Facebook Page Statistics
Name # of Fans Daily Growth Rate Weekly Growth Rate 1. Barack Obama 4,798,664 1.56% 18.82% 2. Coca-Cola 2,372,474 1.23% 9.18% 3. Homer J Simpson 2,230,644 0.00% 0.00%
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If you want to track the most popular fan pages on Facebook, AllFacebook pushed out a new Facebook Pages Tracker last night that keeps stats on 611,213 fan pages on the social network. Only about 57,000 of those pages have more than 1,000 fans.
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As 09' comes to an end, we’re taking a look back at some of the most popular blog posts that we published this year on WDD.
The Most Popular Posts of 2009 | http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/12/the-most-popular-posts-of-2009 **Great read! [from http://twitter.com/MikevHoenselaar/statuses/7225024806]
As 2009 draws to an end, we are taking a look back at some of the most popular blog posts that we published this year on WDD.35 Free High-Quality Games for Linux - LaptopLogic.com
Gaming on Linux has always been a relatively non-existent activity. For the longest time, it was nearly impossible to find any games that would run on Linux, let alone popular 3D games. As the operating system has grown and morphed, however, this is slowly changing, with more companies releasing their online games with Linux support (Americas Army) and 3D games being created specifically for it (Urban Terror). Here is a list of 35 high-quality, well-working games that will run smoothly on Linux:Alexa - Hot Urls
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