The Extreme Presentation(tm) Method
Extremely effective communication of complex information
presentations on complex subjectImpressive
Un editor de presentaciones bastante coolEleven Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom - Google Docs
Twitter in the classroomPresentation Tips
For the thesis people out there, and to other entrepreneurs who needs to present things... >_<
Tufte gives presentation tips. cool
edward tufte
Useful pointers on giving presentations from Edward Tufte. Although I disagree on "always provide a handout," this list does appear to pre-date the days of easy DIY wikis and Google sites.
Some great tips for your next presentation. Ignore these at your peril: Lovely Charts Creates Polished Diagrams
Comme gliffy20 tips for better conference speaking ~ Authentic Boredom
Authentic Boredom6 Interesting online presentations for web developers
The list includes a short introduction to Ajax, how to write modular CSS code, PHP Object Model fundamentals and an overview about the most popular JavaScript libraries.Make Better Presentations - The Anatomy of a Good Speech |
comparing a good presentation to
Tips on making a better presentation.
I’ve been thinking about the anatomy of presentations, and what we can do to improve how we’re doing what we do.How to Present While People are Twittering | Pistachio
Good advice and tips. Noticing this more and more that people are tweeting from phones during presentations. Wave of the very near future.
Thanks to Paul Stewart for this one via Twitter :)
Annotated link
How to manage back-channeling during workshops and conference presentations.
People used to whisper to each other or pass hand-scribbled notes during presentations. Now these notes are going digital on Twitter or via conference-provided chat rooms. Up until now, this back-channel has been mainly confined to the Internet industry and technology conferences. However, a survey of leadership conferences from Weber Shandwick shows that there is a significant increase in blogging and twittering at conferences. So the next time you present at a conference, instead of being confronted by a sea of faces looking at you, you may be phased by a sea of heads looking down at their laptops. The challenge is how to adapt to presenting with the back-channel.
GOTO meeting drawing tool
Logiciel qui permet d'écrire "manuellement" sur son écran (lors d'une présentation par exemple).8 things I learnt about using twitter as a participation tool : Speaking about Presenting
Today, I presented a session remotely at the Presentation Camp at Stanford University, California. My session was on “How to engage your audience with Twitter” and I tried to do exactly that during my presentation.
Or "How to address an audience that's tweeting." This takes a very skilled presenter. Especially with all of the down heads.What Every European Startup Should Know: 10 Keys to Presenting Your Startup in the US
"Getting up on stage and speaking is a difficult and demanding thing to do. It’s natural to be nervous and for that nervousness to show. It’s also hard to know how what you are doing up there on stage is perceived by the audience."
Tips for presenters form a conference photographer. Good advice.
Some advice for speakers
Thoughts from a conference photographer on speaking... (as he photographed speakers)Seth's Blog: The two elements of a great presenter
Seth Godin's
"SlideMagnet is all about slides. Our mantra: be generous. We are here to help you thrive and succeed with your next presentation. That’s our purpose, that’s our mission, and that’s why we exist."
advice on good presentations
How to make effective presentations9 great UX presentations to help you build better website | KomunitasWeb
construcción de paginas web para users
videos de socialmediaSeth's Blog: The hierarchy of presentations
Share with students (and administrators and teachers....)
A presentation is a precious opportunity. It's a powerful arrangement... one speaker, an attentive audience, all in their seats, all paying attention (at least at first). Don't waste it. The purpose of a presentation is to change minds. That's the only reason I can think of to spend the time and resources. If your goal isn't to change minds, perhaps you should consider a different approach.DrupalCon DC 2009 Videos |
DrupalCon DC 2009 Video
Annotated link Godin on the tribes we lead | Video on
On the power of the internet: "People on the fringes can find each other, connect and go somewhere." On marketers' new challenge: "What we do for a living is find something worth changing, then finding tribes who spread the idea and create a movement." "You don't need everyone - you just need a 1,000 people who care enough that they will get you the next round and the next round...It's about finding the true believers."
