Pages tagged project:

The Impossible Project

We aim to re-start production of analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras in 2010!! uhuuu to feliz! :)
A group of men, setting out to revive a Polaroid factory. I once visited the factory in Enschede as a courier and must say it felt a little sacred.
A team of Dutch engineers is trying to re-invent the good ol' white-framed Polaroid snaps.
"We aim to re-start production of analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras in 2010. We have acquired Polaroid's old equipment, factory and seek your support."
"Dont undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible"
NerdKits - DIY Marquee LED Array Display
double your addressable LEDs
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: テスト計画書のテンプレート
項目確認用に。 : projects : microprinter
A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet.
A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet. Based on the arduino microcontroller.
The printer that Ben Griffiths is building. I read about Tom Taylor building one at PaperCamp - looks cool.
"microprinter for everyday use"
TEXT-(HTTP POST)->sinatra(as MQ)-(ethernet)->arduino-((MAX232+)RS232c)->micropriner
The microprinter is an experiment in physical activity streams and notification, using a repurposed receipt printer connected to the web. I use it for things like reminders, notifications, and my day at-a-glance, but anything that can be injected from the web and suits text only, short format messaging, will work.
Photography: Create Your Own Bokeh for Beautiful Photo Effects
14 Applications for Project Management and Collaboration | Webdesigner Depot
we list several great applications for project and time management as well as collaboration between you and your clients. There are free and commercial options available.
Kourallinen hyviä, helppokäyttöisiä ja ilmaisia projektinhallinnan ja yhteistyön online-työkaluja.
Everybody enjoys things @
try this?
Good Site.
Big Slick Design: 46 Questions for a Web Design Project
Scotch/ Discovery Education Science Fair Central offers ideas for science fair projects and experiments for kids
over 100 project ideas, tips and tricks for creating a winning presentation, and even a project timeline that encourages students to plan backwards from the date of the Science fair
offers ideas for science fair projects and experiments for kids
Web Development Project Estimator
Green Island
緑って素晴らしいね これをアートに分類してる自分が悲しいよ
/* */
A site for web developers to show which sites they've created.
See who built sites and claim your own. lets you claim the sites you build!
Sliding pants rack
great projects
I bought a wardrobe from ikea to store my work clothes in. While walking around at ikea, I came across a Pax wardrobe w...
推薦元: * たぶん良書。 * タイトルに「フリー (自由な) ソフトウェア」と入っているけど、内容はそれほど自由ソフトウェア運動に傾倒しているわけでもない。むしろ、中立な立場を貫きつつ、自由ソフトウェア運動への敬意と配慮を見せているのだろう。タイトルもその一貫。 * ライセンス条文の選択については内容が少なめに抑えてあるっぽい。異論が出ない範囲にあえて留めたのかもしれない。 * 一方で、著作権譲渡 (日記2004年4/13分) にきちんと言及してるあたり、すばらしい。 * こういう文書を読むと、新規性とかそういう研究的なことは全然考えないで (というか知らないで) ただただソフトウェアの面白さに傾倒してた学部生〜修士課程の頃を思い出す。
Unemployed (or Preparing to Be)? These Sites Could Be Your Best Friends - PC World
Unemployed (or Preparing to Be)? These Sites Could Be Your Best Friends
We found a battery of new sites and services--such as LinkedIn JobsInsider, Recessionwire, and to providing the kind of cost-cutting, job-search, and moral-support tools that can be invaluable during lean times.
How to Build a Rotating Canned Food Shelf - wikiHow
If I ever had a bigger pantry
Etched Glass Storage Jars and more decorating ideas, organizing tips, and homekeeping and cleaning solutions on
Improve cabinet organization with nicely labeled jars.
SitePoint » 16 Project Management Tools That Make Juggling Easy
Managing multiple projects can be cumbersome and chaotic if you don’t have some kind of system in place to keep track of everything. That challenge can be compounded when you add in multiple services, subcontractors or employees, and various team members on the client side. I have found that my business runs most efficiently when I have a system driving data collection, tracking tasks, and facilitating collaboration with all of the people that need to be in the know on a specific project. I’ve tried many project management applications in my search for the perfect system and came up with a short list of options that seemed to have the most potential for me. - » 16 Project Management Tools That Make Juggling Easy
50 Fabulous Web Tools for Group Projects | Rated Colleges
This list of web tools is ideal for anyone working on a group project, whether you’re looking for task management support, scheduling and calendar organization, or just a place to collect all your materials and brainstorms.
a blog post with 50 tools for online collaboration. looks good.
