beardposter_lg.jpg (JPEG Image, 1000x1324 pixels)
energy-scale-100-orders-of-magnitud.jpg (JPEG Image, 1008x876 pixels)
The energy scale..kind of like circle of fifths
Scale representation of magnitude energy, usually in Earthquakes.LucasArts Posters - LucasForums
LucasArts Posters is discussed at LucasForums - General Discussion
I need to get a print!
Monkey island posters!33 Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Amazing Posters and Ads : Speckyboy Design Magazine
33 Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Amazing Posters and Ads
33 Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Amazing Posters and Ads : Speckyboy Design Magazine
save25+ Photoshop Tutorials for Poster Design | Vandelay Design Blog
25+ Photoshop Tutorials for Poster Design
For Photoshop users who are interested in experimenting and learning something new, poster design is an excellent way to practice. Last year I published a collection of tutorials for designing posters in Photoshop. Since other outstanding tutorials have been published since then, today we'll feature another 28 tutorials. Create a Furious Pink Panther PosterMain : Anyone Can Swiss
Main : Anyone Can Swiss swiss design helvetica webdesign Web tools Graphic humor Interactive Typography web2.0 graphicdesign poster funny creative online
Generator helvetica poster.
swissification50 Brilliantly Photoshopped Movie Posters - Psdtuts+
coleccion de afiches de peliculas... productos del photoshop50 great examples of infographics -
Bem interessante.Saul Bass: Jack Of All Trades // WellMedicated
In this the first - of hopefully many - artist showcases I'm going to delve into the works of one of my heroes: Saul Bass. What I admire about Saul Bass is
Sensacional artigo sobre o grande designer Saul Bass!!!!! Vale a conferida!
lovely film poster design by Saul Bass50+ Excellent Posters about Design | Design was here
An excellent poster on our wall would certainly catch our attention and even inspire us. For the design aspect of us here’s a collection of excellent of excellent posters that most likely you would like to be hanged on your wall and also suit your taste buds for design. The posters mostly tells what Design is about on their personal views and how they apply it on their daily lives. I’ve spent a few hours gathering these excellent posters to share to everyone. I hope you’ll find them inspirational for yourselves as well, and maybe create one of your own and share it to us.
An excellent poster on our wall would certainly catch our attention and even inspire us. For the design aspect of us here’s a collection of excellent of excellent posters that most likely you would like to be hanged on your wall and also suit your taste buds for design.Ivana Martinovic, Selected Portfolio
Some nice work and a clean website.60+ Amazing Poster and Advertisment Tutorials | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
Everyone in the business world knows the importance of posters and ads in advertising for specific products. Posters are an integral part of advertising. An eye-catching, attractive poster that conveys a professional, compelling message about a product, service or event will invariably hold the user’s attention.
very cool!
ite because it helps you put images and text together really easily. In this tutorial, the artist puts together a poster that has a main photograph and a lot of text, giving it an old collage feel.
Dans le monde impitoyable de la publicité, l'affiche est reine. Découvrez en quelques-unes et mettez vos talents d'artiste et de web designer en œuvre !37 Cool Movie Poster and Text Effects Photoshop Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
עיצובים ומדריכים לעיצוב לתכנת פוטושופ
Fun with PhotoshopPosterize
posters d shows br26 Beautiful Photoshop Tutorials on Designing Posters
Prøv at lave en af disse med mine egne billederHow to Create a Retro Boxing Poster in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
how to make a retro boxing poster; just as the name implies
Cool retro effect tutorial in PSDBeautiful Flyer Designs by Super Silo | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
vintage posters
Vintage posters are just beautiful! Even considering that they were designed years ago, we still think they are full of style and beauty. As I really like this kind of art I decided to make this selection to share with you some really beautiful vintage posters. You will see here several types of vintage posters, some ads, film posters, traveling publicity and so on. Hope you like them!!
guck sie dir alle an! Speziell das Porsche Teil rocktBeautiful Modern Vintage Illustrations by Tom Whalen | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
modern vintage illustrations... as describedGlogster Tutorial
visual tutorial for leaning glosterComputer hardware poster 1.7 by ~Sonic840 on deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.69 Stunning Gig Posters | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
What's design without music? What's music without design? I wanted to add on to Paulo's post, 30 Totally Cool Band Posters, because I, too, have always had a thing for indie gig posters77 Excellent Photoshop Tutorials For Designing Posters | Tutorials | instantShift
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **30 Amazing Retro Posters and Flyers | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Posters retro, muito bacana os visuais
This week I ran into some cool retro designs for posters, fliers and brochures. I thought I would share them for my next Retrography Post. I love the style and feel of this ‘old paper look’ they all kind of have. I keep seeing the coolest gig posters andCraiglook: Craigslist Search
Wow. Very nice.
