Last Minute Travel - Movies
Last Minute Travel - Movies50+ Sites to Promote your Portfolio, Web Design, Blog | Desizn Tech
Josh Freese has a special offer to his fans for his new album.50 Press Release Submission Websites
Released Submission WebsitesUNIQLO PARKA STYLE 1000 | TOKYO FASHION MAP
東京各地で出会った1,000人の皆さんに、カラフルなUNIQLOのPARKAをその場でコーディネートしちゃいました。UNIQLOのパーカでつなぐリアルな東京のスタイルをご覧ください。Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studios | The Balsamiq Blog
Profitable boot strap Mock Up application
Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studio by Peldi Guilizzoni. August 5th, 2008 under Branding / Marketing, Company / Business — 12 Comments First off, the title of this post is a bit pretentious for my taste, but I wanted to pay homage to Mike Speiser’s excellent post on A/B testing using AdWords, and take advantage of his $10.87 investment while I was at it! ;). Mike is one of the brightest people I have ever met, and I highly encourage everyone to read his Laserlike blog. I say that the post is pretentious for my taste because I hardly feel like I am a marketing expert, in fact I consider myself a beginner at most things. Still, I can’t deny that Balsamiq has received a very good amount of coverage in the blogosphere: I am timing this post to coincide with the 100th review of Balsamiq Mockups (the full list is here), the website has received over 32,000 unique visitors and sales are exceeding all my expectations. For 6 weeks of operation, I can’t complain. ;)
Good advice and links for marketing a startup such as BalsamiqCam with me(カム ウィズ ミー)|デジタルビデオカメラ Handycam “ハンディカム” | ソニー
“ハンディカム” | ソニー
娘の成長記録10 Things All Businesses Should Do to Market More Effectively on Facebook
Writing exercise for Writing for the Web
Tee blogi artikkeli!
1. Create a Facebook Page Your Facebook Page should be the “hub” of your Facebook marketing presence. With a Facebook Page, Facebook users can become a “fan” of your company or product; when that happens, your name and logo will appear on their profile page and your name will appear in their profile feed. fbmarketingpages1In turn, more users will be able to discover your Facebook Page through their friends’ profiles and Facebook searches, and your Page can grow “virally” without you even having to do much work. Finally, Pages rank very highly in Google search results, boosting your SEO thoughts on what to do as a new / unknown artist
short but sweet bit of advice from Trent Reznor, applicable to all sorts of fields not just music.
Great thoughts by Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails.Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Why Incompetence Spreads through Big Organizations
Promoting the people most competent at one job does not mean that they'll be better at another, according to a new simulation of hierarchical organizations.
But is there a better way of choosing individuals for promotion? It turns out that there is, say Pluchino and co. Their model shows that two other strategies outperform the conventional method of promotion. The first is to alternately promote first the most competent and then the least competent individuals. And the second is to promote individuals at random. Both of these methods improve, or at least do not diminish, the efficiency of an organization.
"All new members in a hierarchical organization climb the hierarchy until they reach their level of maximum incompetence."
Person is good at job, person is promoted. Repeat until person ends up in job they're not good at.
Agent-based simulation of the Peter PrincipleRed Bull Soapbox Racer
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Find out what you can get for free from companies posting promotions on TwitterJetBlue | All-You-Can-Jet Pass
Alll-You-Can-Jet Pass informational page
wish I had time to do this...
'$599 for a month of unlimited travel'9 Successful Techniques for Making Money from Podcasting
A compendium of nine proven money-making techniques for podcasters. All are successful to varying degrees and some podcasters use a combination of methods. This summary provides an explanation of all the techniques, and tips from the podcasters who have pulled them off.
What follows is a compendium of nine proven money-making techniques for podcasters. All are successful to varying degrees and some podcasters use a combination of methods. This summary provides an explanation of all the techniques, and tips from the podcasters who have pulled them off. For more tips, advice, and to hear the full money making podcast story, make sure to read and listen to each the interviews linked throughout this article.
Many people podcast because they love of it, but at some point, you may need to think about paying the bills. Here are 9 tips for making money from podcasting.