The 50 States Project
photographers art portal
Very cool project with some amazing pictures. The results from the first assignment is now live.
The 50 States Project has brought together 50 photographers from across the USA. Each photographer lives in one of the 50 States and during the year long project each photographer will represent the State where they live. Every two months each photographer will be sent an assignment by e-mail, they then have two months to produce one image in response. The images must represent both their style and the State in which they live. The first assignment, ("People"), was sent on 2nd January 2009. The second, ("Habitat"), was sent on 1st March 2009. The remaining 4 assignments will be announced on 1st May, 1st July, 1st September and 1st November 2009 respectively.
"Each photographer lives in one of the 50 States and during the year long project each photographer will represent the State where they live. Every two months each photographer will be sent an assignment by e-mail, they then have two months to produce one image in response. The images must represent both their style and the State in which they live."
Photographers from all 50 states make photographs around specific ideas and topics
Taskbarn - Free Web-Based Project Management Tools
Free Web-Based Project Management Tools
possible project management tool - web-based project management alternative
Webベースのプロジェクト管理。登録不要、完全無料。 保存するときはDL
Lifehacker - Gantter Does Project Management in Your Browser - Project; free; no sign-up; imports & exports Microsoft Project files.
Web-based project management tool Gantter has an interface that looks remarkably similar to Microsoft Project—and even lets you import and export your Project files.
Web-based project management tool Gantter has an interface that looks remarkably similar to Microsoft Project—and even lets you import and export your Project files.
Project Icon Set For Free Download | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Over the last months we’ve heard numerous complaints about the lack of quality in our freebie releases. We are aware that our readers have high expectations and we try to do our best to meet them in our posts. In this post and in the following one we release two beautiful professional icon sets that will hopefully meet your expectations and will come in handy in your projects.
Over the last months we've heard numerous complaints about the lack of quality in our freebie releases. We are aware that our readers have high
MF Bliki: FlaccidScrum
What's happened is that they haven't paid enough attention to the internal quality of their software. If you make that mistake you'll soon find your productivity dragged down because it's much harder to add new features than you'd like. You've taken on a crippling TechnicalDebt and your scrum has gone weak at the knees. (And if you've been in a real scrum, you'll know that's a Bad Thing.)
"XPers often joke, with some justification, that Scrum is just XP without the technical practices that make it work."
Individuals and Interactions are more valuable than Processes and Tools
Online project management software, team collaboration and issue tracking
Hosted free online project management application, team collaboration and issue tracking software.
a project mgt thing like basecamp
Free file sharing and net meeting | Show Document
Begin a web conferencing, net meeting or file sharing session using... Show Document is a Net Meeting platform for instantaneous and spontaneous online meetings where people can work together on the same document at the same time. All the Net Meeting collaborative services can be used to work together at the same time. The web meeting platform offers the following interactive services Share documents online A file sharing and online document review service that allows users to work together with any document including PDF, Word, Power Point, jpg files. Elearning, online training and work meetings use this service. Shared Text Editor An advanced online text editor allow users to work together during the web meeting on text files and save the files on their workstation afterword. Share Google Map Browse Google Maps together during a live meeting. The Google street view map is seen at the same time by all participants. Begin net meeting by clicking on Interactive Whiteboard and o
Show Document is a Net Meeting platform for instantaneous and spontaneous online meetings where people can work together on the same document at the same time. All the Net Meeting collaborative services can be used to work together at the same time. The web meeting platform offers the following interactive services
Begin a web conferencing, net meeting or file sharing session using... SHARED DOCUMENT, WHITEBOARD,TEXT EDITOR OR BROWSER
How to manage a small web project: a simple approach
Thymer - Super easy Planning, Task and Project Management
Project management and task planning for people who hate project management and task planning. For individuals, teams and small businesses.
Project management and task planning for people who hate project management and task planning.
