Twanalyst for your Twitter Account
Twitter personality test! LOL
This Twanalyst Page shows information about any Twitter account8 Toxic personalities to avoid - Manage Your Life on Shine
Psychologist Philip Zimbardo says happiness and success are rooted in a trait most of us disregard: the way we orient toward the past, present and future. He suggests we calibrate our outlook on time as a first step to improving our lives.b1dmB.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x1583 pixels)
awesome article!
This tale of two boys, and of the millions of kids just like them, embodies the most stunning finding to come out of education research in the past decade: more than any other variable in education—more than schools or curriculum—teachers matter.
After his two years were up, Farr went to law school, as planned.,
Worth having every staff read and debate this article.Philip Guo - Geek behaviors present during conversations
This is pretty funny, and true.
"This article presents some common behaviors I've observed from my past few years of interactions with geeks, nerds, and other highly-smart technical people. For brevity, I will simply use the term "geek" throughout this article as a catch-all term for such people. I don't mean to pass any value judgments on people who exhibit such behaviors; these are simply my observations and personal theories for why these behaviors occur."BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The brilliance of creative chaos
essay by Clive James
Are we able to think clearly when surrounded by mess because chaos is inherent in all our minds, even those of the great writers and thinkers?How the Mind Reveals Itself in Everyday Activities
supertitious, crowd, asking for help, familiarity breeds contempt, Mondays, pets, right ear
Many fascinating insights into the human mind are hidden in the most routine activities.
Aggregation of pop-psychology articles
Good insightful articles on practical psychology
psychology blog articleSet in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard: Scientific American
Report on flexibility in the future after 30 not really occurring.
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.”
“The shortest path to oneself leads around the world.”
Scientific American: Millions of us dream of transforming our lives, but few of us are able to make major changes after our 20s. Here's why
personality changes occur well past the age of 30 but that typically these changes are small in magnitude compared with the changes that occur between the ages of 20 and 40.BBC NEWS | Magazine | Four philosophical questions to make your brain hurt
"And when the surface is scratched, what you find below is extraordinary - or, rather, extraordinarily difficult to make good, clear sense of. Lying in wait are arguments that lead to, if not sheer lunacy, then bullets we're loathe to bite."
Consider a photo of someone you think is you eight years ago. What makes that person you? You might say he she was composed of the same cells as you now. But most of your cells are replaced every seven years. You might instead say you're an organism, a particular human being, and that organisms can survive cell replacement - this oak being the same tree as the sapling I planted last year.