Presentation Tips
For the thesis people out there, and to other entrepreneurs who needs to present things... >_<
Tufte gives presentation tips. cool
edward tufte
Useful pointers on giving presentations from Edward Tufte. Although I disagree on "always provide a handout," this list does appear to pre-date the days of easy DIY wikis and Google sites.
Some great tips for your next presentation. Ignore these at your peril:'s Blog: The two elements of a great presenter
Seth Godin's BlogScott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Tips for Preparing for a Technical Presentation
Make a folder of links that is specific to your talk. I made one and numbered each link in the order I was going to use them. That includes links to folders, files, browsers, batch files, reset scripts, whatever.
but it works. You'll see that I repeat myself four or five times to make sure important points get hit and pounded in. Thi
mos, drop and recreate your database, clear caches, prime caches or whatever administGiving Great Talks: A Mashup » Bolt | Peters
I had the privilege of Jared Spool attending and critiquing some of my recent talks, and in preparation for a UIE webinar I’m giving, he took time to rip me apart give me some awesome feedback. His advice reminded me of notes I took almost ten years ago at an Edward Tufte seminar about giving great talks, and so the next logical step was to make old-timey boxing photos of them both and write a mashup of their talking tips. RIGHT? Both Jared Spool and Edward Tufte are known to be kick-ass speakers in the technology field – Tufte is all up in the freaking white house, and Jared speaks roughly 400 days a year around the world. I think we can learn a lot from their advice, and despite the artificial conflict introduced with boxing pictures, their tips are mostly complimentary.
Jared Spool vs. Edward Tufte
advice on presentations - could also apply to posts
"I had the privilege of Jared Spool attending and critiquing some of my recent talks, and in preparation for a UIE webinar I’m giving, he took time to give me some awesome feedback."