Great presentation of Seth Godin on the third wave called tribes.Seth's Blog: Three kinds of meetings
There are only three kinds of classic meetings: 1. Information. This is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade of conversation, it's primarily designed to inform. 2. Discussion. This is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example. 3. Permission. This is a meeting where the other side is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no.
Meetings are marketing in real time with real people. (A conference is not a meeting. A conference is a chance for a circle of people to interact). There are only three kinds of classic meetings: Information. This is a meeting...
"# Information. This is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade of conversation, it's primarily designed to inform. # Discussion. This is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example. # Permission. This is a meeting where the other side is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no."Presentation Zen: Making presentations in the TED style
Making presentations in the TED stylesimple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
Wow, I have to say this looks really cool.
simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
The key to is simplicity. First you make a “drop,” which is’s term for storage space, and add any required media in two clicks. You get a unique URL for your drop to share it with your participants. Then you activate a presentation, and everyone viewing your drop will be able to access your presentation. Everything the admin of the presentation does is seen in real time by the participants. Open a picture, video or a document, everyone sees it. Participants can also see your cursor as you click through options. Like any web conferencing presentation software, participants cannot click on and affect your presentation, since it is not a collaborative space. works well with document presentation, and you can open the document into full-screen mode for more detailed viewing. Audio and video presentations work in the same way. You can also open up a chat window at any time for real-time text chat..10 Powerpoint Tips for Preparing a Professional Presentation
Handy, but not all that novel.
Consejos para hacer mejores presentaciones en Powerpoint
A tutorial for preparing Powerpoint presentations. What to do and what not to do.
Presentations - whether they are made with Powerpoint or other applications, are a great way to support a speech, visualize complicated concepts or focusHow to Give a Great Talk
While I'm preparing, I try to extract the main takeaways -- that is, the most important points of my talk, the points I most want the audience to remember. Those points will form the talk's skeleton. By not using notes, you force yourself to understand your takeaways very clearly. The reason you have to be so clear on them is that if you don't know what they are, your talk will have no structure, and you'll have a hard time remembering it when you do it live.Adobe Labs - Presentations
* Easily create your own professional presentations online, using built-in tools and layouts. * Simplify working with others on presentations. Create, revise, and collaborate on the same presentation at the same time -- all online. No need to e-mail attachments back and forth or track down who has the latest version. * Meet your deadline with ease. With simultaneous editing, no one is locked out of the presentation while others make changes. * Access your presentations from anywhere. Your presentation is always available online so you can do last minute tweaks, present it from wherever you are, or deliver it offline by exporting to Adobe PDF.15 Interesting online presentations for web developers
Covers XMLHttpRequest10 Places To Get Cool Media Clips For PowerPoint Presentations
Whether you are on your first presentation or on your umpteenth, it’s always better to be prepared with the right resources to back up your ideas for the PowerPoint slides. So here’s looking at 10 websites for free supplies of media clips for PowerPoint.
10 Places To Get Cool Media Clips For PowerPoint Presentations25 Incredible TED Talks for Educators - Learn-gasm
good links to other education sitesTop 10 Social Media Presentations | Digital Buzz Blog
There would be 100+ Social Media Presentations on SlideShare but this is just about the Top 10 Presentations you’d actually want to spend the time reading! Some of the social media presentations loose their punch with out the speaker actually talking you through it, but I’m sure you’ll all find every side valuable. Note: Some are a little basic while others are much more advanced so there is something for everyone here!
I’m addicted to slideshare and after reading a bunch of re-tweets about the Top 10 Social Media Presentations I thought it might be useful to post them on Digital Buzz! There would be 100+ Social Media Presentations on SlideShare but this is just about the Top 10 Presentations you’d actually want to spend the time reading!Seth's Blog: How to make graphs that work
it's the third one, you can probably dispense with the graph altogether. And the fourth isn't really a presentation, it's a working session. Which means you're trying to light a fire, make a point, highlight a trend, cause action to be taken. Your gra
How to make graphs that work
Good results should go up on the Y axis. This means that if you're charting weight loss, don't chart "how much I weigh" because good results would go down. Instead, chart "percentage of goal" or "how much I lost."
good article about graphsPresentation Zen: Who says technical presentations can't be engaging?
interesting, useful tips on presenting
Sharing: Who says technical presentations can't be engaging?: People often ask if technical or scien.. [from]
People often ask if technical or science-related presentations can be as compelling as presentations covering other less technical topics.
"Failure to spend the [presentation] time wisely and well, failure to educate, entertain, elucidate, enlighten, and most important of all, failure to maintain attention and interest should be punishable by stoning. There is no excuse for tedium."Presentation Zen: 11 ways to use images poorly in slides
<div><p style="color:#111111;font-family:Arial"><a href="" style="float:right"><img alt="Slides" src="" style="margin:0px 0px 5px 5px;width:200px"></a> As digital cameras have become ubiquitous, and cheap (or free) photo websites plentiful, more people than ever are using images in presentations. Images are not appropriate for every kind of talk, but even when images are appropriate (such as keynote/ballroom style presentations), people are still making the same common mistakes. So here are some things to keep in mind if you use images in your next talk. <em>(Get a larger version of the "slides" image <a href="">here.</a>)</em><br><br><strong><span style="color:#111111;font-family:Arial">Case study: a single slide</span></strong><br>Let's imagine you are preparing a prese
o/ [from]
Examples of how photographs are poorly used in PowerPoint presentations. Students do #6 and #7 the most and it is one of my biggest pet peeves!Presentation Zen: 10 Tips on how to think like a designer
Most people do not really think about design and designers, let alone think of themselves as designers. But what, if anything, can regular people — teachers, students, business people of all types — learn from designers and from thinking like a designer? And what of more specialized professions? Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? I believe there is.
Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? I believe there is.
Most people do not really think about design and designers, let alone think of themselves as designers. But what, if anything, can regular people — teachers, students, business people of all types — learn from designers and from thinking like a designer? And what of more specialized professions? Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? Garr Reynolds believes there is.
Below are 10 things (plus a bonus tip) that I have learned over the years from designers, things that designers do or know that the rest of us can benefit from.Presentations, Keynotes, and Interviews with 37signals
Presentations, Keynotes, and Interviews with 37signalsBBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The problem with PowerPoint
Ok, the evils of powerpoint are getting attention in the news. But why does Delicious recommend that I tag this "humour"?
good advice for powerpoint presentationsBBC NEWS | Magazine | The problem with PowerPoint
25 years of PowerPoint. But does it really help us create better presentations?
Useful for teaching presentation skills
An article from the BBC Web site magazine with useful tips on avoiding common problems with PowerPoint (written to celebrate 25 years of PowerPoint)Note & Point
A gallery devoted to making your Keynote and Powerpoint presentations look that much betterJoel Spolsky's talk at Business of Software 2008 on being number one - Business of Software Blog
How come you can recognise the tune of the number one song of 1968 as being Hey Jude by the Beatles, but not the number two song? Why has the iPod had the success that the Zune has been denied?...
Joel Spolsky's talk at Business of Software 2008 on being number oneStunningly Awful Demos: Five Things Not To Do in a Demo : The World : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
Stunningly Awful Demos: Five Things Not To Do in a DemoTeaching and technology ~ presentations and resources for educators
Textos y presentaciones educativos sobre tecnología
During the last six or so years I have created a number of 'how-to' documents and presentations for a variety of web based and related technologies. They are available from the various workshop web pages however I thought it might prove helpful to link to all the documents from a single page. Some of my workshop participants have referred to these documents as 'cheat sheets'.Make Yourself Presentable | Jason Santa Maria
Boils down to: Tell a story & don't just read bullet points out loudSeth's Blog: The modern talking pad
Leave it beh
"I've been having great success with a hybrid of the yellow legal pad and a printed presentation from Keynote (or Powerpoint). I use it during small meetings where more interactivity is useful, and where the group is too small for a laptop to be the best way to present slides (I think running a presentation says, "I talk, you listen...")"
Thinking of my almost unused Muji Chronotebook..
I love how Seth's brain works... while so many people are thinking of how complicated and hi tech they need to become in order to make points and get through to people, Seth works in the opposite direction in order to simplify things and challenge the status quo. I never would have thought of this had he not posted it.
That's a good idea! A new way to do presentationsdjangocon / Slides
Kaizen (改善) means "improvement" — "kai" (改) means change/make better, and "zen" (善) means good — but as the term is used as a business process it more closely resembles in English “continuous improvement.” Kaizen is one of the keys to the steady improvement and innovation found at successful companies in Japan such as Toyota.
Great tips, along the line of "be interesting" from Russell Davies
"Though Kaizen is a tool used by corporations to achieve greater innovation, productivity, and general excellence, it’s also an approach, an approach that we can learn from and apply to our own lives as we strive for continuous improvement on a more personal level. We can call this “Personal Kaizen.” Others have applied the personal kaizen approach to personal efficiency or GTD. You too can take the spirit of kaizen and apply it to your own unique personal kaizen approach to improve — step-by-step, little-by-little — your design mindfulness, knowledge, and skill. "How Speakers Should Integrate Social Into Their Presentation « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Whether you're a professional speaker, company representative, or panelist at a conference, you must develop a social strategy during your speaking. The Audience Continues To Gain Power Over Speakers A few years ago, the first major eruption
via Corbin Ball
Present socially! 1. Prepare more; know your audience; monitor the backchannel (with help); interact with audience; use technology to converse mid-speakingHow to Give a Lousy Presentation - BusinessWeek
Fifteen ways to make a bad impressionWriteThinkLearn.pdf (application/pdf Object)
How to improve writing, thinking and learning.
Una presentación en PDF para organizar mejor el texto escrito y a partir de ahí optimizar las ideas y los modelos de aprendizaje. En inglés.Rands In Repose: Keynote Kung-fu Two
Workflow for creating presentations
You’ve taken some hits. Being taken apart by the execs because they could smell you weren’t prepared. The slide deck you loved that the audience ignored. That guy… snoring. In the front row. However, you’ve also hit it out of the park. The unexpected standing ovation. That seven-slide deck that turned into an hour of ad-libbed brilliance. The moment you know you’ve deeply connected with your audience. Admit it, you’ve got some presentation-fu.New evidence that bullet-points don’t work : Speaking about Presenting
For his new book, communications coach Carmine Gallo watched hours of Jobs' keynotes. Here he identifies the five elements of every presentation by the Apple CEOA dozen of the best start-up pitches on the Web |
* Home * About Subscribe: Posts | Comments | Email JonBischke.comWorkshop Handouts
Texas Computer Education Asso 2009 Convention & Exposition...many, many handouts all varied topics
rec. web20classroom; credit original sourceIDEO Labs » Keynote Tweet: Participate in the backchannel of your own presentation
Tweets from keynote for public presentation
"Enter Keynote Tweet, a simple open-source script that provides the capacity to participate in the backchannel by combining Twitter with Apple Keynote. All you have to do is add text wrapped in [twitter] and [/twitter] tags in the presenter notes section of a slide. When that slide comes up in the presentation the script grabs that text and sends it to Twitter on your behalf."Scotland on Rails | Union Station
Assistir esses videos9 Tips for Enriching Your Presentations With Social Media
Keynote Tweet
Social media offers some innovative ways to engage your audience during a presentation. Here are some tips on how to enrich the experience using these social tools.
Pioneer presenters are using social media to engage their audience and extend the reach of their ideas. Twitter (Twitter), Facebook (Facebook), and numerous custom online tools allow presenters to create a backchannel for their audience’s ideas and feedback. This two-way engagement can enrich the audience’s understanding as well as the presenter’s effectiveness. Here are 9 tips for improving your presentations with social media.Screenpresso - Home
Simple, effective and free. We take the best from screenshot tools to make the greatest. SCREENPRESSO gives professional look to your screenshots for FREE!
