Pages tagged processing:


MAXで見たJoshua Davisのプレゼン
joshuadavis のベジェ曲線スタディ。きれええ。
particulas com efeitos 3D no flash
Information visualization course
25 Text Batch Processing Tools Reviewed | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Text Batch Processing Tools Reviewed ??? a??????
Processing.js is an open programming language for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions for the web without using Flash or Java applets. Processing.js uses Javascript to draw shapes and manipulate images on the HTML5 Canvas element.
Processing library ported to JavaScript
Just Landed: Processing, Twitter, MetaCarta & Hidden Data | blprnt.blg
Guy parses the Twitter stream with MetaCarta data services to create a Processing visualization of people's flights around the world.
drool :) "The idea is simple: Find tweets that contain this phrase, parse out the location they’d just landed in, along with the home location they list on their Twitter profile, and use this to map out travel in the Twittersphere"
Looking for ‘Just landed in…’ in public twitter streams, »BOOM!« Arcs on map!
a port of the Processing Visualization Language
Processing.js is an open programming language for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions for the web without using Flash or Java applets. Processing.js uses Javascript to draw shapes and manipulate images on the HTML5 Canvas element.
Glow Doodle
Paint with light... Paint with anything! Have you a got a webcam? You can try this out! It's like a long exposure photo, where you draw with streaks of light, but you see the results in real-time. Paint with your cellphone! Paint with your teeth! Paint your body with light! Press space to automagically upload pics right here. Now with top-secret time-travel face-melting mode (press t).
HTML5 Canvas and Audio Experiment
argh. 1997 all over again. This is just as abusive as a million fin-de-siecle flash portfolio sites. Ah the usability nightmares.
An html5 canvas experiment by
Seems to be Firefox only
HTML5 Canvas Experiment « IO 9elements
HTML5 is getting a lot of love lately. With the arrival of FireFox 3.5, Safari 4 and the new betas of Google Chrome and Opera, browsers support some great new features including canvas and the new audio/video tags. Most interesting: modern mobile devices like the iPhone or Android-based phones also support new standards in favor of Flash. The future looks bright for HTML5. Time for us to play with this technology. We’ve created a litttle experiment which loads 100 tweets related to HTML5 and displays them using a javascript-based particle engine. Each particle represents a tweet – click on one of them and it’ll appear on the screen. The original particle engine was ported from a Flex/AS3 project that we’ve created to javascript. We’re using processing.js for particle rendering on canvas which is a very useful graphics library created by John Resig. The music will only be played if the browser supports the audio tag. To detect if the audio or canvas feature is present we use the aweso
Time for us to play with this technology. We’ve created a litttle experiment which loads 100 tweets related to HTML5 and displays them using a javascript-based particle engine. Each particle represents a tweet – click on one of them and it’ll appear on the screen.
cool interactive animation/sound demo for HTML5
ynesketch follows the same train of thought. It is a software library (Java API) for sensing and creative visualization of textual emotions! Code is serving as a medium between words, emotions, and images; between poetry and painting. Gluing computers with our emotions and aesthetic experiences, it is both a software innovation and an interactive art experiment. Also, it is the first of that kind that is also a free open-source project – not just a closed academic research experiment – so that the whole community can benefit from it. The name ‘Synesketch’ is a portmanteau of ‘synesthesia’ and ‘sketch’ – where ‘sketch’ does not only refer to drawings, but also to the Processing artworks called ‘sketches’.
the preservation of favoured traces | ben fry
książka Darwina - animacja rozwoju ksiazki
A visualization of Charles Darwin's edits and additions to On the Origin of Species over the course of six editions. Created using Processing. (via MeFi)
Main Page - Synesketch Wiki
pyprocessing - Project Hosting on Google Code
This project provides a Python package that creates an environment for graphics applications that closely resembles that of the Processing system
Python implementation of Processing, based on Pyglet.
A Processing-like environment for doing graphics with Python
Robert Hodgin | Portfolio
Java Image Processing - Blurring for Beginners
Beautiful Motion Graphics Created With Programming: Showcase, Tools and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine
ゲームとかアートの話 - SLN:blog*
ゲーム アート iPhone
かなり参考になる。 最初の<The Unfinished Swan>が特にすごい。
AWesome - added by harper reed's google reader
BitTorrent visualization in processing.js
Visualizador del proceso de compartición de archivos por BitTorrent
Per entendre el funcionament del P2P.
all manner of distractions » Blog Archive » It is like I made it myself!
"I put the shirt on and it fit fine. I couldn’t stop smiling. The whole thing was so damned surreal. Here I am in a Paul Smith changing room trying on a shirt that features a design element stolen from my Flickr site!"
ポールスミスが勝手にflight 404の人のデザインをパクったんじゃないかという嘘のような本当の話。
Multiprocessing with Python
Learn to scale your UNIX® Python applications to multiple cores by using the multiprocessing module which is built into Python 2.6. Multiprocessing mimics parts of the threading API in Python to give the developer a high level of control over flocks of processes, but also incorporates many additional features unique to processes.
In a previous article for IBM® developerWorks®, I demonstrated a simple and effective pattern for implementing threaded programming in Python. One downside of this approach, though, is that it won't always speed up your application, because the GIL (global interpreter lock) effectively limits threads to one core. If you need to use all of the cores on your machine, then typically you will need to fork processes, to increase speed. Dealing with a flock of processes can be a challenge, because if communication between processes is needed, it can often get complicated to coordinate all of the calls. Fortunately, as of version 2.6, Python includes a module called "multiprocessing" to help you deal with processes. The API of the processing module has some similarities to the way the threading API works, but there are also few differences to keep in mind. One of the main differences is that processes have subtle underlying behavior that a high-level API will never be able to completely abst
Your Random Numbers – Getting Started with Processing and Data Visualization | blprnt.blg
"This post, then, is a first sketch of what a lesson plan for teaching Processing and data visualization might look like. I’m going to start from scratch, work through some examples, and (hopefully) make some interesting stuff. One of the nice things, I think, about this process, is that we’re going to start with fresh, new data – I’m not sure what kind of things we’re going to find once we start to get our hands dirty. This is what is really exciting about data visualization
What is this?
Introduction To Online Payments - TL;DR: It's A Total Bitch - Meat In The Sky Blog
As far as I'm concerned, there are three real options: PayPal Website Payments Pro; Braintree Gateway + Account; + Merchant Account
Online payments are a bitch. Just over a decade ago, you had to hook up your online commerce system to an actual terminal that would send bleeps and bloops to the gateways, but even today, it's not much better. There are still a plethora of players who have to touch your information to process a simple credit card transaction, and each and every one of them gets to take a little bit of your money and introduce their own technical hassles. While there are never any easy answers - every option has pretty severe tradeoffs - I'm going to try to shed some light on how the process works and look at some of the major players/options you have for accepting payments on your website.