Pop! simple pop menus with jQuery
Create a jQuery Popup Bubble » Digital Visions Queenstown
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Simpletip jQuery plugin. Making tooltips simple!
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A simple jQuery tooltip plugin
Simpletip - A simple jQuery tooltip plugin - http://craigsworks.com/simpletip/BeautyTips Demo Page
BeautyTips Demo Page
baloon popupsChung Dha Lam: Pop up beak CD packaging
Look at this CD holder --http://www.chungdha.com/2009/02/pop-up-beak-cd-packaging.htmlSimple JQuery Modal Window Tutorial | Queness
Tutorial ensinando a montar "janelas" modais em páginas html, que podem ser usadas como os álbuns de fotos e campos de login, usando css e javascript
Simple fenetre modale en JqueryTinyBox JavaScript Popup Box - 3.5KB - Web Development Blog
TinyBox is a lightweight and standalone modal window script. At only 3.5KB it doesn’t include any slideshow capabilities built-in but allows for any AJAX or HTML input so the sky is the limit.
TinyBox JavaScript Popup Box - 3.5KB - Web Development Blog
TinyBox is a lightweight and standalone modal window script. At only 3.5KB it doesn’t include any slideshow capabilities built-in but allows for any AJAX or HTML input so the sky is the limit. Future versions will include additional features. It can also be used for images and auto hiding alerts. The popups fade in/out and dynamically size based on the content if enabled. The styling is completely customizable through the simple CSS. I have a couple tutorials and a few scripts I will be posting very soon so check back.TinyBox - JavaScript Popup Script
Javascript popup pop upThe #1 Javascript Pop Up - Get TopUp! - Home
The #1 Javascript Pop Up made by Paul Engel
lightbox系Meerkat - A jQuery Plugin
Meerkat, depending on the options you have set, will slide or fade in from the top or bottom of the browser window and remain in its fixed position while the rest of the page will scroll normally.
Meerkat, named for its pop up like behavior, is a jQuery plugin created by Jarod Taylor.Browser Pong
During play, the negative space between windows is transformed into a playing field—the abstracted tennis court of Pong.
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window pong in a browserContextual Slideout Tips With jQuery & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
Knowing the importance of HTML standards, we are making a set of contextual slideout tips with jQuery & CSS3, which are ideal for product pages and online tours. As a bonus, they are SEO friendly, so all the content is visible to search engines.Simple Inline Modal Window w/ CSS and jQuery - CSS Lightview Style Popup - CSS Popups - Styling a Popup with CSS | jQuery Tutorials | Web Design Tutorials and Front-end Development Blog by Soh Tanaka
Please note: This tutorial requires intermediate knowledge of CSS and jQuery. For best results, please be sure to learn the proper foundations before attempting31 mind blowing collection of jQuery light box
Notification, message
Notificaciones con jquery ui compatible con ThemeRoller
Another cool notifications library/plugin for jQueryLightbox_me - Stupidly Simple Lightboxing
Lightbox_me is an essential tool for the jQuery developer's toolbox. Feed it a DOM element wrapped in a jQuery object and it will lightbox it for you, no muss no fuss.
very good api lightboxAeroWindow - Plugin für jQuery - Windows Aero Style für Websites - SOYOS Labs
AeroWindow erstellt Popup-Fenster im Aero Stil, angelehnt an den Style von Window7. Die Popup-Fenster bieten die gewohnten Möglichkeiten und volle Funktionalität analog zu Windows Fenstern. Features * Besonderheit: Live animierter Glossy Aero Look (siehe Header beim Verschieben) * Gewohnte Fenster Buttons: Minimieren, Verkleinern, Maximieren und Schließen * Doppelklick Unterstützung wie in Windows (Maximieren, Verkleinern) * Aktives Fenster wird visuell hervorgehoben, wie in Windows * Vom Anwender stufenlos skalierbare Fenstergröße * Verschiebbare Fenster durch Maus dragging * Gewohntes Z-Order-Management wie in Windows * + Animierte Veränderung der Fenstergröße * + Vielfältige Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten