Pages tagged pon_farr:

dreamlittleyo: Trek Fic: All That We Can Be, Not Just What We Are (Kirk/Spock)

The bond between captain and first mate runs deeper than blood.
Spock goes into Pon Farr and Uhura isn't able to empathically bond with him—but a certain Captain is.
The bond between captain and first mate runs deeper than blood. Originally written for [info]st_xi_kink to the prompt: Spock goes into Pon Farr and Uhura isn't able to empathically bond with him—but a certain Captain is.
The observation deck is quiet and empty, dimly lit at this late hour and offering no distraction save the glowing glimpse of starlight passing by at warp. The engine is a quiet rumble barely discernible through the soles of his boots, and Spock is grateful for the solitude. With the violent urges burning his blood, all he wants is to be alone. The abandoned observation deck seems a reasonable locale. He's not quite surprised when Jim Kirk finds him there.
Kirk locates Spock on the observation deck, and will not let him escape his assistance.
[Why is there so much no lube and prep fic in this fandom? Still, other than that this is quite good.] The observation deck is quiet and empty, dimly lit at this late hour and offering no distraction save the glowing glimpse of starlight passing by at warp. The engine is a quiet rumble barely discernible through the soles of his boots, and Spock is grateful for the solitude. With the violent urges burning his blood, all he wants is to be alone. The abandoned observation deck seems a reasonable locale. He's not quite surprised when Jim Kirk finds him there.
Spock reaches pon farr but is unable to emotionally bond with Uhura. Kirk steps in.
The bond between captain and first mate runs deeper than blood. Originally written for st_xi_kink to the prompt: Spock goes into Pon Farr and Uhura isn't able to empathically bond with him—but a certain Captain is.