Search all Craigslist. Search Craigslist by City/Zip and Radius. Picture PreviewsAwesome Colorful Poster Tutorial | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
ใช้สี จัดๆ ทูทอเรียลโฟโต้ช็อป
Awesome Colorful Poster Tutorial50 Extraordinary and Attractive Billboards | 10Steps.SG
Creative Billboard Advertisement
cool ads.
Outdoors Interessantes!
Out dorr referênciaTechPosters: Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
świetne, sporo cheatsheet'ówephemera assemblyman: Film Poster Paintings from Ghana
posters de filmes de Ghana.30 Typography Posters That You’ve Probably Never Seen Before | Webdesigner Depot
ตัวอย่างการทำโปสเตอร์สวยๆSuper Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Creating a Super Cool Retro Poster
Super Cool Retro Poster in 10 Steps in Photoshop | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials -
illustrator tutorial
Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials45 Absolutely Astonishing Helvetica Typographic Posters | Desizn Tech
Helvetica is not a just a font. It is a culture, motivation and trend. Designers all over the world loves to incorporate Helvetica in their work. Are you a Helvetica Fanatic ? Are you passionate about Helvetica? Here are 45 really amazing poster about Helvetica that expresses what is Helvetica and how it has inspired good designs.
helvetice50 Photoshop Tutorials For Creating Poster Designs | Creative Nerds
Photoshop Tutorials For Creating
Tutorial for posters in Photoshop
The ultimate compilation of over 50 Photoshop tutorials which will guide you through the process for creating a poster design, and will show you the necessary skills in order to design your own poster. Photoshop may not always be designer’s first choice of software for designing posters in simply because it’s not a vector software. Photoshop may not be a vector software but has some handy and useful features which make it easy and more efficient to create beautiful poster designs using simple techniques.Glogster Tutorial
How to bring Glogster into the classroom
glogster edu tutorial
Tutorial from signing up, creating student accounts through to creating a project.
A straightforward and useful step-by-step tutorial on how to use the Glogster site to set up a 'glog'.4 Apps To Make Your Own Motivational Posters |
Great for student introduction use.30 Artistic and Creative Photoshop Poster Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Great poster designs
I love typography! And good for us type lovers, it’s very difficult to design something without it. Posters are no exception. So I thought I’d go find some typographic posters that are both vintage and grungy looking. I hope you enjoy them. Please share your thoughts in the comment section! typographic poster designs40+ Vintage Posters to Inspire Your Next Designs Color Palette
งานไทโป เทพ จากโอกีลวี่
typo/graphic posters is a directory of typographic and graphic posters. a passionate project focused on the graphic design community.Cool Stuff: Olly Moss’s Poster Remakes | /Film
Die Hard.
poster remakes old style
did you already google share these?Gorgeous Typography Examples in Advertising Design - Noupe
A get great inspiration from good posters, specially the ones with good design and a little mix of art and good typography. That's why I selected some great posters with different styles to inspire you, enjoy!The Legacy Of Polish Poster Design - Smashing Magazine
The Legacy Of Polish Poster DesignColor Theory Quick Reference Poster
Awesome!GD Software - Products
GD Software - Freeware & Shareware. (Creator of Easy Poster Printer, Shield Defender and Universal JukeBox
Easy Poster Printer enables you easily to print posters of any size (max 20x20 meters). Just drag n drop your picture into the application and click print. Easy Poster Printer also allows you to do basic image manipulations such as rotate, flip and stretch for better fit. When you are done creating an awesome poster simply save it!
