Pages tagged pirate:

Live Piracy Map

This map shows all the piracy and armed robbery incidents reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre during 2008. If exact coordinates are not provided, estimated positions are shown based on information provided. Zoom-in and click on the pointers to view more information of an individual attack. Pointers may be superimposed on each other.
Un mapa de todos los robos a mano armada y piratería incidentes (ambos con éxito y tentativa) informó el año pasado
Mappa con i punti di attacco delle navi pirata verso imbarcazioni commerciali.
Pirate Bay Founder Devises DDo$ Attack | The Blog Pirate
La idea es ingresar pequeñas cantidades de dinero, ya que el coste de gestión de éstas es muy superior a la cantidad...
Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm (aka anakata) recieved a bill for the 30 million SEK that he, along with Peter Sunde (aka brokep), Fredrik Neij (aka TiAMO), and Carl Lundstrom, was fined in the verdict of the Pirate Bay trial just over three weeks ago. The bill inspired anakata to devise a plan involving sending money to Danowsky’s law firm, but not to pay the fine of course which they say will never be payed. Anakata’s clever plan is called internet-avgift, internet-fee in English. Anakata encourages all Internet users to pay extremely small sums around 1 SEK (0.13 USD) to Danowsky’s law firm, which represented the music companies at the Pirate Bay trial. The music companies will not benefit from this, instead it will cost them money to handle and process all the money.
I can give my two cents six and a half times over! [from]
Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm (aka anakata) recieved a bill for the 30 million SEK that he, along with Peter Sunde (aka brokep), Fredrik Neij (aka - TPB Copy
The Piratebay Clone
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philosecurity » Blog Archive » Pirates and Ninjas: Emacs or Vi?
#12sine @the one who blogs: try M-x doctor when drunk. Hillarious, but like most drunken enternainments, not so great sober. Also try M-x yow when drunk or stoned (emulates Zippy the Pinhead). For realy weird entertainment: M-x psychoanalize-pinhead will turn the doctor loose on Zippy… Yes, this pirate spends a lot of tube time with emacs and a glass of scotch. Probably not stealthy, but much more fun!