This Is a Photoshop and It Blew My Mind - Photosketch - Gizmodo
eine Software, die nur durch eine Textbeschreibung komplette Bilder malen kann. What. The. Fuck?
Cool toy: 'PhotoSketch is an internet-based program that can take the rough, labeled sketch on the left and automagically turn it into the naff montage on the right.'
Blends photos in an intelligent way from a sketch
According to authors, their software can take any rough sketch, with the shape of each element labeled with its name, find images corresponding to each drawn element, judge which are a better match to the shapes, and then seamlessly merge it all into one single image. PhotoSketch's blending algorithm analyzes each of these images, compares them with each other, and decides which are better for the blending process. It automatically traces and places them into a single photograph, matching the scene, and adding shadows. Of course, the results are less than perfect, but they are good enough:PhotoSketch: Photoshop + Image Recognition = Awesome
It composes a photo from your doodle. HOLY COW WE LIVE IN THE FUTURE
Awesome tool that allows you to sketch out an image and then find images based on your sketch.
This technology is just mind-boggling. PhotoSketch may be the coolest program we’ve seen or written about since the invisible speakers.PhotoSketch: better than sliced bread, Photoshop | The Web Life |
RT @jamesladd: Oh My Gosh - Awesome [from]
This link is a blog post on Ziff about an upcoming software program that it takes a rough, hand-drawn sketch, scours the web for photos that match, and runs them through an algorithm, stitching it all together. There's a 3 minute 43 second video embedded on the blog post that illustrates the capability of this program developed by Chinese students. It's pretty amazing.
it takes a rough, hand-drawn sketch, scours the web for photos that match, and runs them through an algorithm, stitching it all together.
2009-10-13 17:50:55 <eve>