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An article listing and summarizing great blogs for teachers.
Being a teacher is a difficult and often thankless job. Between lesson plans, unengaged students, and new emerging technologies, teachers need help now more than ever. By visiting the 100 blogs below, they will find answers to all their questions, as well as valuable teaching resources.
Being a teacher is a difficult and often thankless job. Between lesson plans, unengaged students, and new emerging technologies, teachers need help now more than ever. By visiting the 100 blogs below, they will find answers to all their questions, as well as valuable teaching resources. General Teaching Blogs Get the latest tips, tools, and advice sure to help just about every teacher out there. 1. Free Technology for Teachers: Like the title says, this blog is a review of free technology resources and how teachers can use them. A must visit for teachers looking to integrate technology into education with no cost. 2. Creative Teaching: Targeted for parents and teachers, this site provides useful tips, suggestions, lesson plans, and worksheets to creatively teach children at the elementary and middle school grade levels. The information and materials cover reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. 3. Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Vicki is a teacher from Georgia and runs this reISTE’s NECC09 Blog | Celebrating 30 Years of Ed Tech Vision
The biggest back channel for the upcomming ISTE NECC conference. Definitely watch this and join the twitterverse
iste blogTechy Tips for not so techy teachers
Some useful iTunes podcasts for Educators...Eight Ways To Use School Wikis
articleTeachPaperless: Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology (or: I promised Dean Groom I wouldn’t write a top ten list; so this one goes up to eleven.)
Technology is not a monolith. Technology doesn’t tell you what to do and it doesn’t force you to behave in ways you’d rather not. Technology -- particularly social technology -- is whatever you make it. Use what you want, leave the rest. Mash it up, alter it to fit your needs, customize it, and own it. If you can’t do that with your technology, then you are using the wrong technology.
Top Eleven Things All Teachers Must Know About Technology (or: I promised Dean Groom I wouldn’t write a top ten list; so this one goes up to eleven.)The Power of Educational Technology: 10 Tips for Teaching Technology to Teachers
Blog of Liz Davis author of 21st Century Technology ToolsGuidelines for Educators Using Social Networking Sites - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
draft of this revision
- Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
Tech Director Jen Hegna over in the Byron (MN) schools developed this set of guidelines for the staff in her district. (She was motivated, she said, partially by posts here and here on the Blue Skunk. Cool!) Anyway she's given permission for me to share her work here and says readers are welcome to use and adopt as well:
Guidelines for teachers when posting to social network sites such as Facebook.Wiki-Teacher
A community of educators striving to gather the collective intelligence of teachers to improve student achievement. Here you'll find lesson plans, complete units, presentations, how-to videos, etc.
Clark County School District website. Lesson plans, videos, etc.
Wiki-Teacher is a forum for teachers to share their collective intelligence through their resources, insights, and practices.
tdiir82A Teacher's Guide To Web 2.0 at School
Several presentations on Slideshare including one by Diig. And Sacha Chua writing on slides w inkscapeCan this Video get Teachers Started? | Future of Education
Interesting comment discussion about my Brave New World Wide Web Video
A Brave New World World Wide Web; Education Blog; Can this video get teachers started?5 Reasons Why Educators Need To Embrace Internet Technologies
Are we really still at a point in time where we need to be convinced of this? I hope not!
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What's in it for you as an instructor, and what's in it for your students?
In April I wrote a post about 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about. This quickly became my most read posting. I included some references in this article to why educators should be aware of and informed about these tools, but most of those comments were really about why each specific technology was included in the list, as opposed to why, in a more general sense, it is important for educators to make an effort to embrace these technologies. So that is the topic for this week - why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
why you should care, as an educator, about these tools. What’s in it for you as an instructor, and what’s in it for your students?
Annotated link » home
Personal Learning Networks: The Power of the Human Network
Herramientas para la creación de un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje. PLE.
Judith Epcke (@jepcke) and Scott Meech (@smeech)
Wiki site with information on how to create and build your own Personal Learning NetworkThe seven secrets behind great teaching - Features - TES
interesting summary of effective teaching
Analysis of the personalities, motivations and behavior of 15 award-winning teachers uncovers the seven habits that make them successful in the classroom.
"The TES magazine teamed up with business psychologists Crelos to analyse the personalities, motivations and behaviour of 15 award-winning teachers to uncover the seven habits that make them successful in the classroom."Arizona K-12 Center 2009
Arizona K-12 Center Website for Teacher Professional Development
Technology ideas
Lots of good tech infoMore Tuition-Free Education Courses for Teachers
Free classes for teachers
More Tuition-Free Education Courses for Teachers
# of online education courses that are free to self-learners around the world.Education Week: March 26, 2009
Education Week posts Technology Counts 2009: Breaking Away From Tradition [from]What Will You Learn this Summer? 35 Professional Development Resources | Teacher Reboot Camp
RT @mcarls: RT .@smack3131: RT .@kylepace: ISTE's new professional development site - #iste10
What Is ISTE Learning?ISTE Learning is an anytime, anywhere online community for professional development where educators can sample free concepts, buy cool resources and exchange creative ideas. This space provides relevant learning experiences in multiple formats to strengthen the teaching experience and grow digital literacy.