Pages tagged presidency:

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - Errol Morris Blog -

Final Presidential photos of Bush. HAGKYD
Errol Morris spricht mit Agenturjournalisten über Bush-Fotos
The traveling pool of press photographers that follows presidents includes representatives from three wire services — AP (The Associated Press), AFP (Agence France-Presse) and Thomson Reuters. During the last week of the Bush administration, I asked the head photo editors of these news services — Vincent Amalvy (AFP), Santiago Lyon (AP) and Jim Bourg (Reuters) — to pick the photographs of the president that they believe captured the character of the man and of his administration. There are overlapping pictures — of the president with a bullhorn at Ground Zero, of the president looking out the window of Air Force One over New Orleans, of the president receiving the news on the morning of 9/11. It is interesting that these pictures are different. They may be of the same scene, but they have different content. They speak in a different way. (The photos are reproduced here with their original captions, unedited.)
Errol Morris writes, "The traveling pool of press photographers that follows presidents includes representatives from three wire services -- AP (The Associated Press), AFP (Agence France-Presse) and Thomson Reuters. During the last week of the Bush administration, I asked the head photo editors of these news services -- Vincent Amalvy (AFP), Santiago Lyon (AP) and Jim Bourg (Reuters) -- to pick the photographs of the president that they believe captured the character of the man and of his administration. There are overlapping pictures -- of the president with a bullhorn at Ground Zero, of the president looking out the window of Air Force One over New Orleans, of the president receiving the news on the morning of 9/11. It is interesting that these pictures are different. They may be of the same scene, but they have different content. They speak in a different way."
Say Goodbye to BlackBerry? If Obama Has to, Yes He Can -
Security concerns and record-keeping laws mean that Barack Obama is unlikely to become the first e-mailing president.
Obama may need to give up his BlackBerry to become president.
"For years, like legions of other professionals, Mr. Obama has been all but addicted to his BlackBerry. The device has rarely been far from his side — on most days, it was fastened to his belt — to provide a singular conduit to the outside world as the bubble around him grew tighter and tighter throughout his campaign."
Given how important it is for him to get unfiltered information from as many sources as possible, he will miss the freedom of email