Sign up for the beta. Why? Oh . . . just sign up. Be a productivity geek like me. (Except . . . be productive.)
Effective Strategy To Estimate Time For Your Design Projects | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Great article on how to accurately budget for freelance web projects
How many times have you been completely confused at how that 'small' project turned into such a big one costing double and taking three times
The Uniform Project: Just a little green…
1 uniform, 365 different ways. Amazin'
The Manager's Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense R | Human Resources |
第65回 [図解]Webサイト構築プロジェクト・ワークフロー:ITpro
How To Estimate Time For A Project
Está criando um site? Então aprenda a organizar o seu tempo.
Good reference
Lifehacker - Build Your Own Pizza Oven - Cooking
フリーランスのIT技術者を支援するオンラインツール32選 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan,3800082984,20395341,00.htm
Colabolo - Issue Manager collaboration projectmanagement project task tasks todo tools web software iPhone business management Work productivity adobe apps
Estimating time for Web Projects more accurately: Part 1 | Web Project and Website Management advice | Web Project Management Addict | thesambarnes
letters to the future
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories - Simple Solar Circuits
Kanban for Lean Project Management - Zen
Zen is a simple, flexible, and cost-effective project management solution. Zen provides an web-based kanban board and a powerful messaging system to help you work more effectively with your team.
Agile web2.0 project mgm saas
Teambox | Project management and collaboration software
open source project manager built on ruby on rails
Teambox | Project management and collaboration software
Create Your Own Sun Jar: Lifehacker Edition - DIY Creations - Lifehacker
Organize Your Next PHP Project the Right Way - Nettuts+
When starting out with PHP, it can be daunting figuring out how best to organize a project. If you've ever been confused with where to put your images, external libraries, or keeping your logic separate from your layout, then check out these tips; they'll get you heading in the right direction.
The Big Picture
Carsonified » Web Design is a Journey
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
Web-based Project Management and Collaboration Tool Online | Zoho Projects
Совместная работа над проектами аналог Google Wave
Plan, track and collaborate on projects. Keep everyone in the loop. A centralized place where relevant project documents and contents are stored, updates are posted, everyone meets to exchange ideas and get work done.
Looking for Tasks and Milestones? We do that too. But above all, Zoho Projects is about helping teams get their projects done.
頭のよさがすべてではない。成功者がもっている特質「Grit」とは何か? |
"個人の中に挑戦的な課題を「やり抜く力」があるというのが Grit の考え方"
Lights … Cameras … Insect Repellent? How To Build Your Own Outdoor Movie Theater | GeekDad |
aka DIY Backyard Outdoor Theater System; w/the comments offering improvement suggestions
How to build your own huge (outdoor) screen theater system.
11 Open source project management tools
On the Renaming of Xcode Projects « Arustisha
explains the issues that might appear when renaming an xcode project/product/target
I'm OK; The Bull Is Dead
I'm OK; The Bull Is Dead June 21, 2004 (Computerworld) Early in my career, when I worked as an engineer, my boss had a process by which the engineering team was expected to report project status. He insisted that we use the following steps, in the specified order: 1. Punch line: The facts; no adjectives, adverbs or modifiers. "Milestone 4 wasn't hit on time, and we didn't start Task 8 as planned." Or, "Received charter approval as planned." 2. Current status: How the punch-line statement affects the project. "Because of the missed milestone, the critical path has been delayed five days." 3. Next steps: The solution, if any. "I will be able to make up three days during the next two weeks but will still be behind by two days." 4. Explanation: The reason behind the punch line. "Two of the five days' delay is due to late discovery of a hardware interface problem, and the remaining three days' delay is due to being called to help the customer support staff for a production problem."
Gode vaner i forbindelse med afrapportering på projekter... her er er en artikel jeg tror jeg vil vende tilbage til et par gange - jeg er nemlig ikke så hurtig ...
1. Punch Line 2. Current Status 3 Next Steps 4. Explaination
How to get to the point
見積もり・発注 - 技術情報Wiki
For $150 these MIT students took a balloon 17.5 miles high into the uppermost parts of the stratosphere and returned 5 hours later some 20 miles away from the launch site.
