Predictions 2009 - John Battelle's Searchblog
predictions about search engines and social networking sites
John Battelle's predictions for the coming year...
Analyst firm Gartner has just released a report that highlights eight up-and-coming mobile technologies which they predict will impact the mobile industry over the course of the next ...Wrong Tomorrow - pundits vs. time
nice idea (accountability? no!)
Holding the experts to account
matt simmons "We are three, six, maybe nine months away from an [oil] price shock." - 2009-03-26 268 days open barton biggs the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index may rally between 30 percent and 50 percent from the 12-year low reached on March 9 - 2009-03-23 355 days open
Fantastic new site that lists and tracks predictions of the future made by public figures and purported experts.YouTube - AT&T 1993 "You Will" Ads
Our present is a lot better than the future they imagine
This montage of AT&T ads came from a 1993 Newsweek CD-ROM, when Newsweek thought that one day, magazines would be sent to you in CD-ROM form, sponsored with ads. It's an interesting view of the future.10 Big Marketing Predictions for 2010 | The Rise Underground
2010 is going to be an incredible year for marketing. Now, of course I don’t have a crystal ball (or do I...insert creepy music here) but the shift is unmistakable and can't be ignored. The days of hit and miss expensive marketing and advertisin
10 prediccions de Marketing pel 2010
2010 is going to be an incredible year for marketing.10 Web trends to watch in 2010 -
10 web trends to watch in 2010
Soon, our whereabouts may optionally be appended to every Tweet, blog comment, photo or video we post.
So many of these were in my list....Bruce Bueno de Mesquita predicts Iran's future | Video on
Is it the beginning of the Asimov's psychohistory ? Ted Talks: #TED [from]
Once he stated as a premise that people are rational I kindda lost interest. Everybody CAN be rational, but not everyone is rational and definitely not all of the time. Just like his example, some people sometimes revert to being like 2 years old.
TED Talks Bruce Bueno de Mesquita uses mathematical analysis to predict (very often correctly) such messy human events as war, political power shifts, Intifada ... After a crisp explanation of how he does it, he offers three predictions on the future of Iran.Half an Hour: What Not To Build
Some interesting views on trends in technology
Things not to build: New social networks, Operating Systems, and Java apps.
Hea lugemine, võiks ju võtta kui ennustust, kuhu veeb liigubSEOmoz | 8 Predictions for SEO in 2010
First off, apologies for my absence from the blog these past few days. It's been an incredibly busy time, trying to wrap things up before I leave for San Diego over the holidays. So much for a December lull... In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months.
"In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months."Social Media in 2009: Our Predictions and Desires - ReadWriteWeb
Over the past year, we've been inundated with social media. We've seen Twitter go mainstream, lifestreaming take over blogging, and we've tried what felt like a million different applications. We've joined then abandoned new services recklessly, leaving our accounts to wither away on platforms long forgotten. What more could we possibly do in 2009?
'For the entrepreneurs still looking to get our attention with the latest social media toys, their pitch may no longer be "come try this, it's new," but instead, "come try this, it helps." Because if there's anything we learned from 2008, it's that social media overload is not sustainable."
read again!
what do we think will happen? what would be useful (personally)? what could be applied to clients?Ten Technologies That Will Rock 2010
Junta42 Content Marketing blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009
Some people hate them, but I'm a sucker for prediction articles. The switch over to the next calendar year always provides the perfect scenario to decide what the fate of marketing will be. We reached out to the Junta42 community, Predict World Events, Share Opinions, Meet Like Minded People
A social web application based around the collective prediction of future events. It is based on the concept that ‘many heads are better than one’ (also known as collective intelligence, collective reasoning, group wisdom, etc)
Predict World Events, Share Opinions, Meet Like Minded People
If you have an opinion on news or world events or if you think you can predict the future, then Nostradamical will help you publish your predictions. is a prediction market, blog and game that is run by you, the people. Anyone can sign up and publish predictions. Got an opinion on world affairs? Think you can predict the future? At Nostradamical people are sharing opinions and trying to guess what will happen next - from technology ideas, to celebrity gossip to politics and world events. It's easy, fun and a great way to publish your opinions!
Essentially Nostradamical is a fun approach to a serious topic: The ability of ‘the crowd’ to predict events with better overall success than ‘the individual’.Peering into 2009: 10 Predictions for Online Video