woebetidesweets: Barely Perceptible Green
"When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."
Rating: NC-17 * Summary: 1,636 words. "When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."
Oh, loooovely. Excellent Spock perspective-- a little removed, and maybe not completely aware of just how involved he actually is in this situation.
When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."
As time went by and his data pool widened, Spock had begun to understand how to bring humans to arousal. He had first discovered that it was an entirely unique process for each of them, requiring an entirely unique set of stimuli. Jim did not enjoy being touched inside the hip, as Nyota had. Jim did not enjoy being held. Jim enjoyed force. He enjoyed a coupling much more physically strenuous than Nyota, and he enjoyed being the aggressor. He enjoyed, in what Spock was sure was some hazy, abstract sense, the idea that he was somehow forcing the initiation of the encounter.
How each gives the other what they want
Summary: 1636 words. "When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."
Title: Barely Perceptible Green Author: [info]woebetidesweets Pairing: Spock/Kirk Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Don't own. Summary: 1636 words. "When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."Yellow
Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. **||** [2.908 words] I'd love to see the fall out from this after they're rescued! This fic itself is hilarious (damned space pollen!)
Spock will have something to say about his being compromised by foliage, something involving long words, and maybe percentages, and that special sort of sneering that isn't actually sneering but's as good as. And eyebrows that judge him. Oh the eyebrows are good at judging him.
Until Jim's fingers sliding down the back of his neck, a long, smooth line of too-hot skin. And he can't quite help it when his nails drag there, catch in the ends of his hair, and Spock's face does something complicated, and obvious, and there's a noise, a low surprised breathless noise, and-. Oh. Spock's head has tipped back ever so slowly, weight on his fingers, and his mouth is open, just a little, just enough. Yes, fuck yes, Jim wants that. It crushes every other thought, every dizzy confused contemplation of the colour yellow, and perfection and warmth, everything else is gone and he wants that.
Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. Sex!pollen fic.
Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. Notes: This fic is everything sex pollen fic should be. Off balance and immediate, beautifully written, and with the perfect balance of hot and snarky.
He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea.
He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before.
Jim dubs it 'Planet Yellow.' Sex pollen fic. HOT.ras_fic: Something Fragile
lap dancer merlin
merlin stripper fic!
ras_fic - Arthur/Merlin, NC-17, stripclub, lapdance, WIP --- 8,002
"What the hell?" Arthur shouts over the noise of ABBA. He glares at the horribly gaudy clothing of the men on the stage that is somehow louder than the music and flashier than the multicolored swirling lights. "This isn't a strip club. This is a gay bar!"
"What the hell?" Arthur shouts over the noise of ABBA. He glares at the horribly gaudy clothing of the men on the stage that is somehow louder than the music and flashier than the multicolored swirling lights. "This isn't a strip club. This is a gay bar!" in which merlin is a stripper and it's surprisingly believable. and hot. and super cute! but mostly just hot.
Author: Ras Elased Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 8002 Warnings: Um. Unrealistic lap dances? Is that a warning or encouragement? Summary: "What the hell?" Arthur shouts over the noise of ABBA. He glares at the horribly gaudy clothing of the men on the stage that is somehow louder than the music and flashier than the multicolored swirling lights. "This isn't a strip club. This is a gay bar!"
"What the hell?" Arthur shouts over the noise of ABBA. He glares at the horribly gaudy clothing of the men on the stage that is somehow louder than the music and flashier than the multicolored swirling lights.merlin_flashfic: FIC: Brilliant by audrarose
Merlin drinks, Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't.
Summary: Merlin drinks, Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't.
arthur disapproves of merlin's drinking until he doesn't.
Merlin drinks and Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't. I can't believe it's taken me so long to add this one to my bookmarks! Warning for drunken sex (so questionable consent, although that's not how it plays out). Love this one :)
Summary: Merlin drinks, Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't. "Be careful with the wine; you know what you're like. One whiff of a barmaid's apron and you're singing like a sailor." Gaius to Merlin, 1x10
Arthur/Merlin, R. Author's Summary: Merlin drinks, Arthur disapproves. Until he doesn't. HAVE NOT READ.
Merlin tries to catch Arthur's eye to impress him with his sobriety, but it's difficult because Arthur is staring at Merlin's mouth. "I'm completely rash. Rational." He suppresses a hiccup. The corner of Arthur's mouth quirks into something between a tolerant smile and a sneer. "Of course you are. That's why you were moments away from allowing Bors to carry you off to his chambers." Merlin attempts to draw himself up with dignity. He steps on Arthur's foot.rageprufrock: DRP: Honeymoon
DRP: Honeymoon I had a conversation with zoetrope which was basically like, "Man, I sort of want to write more totally filthy -- and I do mean filthy -- smut starring Merlin and Arthur," and she was like, "You should call it a sextra," to which all I could say, "Fuck, that is genius."
