Pages tagged pudding:

Bread Pudding Recipe | Simply Recipes

recipes to make
This bread pudding recipe is based on one from the famed Bon Ton Cafe in New Orleans. My friend Becca has been making this bread pudding in her family for years and made us a batch for the holidays. The sauce is loaded with bourbon (Becca says the Bon Ton's sauce has even more bourbon in it), so you might want to use somewhat less. My father still gets a dazed and happy look in his eyes when this bread pudding is mentioned.
chocolate pudding pie | smitten kitchen
One of my favorite things about this — besides the whole CHOCOLATE and PUDDING and PIE thing — is the way that despite its all-id, kid-like nature, this pie is surprisingly unsweet and not heavy. There’s barely a half cup of sugar in the whole she-bang and the lack of excessive richness (it’s a milk and cornstarch pudding, not a weighty egg yolk and cream custard) makes for something you can easily crave on a hot summer day, although you’ve already been warned that that craving may strike without warning.
Buttermilk Pudding Recipe | Simply Recipes
To try!
Simply Recipes
Recipe - Mexican Chocolate Tofu Pudding -
Not great; used 61% chocolate chips; omitted the chile powder and the cinnamon made it taste off; also cut back on sugar; simple to make but would omit cinnamon entirely next time
(写真有)濃厚とろける!!うちのプリン by ちゃこ@北海道 [クックパッド] 簡単おいしいみんなのレシピが50万品