The Sum of Us
A series of vignettes tracing the evolution of Kirk and McCoy's relationship over the years. Or, five people are let in on the worst-kept secret in the Federation.
A series of vignettes tracing the evolution of Kirk and McCoy's relationship over the years. Or, five people discover the worst-kept secret in the Federation.
McCoy sighs and stretches, rubbing at his temples. “Oh, hell. It’s not your fault, kid. The damn fool would have done the same for any one of us, or else gotten himself injured in one of a hundred other ways. That's just what he does.” “All the same, I…” He has no wish to make McCoy uncomfortable, but he feels compelled to say these things so he can sleep without remembering the captain's deathly pallor and the doctor's dark, haunted eyes. “I nearly took him from you, and for that I am sorry.” He looks at Chekov for a long, long moment, pursing his lips. “Just ‘ccept th’ ‘pology,” Kirk mumbles. His eyes are still closed. McCoy turns his head to glare down at him. “The peanut gallery can shut the fuck up, since it’s not supposed to be awake yet on account of it *dying* for forty-seven seconds earlier today.” Kirk’s dry lips curve faintly. “Love you too, Bones.” “And you,” McCoy adds, now leveling his glare at Chekov, “I don’t want to see your ass on the bridge for two days, you hear?”
“The peanut gallery can shut the fuck up, since it’s not supposed to be awake yet on account of it dying for forty-seven seconds earlier today.” Kirk’s dry lips curve faintly. “Love you too, Bones.”