What is Easy Poster Printer? Easy Poster Printer enables you easily to print posters of any size (max 20x20 meters). Just drag n drop your picture into the application and click print. Easy Poster Printer also allows you to do basic image manipulations such as rotate, flip and stretch for better fit. When you are done creating an awesome poster simply save it!Ross Berens
Space posters
Cargo based website. Interesting space infographics and illustrations. Linked via John Nack at Adobe.Inspirational Poster Designs
Inspirational Poster Designs
Articles and Resources for Web Designers
awesome piece of work1950年代電車中吊り広告
1950年代電車中吊り広告 この中吊り広告(なかづりこうこく)は、1950(昭和25)年から1954(昭和29)年頃にかけて、京阪神を走る国鉄列車内で実際に使用されていたもので、当時大阪の宮原電車区などで働いていた親戚の国鉄職員(故人)から譲り受けたものです。戦後物資難の時代にあって、裏面が白く、子供の絵書き用紙として使えるということで、電車区で使用済みとなった広告を自宅に持ち帰ったものが、今こうして残っています。 実物サイズはB3規格(横515mm×縦364mm)、印刷技術が向上してカラフルになりつつある頃で、戦後復興期の庶民の生活や終戦後の日本の政治・経済・社会情勢をうかがうことができます。当ページでは、所蔵約280枚の中から、236枚を公開しています。 これらのうちの一部は、2005年度日本アカデミー賞受賞映画「ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日」、及び2007年度「ALWAYS 続・三丁目の夕日」に資料提供(美術協力)し、集団就職列車、都電(路面電車)、東京駅のシーンに登場しています。( 映画では商号や商品名を東京地区用に加工されています )
広告の歴史50 of the Best Typography Posters | design something.
Posters tipograficosThe Heads of State
travel postersFreshBump - 10 Design Quotes Designed
To get you through Monday: "10 Design Quotes visualized" ( – Jan Jursa (IATV)
There's no shortage of uninspiring quotes punishing our eyes and ears on a daily basis. Blame advertising, or HR, or your annoying Facebook 'friend' who won't stop posting on your wall. These pithy statements bombard us by the hour, often in miniscule type, often completely irrelevant to our lives. Freshbump has commissioned 10 designers to stop the madness. Feast your eyes on 10 creative quotes, presented how they should be. Visually.typo/graphic posters
Muy buenos posters con tipografía
Cartells tipogràficsstar-wars-influence-map.gif 1853×1118 pixels
A timeline/influence map of the Star Wars Empire.Colosseo Letterpress Poster: Reimagining the Roman Coliseum with type
Colosseo remake by character (letterpress)
Cool video about the making of a print using type on vandercook press. ART! - blog
This is the best.
Darwin artwork that parodies the famous Shepard Fairey Obama poster.Free Posters -
rasterization, which—if true—would mean Rasterbator's images may appear more pixelated or dotted.
Block Posters converts any image into a large, printable wall poster.Terminator Salvation Poster
bonne idée de "poster enrichi"
só pra lembrar como é bacana esse "living poster"
Not sure how the movie will be, but this poster is awesome.Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers - Cat's Pyjamas
RT @draenews: Del Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers - Cat's Pyjamas:
at a glance poster guide for teachers
Brilliant poster Moodle Tool Guide!
Moodle tool guide for teachers
Awesome guide for social media/moodle
A few weeks ago, a Social Media Cheat Sheet was doing the round. A nice visualization of the pro’s & cons of each social media channel, but with a business/marketing focus. I thought I should do one for social media use in education. However for most of the teachers I work with, our Moodle (EIT Online) is still their primary online teaching environment. So instead I set out to create this poster size guide for teachers, allowing them to compare the functionality and pedagogical advantages of some standard Moodle tools, adding a column to indicate how tricky the tool is to set up.
Nice pdf table that shows which Moodle resource/activity is best for a given educational goal.User Centred Design - Infographic Poster by Pascal Raabe
Check out this infographic poster about user centred design:
"This is an information graphic poster illustrating the underlying lifecycle, methods, principles and techniques in a user centred design process where the visual part is only the tip of the iceberg."
This is an information graphic poster illustrating the underlying lifecycle, methods, principles and techniques in a user centred design process where the visual part is only the tip of the iceberg. This project is the result of my work experience at City ID, an information design studio with international reputation. The poster sums up many of the things that I’ve learnt during my time working with them. It also draws inspiration from practitioners who I admire and from a Digital Media module that I took at the Zurich University of the Arts in Switzerland which was taught by visiting lecturer and user experience designer Eva-Lotta Lamm.
is a good and beautiful infographic Poster by Pascal Raabe, summarizing what is to design with the user in mind.Design A Print-Ready Promotional Ad Using Photoshop and Illustrator - Smashing Magazine
Today, we'll look at what it's like to develop print material in cooperation with a major marketing company for top-name brands and retailers using Adobe Photoshop
develop print material in cooperation with a major marketing company for top-name brands and retailers using Adobe Photoshop and IllustratorCollection of .NET Framework and Visual Studio Posters
What is HTML5?Why never to ask favours from the designers
"Story goes : Shannon (the secretary) has lost her cat and has asked David (the graphic designer) to help with a lost poster. This is their email correspondence..."Why never to ask favours from the designers