Capture windows and region Capture Region Simply capture part of the screen or a specific window with the same shortcut. Simple7 Little Tricks To Speak In Public With No Fear - Stepcase Lifehack
There was once a time when I had no fear. I was 11 years old and I entered a story telling competition. I was confidently telling the story and captured
Still feel that lingering fear when speaking in Public? There is no need for that. Stepcase Lifehack presents you with 7 tricks to take the fear away, or even better, prevent it from getting to you at all.Web Ink Now: Top ten tips for incredibly successful public speaking
From David Meerman ScottCharts: Flowchart Decides Which Chart Style is Best for Your Data
Web Design Videos and Presentations5 tools to create tutorials | HARD GEEK
5 Amazing Tools To Create Tutorials Geeklist — By editorial board on September 17, 2009 at 8:16 pm * Share this on * Digg this! * Share this on Reddit * Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUpon * Share this on Facebook * Tweet This! * Submit this story to Propeller Here are few tools which can be used to create tutorials. These screen casting tools are free alternative to some of the higher priced utilities. This list covers both PC and Mac utilities.simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by - is one of the many excellent services created by the folks at allows users to set up a free webinar or video conference with just two clicks. Just like with there is no registration required to use the service and there is no software to install. To use simply create a drop and share the drop's unique url (and optional password) with whomever you would like to participate in the conference. When you're ready to start your conference click "start presentation." If you create the conference you are the administrator and have full access to show the other participants files, links, photos, and any other media you're using on your computer.
Video conferencing through
free for up to 10 attendees; locks them into your presentationCopyright for Educators
Great Slideshare presentation (about 50min) by Wes Fryer outlining copyright issues that educators need to knowAndy Budd::Blogography: 7 Ways to Improve your Public Speaking
As a self confirmed conference junkie I speak at a dozen events each year, and attend many more. As such I’ve probably seen close to a thousand talks over the last five years. Because of this I’ve got a pretty good idea what makes for an exciting talk and how you can guarantee your session will suck. As somebody who also organises two conferences, UX London and dConstruct I’m really keen on getting new talent into the speaking circuit while still maintaining quality. As such I’ve put together a quick guide to help both new and experienced speakers kick arse/ass. Most of these tips aren’t new, but you’ll be surprised how few people actually follow them. However if you do, you’ll be well on your way to being the next Jeff Veen, Jared Spool or Jason Santa Maria.SlideFinder - Search engine for PowerPoint presentations
Search engine for PowerPoint presentations
SlideFinder is a specialized search engine for PowerPoint presentations. Results are displayed at the slide level, enabling detailed search results.The Presentation Secrets Of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs presentation techniquesHow to Deliver a Great Presentation Like Steve Jobs
Make a folder of links that is specific to your talk. I made one and numbered each link in the order I was going to use them. That includes links to folders, files, browsers, batch files, reset scripts, whatever.
but it works. You'll see that I repeat myself four or five times to make sure important points get hit and pounded in. Thi
mos, drop and recreate your database, clear caches, prime caches or whatever administBBC NEWS | Magazine | Want to know how to handle all of these?
But rather than being all about creative flair a good speech-writer uses a number of techniques to get a point across. And these verbal tools are not only useful at the lectern, anyone can use them in everyday situations, from handling a boisterous child to reasoning with a traffic warden. This is because speech-writing is the language of persuasion. And the average day largely consists of trying to persuade people, says Dr Max Atkinson, a communications consultant and author of Speech-Making and Presentation Made Easy.
A brilliant speech can go down in history. But most of us write words the world will never listen to. Can speech-writing teach us skills for dealing with tricky situations in everyday life?
Max Atkinson
Some tips on good speech techniquesHow to Give a Presentation Part I: It's Not About You | Psychology Today
How to do a good presentation
I’ve been lucky enough to make public speaking part of my career. It’s something I love doing and enjoy every second of, but that’s not the case for everybody. For many of you, the thought of standing up on stage fills you with vomit-inducing fear.
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the webFunctioning Form - Interface Design Blog (Weblog)
Robin Wauters writing on TechCrunch and raving about the presentation software tool Prezi.
Prezi allows you to create amazing presentations on the Web. If you think you’ve heard that too many times, don’t stop reading just yet, because this one is just plain awesome. It’s an entirely Flash-based app that lets you break away from the slide-by-slide approach of most presentations. Instead, it allows you to create non-linear presentations where you can zoom in and out of a visual map containing words, links, images, videos, etc. This is similar to pptPlex, a Microsoft Office Labs project that aims to bring that type of functionality to PowerPoint.
