Pages tagged photosynth: - Special Reports - The 44th President - The Moment

"Select a scene:" の一番下。Photosynthの技術があの瞬間を切り取って、その雰囲気を集めてる。
After a historic campaign season and Election Day, Barack Obama begins his term in the White House with a record-breaking inauguration.
great use of photosynth to show multidimensionality of Obama's election. one browses from one household to the other.... great stuff!!!
Photosynth Blog
incroyable images 3d photos en cascades
Millions of Photos, Billions of FLOPs Here are the key stats from Photosynth's first year. They're accurate to within a few percent, with the exception of the FLOPs number which is only accurate to an order of magnitude. 422,508 synths created 15,880,950 photos synthed and uploaded 15,541,978,306 3D points in all point clouds combined (15.6 billion) 26,445,915,945,733,700 number of floating point operations performed in all computations (26 quadrillion) 8,979,357,357 peak simultaneous FLOPs of all computations (8.9 GigaFLOPs) 472,000 peak synths viewed per day