David Lindsey Wade | Photographer
supercarpe noctem
Very cool night time portraits.alltelleringet.com
alltelleringet.comShinichi Maruyama
art photography portfolio japan water
Artist PortfolioTim Simmons – work
Natur und Landschaftsfotos.
wunderschöne fotos, die eher nach computergeneriert aussehen, wobei ich mir da nicht so sicher bin
Amazing nature photogrpahy
great landscape photography with artificial light sources
holyshitness i love this guy's work!My Photography Workflow 2009 | Thomas Hawk Digital Connection
Last year I wrote a blog post detailing my photography workflow. Since last year though my workflow has changed a bit as I've migrated from Adobe's BridgeStuart Gibson Photographer. Tasmania, Australia.
best surfpics ever!This Also is a photo(grapher) aggregator.
This Also is a photo(grapher) aggregator.
cool site.
photography aggregator25 of the Best Photographer Portfolio Websites - Part Two | Vandelay Design Blog
from Digital Photography School30 Flash-Based Photography Sites
30 sitios web de fotografia hechos en FlashSunshine Coast Portrait Photographer
Photojojo has a great article exploring the pros and cons of starting your own photography business.Vivian Maier - Her Discovered Work
Nice picture about bird
lo paso na. m bien disegnio de la pagmax wanger blog » photography + randomness
lindos ensaios de casamento
max wanger photography : an incurably romantic spirit, warmly reflected in wedding photos, as well as those that focus on food, fashion, foreign capitals, friends, and loved ones.
fotos de casamento muderninhas
fotos de casamento foda!
de casamentos, incriveis e meigas35 Powerful Photos That Tell A Story - Noupe
Winter was on the way and the need for shelter was urgent. We express sincere appreciation of the hard work of all photojournalists who are working for humanity,...5 Essential Sites for Professional Photographers
5 Essential Sites for Professional Photographers - http://mashable.com/2009/12/28/5-essential-sites-photographers/
The world of professional photography has come a long way since the days of the darkroom and Ektachrome film. Although there are traditionalists who still swear by film photography, advances in technology have brought photography to a whole new level, both in process and product. In addition to innovation in photography equipment, there are many valuable resources online that are becoming essential tools for professional photographers.TerrysDiary
terri richardsonAndreas Gefeller - Supervisions - Works since 2005
The artistic work of Andreas Gefeller comprises the series
crazy pics from above
Foto dall'alto di stanze e luoghi500 Photographers
500 photographers is a weblog that posts 5 active photographers a week for 100 weeks.
Listado de 500 fotografosPoemas del río Wang: Tarkovsky's Polaroids / Las Polaroid de Tarkovsky
Site showing Tarkovsky's beautiful polaroids
It is not widely known that Tarkovsky, whose films often seem to be composed as a montage of still photos, in a period effectively took photos with a Polaroid camera. These photos, taken at home and in Italy, in spite of all their technical imperfections bear witness to the same way of seeing and visual world as the great films. A selection from these photos was first published in Italy in 2006, and recently a Russian photo blog digitized all the pictures. The photos below are taken from there.