"Man, I sort of want to write more totally filthy -- and I do mean filthy -- smut starring Merlin and Arthur," and she was like, "You should call it a sextra," to which all I could say, "Fuck, that is genius."
very hot smut
sequel to Drastically Redefining Protocol
Only after their wedding—which between the confection at the chapel and the civil signing and the public reception and parade and the smaller one where Hunith had spent the entire time weeping—had felt more like four weddings, and Arthur and Merlin had slept for nearly 28 hours after and missed four different flights ou
I present the first of what will hopefully be many, many sextras from the Drastically Redefining Protocol universe --
The original plan had been, in fact, to honeymoon in Spain.
Another ridiculously hot and filthy "sextra" in the Drastically Redefining Protocol verse. "The original plan had been, in fact, to honeymoon in Spain."
Drastically Redefining Protocol -verse! Honeymoon! \o/ <3<3<3
the honeymoon [Drastically Redefining Protocol!verse]lazy_daze: J2 fic; Creeping Around In My Head
Written because it's every J2 author's obligation to write living-together-fic! The pornographic parts of this (which, I grant, is most of it) played out very nicely in my head while I was on a London bus crossing Waterloo Bridge and listening to Jordan Knight's 'Give It To You' as part of [info]keepaofthecheez's rather fabulous From J With Love fanmixes. Check them out, for lo, awesome.
In which Jensen moves in, and Jared just can't resist.
It's driving Jared pretty crazy, having Jensen around all the time. He thought it would be okay, because hell, he's spent hours and hours around Jensen before both on-set and off; he's been able to handle being his friend, being his coworker, and wanting to fuck him senseless all really well. He's kept his sanity admirably, and he's happy just carrying on as he is, content with being almost 100% sure nothing's ever going to happen, fine with just looking and daydreaming on occasion.
It's driving Jared pretty crazy, having Jensen around all the time. He thought it would be okay, because hell, he's spent hours and hours around Jensen before both on-set and off; he's been able to handle being his friend, being his coworker, and wanting to fuck him senseless all really well.
Jared's finding living with Jensen a little hard. 4300 words
It's driving Jared pretty crazy, having Jensen around all the time.
Written because it's every J2 author's obligation to write living-together-fic!Injukyoshi
Fine, so maybe it hadn't been the best idea to attack the giant tentacle monster.
in which merlin gets arthur cleaned up properly, and then has to do it all over again ///// Fine, so maybe it hadn't been the best idea to attack the giant tentacle monster.
some delicious tags i just don't get to use enough.
"What?" Arthur said, and realized Merlin had actually been reduced to incoherence. "Oh, shut up, and get over here and get me cleaned off."
"If you ever," he said, by way of preamble, and then turned around, and stopped, because the look on Merlin's face wasn't the shock of seeing your prince stripped and violated and losing all respect for him, which Arthur had been steeling himself for. It also wasn't what have you got yourself into now or I want to laugh except you'll probably execute me or even the utterly intolerable I told you not to charge at the giant tentacle monster, didn't I?
Fine, so maybe it hadn't been the best idea to attack the giant tentacle monster. 1,694 words.
arthur (kinda) sacrifices merlin to a tentacle monster
Arthur fights a tentacle monster. Merlin enjoys the aftermath.disarm_d: Moments Like These | Brendon/Shane | NC-17 | ~ 4800 words | PWP
They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
Omg so hot. Shane helps Brendon unwind. Mild d/s stuff. "Shane stretches out on the bed beside Brendon. He's still wearing his pants, so he lifts his hips and pulls them off, tugging his boxers down as well, then wiggles up close beside Brendon. Brendon's sweating and Shane watches him try to force himself to relax. "Do you think you'll still be open for me by tomorrow morning?" Shane asks, his voice rough. He's probably just about as hard as Brendon is right now. Brendon shivers, reaching for Shane with both hands and pulling gently. He tilts his head up and waits for Shane to kiss him, then sucks eagerly on Shane's tongue. Shane bites hard into Brendon's lower lip, just to hear the low noise Brendon makes, then pulls away. "Go to sleep and I'll fuck you in the morning." Shane looks Brendon in the eye and asks, "'Kay?" Brendon nods quickly. Shane says, "Tell me." "I'll wait 'til morning," Brendon says. "You'll fuck me in the morning.""
Standalone. They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
SUMMARY: They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.
Brendon says, "It's a hotel night," in a low voice, then grins at Shane, all crinkly eyes and pink cheeks. Shane smiles back, gently knocks his elbow against Brendon's, then starts zipping up his camera case. "You saving your shower for the hotel?" Shane asks. Brendon's got a towel slung around his neck, but he's still in his stage clothes.
4800 words | They have a hotel night with nothing to do the next morning.