Pages tagged printer: : projects : microprinter

A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet.
A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet. Based on the arduino microcontroller.
The printer that Ben Griffiths is building. I read about Tom Taylor building one at PaperCamp - looks cool.
"microprinter for everyday use"
TEXT-(HTTP POST)->sinatra(as MQ)-(ethernet)->arduino-((MAX232+)RS232c)->micropriner
The microprinter is an experiment in physical activity streams and notification, using a repurposed receipt printer connected to the web. I use it for things like reminders, notifications, and my day at-a-glance, but anything that can be injected from the web and suits text only, short format messaging, will work.
How To Share A Printer Over The Internet |
The gotcha is that it prints an ad on the coversheet
How To Share A Printer Over The Internet |
"Contraptor is a DIY open source construction set for experimental personal fabrication, desktop manufacturing, prototyping and bootstrapping. Various сartesian robots can be assembled from Contraptor and used as a prototyping platform for projects such as XY plotter, mini CNC machine, 3D printer etc."
Contraptor is a DIY open source construction set for experimental personal fabrication, desktop manufacturing, prototyping and bootstrapping.
Why I Believe Printers Were Sent From Hell To Make Us Miserable - The Oatmeal
Krumo: Version 2.0 of print_r(); and var_dump();
Worth taking for a spin
To put it simply, Krumo is a replacement for print_r(); and var_dump();. By definition Krumo is a debugging tool (initially for PHP4/PHP5, now for PHP5 only), which displays structured information about any PHP variable.
How-to: DIYDTG - Hack a Day
DIY t-shirt printing.
YouTube - Lego Hello World
So maybe it isn't as fast as a LaserJet, but still probably one of the coolest printers out there.
Impressora feita com peças de Lego
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Impressora de Lego com cenário embutido. Via @rodrigoscama
Working printer made from Legos and felt-tip markers. I love the little Lego men. YouTube video.
Now this is how a dot matrix printer should be!
Cool plotter made entirely from Lego, but without using Mindstorms.
A printer made from Lego
Lego Printer... SO GOOD (from Adam)
Good Practices for Delivering Print Files –
Currently there is an overabundance of web designers out there that are extremely talented and can create some really cool stuff. But in my twelve years of experience designing for print, on both the Printer and Agency side of things, I have encountered multiple cases where people fall short in the delivery of their creative when it comes to print work, sometimes causing unnecessary charges from the printer to fix their mistakes. Add to that the fact that I have been approached by more than a few of my friends and colleagues with a “deer-in-headlights” demeanor when it comes to creating or delivering stuff for print. For this, I have compiled a list of good practices and basic guidelines to ensure that your jobs are delivered efficiently. This is, of course, assuming that you are using InDesign as your final delivery vehicle (which I recommend) regardless of which application you used to design the piece.