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » diy project: kate’s homemade citronella candles
reviews, articles, features, rant and raves on all things design related. product, furniture, jewelry and graphic design. specializing in independent and local brooklyn and new york design.
Pricing A Project | Blue Flavor
Detailed description on how pricing for web projects can be done. Important: calculate reasonable prices that can be broken down into several components. Communicate all your assumptions involved. Know your hourly rates. Make transparent what your customer will get.
Graphic Artist Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines
Python Project Howto — Python Project Howto
senior project
Senior Project
ms.koval's research & reference site =) - home
A Word Clock
This is a quick project to tell the time using words. I saw a cool clock on the Make Blog the other day (http://blog....
LED + microcontroller clock which spells out the time in 5-min increments. Sweet..
english clock
How to create a fiber optic starfield ceiling
Hi everyone,This is a quick instruction guide on creating a fiber-optic starfield ceiling. The stars have a very natura...
this is -SO- on the to do list!! you have NO idea!!
All You Need to Know about Web Design Project Planning and Process | Woobzine
Having a keen understanding of Web Design Project Planning Process is unvaluable. With a clear organization, you'll be able to work better and more efficiently.
Disseny i planificació de webs
A List Apart: Articles: Getting to No
Grey Hoy of Happy Cog describes some common pifalls in the early stages of a new contract and offers some top tips. I like the questionairre suggestion. There is also some good discussion in the forum.
Determining which prospects you want to work with is often considered a luxury. Dont think of it that way. Even if the economy is in the tank and you absolutely need the gig, you should be very critical of the prospects youre considering working with. These are the people who will become part of your immediate and potentially long-term future, and you want to make sure you dont spend that time drinking schnapps to get through the day or grinding your teeth at night. adopts the excellent task management principles to guide you to get head cleared and rid of various pending ideas in mind , help you organize tasks and focus on important items , so as to closely tracking work and feel easy when facing up bulks of complicated projects. No pressure but efficient , enjoy your work and get unexpected success.
DIY Brasil
DIY Brasil - Comunidade DIY brasileira.
Um site com dicas de faça você mesmo brasileiro
Do it yourself!
iPod Touch Project
iPod Touch Project
In 2007 Epsom Primary trialed the use of the iPod nano and the Nike sensor kit as a motivator for student physical activity and fitness development. The trial, the ICTchase, was successful in both areas with the students being motivated to run and becoming fitter through the use of the iPods and Nike sensors. This was evident by the increase in the distance ran and times of the runs by the children. Students could run further and in shorter times by the end of the trial period. The iPod Touch was seen as the next step and with the extra features of Movie playing and internet access we were very willing to accept the offer by the eLearning Department to participate in this iPod Touch project. We have been considering the idea that today’s students are digital learners and we intend to find out if the iPod Touch can assist children to learn through digital delivery of content .
Details on a move from a pilot program to full use at a K-8 school.
A school's interdisciplinary research project into using iPod Touch with kids
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » made with love: found terrariums
reviews, articles, features, rant and raves on all things design related. product, furniture, jewelry and graphic design. specializing in independent and local brooklyn and new york design.
There are lots of tutorials for terrariums floating around these days, but this one the terrarium turned on it’s head. Inspired by a pickle jar terrarium concocted by the warymeyers team, there are no fancy glass domes to buy and no scouring your local nursery for plants small enough to fit under them. In fact, there’s no buying at all. Everything you need is most likely located within a walk around the block, no matter where you live.
Tom's Planner | Gantt Chart Software | Faster than Excel easier than MS Project
planner schedule
Create and share Gantt charts online with Tom's Planner Gantt chart software. No more messy excel spreadsheets.
Gantt Chart Software | Faster than Excel easier than MS Project
Secret Knock Detecting Door Lock - Made by Steve Hoefer
Weil Türen durch geheime Klopfzeichen aufgehen sollten.
While working on another project I ran across the Arduino knock sensor tutorial. Sensing a single knock is a great little project for learning about microcontrollers, but what about sensing specific knocks? Seeeeecret knocks? And if we could detect a secret knock, shouldn't it unlock a door? If you can't tell by looking this was cobbled together from spare stuff around the lab, it's not much more than a piezo speaker, a tiny gear reduction motor, and an Arduino. And PVC pipe.
