Pages tagged pre:

Apple vs. Palm: the in-depth analysis - Engadget

Apple vs palm
Apple vs. Palm: the in-depth analysis - Engadget : Palm Developer Network - Palm webOS from O'Reilly Media
Overview of webOS
Palm® webOS™ is Palm's next generation operating system. Designed around an incredibly fast and beautiful user experience and optimized for the multi-tasking user, webOS integrates the power of a window-based operating system with the simplicity of a browser. Applications are built using standard web technologies and languages, but have access to device-based services and data.
First chapter of upcoming book on Palm's new webOS
The first chapter of an O'Reilly book on developing JavaScript-based webapps for Palm's new webOS
Details of how Palm is leveraging widespread knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript to ease development on their new platform.
Welcome to webOSdev - Palm
The following pages should give you answers regarding Palm® webOS™ platform development that you could not find anywhere else on this site. Just jump into the section(s) that interest you.
Palm - Project Ares
According to Palm "Project Ares is the first mobile development environment hosted entirely in a browser, lowering the barriers for web developers to jump into mobile development."
Project Ares is the first mobile development environment for Palm's WebOS, hosted entirely in a browser
browser based IDE for WebOS
Like webOS, Project Ares embodies Palm's belief that the future of mobile will be built on the web. Project Ares aims to enable a next-generation mobile development workflow, in which developers move quickly and seamlessly from editing in a browser, to debugging on a device, to selling applications in Palm's App Catalog or on the web.
Total Cost of Ownership: iPhone 3G S versus Palm Pre versus Android G1 | Shrinkage Is Good
 tags with CSS - CSS  - CSS Code Blocks - CSS 
 Code Snippets Tutorial
esse é interessante pra quando for publicar códigos no blog/site. ele ajuda a dar uma arrumada nos snippets
code, preを装飾するcss
Although there are many useful plug-ins out there that dress up code snippets, I would like to share a technique playing with the background of the <pre>
Palm Pre review
3-part review; diminutive qwerty a la blackberry; 3.1" screen; Linux OS; good software; overall cool phone; external keyboard? GPS w/ respectable nav software but no landscape mode nor car mount;
the new Palm-Pre came out recently and people everywhere want to get this hot new phone. Some even say it is supposed to be the "Iphone-killer"
We're in the 5th day of Pre ownership in our household and I found this excellent all-around review that is required reading for Pre owners on Engadget.
Epic-length, wonderfully detailed review of the Pre by Joshua Topolsky, including substantial looks at all of the Pre’s major built-in app…
Palm Pre - How to Guide to Enable Tethering!
4. Save the file after you make the edit, then start the PmConnectionManager process back up. start PmConnectionManager Now /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward should contain a “1″ instead of “0″. Previously, the ip_forward setting would always read/reset itself to “0″, making tethering very disruptive. With this method, that value will stay at “1″. 5. Setup a NAT rule in iptables by running /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE 6. Finally, add the command in step 5 to a start-up script in /etc/event.d. Using nano as the text editor, you would run nano -w /etc/event.d/ipforward Then copy/paste the lines below into the file start on stopped finish stop on runlevel[!2] console none pre-start script /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE end script