming languages. Increases in computer speed and changes in the application mix are making scripting languages more and more important for applications of the future.
* is Unix
Ryan’s I like Unicorn because it’s Unix appears to have started a mini-meme of folks writing simple forking network servers in their language of choice. I’m really enjoying reading ‘em — they’re a sort of Rosetta Stone of network code — so I’m going to keep a running list of links here. Tell me about any I’ve missed (via email, comments, or twitter) and I’ll add ‘em to the list.
a . . . of Rosetta Stone of network code
デブサミ2009 はてなの開発戦略 - 川o・-・)<2nd life
capistrano経由svn upでデプロイしていた。はてブ(21.6万UU、790万pv/日、サーバ50台)、4人/9ヶ月でリファクタリング(保守性・拡張性、テスタビリティ、他サービスとの密結合を解消)。
Perl基礎文法最速マスター - Perl入門~サンプルコードによるPerl入門~
mixi Engineers’ Blog » PerlとRubyで省メモリなハッシュを使おう
Dealing with Duplicate Person Data - Proud to Use Perl
I've recently been working on a fairly large project that that has contact information for almost 2 million people. These records contain details for both online and offline actions. Since the data can come from multiple sources there exist many duplicate records. Duplicate records mean more processing for our code, more storage space and more hassle for our clients who have to deal with these duplicates. All in all, bad things to leave lying around. In this article we'll look at some strategies that I used to identify and remove these duplicates. All code in this article are samples, and we'll leave the task of assembling them into a final working program up to the reader. CPAN is your Friend Like all good Perl projects, we will make heavy use of the CPAN. It makes our lives so much easier and every day I'm more in awe at the quality and bredth of solutions I find there. For this project we'll be using Text::LevenshteinXS, Lingua::EN::Nickname and Parallel::ForkManager. What is a Du
Funny to see people still using perl these days but great example
404 Blog Not Found:「PHP使いはもう正規表現をblogに書くな」と言わせないでくれ
regular expression for mail address
TkDocs - Tk Tutorial
Python 3 Tkinter tutorial
ついに出た!最新Perlフレームワーク「Ark」徹底解剖:第1回 Arkって何だ? ―Ark が生まれるまで| … 技術評論社
かなり使えるPerl正規表現のまとめ - TokuLog 改めB日記
KOF 2008 の発表資料 - naoyaのはてなダイアリー
Hidden features of Perl - Stack Overflow
"What are some really useful but esoteric language features in Perl that you've actually been able to employ to do useful work?" The community responds. Great stuff here.
What are some really useful but esoteric language features in Perl that you've actually been able to employ to do useful work? Guidelines: Try to limit answers the Perl core and not CPAN Please give an example and a short description
CPANモジュールをスクリプト一発で依存解決しつつrpm化する - とあるはてな社員の日記
Ksplice » The top 10 tricks of Perl one-liners - System administration and software blog
things I did not know ... like the '..' operator. Neato.