"Seeeeecret knocks? And if we could detect a secret knock, shouldn't it unlock a door?" (via @yetzt)
Very neat contraption that can unlock your door based on a programmed knock. Not very practical but still pretty awesome.
The Fakeproject Corporation of America Presents: A Cheap, Easy, and Scandinavian WiFi Antenna.
I just moved to Moscow, to a nice flat in the center. There's supposed to be DSL here, but, well, there isn't. "Maybe in a few days..." In Russia, that might mean next year, or possibly in six months if I can find someone to bribe. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Following cues from a page I'd seen a year or two ago, I bought the Ikea "Soare" napkin rings, a USB WiFi adapter, and some electrical tape.
The Fakeproject Corporation of America Presents: A Cheap, Easy, and Scandinavian WiFi Antenna.
Reusing Lightbulbs: as planters or mini terrariums
DIY: Wine Bottle Light « Wit & Whistle
ui me imagino un set de botellas
Welcome to Pictory – Pictory
Your best photo stories.
Slouching towards Bethlehem ... :: Photography Served
Photos of abandoned Manhattan Project facilities
out experiencing a sense of awe at what was accomplished. The scientific, engineering, managerial, labor, and logistical challenges that were met and overcome are separately impressive but, taken together, simply astonishing. It is all the more incredible that this was done in
Manage a Team - Wired How-To Wiki
Managing a team means more than just doling out work. Chances are, you'll be dealing with different personalities and working styles and that you'll be juggling multiple deadlines at once. It's a job that requires both a high level of organization and what they call "people skills." Your job as a leader is to make each project fun, but also keep it on track and on deadline. The primary goal of a good manager is to get everyone focused, make sure everyone is communicating and keep spirits up. It certainly goes beyond organizing team parties centered around stale supermarket cake. Learning how to effectively motivate and manage a team takes some planning, the right tools and good communication. So, start taking notes! This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. Got extra advice? Log in and contribute. For Each Project: 1. Compose a Mission Statement. Not a memo, a mission statement. You don't have to stay up all night waiting for a breakthrough (or a breakdown) to know your pr
All about project management
脱Excel! Redmineでアジャイル開発を楽々管理 - @IT自分戦略研究所
How To: DIY Speaker Wall Mounts. » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: speaker, Stereo, wiring, Music
DIY Speaker Wall Mounts.
ClueMapper – Trac
ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc.
ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc. The website for ClueMapper is at
"ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc."
プログラマの思索: RedmineとTracの機能比較
でも、僕はTracの運用は面倒だと思っている。 マイルストーンとバージョンを一致させる意味は、Redmineの「バージョン」に紐づく全チケットが終了ステータスになれば、いつでもリリースできるということだ。
Arduino hardware hacking: Part 1 | TuxRadar
無料で使えるシンプルなプロジェクト管理ツール『Gantter』がやたら高機能な件 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
オンライン上に保存できないようなので、共有などができないのが残念ですね。Google Docsっぽい見た目です。
djangozen | find stuff for django
Call them best practices if you like, but here's the things I do when starting a new Django project.
Project Management: Add a Gantt Chart to Your Google Spreadsheet
SitePoint » Vital Information For A Web Design Project Request Form
Map the Project - Explore 1
PBL online, strategies and activities that support Constructivist Learning
helps to plan for project based learning
Great Site
Great ideas for PLB projects
templates for projects
Project management- Click on PBL Planning Resources, project planning tools, and project management tools. Guides and checklist to aid in PBL.
The iPhone Inspired DIY Kitchen Touch Screen Project
That's badass
How to integrate a touch screen monitor into your kitchen, for TV, recipies, internet, weather, you name it.
Project Tracking Software - Less Projects
Project Tracking Software - Less Projects /via @lifehacker Congrats @lessallan @stevenbristol #simple
Project Task Management Application
quality duct tape wallet
10 Free Project Management Applications | FreelanceFolder
500 Internal Server Error
20 Great Project Management Tools
A list of SaaS Project Management tools
MIT Students Take Pictures from Space on $150 Budget. -
Bericht im CNN iReport
Two MIT students have photographed the earth from 18 miles in space on a $148 budget using components available off-the-shelf, including a helium-filled latex balloon and $50 GPS-equipped camera-cell phone....
