Pages tagged products:

Got2BeGreen - Discover The Future of Green

Awesome collection of chairs.
Google Product Ideas
Interesting way to collect user feedback
Vote for new features to Google products
You decide what's important for Google products: Tell us what you think about your favorite Google products. Big ideas or small thoughts, we want to know! # Everyone's voice is heard The voting box at the top of page focuses attention on submissions recently added and on the rise, making it simple and easy to participate. # See what others are saying Look at the "What's Hot" and "Recent Ideas" at the top of each topic to see what other users are saying and voting on right now. Agree with these ideas? Vote them up. Disagree? Vote them down.
Tú decides como evolucionan los productos de Google "Google Product Ideas"
Dê sugestões de novos produtos, e vote no seu favorito.
SEOmoz | How to rank well in google products search & a big list of places to get reviews
How to Rank Well in Google Products Search & a Big List of Places to Get Reviews
Provides a list of ranking factors for Merchant Center. By far the most important is having reviews. Provides a list of 3rd party review sites, but the one with the most weight for ranking are Google Checkout reviews.
SEOmoz post that breaks down how to get the best rankings in Google Shopping (Google Base, Google Product Search).
2010: My Fifth Annual List Of The Tech Products I Love And Use Every Day
read this
Gems of Unnoticed Problems | UI and us
How to make a useful measuring cup
alex lee of smart design (oxo's external design firm) on their work. highlights: recognizing pet peeves and making obvious solutions for unnoticed problems. helping people without the stigma of letting them know they're being helped. simply needing keen observation to solve some types of problems.
Oxo measuring cup
A conversation on the design of OXO's measuring cups, plus a link to GEL conference.
Google 购物搜索
5 warning signs: Does A/B testing lead to crappy products? | Futuristic Play by @Andrew_Chen
1. Risk-averse design 2. Lack of cohesion 3. Quitting too early 4. Customer hitchhiking 5. Metrics doesn’t replace strategy
Decent A/B article that discusses the local/global maxima issue I've often talked about
a/b testing has shortcomings- be aware of them when doing product design.
need to read but the title seems interesting
Good warnings for A/B testing