Pages tagged pirates:

You are being lied to about pirates | San Francisco Bay View

Johann Hari on the motivations behind the Somali pirates.
There's a lot more to understand about Somalia... (via @Xtal)
True? Somali "pirates" are defending illegal fishing
Pirates of Somalia - The Big Picture -
Pirates of Somalia Somali pirates continue their attacks against international ships in and around the Gulf of Aden, despite the deterrent of stepped-up international naval escorts and patrols - and the increased failure rate of their attacks. Under agreements with Somalia, the U.N, and each other, ships belonging to fifteen countries now patrol the area. Somali pirates - who have won themselves nearly $200 million in ransom since early 2008 - are being captured more frequently now, and handed over to authorities in Kenya, Yemen and Somalia for trial. Collected here are some recent photos of piracy off the coast of Somalia, and the international efforts to rein it in. (30 photos total)
somali pirates.
Sélection de photos sur les pirates Somaliens qui sévissent actuellement dans le Golf d'Aden. Mais aussi des autorités internationales qui y sont basées pour les arrêter.
Somali pirates continue their attacks against international ships in and around the Gulf of Aden, despite the deterrent of stepped-up international naval escorts and patrols - and the increased failure rate of their attacks. Under agreements with Somalia, the U.N, and each other, ships belonging to fifteen countries now patrol the area. Somali pirates - who have won themselves nearly $200 million in ransom since early 2008 - are being captured more frequently now, and handed over to authorities in Kenya, Yemen and Somalia for trial. Collected here are some recent photos of piracy off the coast of Somalia, and the international efforts to rein it in. (30 photos total)
Collected here are some recent photos of piracy off the coast of Somalia, and the international efforts to rein it in.
Live Piracy Map
This map shows all the piracy and armed robbery incidents reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre during 2008. If exact coordinates are not provided, estimated positions are shown based on information provided. Zoom-in and click on the pointers to view more information of an individual attack. Pointers may be superimposed on each other.
Un mapa de todos los robos a mano armada y piratería incidentes (ambos con éxito y tentativa) informó el año pasado
Mappa con i punti di attacco delle navi pirata verso imbarcazioni commerciali.
Cutthroat Capitalism: The Game
Fun to play if you're bored. You get to be a pirate!!
Wired Magazine's game about the business of Somali pirating; see related article published in Wired, "An Economic Analysis of the Somali Pirate Business Model." Commentary at
"You are a pirate commander staked with $50,000 from local tribal leaders and other investors. Your job is to guide your pirate crew through raids in and around the Gulf of Aden, attack and capture a ship, and successfully negotiate a ransom."
See the latest multimedia and applications including videos, animations, podcasts, photos, and slideshows on
You are a pirate commander staked with $50,000 from local tribal leaders and other investors. Your job is to guide your pirate crew through raids in and around the Gulf of Aden, attack and capture a ship, and successfully negotiate a ransom.
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