Interesting article about MIT students
Why I do Time Tracking | Swaroop C H - India, Technology, Life Skills
Article about Time Tracking in order to be productive at work, etc. Very nice.
[:Mana Energy Potion:] | 500RPM Chaingun
how to make nerf vulcan counter and 500rpm
lol awesome nerfgun mod
10 Free Tools For Effective Project Management @ SmashingApps
Altoids Tin Projects - The Best of Instructables Volume 1
Code Simplicity » The Secret of Success: Suck Less
all you have to do to succeed as a software project is to suck less with every release. It doesn’t matter how much competition you have, or how many buzzword-friendly features you can cram into your interface. Just suck less, and you’ll succeed.
Every once and awhile a piece comes along and states a simple truth so elegantly, so matter-of-factly, that its hard not to share.
"add new features that don’t fix the sucking?...the patience of the individual user is going to run out"
All you have to do to succeed in software is to consistently suck less with every release. Nobody would say that Bugzilla 2.18 was awesome, but everybody would say that it sucked less than Bugzilla 2.16 did. Bugzilla 2.20 wasn’t perfect, but without a doubt, it sucked less than Bugzilla 2.18. And then Bugzilla 3.0 fixed a whole lot of sucking in Bugzilla, and it got a whole lot more downloads.
As long as you update regularly and keep fixing problems, your software will grow in popularity.
プロジェクトの遅れを取り戻す方法10選 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan,3800082984,20384523,00.htm
プロジェクトの遅れを取り戻す方法10選 あとで
15+ Amazing Project Management and Collaboration Tools | Graphic and Web Design Blog
15+ Amazing Project Management and Collaboration Tools [from]
Everyone knows about what is project management. It’s nothing but planning, organizing and managing the resources.But how to do? What is the right way to do it. Are there any tools available for project management and collaboration. How these tools can be useful and what are the features. These are the things we are going to analyze in this article. We will see best project collaboration tools available on web to manage projects easily.
KEO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its name is supposed to represent the three most frequently used sounds common to the most widely spoken languages today, k, e and o... The satellite has enough capacity to carry a four-page message from each of the more than six billion inhabitants on the planet... KEO will also carry a diamond that encases a drop of human blood chosen at random and samples of air, sea water and earth.[3] The DNA of the human genome will be engraved on one of the faces. .. The messages and library will be encoded in glass-made radiation-resistant DVDs. Symbolic instructions in several formats will show the future finders how to build a DVD reader.
KEO is the name of a proposed space time capsule which will be launched in 2010 or 2011[1] carrying messages from the citizens of present Earth to humanity 50,000 years from now, when it will reenter Earth's atmosphere.
young me now me photo contest ::
TG Daily - Marvell's Plug Computer: A tiny, discrete, fully functional 5 watt Linux server
ユーザー中心の設計をするためのワークフロー - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
i think this explains itself
Untitled Document
Official Google Docs Blog: Featured gadget: Gantt charts in spreadsheets
Overview of free Gantt chart gadget for Google spreadsheets
5 Warning Signs of a Project In Danger
The Designer Who Delivers - Smashing Magazine
information architecture map
chillout song ::
A little project by Ze Frank with vocal contributions from many others.
When getting to veterinary school is too overwhelming a task, go here.
A fan sent zefrank (one of my all-time favorites) an email explaining how stressed out and overwhelmed she was. He wrote her a song and had other fans sings the chorus. This is the story and the final song. Try not to cry. This guy is tremendous.
48 Hour Magazine
ask online folks to help them finish "mission impossible" in 48hr !!! amazing ideas love it!!!
