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Seven for a secret - Murphy's Law of Jim Kirk Diplomacy

"Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in."
"Your eyebrows are the coolest thing I have ever seen in my whole freaking life," Kirk says seriously, and McCoy considers writing it down so he can have the exact wording to throw back in his face later on. "I will be certain to tell hundreds of millions of years of evolution that you approve of their eyebrow-trait selection processes," Spock informs him.
The one with a bad diplomatic mission, a malfunctioning shuttle, and sarcasm.
Kirk closes his eyes and lets his head fall back hard against the floor. "Great," he says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in."
"You should remember that," he says. "For Vulcans, 'sarcasm' doesn't count as an emotion."
Star Trek: Reboot. ""Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in.""
"Great," Kirk says. "In the end, it's not going to be punching someone in the face, or shooting something, or even in some barfight – it's going to be a goddamned diplomatic mission gone wrong that does me in." || Fab Kirk/Spock/McCoy friendship fic.
Fantastic exploration of the dynamics among Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, with them getting to know each other under slightly fraught circumstances. If any affection is expressed, it is heavily couched in sarcasm (which, as Spock marvelously informs Kirk and McCoy, is a rhetorical technique, not an emotional response): " - 'James Tiberius Kirk, murdered by knife-throwing Lysurean ninjas on a routine diplomatic mission.' How does that sound, Jim?" "Take out the Tiberius and it sounds fine," Kirk retorts blurrily. "There are worse ways to go than ninjas."
betweenthebliss: Break Down and Tell : Star Trek, PG-13ish
Kirk/Spock - Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out (and/or other various sexual activites) ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer.
In the world the other Spock had come from, he and Jim hadn't just been friends. They'd been lovers.
Bones is the first to notice he's basically given up on sleeping. Actually, he's surprised nobody else has noticed he could stow Scotty's little green friend in the bags under his eyes, or that as soon as he goes off duty it's all he can do to stand up straight.
It's harder at night, when the bridge is deserted and he can't sleep. Kirk deals with the mindmeld. Spock tries to help.
He did this thing to me, okay, merged our brains or something to show me what happened and how he got here! And now there's all this /stuff/ in my head and it's driving me fucking crazy!
"It wasn't you, it was him!" he yells, pointing out the window, out toward the far-distant cave on Delta Vega. "I'm not lying to you, for God's sake, are you serious? He did this thing to me, okay, merged our brains or something to show me what happened and how he got here! And now there's all this /stuff/ in my head and it's driving me fucking crazy!"
The one where Jim can't sleep nd Spock finds him.
Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - Spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer.
Summary : for a prompt at st_xi_kink : Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer. 4450-ish words.
Summary: prompt at st_xi_kink : Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - Spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer.
raphaela667: Our Emotional History is in the Kitchen, Kirk/Spock, PG-14
ST:AOS. Jim brings Spock home to meet Mom. Wonderful and sweet with a lot of great character development.
“I know your son very well. I know that he is most likely to do what he is told not to do,” Spock says, and she sees a flash of humor in his face, but maybe she imagined that, too. “I wondered if it might be in my interest should you hate me on sight.”
“We want to go to New Vulcan,” he says. “While we’re on leave.” He says ‘we’ the way he’d say ‘I’ – as if there’s no point discussing them as two people, as if he and Spock together are a given in any equation. There are so many beautiful images in here, so many quiet observations and lovely moments and so, so much love. I love this vision of Winona.
"“Yes,” Spock says, tightly, and suddenly Jim’s attention isn’t with their small but perpetual family drama. He’s with Spock, entirely, and she catches the moment when Spock looks up at her son and nods, slight enough that she’d never have seen it if she hadn’t been looking for some reaction. Jim nods back, grins a little, and Spock doesn’t smile back. She knows little of Vulcans, but she doesn’t suppose he would." -- Heart-wrenching portrait of Winona Kirk and the love for her son whose life she hasn't been a part of for a long time now.
The Sum of Us
A series of vignettes tracing the evolution of Kirk and McCoy's relationship over the years. Or, five people are let in on the worst-kept secret in the Federation.
A series of vignettes tracing the evolution of Kirk and McCoy's relationship over the years. Or, five people discover the worst-kept secret in the Federation.
McCoy sighs and stretches, rubbing at his temples. “Oh, hell. It’s not your fault, kid. The damn fool would have done the same for any one of us, or else gotten himself injured in one of a hundred other ways. That's just what he does.” “All the same, I…” He has no wish to make McCoy uncomfortable, but he feels compelled to say these things so he can sleep without remembering the captain's deathly pallor and the doctor's dark, haunted eyes. “I nearly took him from you, and for that I am sorry.” He looks at Chekov for a long, long moment, pursing his lips. “Just ‘ccept th’ ‘pology,” Kirk mumbles. His eyes are still closed. McCoy turns his head to glare down at him. “The peanut gallery can shut the fuck up, since it’s not supposed to be awake yet on account of it *dying* for forty-seven seconds earlier today.” Kirk’s dry lips curve faintly. “Love you too, Bones.” “And you,” McCoy adds, now leveling his glare at Chekov, “I don’t want to see your ass on the bridge for two days, you hear?”
“The peanut gallery can shut the fuck up, since it’s not supposed to be awake yet on account of it dying for forty-seven seconds earlier today.” Kirk’s dry lips curve faintly. “Love you too, Bones.”
ragdoll987: Verbal Jump-Rope
At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it. In other words, how to outfox a fox, when the fox is a Vulcan.*
AU. At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it.
I have a definite hard-on for Kirk/Spock verbal sparring. THIS IS AWESOME.
At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it.
"At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it. "
“What do you mean you’re resigning?” “I believe my meaning was quite clear, Captain.” “No, I’m pretty sure I must have space dust in my ears, because I could swear that I just heard you tell me you’re leaving this ship. As in, permanently. As in, you might want to start explaining now before I call security and have you marched down to sickbay ASAP for physical and psychological examination.”
“What do you mean you’re resigning?” “I believe my meaning was quite clear, Captain.” “No, I’m pretty sure I must have space dust in my ears, because I could swear that I just heard you tell me you’re leaving this ship. As in, permanently. As in, you might want to start explaining now before I call security and have you marched down to sickbay ASAP for physical and psychological examination.” Spock, currently in the process of packing his single Starfleet-issue luggage carrier, furrowed his eyebrows at his commanding officer in a typical Vulcan frown. He was dressed in science blues, hunched over a small dresser in the corner of his quarters, which were nearly half empty of all his personal belongings, the other half strewn in slight disarray across the room’s small side-table. Jim, staring at him from the mesh divider between the sleeping alcove and the office area, tried not to be lured into looking around him with anything approaching obsessively disturbing interest.
Summary: AU. At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it. / In other words, how to outfox a fox, when the fox is a Vulcan. **||** [4.461 words] Spock (the younger) is about to learn that Jim Kirk, when properly motivated, can be alarmingly logical.
The one where Jim has to convince Spock to join the Enterprise because Spock!prime won't. 4,461 words.