May want to look into this if we need an online presentation tool - sounds pretty good.Create, Deliver, & Analyze Web-Based Sales Proposals
Presentations from previous conferences. Slideshows and podcasts from the speakers.
Presentations from past Web Directions and @media conferences
resources on web design and presentation
have to use conference call (no VOIP) but a free one is included; show anything (any media, docs, etc.); multiple presenters (anyone logged in to your drop as admin is a co-presenter); anyone logged in to your drop at the time is invited to your preso when you start it up (incase they get there before you do); for anyone a URL and PW is created to invite them and they don't have to download anything; unlimited size audience; text chat available; they are locked in to what you are doing--can't switch to other things on their own pc I think (a beta service of every drop has a built in presentation mode. log in to the drop as the 'admin' (Using the administrator's password) and you can instantly start a real-time web based media presentation to everyone else on your drop. No one needs to download anything, there is no registration or installations - it just works, 100% in your browser. So you can say, "meet me at, and let me walk you through the meeting materials" to as big a group as you want.
* (a beta service of every drop has a built in presentation mode. log in to the drop as the 'admin' (Using the administrator's password) and you can instantly start a real-time web based media presentation to everyone else on your drop. No one needs to download anything, there is no registration or installations - it just works, 100% in your browser. So you can say, "meet me at, and let me walk you through the meeting materials" to as big a group as you want.14 Tips on Pitching and Presenting Well
Eradicate this fortification!
at Redfin Corporate Blog
Dicas para uma boa apresentação.Public Speaking – How I Prepare Every Time
The 4-hour work-week guyWhat Could Go Wrong With Google: The Slideshow
Google's worst-case scenarios.Enemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War - PowerPoint -
“When we understand that slide, we’ll have won the war,” General McChrystal dryly remarked, one of his advisers recalled, as the room erupted in laughter. “It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control,” General McMaster said in a telephone interview afterward. “Some problems in the world are not bullet-izable.”
Commanders say that behind all the PowerPoint jokes are serious concerns that the program stifles discussion, critical thinking and thoughtful decision-making. Not least, it ties up junior officers — referred to as PowerPoint Rangers — in the daily preparation of slides, be it for a Joint Staff meeting in Washington or for a platoon leader’s pre-mission combat briefing in a remote pocket of Afghanistan. Commanders say that the slides impart less information than a five-page paper can hold, and that they relieve the briefer of the need to polish writing to convey an analytic, persuasive point. Imagine lawyers presenting arguments before the Supreme Court in slides instead of legal briefs.
Great article about misuse of powerpoint!
“PowerPoint makes us stupid,” Gen. James N. Mattis of the Marine Corps, the Joint Forces commander
bullets create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control...not to mention the huge waste of time in creating the things in the first placePresentation Zen: Using Keynote & iMovie to reach "Dot Zen"
always nice to see keynote used in interesting waysEnemy Lurks in Briefings on Afghan War - PowerPoint -
“It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control... Some problems in the world are not bullet-izable.” --Brig. Gen. H. R. McMaster
"Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the leader of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, was shown a PowerPoint slide in Kabul last summer that was meant to portray the complexity of American military strategy, but looked more like a bowl of spaghetti.... 'When we understand that slide, we’ll have won the war,' General McChrystal dryly remarked, one of his advisers recalled, as the room erupted in laughter...."5 Tips for Making Your Business Presentations More Social
1. Create Anticipation, 2. Create a Social-Friendly Presentation, 3. Use Interactive Polling, 4. Use the Backchannel, but Wisely, 5. Keep the Conversation Going After You’ve Left the Podium
Great for press conferences, speaking opps, power points, etc
Use social tools to build buzz ahead of time, stage interactive text-message polls or get your audience talking by moderating a back-channel Twitter discussion, suggests Chuck Dietrich. "These methods allow you to connect with your audience before, during, and after you deliver your message," he adds.