If you're not following 48hrmag, you should be. Here's how to buy issue zero: – Dave Coustan (extraface)
5分で絶対に分かるプロジェクト管理 - @IT情報マネジメント
とはいえ、プロジェクト管理で押さえておくべきポイントについて、おおまかには共通の認識が得られてきています。  そこで今回は、一般的な開発プロジェクトにおける管理対象について、おおまかに、分かりやすく説明していきます。
Dinosaurs and Robots: How To Make An Abstract Mobile
ToDo管理・スケジュール・仕事の進捗をガントチャート表示できるソフト「xfy Planner[ベータ版]」 - GIGAZINE
ほかにも、年単位でタスクを表示できる比較年表、作成したメモをカテゴリ別にエクスプローラ風に分類して表示するメモファインダー、Googleカレンダー上に公開するGoogleカレンダー連携機能などが追加予定となっています。 願わくば、あとはGoogleカレンダーなどへの入力フロントエンドみたいにして動いてくれれば言うこと無し。Googleカレンダーをデータ共有用にしてしまうとか、WebDAVで共有とか、そういう少人数集団でデータ共有できる仕組みが欲しいかも。 現時点でもかなり完成度は高いように感じるので、あとはレスポンスさえ上昇すればかなりいい線まで行けそうです。よくできてます。
La fábula del pastor y el jefe de proyectos - La masa, el ladrillo, la bota, el bocadillo...
Paseaba un día un jefe de proyectos por el campo. Tras años de rayos catódicos era su primer paseo por el páramo castellano en mucho tiempo. Lo necesitaba. La ocasión merecía los pantalones y las botas que estrenaba, recién compradas en la tienda de Timberland del aeropuerto. Iba pensando en lo bucólico del paisaje y la paz que se respiraba y lo lejos que estaba ahora de las reuniones 'tressesenta' , cuando vio, en la lejanía, para un informático 350 metros son la lejanía, un pastor de ovejas con rebaño de discreto tamaño. No más de cincuenta recursos eran los que el pastor gestionaba.
Los porques que explican que un pastor es mejor que un gestor super MBA en Gestión Total
Proyecto de Desarrollo
Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps
Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps
Jemand hatte mich doch letztens danach gefragt: Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps #project #management #apps – Ramón (websenat)
"If you are a project manager or if you plan to become one — or even if you cannot manage your personal day-to-day tasks — you might require some help from a software system designed to simplify and streamline any project or multiple projects. "
Jemand hatte mich doch letztens danach gefragt: Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps #project #management #apps
Never Trust a Programmer « Digital Interaction
Trust your programmers. They are not only engineers and craftsmen, but businessmen as well. They will know from experience what happens to client relationships when someone makes promises no one can keep.
Programming is a bit of mystery to people. It breeds a lot of distrust in an organization.
Actually the conclusion is 'Trust your programmers' just in case you were wondering
Code is invisible to everyone but the programmer. It’s like the magic that takes place behind the curtain. Any team has to just trust a programmer about what is and what isn’t doable. The best course of action, estimates, and progress updates are all subject to the programmer’s opinion. There’s plenty of Type A personalities that have trouble with this, but it goes deeper.
How to Maintain a Project List that Doesn't Crush Your Soul
How to Maintain a Project List that Doesn't Crush Your Soul
Whether you're an adherent of David Allen's Getting Things Done or any other system that encourages you to capture all the ideas floating around in your head and commit them to paper (or a digital medium), it's likely you've gotten pretty good at the capture side of things. It's on the other end of the conveyor belt, where the ideas get sorted, categorized, and made useful, that things tend to get murky. In my productivity workflow, the capture side of things has always been the most enjoyable and easiest—all it really takes is a stack of index cards, a pen, and a wandering mind! Even though ubiquitous capture is an awesome habit to have, it has an often overlooked downside. The more ideas or to-dos you increase, the more things you have floating around in your potential workflow. If you don't effectively deal with those things, you end up with a stagnant pool of ideas and the feeling that you'll never do anything with all these ideas/tasks/to-dos you've captured.
Clutterpad :: Manage Your Clutter! Project Management, Collaboration, Todo lists, Calendars and Events, Chat, Messages, Files, Contacts and more
possible great way to organize
Gerenciador de projetos no estilo Basecamp da 37 signals.
'Simple elegant to-do lists'
A project management & collaboration tool that defines productivity. Get organized, work together and enjoy the satisfaction of getting things done. Watch the Videos. - the online room planning platform - GET THE IDEA!
Floor planner, layout, architecture planning.
roomle is the new, super-easy online tool that enables intuitive 3D-visualization of rooms, furniture and decoration. GET THE IDEA!
TeamLab – Create Your Enterprise Portal in the Cloud for Free