For many, creating a podcast is something that’s done solely out of passion. But even among those who do it strictly for the love of podcasting, after awhile, once you’ve built up an audience, there comes a time when you think to yourself, “I can’t keep doing this for free.”7 Free or Cheap Ways to Effectively Promote Your Business Online
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grid, layout, typography101 Ways to Promote a New Blog
Promoting a new blog can be quite daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. As you might expect, breaking down blog promotion into small, actionable tasks eliminates the mental road block you’ve probably experienced when trying to wrap you head around how to get people’s attention. You don’t have to do everything in this list, and some items will have a greater effect then others, but every tactic will at least drive some traffic, and any traffic is better than no traffic.9 Rules of Facebook Promotion Every Small Business Should Know
You're the owner of a local small business and you are trying to figure out the best steps to get on to Facebook to drive new customers. It can be a daunting task and with little extra time in the day, how can you be expected to spend time promoting your business on Facebook? I completely understa ...Twitter Promotion Done Right: #moonfruit
Mashable post praising the Moonfruit campaign
A few weeks ago, we wrote about a promotion from website builder SquarespaceSquareSpace, where the company offered up 30 iPhones in 30 days to be randomly
Web site builder Moonfruit made it to the top of the Twitter traffic when it gave away 10 Mac laptops as part of a 10-year anniversary campaign.HOW TO: Manage Successful Social Media Promotions
iPhoneアプリ紹介サイトHow to Promote Your Facebook Fan Page & Get Lots of Fans | Search Engine Journal
social calendar and event promotion application for Twitter
Taweet (beta) is a social calendar and event promotion application for Twitter. Taweet adds a whole new dimension to your Twitter experience: the future. The casual format of Taweet allows users to answer one simple question, "What are you doing in the future?" ...and search the future to see what others are doing.Evangelizing Yourself
Please listen the following speech.
The presentation for my session at IA Summit 2009Kevin Rose: How to Promote Your Web App | Think Vitamin
twitter media
On Twitter, what really matters is how you play the game. It's still early in the first inning, and if you haven't already, now is the time to get off the bench. Here's how.Pirate Moves- Promoting Without Being That Guy |
Find causes and nonprofit experiences to help out. Showing that you’re not just a capitalist pig goes a long way.
Yahoo Conn Fishburn on social media marketing: “Bring wine to the picnic”...
Really, really nice piece. Wish I'd written it.From 0 to (maybe) Forbes in under a week. - kyro // blog
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自分の名前を名乗ると・・・How to Grow Your Follower Numbers to Over 10,000 in a Week
The Twitaway: An Experiment In Social Media It’s never too late to build a large, loyal Twitter following—if you think outside the box. In this guestHow to launch a new product « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
Description des étapes du lancement de Mahalo Answers
Terrific post by Jason Calacanis on launching product10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard | Social Media Examiner
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard – (weknowmore)
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard by @chrisgarrett – Calvin Lee (mayhemstudios) | CINEMA KEIBA ON WEB JAPAN WORLD CUP
競馬シミュレーションゲーム + スキージャンプペアの人。 普通におもしろい。実は競馬はやったことないんだけど、馬券の説明もオッズ表の見方もちゃんと教えてもらえた。たぶんターゲット層って、競馬ブーム後の若者世代だろうし、まさにドンピシャっぽい効果じゃないのかなと。これ考えて実現させたプラン力に脱帽ですね。ちなみにCGの外注費用ってどのくらいなんだろう・・・?
スキージャンプペア × 競馬。CINEMA KEIBA Japan World Cup
CINEMA KEIBAをウェブコンテンツとして体験する事の出来るスペシャルサイト。スキージャンプペアでお馴染みの真島・茂木コンビがお届けする一味違った競馬の世界観をお楽しみ下さい。
JRAのプロモサイト。口コミ型キャンペーン。「スキージャンプ・ペア」の真島×茂木コンビ最新作。JRA | CINEMA KEIBA ON WEB JAPAN WORLD CUP
競馬シミュレーションゲーム + スキージャンプペアの人。 普通におもしろい。実は競馬はやったことないんだけど、馬券の説明もオッズ表の見方もちゃんと教えてもらえた。たぶんターゲット層って、競馬ブーム後の若者世代だろうし、まさにドンピシャっぽい効果じゃないのかなと。これ考えて実現させたプラン力に脱帽ですね。ちなみにCGの外注費用ってどのくらいなんだろう・・・?
スキージャンプペア × 競馬。CINEMA KEIBA Japan World Cup
CINEMA KEIBAをウェブコンテンツとして体験する事の出来るスペシャルサイト。スキージャンプペアでお馴染みの真島・茂木コンビがお届けする一味違った競馬の世界観をお楽しみ下さい。