Plodding through a dull PowerPoint presentation is no way to impress your audience. Seal the deal with social engagement using these 5 strategies.
nice hints for #fsln10 seminar on making presentations more social: 1.4: What you need to know
jQuery 1.4: What you need to know - (Prezi's Education Exchange )
More and more educators and students are using Prezi in the classroom. We want to capture the ideas and experiences of our educational community by sharing, adding, and cataloging great prezis used for educating around the world.The Ultimate List: 300+ Social Media Statistics
estatísticas das redes sociaisLogic+Emotion: The Micro-Sociology of Networks
introducing the WHUFFY :-)The Google Wave Will Change Education Forever | ISTE’s NECC09 Blog
new way to collaborate on the Internet
Google Wave info: check this out laterErlang Factory - SF Bay Area 2009 - Talks
great erlang Dead Simple Web-Based Presentations is known for really simple file sharing. Whether you’re hosting and sharing files with contacts, or using for media-rich chat rooms, makes it easy and fast. Now there's reviews is known for really simple file sharing. Whether you're hosting and sharing files with contacts, or using for media-rich
no setup, no software online solution that combines real-time presentations with images, audio, documents, and video.Presentation Zen: 10 rules for making good design
10 design rules to keep in mind (1) Communicate — don't decorate. (2) Speak with a visual voice. (3) Use two typeface families maximum. OK, maybe three. (4) Pick colors on purpose. (5) If you can do it with less, then do it. (6) Negative space is magical — create it, don't just fill it up! (7) Treat the type as image, as though it's just as important. (8) Be universal; remember that it's not about you. (9) Be decisive. Do it on purpose — or don't do it at all. (10) Symmetry is the ultimate evil.Play is good for you (and it's good for business)
We talk about play around here a lot. Remember that play was one of the six aptitudes needed to be successful in today's world featured in Dan Pink's A Whole New Mind. I often associate at least one aspect of play and playfulness with the old Buddhist idea of the beginner's mind (or child's mind). That is, in the child's mind there are infinite possibilities, but in our adult mind (one filled with habits and routines) there often seems to be few. One of TED's newest talks online is by Tim Brown the CEO of Ideo. In this wonderful short presentation Tim makes many salient points about the role of play, playfulness, and creativity and why they matter in our professional or academic lives. You may be a designer of consumer goods, or a medical doctor, or a researcher, or a teacher — every situation is different. But listen to what Tim Brown says and ask yourself how the idea of play might be introduced into your organization in a way that would benefit workers, patients, and students, not o
Play is good for you (and it's good for business)How Steve Jobs beats presentation panic | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld
presentation tips
“Our networks in here are always unpredictable, so...I have no idea what we're going to find,” he said. “They are slow today.” What Jobs did next, according to Carmine Gallo, author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, was vintage Jobs (and a model for how presenters should deal with stage crises): He did not panic. He did not look hot under the collar of his trademark turtleneck. His hours of practice and intimate knowledge of every inch of every slide made him comfortable enough so that he could jump around to another part of the presentation (in this case, to look at photos).How to Change the World: The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint
I had the privilege of Jared Spool attending and critiquing some of my recent talks, and in preparation for a UIE webinar I’m giving, he took time to rip me apart give me some awesome feedback. His advice reminded me of notes I took almost ten years ago at an Edward Tufte seminar about giving great talks, and so the next logical step was to make old-timey boxing photos of them both and write a mashup of their talking tips. RIGHT? Both Jared Spool and Edward Tufte are known to be kick-ass speakers in the technology field – Tufte is all up in the freaking white house, and Jared speaks roughly 400 days a year around the world. I think we can learn a lot from their advice, and despite the artificial conflict introduced with boxing pictures, their tips are mostly complimentary.
Jared Spool vs. Edward Tufte
advice on presentations - could also apply to posts
"I had the privilege of Jared Spool attending and critiquing some of my recent talks, and in preparation for a UIE webinar I’m giving, he took time to give me some awesome feedback."7 Basic Rules for Making Charts and Graphs
RT @flowingdata 7 Basic Rules for Making Charts and Graphs
Primer or Reminder RT @JuiceAnalytics 7 basic rules for creating charts #MR