Pages tagged prediction_markets: Predict World Events, Share Opinions, Meet Like Minded People

A social web application based around the collective prediction of future events. It is based on the concept that ‘many heads are better than one’ (also known as collective intelligence, collective reasoning, group wisdom, etc)
Predict World Events, Share Opinions, Meet Like Minded People
If you have an opinion on news or world events or if you think you can predict the future, then Nostradamical will help you publish your predictions. is a prediction market, blog and game that is run by you, the people. Anyone can sign up and publish predictions. Got an opinion on world affairs? Think you can predict the future? At Nostradamical people are sharing opinions and trying to guess what will happen next - from technology ideas, to celebrity gossip to politics and world events. It's easy, fun and a great way to publish your opinions!
Essentially Nostradamical is a fun approach to a serious topic: The ability of ‘the crowd’ to predict events with better overall success than ‘the individual’.